He used up his last strength and gasped:"Remember, walk with the wind, and fight as unrestrained as the wind. This is my way of swordsmanship!" As soon as he finished speaking, he passed out completely. I carried him on my back, looked at the battlefield in the distance, and secretly made up my mind,"There will eventually be a world that belongs to us in this world."

After recovering from his injury, Ai Buxing became more and more unfathomable, and his strength continued to grow. ground breakthrough. The tacit understanding between me and him has become deeper and deeper. He has taught me a lot, not only martial arts, but also the attitude of life.

Our legend continues to unfold in this troubled world. In every battle, we went all out. Relying on each other's trust and strength, we overcame powerful enemies one after another and gradually occupied a place in this era of strife.

Finally, Ai Buxing decided to challenge those real masters and climb to a higher peak in martial arts. He told me that martial arts is like an endless abyss, and he wants to explore the end of the abyss

「Remember, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it is just a passing cloud. All we have to do is to keep moving forward without fear!"Ai Bu Xing told me before I left.

I took his words to heart, and with reverence and longing for him, I embarked on a journey to find the master. During the journey, I experienced countless hardships and setbacks, but whenever I think of Ai Buxing’s fearless smile, I feel full of strength.

During the journey, I met many like-minded partners, and we fought side by side to pursue the ultimate in martial arts. As time went by, our team gradually grew and became a force that cannot be ignored in the martial arts world.

Ai Buxing's departure was not without warning. He told me that real masters always wander in inaccessible and dangerous places, pursuing the ultimate in martial arts. He said that he had found his own destination and also found my future destination.

Before leaving, he gave me a long sword. It was the sword he used throughout his life. It was extremely sharp and represented his will and belief. He said that only the bravest warriors could be worthy of this sword.

I looked at Ai Buxing's retreating figure, and my heart was filled with reluctance and concern. But I know that the martial arts he pursues is lonely, and only a true brave man can accompany him through the final journey.

I am determined to pass on Ai Buxing’s belief and leave my own legend in the world. My partners and I will continue to struggle in this troubled world and use our courage and wisdom to write our own legends.

Today, Ai Buxing is no longer here, but his spirit will always inspire me. I took the long sword he left me and continued to wander through this world. Every time I fight, I give it my all, and every time I grow, I am grateful for the strength he gives me.

Although the road ahead is full of thorns, I know that as long as I keep moving forward, I will be able to find my own peak. Ai Bu Xing, my dear friend, thank you for your company, I will always keep your name in my heart.

Whether it is windy and snowy or clear and clear, I will carry your faith and continue to interpret our legend in this arena. The sword you left for me will be my eternal companion until I can be with you again.

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