Chapter 997: The secret I have to tell between Mingmeng and the mercury lamp

Although Lin Luo understands the true meaning of life, even if he dies, he can be born out of nothing, but it is a bit too exaggerated to say that invincible. After all, the strongest of the sky can already ignore the world view, even if Lin Luo is immortal, it is impossible. In the face of the strong of the heavenly ranks, they can take advantage of them, and at most they can't kill them.

Moreover, the strong in the second stage of the heavenly ranks can influence the world view, even if the concept of nothingness can't be eliminated, but with a little change in the concept, even if Lin Luo can't be killed, it is enough to make Lin Luo worse than death... such as a permanent seal or something.

Like Evangeline, there is a permanent freezing technique. Not only will the person who is sealed by the ice not die, but even the consciousness will remain in the clearest state, but it is impossible to break out of the ice, and will always be locked in the ice forever. Inside the envelope, this is undoubtedly a desperate thing that is better than death.

Therefore, Lin Luo would still be extremely dangerous if he was in the second stage of the heavenly rank, that is, a strong person above the fourth heaven.

Of course, according to the usual routine of all third-rate novels, when the protagonist is still at LV1, he will never run into enemies above LV3, and at most LV2. Even if there are tens of thousands of powerful enemies, they will never meet with the protagonist. Even if you really encounter one or two strong ones that the protagonist can't do anyway, those strong ones will probably not be enemies, or just The IQ is greatly reduced, and he will not immediately kill the protagonist, but allow the protagonist to develop slowly...So, according to this theory, there is no need to worry that Lin Luo will encounter enemies above the second stage of the heavenly rank, otherwise it will be unfinished.

"I don't know why, I suddenly had a bad premonition." Not to mention the strong of the second stage of the heavenly rank, now that soon after the battle of the proxy **** is over, Lin Luo doesn't even believe that he will meet the strong of the heavenly rank, but On the way to Hakurei Shrine, he felt a little bit cold inexplicably.

"Why are you crazy?" Lily asked slightly expectantly. To be honest, she is somewhat envious, jealous, and hateful. Her hard work for more than a month can't compare to Lin Luo's seven days' results. This is too shocking. If Lin Luo can get into trouble for a little bit at this moment, she can still balance in her heart. a little.

So, women have black belly, which is true.

Lin Luo shook his head and disappointed Lily's expectation, "No, it's just that suddenly there is a feeling that something terrible is waiting for me in Boli God Society...Ah, it seems that I already know the general things."

Lin Luo said as he walked, with his current perception domain, as long as he has that mind, it is not difficult even if he wants to see scenes thousands of miles away, so he has only said half of it at the moment. Through the induction of breath, he has roughly mastered Bo The situation at Rei Shrine.

Lin Luo thinks this is a terrible thing. After all, so many girls stay there, and almost one-third of them have a deep or shallow relationship with him. If he rushes in, he is afraid It's a bit difficult to deal with... This situation must be broken!

"Lily, you go to the shrine first, I will come again later."

Lin Luo thought for a while and said.

Although Lily didn't know what he wanted to do, she didn't refuse, and after nodding, she walked towards Hakuri Shrine alone.

Hakurei Shrine is very lively at this moment. Except for the few names that have been reported before, all the slightly well-known people and monsters in Gensokyo are basically there, and even some guys who usually don't show up are rare to show up... …Such as Jianshan young bird, a certain big breasted death god, and the like.

Of course, with the exception of a few guys who are not afraid of bad luck, few people dare to approach the key mountain chicks, even some powerful monsters avoid far...Although the key mountain chicks themselves are not strong, they can do Essence, the abilities that this level brings to her are too BUG.

If Jianshan Hina also came to play through, it would obviously be a protagonist template.

Most of the people attending the banquet came for the excitement, but a small part of them was because of the theme of the banquet... Although it seems that many people have forgotten the theme, let’s mention it. The theme of the banquet is Welcome Lin Luo visited Gensokyo for the second time.

In order to show her approachability and maturity, the eldest lady specially made a horizontal pair with a piece of big red cloth, and put it on... Ah, sorry, the horizontal pair has been broken by the second lady, and now she is becoming Qi Luno and Some playthings of fools and fairies.

...In this way, this banquet is really just the eldest lady who wants to play.

"When will I see my father, alas!" The Mercury Lantern sat alone in a corner of the banquet, watching the lively appearance of others, she was also indifferent and sighed.

"Sister, do you want to play together?" At this moment, the Mercury Lantern suddenly heard a sound coming from the side, turned his head and looked around, only to see a little girl who was about the same height as herself standing next to her, her face full of innocence.

"Ah... it's you!" The mercury lamp suddenly showed a complicated expression.

Of course, this little girl is Mingmeng. She is very popular in this banquet. Almost everyone who sees her wants to hug her and kiss her, and finally escape the entanglement of the group of adults. , And then avoided the harassment of idiots and fairies, and then she saw the mercury lamp sitting in the corner looking a little lonely, so she took the initiative to walk over.

The mercury lamp froze there, not knowing how to respond. Although she has stayed in the demon world in the past two years, she will not come to Gensokyo more than three times, but this does not prevent her from understanding Hakurye Mingmeng, at least the most important point she does not know... This girl is also a father The adult's daughter.

So, although the race is different, she is logically her own sister.

The Mercury Lantern thought so, and also didn't know how to face this sister, because in her memory, the sisters weren't the kind of existence that loved each other, but the enemies who needed to fight each other to defeat and kill each other. Although they have become sisters with Alice recently, in reality, they are more like friends...So when Mingmeng, the real sister, appeared in front of her, she was a little at a loss.

"Sister, don't you come to play together?" Seeing her unresponsive, Xiao Mingmeng asked again, his expression faintly disappointed.

"That..." Mercury Lantern felt embarrassed, even if she opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say next, but looking at Ming Meng's innocent expression that day, the original hostility disappeared immediately.

She is different from our Rozen Maiden. The purpose of Rozen Maiden is to become a perfect Rozen Maiden. All sisters need war, but she does not need to be perfect, because she is a human being, so... she belongs to the father. The daughter is a younger sister, other than that, she has no other identity.

Thinking of this, the idea of ​​the mercury lamp was immediately understood, and a slight smile appeared on his face, "What do you like to play?"

"Drawing comics, my dream is to become a cartoonist." Ming Meng smiled brightly, then took out a stack of manuscript paper from behind and handed it in front of the mercury lamp, "Sister, look, this is the comic I drew."

"Oh, then I'll take a!" The mercury lamp reached out and took it, but she was stunned at the first sight, because the name of the manga was-Rozen Maiden!

The mercury lamp suddenly raised his head and stared at Ming Meng dumbfounded.

"This is a cartoon I drew for my sister." Ming Meng still smiled like that.

Painted for yourself?

The Mercury Lantern was taken aback. Indeed, her affairs were not a secret in Gensokyo, and it is not surprising that Mingmeng would know, but...with a trace of inexplicable feelings, Mercury Lantern looked down at the comics.

The protagonist of the manga is the seven Rozen Maidens, and the mercury lamp can clearly recognize that the lonely figure sitting on the treetops looking at the moon is himself, and then the other six Rozen Maidens are almost the same as the sisters in memory. This makes the Mercury Lamp somewhat surprised... I just mentioned the image of Zhen Hong and them a little bit. This little guy can describe them so clearly. It's amazing.

Then the Mercury Lantern continued to read. Ten minutes later, her gaze stayed on the last page of the comic, which was also the finale of the entire comic...Seven Rozen Maidens were sitting around a table with snacks on the table, seven Individuals happily talked and laughed while eating, full of happiness.

wrong! This guy came prepared!

Seeing this scene, Mercury Lantern was shocked, this comic, and he took the initiative to talk to himself... Mingmeng definitely has a purpose!

At this time, finding that Mercury Lantern had read the comics, Ming Meng immediately looked at her expectantly, "Sister, is my comics good-looking?"

"Uh... it looks good, thank you." Although Mercury Lantern was puzzled, she squeezed a smile, although she had a lot of opinions about the ending of the comic.

Hearing the praise, Ming Meng smiled more happily, and said cheerfully: "Sister, don't need to thank me, because everyone is happy when they are happy together."

Is it true happiness if everyone is happy together?

Upon hearing this sentence, the mercury lamp showed a puzzled expression again. Looking at Mingmeng’s sunny smile, she subconsciously thought of herself, then looked down at the first page of the comic...that lonely and lonely self, and then Turn to the last page again...The one who is with the sisters, laughs and laughs, happy himself.

Is it true that everyone is happy together?

It seems that my father has said something similar.

Suddenly, Mercury Lantern understood a little bit. The meaning of Mingmeng’s comics and the meaning of her coming to speak to herself on the initiative is not purely for fun, but...

"You really came here prepared. It is really my mistake to treat you as an ordinary two-year-old child." The mercury lamp raised her head and looked at Mingmeng seriously, but after a few seconds, her face was bright. The smile, like the ending in the comic, is happy and warm.

"I was really defeated by you, it really is the daughter of the father."

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