「Jinyu, from now on, we are a family. Let us work together to achieve a more brilliant future."I said with a smile.

Jin Yu blinked and showed a mocking smile."Ai Bu Xing, you are really pretentious. Do you think your success will make me follow you willingly?"

I frowned, not expecting Jin Yu to have such a reaction."Jinyu, I don't just say that casually. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart, and during this time, I have seen your value and talent. Only when we cooperate can we create greater achievements."

Jinyu There was silence for a moment, then a soft sigh."Ai Bu Xing, you are the most ridiculous person I have ever seen. Who do you think you are? Do you think your success can change everything, including my heart? Stop dreaming!"

I suddenly felt a little disappointed. , which was not the response I expected."Jin Yu, I know my words may make you feel uncomfortable, but please believe me, I sincerely hope that we can go on together."

Jin Yu smiled coldly."Go on? Do you think you are qualified to let me go with you? Do you think your success can offset the harm you did to me in the past? You are so ridiculous!" Her words made me feel a little angry."Jinyu, there is no need for you to complain about the past. We should look forward and create the future together."

Jinyu looked at me mockingly."Looking forward? You are really a person who can only talk empty words. Do you think your seeming success can mean everything? Let me tell you, I will not easily believe your words."

I felt my anger getting harder and harder. control."Jin Yu, haven't you always wanted revenge? Now that the opportunity is in front of you, why do you refuse?"

Jin Yu sneered:"Do you think I didn't see the interests hidden behind you? You are not doing it at all. Me, but for your own selfish interests. I will not be deceived by you."

My heart became heavier, and I began to reflect on my words and deeds."Jinyu, maybe my expression before was not good enough, but I promise that I treat you sincerely. Please give me a chance to prove it to you."

Jinyu stared at me, hesitation flashing in his eyes."Ai Bu Xing, you know? For many years, I have always thought that you are a selfish person. But now, I am beginning to doubt my opinion. Maybe, maybe we can give it a try."

Hearing Jin Yu's answer, My heart is filled with joy. Maybe this period of time together can make her see my sincerity clearly.

From that day on, Jin Yu sincerely joined my team. We faced business problems together and successfully solved one challenge after another. Jinyu's intelligence and courage make me admire her even more. This period of cooperation has made our relationship closer and we have become the closest partners.

And my career has once again ushered in a period of rapid development thanks to our efforts. We set off a trend in the business world and created several innovative projects, making us role models and idols for many people.

The existence of Jin Yu made me more determined to retreat behind the scenes. My career has reached its peak and I want to live a free life. Jinyu’s joining and cooperation make me full of expectations for the future.

In the end, I not only found Su Wan and spent a happy time with her, but also successfully fulfilled the agreement between Jin Yu and me. We held a grand wedding to announce our happiness to the world.

From then on, I retreated behind the scenes and enjoyed the results and glory I had created. The days spent with Su Wan and Jin Yu made me feel extremely happy and satisfied.

My career was making rapid progress, but in my peaceful life, I gradually found my true self. I manage my family and friendships carefully and enjoy the sunshine and warmth every day.

I heard Jin Yu's question but didn't answer immediately. I know that she has a lot of doubts about me and questions about my sincerity. I can't blame her, because I did leave too many hurts and negative impressions on her in the past.

However, I decided to use actions to prove my sincerity. I walked up to Jinyu, gently held her hands, looked into her eyes, and said sincerely:"Jinyu, I understand that you have doubts and doubts about me, but I swear, I have changed now. I treat you sincerely, and I am willing to give everything for you and create a future with you."

Jin Yu's eyes began to soften, but she still hesitated:"Ai Bu Xing, you must know that I will not trust you easily. You need to prove your sincerity with actions, not just empty words."

I nodded to show that I understood her concerns, and then continued:"Jinyu, I am willing to do anything to win your trust. Let's start from the beginning , get to know each other again, and establish a truly solid relationship."

Jin Yu was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement. We decided to make a clean break from what happened in the past and start over. We worked hard to develop a deeper understanding and trust, helping each other overcome the shadow of the past and face business challenges and difficulties together.

With our joint efforts, our business has been successful again. We have created a series of innovative projects that lead the trend in the business world. Jinyu showed her talent and courage, which made me admire her with admiration. Our cooperation is getting closer and closer, and we have become partners who talk about everything.

And my career is like a bright firework, blooming brilliantly with our efforts. I gained my own success and glory, but more importantly, I found myself again. The days spent with Jin Yu and Su Wan made me feel extremely happy and satisfied.

However, happiness and success did not make me satisfied with the status quo. I began to think, what is the meaning of life? Are you constantly pursuing success and power, or are you pursuing peace and tranquility of mind?

Finally, I made an important decision. I decided to retreat behind the scenes, put aside all fame, fortune and power, and pursue true freedom and peace. I entrusted my career to reliable people and let them continue to grow while I basked in the warmth of family and the companionship of friendship.

I stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the business world and began to enjoy a simple and peaceful life. I regained my love for life and my yearning for true happiness. Su Wan, Jin Yu and I traveled together, tasted delicious food, and enjoyed the beauty of nature.

I no longer pursue power and wealth, but focus more on the people and things around me. I manage my family and friendship with my heart, savoring the sunshine and warmth every day.

Despite all the hardships I have experienced, now I have found true happiness. This is the result I pursue and the miracle I create.

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