The Brave Master Is the Demon King

Vol 2 Chapter 824: Unkillable enemy

The evil spirit dragon drove the giant rock towards the two of them. Not only did Rena not retreat, but went head-on. The giant hit her head-on, fisted against the boulder, Rena’s hands flicked, a miracle happened, that huge 'S fist opened sideways in an instant and hit the ground with a bang.

Fina and the evil spirits of the capital of Longdao were shocked. Her small body had such power, and she saw Rena climb up along the giant's hand. However, when the fingers of the dragon were bent, the giant's other hand was instantly horizontal. He flew away and knocked Rena off his arm.

However, at this moment, it looked up and saw a ghost warrior jumped into the sky, pulling a bow and arrow towards it. Long Daozhi pinched his hands and made a butterfly gesture, and the giant's arm was blocked in front of it. However, the white light-spirited arrow penetrated the rock and plunged into its body.


The evil spirit screamed in pain, and it immediately drew out the arrow. The moment it was thrown out, the wound on its body burst into flames.

It hurriedly stretched out its fingers, pressed against the wound, and muttered a spell silently, and the flame miraculously disappeared. Minus

The rock giant backed back again and again, and at this moment, Rena had already circled behind it, holding a trident in his hand, and slammed into it. With a loud bang, she actually shattered the rock giant's body abruptly.

The evil spirit Long Daozhi fell from the rock giant, and Ling Na took advantage of the momentum to pursue it. She rushed to the opponent, lifted the trident and thrust into the opponent.

However, at this moment, Ryu Daozhi turned his head to look at Rena, and those blue eyes suddenly flickered.

"Rena, be careful!"

Fina immediately yelled, but suddenly countless talisman papers floated out of the opponent's body, sweeping towards her. Seeing this, Ling Na was shocked. In the next instant, all the talisman paper ignited spontaneously, and countless terrible lightning fell in the sky. Under the thunder light, the earth was bright, and the sky-shaking thunder immediately blew up.


Countless thunder and lightning smashed into the same place, and a big pit appeared on the ground instantly. Lingna's smoking figure flew out from the center of the explosion. She rolled quickly on the snow for a few laps, and then quickly climbed up. She didn't seem to be a serious problem, except that there was some mud and snow on her face.

Fortunately, at the very moment of her death, she used magic to guide the route of thunder and lightning, causing it to deviate from her. In addition, the trident could attract thunder and lightning and protect her body, but then it would be unimaginable.

The evil spirit Long Daozhi stood up, surrounded by a dark power, Ling Na frowned. She knew that she had to deal with this guy quickly, otherwise things would not be good when the other evil spirit kings rushed over.

She decided to no longer retain her strength and resolve the opponent as quickly as possible.

Rena took a deep breath, and suddenly ran up quickly. The other party moved at the same time. Fina pulled up the bow, and the white glowing arrow was aimed at the evil spirit's head. However, at this moment, she suddenly reversed direction and saw an evil spirit rushing towards her. Fina released an arrow, hit the enemy's head with a swish, and knocked the opponent into the air.

In the next instant, there was a loud bang, and the evil spirit's body unexpectedly exploded. The power of the explosion was extremely terrifying, and one could feel the pain of acupuncture from a distance. If they were bombed at close range, the broken hands and feet would have been minor injuries, and severe cases would be killed directly.

But the previous evil spirits would not explode like this, the enemy must have done something! Feina thought in her heart that as the most accurate shot of bows and arrows in the village, her eyesight was naturally surprisingly good. When the evil spirit jumped over, she seemed to see that a piece of sallow paper was pasted on her body.

Fina was startled, she looked at Lingna quickly. At this moment, she found that the ground that thunder and lightning had struck was full of this kind of paper, and she immediately realized that it was a trap!

"Don't go there! It's a trap!"

She yelled, Rena was stunned for a moment, but the dragon said with a wicked smile and said, "It's too late."

As soon as it lifted its finger, a demon wind hung up in an instant, and countless yellow charms flew towards Rena. At such a close distance, she did not have time to make a three-hundred-sixty-degree defensive shield, perhaps she could only use her body to resist. Put the magic into the body and enter that state again.

But this body was the master who helped her to recover. Thinking of this, Rena gritted her teeth. Amidst the yellow charms flying in the sky, she let go of the trident in her hand and pressed it towards the ground.

Sealing Technique·Earth Binding Curse! Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

In an instant, countless small explosions mixed together to produce a series of violent explosions. Fina yelled Rena, and her ancestral power exploded with an astonishing light, and the dazzling light burned the evil spirit's skin.

However, as soon as the explosion stopped, Rena unexpectedly emerged from the soil. She sealed herself up and avoided the attack. She fixed her eyes and found that the evil spirit dragon was held by this light, so she took this opportunity to pinch a hot flame in her hand, which instantly turned into a blazing dragon to bite the opponent.

Long Daozhi shouted and turned his head. He stretched out his hand and tore the earth to keep the dust in front of him.

However, Rena’s flame was divided into two, and two fire dragons surrounded it firmly. However, water splashed out of the rocks, the fire and water intersected, and a large amount of mist to the fog Zhong shot three arrows in a row, all shot on the ground, and a beam of light was sent to the sky, covering the enemy in a triangular cage.

At this moment, the divine bow appeared in Rena's hand, and a large amount of golden light radiated out like the sun in the sky. Her countless magical powers converged into an arrow of destruction.

The terrible power caught everyone's attention, and Rena gritted her teeth and shot an arrow of destruction.

In an instant, countless magical powers and substances were compressed and destroyed, her arrow rolled up countless sand and dust, and directly penetrated the rocks and the earth, and the figure of Long Daozhi also disappeared in this shattering light.

"It's not dead!"

However, Fina yelled, Rena recovered, turned her head, and found that she was standing in the snow behind her, ten meters away from her.

what happened?

She was taken aback, the arrow clearly hit the opponent and completely wiped it out, leaving no trace.

But why does it run to the back?

Ling Nai was puzzled. The other party was absolutely impossible to teleport away. Her spatial perception was very strong, and once there was a fluctuation, she could immediately notice it. The enemy can't use space teleportation to exchange bodies with another evil spirit without knowing it. Is it an illusion? Mi He Mi

However, she observed that there was an extra hole in the enemy's chest, which was obviously a wound caused by Fina.

"Only the power of the mountain can completely destroy it! Cover me!"

The energy of life and death, only the purest power of the mountains, can completely eliminate the magic of death.

The next moment, Fina once again turned into a ghost warrior, Rena stretched out her hand to hold the trident, and the two charged again.

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