Chapter 991: Writing Yijiu, reading it as a library, I have a posture and I am proud

"Don't look like this... please, let me go."

"Hehehehe, now it's too late to beg for mercy, it's already reached this point, you just obediently follow me, Mu Q."

"No, no, no, I can't do strenuous exercise."

"Your asthma has been cured by me a long time ago. It's okay, let alone such a short while, even if it lasts for three days and three nights, there is no problem."

"But, it's only the first time for me, it's really like this..."

"Everyone has to go through this kind of thing, and it's the first time that it becomes more precious. Don't worry, I'll you well."

"Ah! It hurts! It's going to break! It's going to break!"

"It is inevitable that you will feel pain at first, but soon you will feel comfortable, and there will be a feeling of ecstasy... After all, the way you are now is really attractive."

"Don't... say something so embarrassing... ah ah ah~~"

"Look, you are soaked in sweat, even your clothes are glued together, that flushed face, the tiny beads of sweat on the tip of your nose, and the rush of breathlessness...Ah, feeling it so close, It's so pleasant, are you right, MQ."

"What a wicked man...Ahhh~~ But this experience is indeed very special. Although it was uncomfortable at the beginning, now it feels like a cloud and fog."

"I'm not wrong, so I have to come with you again anyway."

"But it's hard work...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheh to be stopped to, even the hands to be... "

With a moan that didn't know whether it was painful or comfortable, Pa Qiuli finally fell down, her mouth could no longer make a sound, her whole body was limp like mud, only the heavy gasping and sharp fluctuations The chest can make people feel that she is still alive.

Lin Luo just looked at her quietly without saying a word.

After ten minutes, it seemed that she had recovered a little bit. Lin Luo finally smiled and said, with a joking tone, "It's only been half an hour. It's really useless to look like she's about to die." , Mu Q."

Paqiuli sat up with difficulty, still with the blush on her face, glared at him fiercely, and said angrily: "Whose fault do you think this is? Isn't some **** forcing me from Drag it out of the library and let me do this weird mountaineering exercise. Knowing that my physique is weak, I am not allowed to use magic. You made it clear that you were deliberately bullying me!"

Pa Qiuli is really angry. She is a dead house that has not been out for 10,000 years. She usually makes trouble even going to a toilet. Today, she was forced by Lin Luo to climb the Monster Mountain at twice the speed of ordinary people for no reason, and finally climbed. When you get your hands, feet, muscles and muscles full of strength, lying on your back in the ravine without image, you will be angry if you change.

Lin Luo shrugged, "It's not my fault, I blame you for being a sick child."

"Ah, forget it, it's useless to get angry anyway, just take it as an outdoor leisure experience." Paqiuli's anger came and went quickly, and she stood up from the ground while she was talking, and changed again. Becoming that lady, patted the dust on her body, turned around, "I'm going back."

"This can't work, the business hasn't been finished, how can you go?" Lin Luo stretched out his hand and held her shoulder, with a smug smile on his face.

"What else is business?" Paqiuli frowned, with a faint premonition.

Lin Luo reached out and pointed upwards.

"Have a heaven?"

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded.

Paqiuli collapsed immediately.

Lin Luo's going to Youdingtian was not random, but for a reason, but this matter had to be discussed from the beginning... At the time when Reimeng was still Baili Reimeng, he received a lot of important information, among which was There are the recent statuses of the hosts who stayed in Gensokyo.

For example, Mercury Lantern has been living in the Demon World for more than two years since he was accepted as a goddaughter by Kanzaki, only to come out with Alice occasionally. And Evangelin and Feng Jian Youxiang form a domineering queen group. I rarely see them at ordinary times. I don't know what they are doing... To be honest, Lin Luo was surprised when he heard these two things. In a blink of an eye, he has another daughter's mother, and Feng Jian Youxiang has also become the host. He really guessed the beginning but couldn't guess the end.

Then there is Yakumo Zi... This monster who likes to hibernate, don't worry about it for the time being.

Then there is Penglai Shan Huiye. She is still staying at home as always. It is said that she is currently playing a game. It has been completely closed since three months ago. Even Bayi Yonglin has never seen her, and whoever is If you go to find her, you will be blocked by Yonglin Bayi, claiming that you will not leave the house unless the end is reached.

The last is Ikuya Sakiya, this maid has nothing to say, the person who stayed with Remilia before is not her but the fairy maid, anyone with a bit of a brain can guess it. The maid is now in a state of "cannot see anyone."

Therefore, among so many hosts in Gensokyo, the only one Lin Luo can easily see at the moment is Lily... and Lily is in the heaven at the moment!

At first, Lily stayed in Baiyulou, but since she defeated the soul demon, she has nothing to learn in Baiyulou, and she has extremely high demands on herself, and finally she wants to go and follow it. The emperor Mingju went to Youdingtian.

Of course, a flawed celestial being in the M Tianzi district is obviously not qualified to be Lili's sparring partner, but in the heavenly realm, there are countless complete celestial beings.

Heavens and humans are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Of course, the strongest ones are those who have cultivated to be immortal while alive, so as to reach the top celestial beings who have escaped the state of reincarnation of life and death. None of these characters is weaker than the soul demon. A man of gods.

It's just that the heavens have cut off the existence of the seven emotions and six desires, and their behavior is also outrageously low-key, so no matter where they are, their reputation is not very loud.

Lily believes in her own vision. She thinks that if she can contact those heavenly people for a while, no matter in strength or mood, she should be able to make a huge breakthrough, so she will follow the emperor to go to the heaven.

In fact, Lin Luo is a bit strange. Gensokyo has already had the training system given by the demon. Lily has to go to the heavens and make trouble? Wouldn't it be better to choose the demon's cultivation system directly like Sakuya? After all, even Reimu relied on that cultivation system to successfully master the state of the ghost witch, and even reached the eleventh state of Reimu in one fell swoop.

Once she had reached the twelfth stage of the Dream of Disaster, the quasi-celestial rank would be completed.

Of course, everyone has a cultivation system that suits them. The strongest is not necessarily the best. For example, he didn’t follow the Yaoyao cultivation system, so Lin Luo didn’t plan to interfere with Lily. God, of course it is to get a CG that touches the reunion. Secondly...If Lily also cut off the emotions and desires like the gods, then there will be trouble.

"Really, if you want to go to the top of the sky, you can go by yourself, why are you pulling me?" Paqiuli looked dissatisfied. Although she can use magic to fly, she still doesn't want to be a housemaid. Like to go outside, and it's still such a meaningless thing.

Lin Luo smiled indifferently, "Men and women match, don't you be tired from work."

"Can I interpret this as sexual harassment?" Paqiuli held the book and covered her face.

"If you want to talk about sexual harassment, isn't it there at the beginning?" Lin Luo said, suddenly there was an extra tape recorder in his hand, and then a voice came out of it, "No way, I'm no longer able to...Quick, stop. ......Ah~~!"

Paqiuli closed the book fiercely, her face was frosty, "I will really kill you!"

"It's okay, you can't beat me."

"..." Paqiuli was speechless. She finally found out that fighting Lin Luo is a very stupid thing. You reason with him, he plays rogue with you, you fight with him, he fights with you, anyway She is a small ant man, and she can't beat him anyway.

Now she can only pray in her heart, don't pass this recording out, otherwise she will really have no face to see people in the future.

"Humans and games, hey, you two, this is not a place for you to come, hurry back!" Just as Lin Luo and Pa Qiuli rushed into the heavens in the clouds, a voice suddenly rang from their ears. Then a girl wearing a ribbon made her debut in the clouds.

"Look at it, let me just say it, Gesture Diyiku will definitely appear." Lin Luo immediately pointed to the girl and said excitedly to Paqiuli.



Between the end of the Red Devil Hall.

"Wow ha ha ha ha!" Remilia put her hands on her waist and let out a domineering laugh, "you idiots, even if the three of you join forces to win me, there is no possibility of victory. Now you have the bargaining chips. It’s not much anymore, let’s watch me defeat you in one fell swoop!"

"It's an angry attitude..." Seeing her arrogant appearance, the three of them stretched their faces immediately, but even though they were angry, there was nothing they could do.

"No, there is still a chance to comeback!" Reimeng suddenly said in a deep voice, and then in the stunned expressions of others, her lazy temperament completely disappeared, replaced by a terrifying and coercive aura. Even the witch costume on her body turned red.

"Woe, misfortune, Reimu!" ​​Remilia's face changed, "Hey, just play mahjong, are you...huh?"

She didn't finish her words. In a blink of an eye, Reimu's temperament changed again. The next moment, wearing a white witch costume, a dumbfounded Reimu appeared in front of everyone.

"White, white state?!"

Although she looked so harmless to humans and animals, Remilia felt tremendous pressure.

"Come on, decide the outcome." Bai Li Reimeng turned her head and looked sideways at Remilia.

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