Jin Yu nodded, a glimmer of relief flashing in his eyes."I believe in you, Ai Buxing. You are not only an outstanding businessman, but also a man full of justice and courage. You use your power to help others, and you have not forgotten your original intention." My heart once again was touched. Jinyu's words made me think deeply, and I realized that my martial arts was not meant to be abused and destroyed, but existed as a power to protect and help. I want to use this power to protect myself and the people around me instead of hurting them

「Jinyu, thank you for your continued support and understanding." I held Jinyu’s hand tightly."I swear, from now on, I will use my martial arts correctly, fight for justice, and speak out for the weak. I want to make this world a fairer and better place."

Jinyu nodded with a smile, her eyes twinkling. The glow of appreciation and recognition."Ai Bu Xing, I believe you can do it. Let's work together to bring positive changes to the world and let our career and love move towards a more glorious future."

Jin Yu and I held each other's hands tightly and felt With deep trust and love. We decided to work together to expand our business to a broader area and make more contributions to society.

In the days to come, we will work together to use our talents and wisdom to create more business miracles. At the same time, I also use my martial arts to help those in need, so that justice can be done, and those who have done evil can receive the punishment they deserve.

However, at the peak of my career, I found that my inner desires and ambitions were once again stirring. I began to rely on my martial arts and began to dominate others as a strong person. Such behavior made me begin to doubt my original intentions.

「Ai Buxing, you are an amazing person, and I deeply admire your ability and character. But you have to remember that strength is not the only criterion for measuring a person."Jin Yu looked at me seriously."Please be careful and don't let your own strength blind your pursuit of beauty."

I felt Jin Yu's concern and advice, and her words made me alert. I realized that I could no longer be driven by power. I wanted to return to my original intention and use my power to influence people's lives.

「Jinyu, thank you for the reminder. I decided to put aside all my power and wealth and focus on fighting for justice. I want to be a truly meaningful person and bring hope and beauty to this world."I said to Jin Yu solemnly.

Jin Yu smiled and nodded, and she said emotionally:"Ai Bu Xing, you are the real hero in my heart. I will always support you and accompany you through every difficult challenge."

We held each other's hands tightly, Decided to work together to fight for our ideals and dreams. From now on, I will use my power to protect justice and meet future challenges with Jinyu.

Some time has passed, and Jinyu and I's careers are booming. Our company gradually grew and became a leader in the industry. But behind the success, I gradually discovered that I was emotionally exhausted and empty.

Jinyu began to travel frequently, and I devoted more time to work. I gradually realized that Jinyu was no longer the determined girl in my heart. She began to seek stimulation and change. I began to doubt whether I really knew her. The vows and promises I had made were like a wisp of wind, dissipating with the passage of time.

One day, when I accidentally found Jin Yu and a strange man embracing each other intimately, my heart completely collapsed. I felt betrayed and all my trust and commitment was gone. But I chose to pretend not to know, I didn’t want this hurt to tear open the wound in my heart again.

In order to forget Jinyu's betrayal, I began to use Jinyu's father's power to expand my business to a wider area. I became a business tycoon with both fame and fortune, and my reputation spread far and wide. At the same time, I also put down all power and wealth and focus on fighting for justice, which requires great courage and determination. But I know that only in this way can I become a truly meaningful person and bring hope and beauty to the world.

With Jin Yu’s support, I started a new journey. I use my business acumen and martial arts skills to help those in need so that justice can be served. At the same time, I also decided to let go of my admiration for Jin Yu and no longer endure her betrayal for her sake.

So, I started hooking up with various girls behind my back to take revenge on Jinyu for betraying me. I constantly look for opportunities to use my wisdom and martial arts to help girls in need, so that they can feel my sincerity and care.

However, deep down, my love for Jin Yu still exists. I hope to use my power to change her and let her come back to me. This is a dangerous and exciting game. I constantly challenge my bottom line and moral values, and at the same time gain growth and understanding in this game.

I know that all this is because of the power of Jinyu's father. I use his power to achieve my goals while also bringing hope and change to those girls. This is a complex and contradictory emotion, but I believe that only in this way can we truly fight for justice.

With the support of Jinyu, I will continue to go forward, constantly challenge my limits, and at the same time bring more beauty and hope to this world.

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