Chapter 987: My Reimu can't be that soft girl

Reimu in a normal state is laziness and loss of integrity, becoming a ghost and witch is cruel and violent, and becoming evil and bloodthirsty. Not only does the personality become worse and worse, the strength is also stronger than the other... …Although the transition of this state can be regarded as split personality reluctantly, well, don't worry about that much.

In short, it is completely impossible for Lin Luo to win the Meng Lingmeng whose strength far exceeds the peak of the earth rank without fighting back. Although he can barely endure the Divine Jade Realm, when Reimu is added to the Emperor's Disaster Realm, he is completely abused. The final result is of course extremely miserable, and its **** degree can only be described in four words. -Not suitable for humans.

And this was the ending after Reimeng scrupulously saw her daughter watching him, and his subordinates were somewhat merciful. If Ming Meng was not here, it would be far from over.

Of course, if Ming Meng is not here, Lin Luo may not be honestly beaten.

"Oh, I'm such a great father..." Lying on the ground, Lin Luo couldn't help but sigh secretly. First, he played the role of the middle man, disgusting and handsome, and then he was beaten as a sandbag. Who else in the world is greater than him?

"My father, I admire you so much!"

Before Lin Luo got up from the ground, Ming Meng ran towards him quickly, and then pounced on him, rubbing his face against his chest, and said excitedly, "My father fully accepts his mother's love. Well, sure enough, my father in Form 2 is the best!"

Enough of you, little girl!

Lin Luo wanted to cry without tears. He really hoped that he could be cruel at the moment. What kind of disgusting and handsome, he didn't want to be at all, but the innocent and innocent expression of the little girl made him really unable to refuse.

Damn, why does this girl have such a weird interest? Mu Q, it's all your fault, I remember you, and I will show you a good look tomorrow!

Lin Luo said viciously in his heart, but on the surface he had to make a smiling face, "Of course, you don't look at who your father is, but I'm... huh?!"

Lin Luo stood up and talked, but he was stunned in the middle of the story...At this moment, the alien space created by the dream of misfortune had disappeared, and they returned to the Shrine of Boli, and in front of him, a The evil-looking Reimu also disappeared without a trace, replaced by...a Reimu dressed in a white witch costume, sitting at the gate of the shrine in a daze.

"What's that?" Lin Luo was completely stunned, could it be that it was Bai Li Reimu? It's unscientific, it's unscientific! There is a reason for the ghost witch to evolve to Reimu, but what is the cause of the evolution of Reimu to Baili?

"Wow! Mom has become so cute too!" Ming Meng obviously saw the strange Reimu, and immediately dropped Lin Luo and ran over, slipping into Reimu's arms and coquettishly.

"Really, how come Xiao Mingmeng is acting like a baby again." Lingmeng lightly patted the head of the girl in his arms, smiled, and said softly, the whole person exuding the glory of motherhood.

"What's the matter?" Lin Luo stepped forward and couldn't help asking.

Reimeng raised his head, and the moment he met Lin Luo's eyes, his entire face blushed instantly. He turned his head and didn't dare to look at Lin Luo again, and said, "That...that, Welcome back."

boom! ! !

Reimeng's words were no less than a sky-thunder bombardment to Lin Luo.

Undoubtedly, this is indeed Baili Reimeng, not only can't reach the strength of Bane Reimeng in strength, but also its temperament is completely different from the original Qi Reimeng and Bane Reimeng.

Weakness, kindness, shyness, gentleness...These are the four basic attributes of a standard soft girl. Reimu may occasionally be shy in a normal state, but the other three attributes will never exist, and evil spirits Don't even think about Meng, but at this moment, this white Reimu, just such a short sentence, has completely exposed her soft girl attributes!

That gentle, kind, natural and weak temperament, the whole soft girl is naturally stunned, if this is not Baili Reimu, who is Baili Reimu?

But why did it suddenly become Baili Reimu?

Based on Lin Luo's IQ, Rao couldn't understand the reason at all.

"How did you become like this?" Lin Luo knelt down, stretched out a hand to gently support her chin, and asked again...Oh, by the way, he is still in a disgusting and handsome state.

The blush on Reimu’s face became even worse, but as a soft girl, she completely lost her arrogance. She was only shy. She explained in a low voice, “This is my fourth state, because the state of Woe Reimu’s output is too great. After quitting, I will enter a certain degree of weakness, and I cannot return to the original state at this time, so... so in order to ease this transitional period, there is a fourth state of me."

I understand, it's not that the Witch Witch has evolved to Baili Reimu, but it has degenerated. Just like after Luffy has used the third gear, because of the consumption of the mate's degree, it will become a child, and the two are of the same nature.

"Um...understood, if that's the case, let's take a bath." Lin Luo felt his chin and thought for a while, and then she hugged the soft girl Reimu, and there was a Mingmeng in Reimeng's arms.

"Wait, wait! Why take a bath?" Reimu was suddenly anxious.

Lin Luo smiled, "We have been fighting for so long and sweating a lot, so of course we have to take a bath, otherwise, how can we feel comfortable when we sleep... Mingmeng, do you want to take a bath?"

"Yes!" Ming Meng cried out very cooperatively.

"Look, even Ming Meng said it's going to be necessary."

"That... that's okay," Reimu said weakly, and finally nodded in agreement.

Later, in Lin Luo’s domineering laughter, he took the two into Hakurei Shrine together. Although the shrine also had its own bathroom, it was too far from his ideal bathroom. For this reason, he deliberately A small space was opened up in the backyard of the shrine and put into a capsule villa.

After entering the villa’s bathroom, Lin Luo insidiously used Ming Meng’s adoration of herself, gave her a lot of novel toys, and let her cubicle small bathroom play... After all, Ming Meng is just a child, fantasy Apart from monsters and barrage games, there are very few fun things in the village. Wherever he can withstand the temptation of Mingjie toys, he was immediately deceived.

Afterwards, Lin Luo took the soft girl Reimu to another adult bathroom. As soon as he entered the water, he began to undress Reimu...I was beaten so badly just now, and now Reimu has finally become Soft girl, at least some benefits should be taken back.

Having said that, this is obviously his wife, but he has to be beaten before he can get benefits from his wife. Is this happiness or sadness?

"No, don't do this... Ming Meng is still there..." Ling Meng blushed immediately, trying to prevent Lin Luo from using her hands, but her resistance was useless.

"Don't worry, Ming Meng is having a lot of fun now, she won't be here at all." While she was speaking, Lin Luo had already peeled off her witch costume and breast wrap, revealing her snow-white carcass.

"But, so shy..." Reimu instinctively put his hands on his chest and said weakly.

It's so soft.

Lin Luo couldn't help sighing, although she knew that Bai Li Reimeng was a soft girl, she didn't expect it to be so soft. It would be great if the original Qi Reimeng could become so soft.

Lin Luo stretched out her hand to hug her from behind, pressed her hands on the crisp chest, leaned in her ears and smiled softly, "Don't be shy, Ming Meng is your daughter and my daughter at the same time, in other words We are husband and wife. It is normal for husband and wife to take a bath together."

"But... there has been no wedding."

"This..." Lin Luo was ashamed, "I can do it later."

"Really?" Reimu turned his head, with a faint expectation on his flushed face.

"Of course, the premise is that you didn't refuse." Lin Luo stared at her and said.

Under his fiery gaze, Reimu once again looked away, and whispered: "Why... why should I refuse? All... already have children."

Yes, if it were you, of course you would not refuse, because you are a soft girl, but once you withdraw from this state and return to the original Qi Lingmeng... God knows what that unscrupulous will think.

The ghost maiden, the misfortune and the Baili Reimu, these three sub-personality derived from the master personality of Hakuli Reimu, fully carry the experience and memory of the master personality, and it does not mean that things carried out under the current personality are changed to The other personality will be forgotten, but because of the different personalities of the four personalities, their behaviors are also different... For example, at this moment, if they change to the state of the original Qi Lingmeng or the evil spirit dream, they will definitely not Will take a bath with Lin Luo.

Of course, the essence of their hearts is still the same.

The reason why Lin Luo strongly took Bai Li Reimu to take a bath was not simply trying to take advantage, but more importantly, to confirm Reimu’s thoughts. From Bai Li Reimu’s response, it can be seen that Ben Qi Reimu has also accepted it. he.

Otherwise, even if Reimu’s personality becomes softer, it’s impossible to be naked against someone you don’t like, but the problem is that Reimu is a arrogant person. Even if he accepts it from the bottom of his heart, will he admit it frankly on the surface? It's hard to say.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you speak well, I will definitely agree." Bai Li Lingmeng obviously also thought of the key to the problem, and couldn't help saying that the "I" here did not refer to her in this state, but the original Qi Lingmeng.

You can say it lightly, when you do not change the ghost maiden, I will be lucky.

Lin Luo secretly complained, and then turned her body over and smiled: "Well, it's not too late for this matter. Now, let's do something serious."

When Reimeng saw Lin Luo's lustful smile, she didn't know what he was talking about. She was so embarrassed that her ears were red, her head was lowered, and her mouth made a mosquito-like sound.

"That... please, please be gentle."

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