Chapter 965: There is no fair game, only implicit rules

Aleister moved quickly. When Lin Luo left the building without doors and windows, he returned to the hotel to take a shower, changed his clothes, and his handsome index rose by 15%. Then when he came to Tokiwadai, the competition’s All the alternate students, even the seeded player Shirai Kuroko, are already waiting in the playground.

There are a total of 12 people participating in the competition. All six LV5 players can participate directly as seed players, and the remaining six players must be selected from among the strong and the strong.

This is not a simple task, although LV5 superpowers are rare, but there are many LV4 strong and LV3 strong. In the entire Academy City, there are more than 300,000 capable people, even if these two levels account for only one percent, there are more than 300 people, but in fact it is far more than this number.

Of course, the competition is about the survival of the fittest. It is normal for all LV4s to be candidates, but not everyone with strong LV3 abilities is eligible to participate. Instead, a very small part of them are selected with special abilities or great potential, such as LV3. Early spring decorated with Lee.

Chuchun was originally only a LV1 capable person, and was judged to be a person who could not be promoted by Academy City, but with the help of Misaka Mireu, in the past two years, she has been promoted to LV3, but this is also the limit.

As for the original LV3 Zuotian Leizi, he has now become a powerful person of LV4, the title of **** madness. But again, she didn't have the opportunity to go further. LV3 to LV4 can be said to be a quantitative change. Misaka Miro can also help, but LV4 to LV5 are qualitative changes, and she can do nothing.

After their abilities have been improved, Saten Leiko and Hatsuharu Shirii both entered the aristocratic girls' school of Tokiwadai, and also trained here as alternate players.

"Ah! Wild monkeys, why did you come here? Are you trying to plot something wrong again!" As soon as Lin Luo entered the Tokiwadai and the playground where everyone was training, he heard a fierce voice.

Bai Jing Heizi stood opposite, staring at Lin Luo, looking like a big sister.

That’s right. Misaka Mikoto and Bee Eater Kaori have left Tokiwa for a few years. Misaka Mire and Misaka Misaki graduated last year. Today, Tokiwa is the only LV5 superpower she has, and she has become the eldest sister of course. .

Although as a seeded player, Shirai Kuroko does not need to participate in this training camp, but since the venue is in Tokiwadai, many of the alternates are her school girls, of course she has to come to give some guidance. For this, she even has a member of the Commissioner of Discipline Work is temporarily put down.

Bai Jing Heizi's words did not arouse Lin Luo's anger, but it attracted the attention of other students, and finally his eyes fell on Lin Luo.

"It's Senior Lin Luo!"

"Senior Misaka said yesterday, I didn't expect to meet so soon, Senior Lin Luo, hello."

The two who were talking were Zuo Tian Lei Zi and Chu Chun Shi Li. They were talking excitedly while running towards Lin Luo. Although Lin Luo is not a student of Academy City, the students here are more like people who are slightly older than themselves. They are called seniors and seniors, and of course they are no exception.

"These two guys..." Baijing Kuroko frowned immediately, scolding them for their betrayal in his heart.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I saw you. Your progress is very fast." Lin Luo waved to the two of them. After greeting them, his gaze glanced over Baijing Heizi again, and he smiled casually, and finally his gaze fell. Among several people, "It seems that there are also many acquaintances here, haha."

"The super annoying guy is here."

"Magino came out yesterday, and this guy is also here."

"It's been a long time since I saw you."

The three people who spoke were originally affiliated with the Anbe iten, under the command of Maiye Shenli, but now they are members of the free mercenary group...Jianqi favorite, Flanda, and Takiko Riko, except Takiko Riko The other two were so uncomfortable by Lin Luo's playful gaze.

"Cut!" In addition to a few of them, there was another person who also suffered from Lin Luo's provocative gaze. That was Yubiao Danxi, but she didn't say anything, instinctively avoiding Lin Luo's sight.

There are sixty or seventy girls in the entire playground. Except for four or five LV3 strong abilities, the others are LV4 strong abilities. Of course, there are Shirai Kuroko. Seventy percent of these people came from Tokipantai Middle School. This is also a matter of course. Although Tokiwadai is not the number one school for capable people in the academy city, it has the most capable people of all schools. After all, the noble girls' school is very attractive to any girl.

On the playground, there are a variety of equipment for their training. Many of them are very high-end in Lin Luo's eyes. Even one of the arenas has many functions. The cost is estimated to reach Astronomical figures, it can be seen that Aleister also lost his blood.


Although Aleister tried his best to improve the combat effectiveness of these abilities, Lin Luo always believed that he was doing useless work. Facing the saints, it would be as difficult for anyone here to win, including Shirai Kuroko. Even if the twelve players on the magic side are not all saints, even if they are just first-rate magicians, all LV4 and LV3 will be abused.

Of course, this was just before, but now that he comes, it's different.

Lin Luo ignored Baijing Heizi’s bitter gaze and fell on the group of girls on the opposite side. Then he said: "I won’t talk too much nonsense. My name is Lin Luo, who is entrusted by the chief executive, come right. You guide."

"Huh! Guidance?"

"Isn't it, so young?"

"Although he is handsome, is it okay?"

"Yes, it doesn't look great, let alone a capable person."


As soon as Lin Luo said this, there was a lot of discussion among the girls. If it was a superpower, it would be fine, but they all felt that Lin Luo was not a capable person, and he did not look like a researcher, so right This is deeply doubtful.

Of course, those who didn't know Lin Luo were the only people who made these comments. For example, Zuo Tian Leizi and Jian Qi loved them a little bit about Lin Luo, which was not surprising.

Well, I was underestimated. It seems that I need to stand up first... Lin Luo's heart moved, and he immediately looked at Baijing Heizi, moved his mouth, but made no sound.

In the field, only Bai Jing Heizi heard what Lin Luo said, and his face changed drastically, his anger was wide, and he rushed towards Lin Luo with great anger, "You hateful wild monkey, return my sister to me. !"

With Baijing Heizi's flutter, LV5's spatial ability was unreserved, and he appeared behind Lin Luo in an instant, grabbing his body with both hands.

But before her attack fell, Lin Luo didn't look back, clasping her hands with her backhand, and then threw Shirai Heizi up with a flick upwards, staying motionless in the air.

"You...!" Bai Jing Heizi stared, but just after uttering a word, her voice was also blocked, not only could she not move, she could not even speak.

All of this only happened in a flash. The girls on the opposite side hadn't reacted yet, and Baijing Kuroko had been completely subdued by Lin Luo. When they came back to their senses, they suddenly widened their eyes and looked unbelievable. Expressions.

"How can it be?!"

"Senior Shirai... she is a LV5 superpower!"

"Besides, I'm still a space ability person, just for a moment..."

"This is an illusion! It must be an illusion!"

Except for a few people, most people could not believe this scene. Although Shirai Kuroko was the last to awaken in the current LV5, she ranked fourth. This is still the situation where she did not give her all. If she With all his strength, even the third Emperor Yuangen could win a battle.

As long as the person caught by Baijing Kuroko, or even the person who touched her body, will be thrown to the other end of the world in an instant, or even locked in a different dimension, but... facing Lin Luo, She didn't even have any room to resist, this kind of thing... this kind of directness is just like a dream!

Lin Luo faced everyone and said with a serious face, "I am your instructor now. This guy is disrespectful to the instructor and even attacked, so I will punish her slightly. But if there are still people who are disrespectful to the instructor, then it will not be so. It's simple, I will punish her in various ways, such and that, do you understand?"

As soon as they heard this, everyone suddenly came to their senses, nodding their heads in silence.

As for Baijing Heizi, she was still held in mid-air, angry and speechless.

Lin Luo didn't care about her, so she locked her up so that she wouldn't be troubled for a while.

Seeing that everyone had subdued, Lin Luo nodded, his eyes swept over them one by one. This time he not only had to train them, but also selected the six strongest people. For others, this might not be a simple matter, but it was really easy for Lin Luo.

With a simple glance, Lin Luo had already seen everyone's abilities, and instantly understood the characteristics and pros and cons of their abilities.

However, Lin Luo did not intend to instruct all the girls. After all, there were only six people who really participated in the competition, and he only needed to focus on training six, otherwise it would not only waste time but also be too troublesome.

Moreover, it is impossible to fight against the saints with the strength of LV4, at least it must reach LV5, so he will promote six of them to LV5. Once he becomes a superpower of LV5, that person's fate will change drastically, so Lin Luo does not want to transform unrelated personnel.

As for which six people they were, he had already considered it, but it was a bit too much to let others leave, so he chose the most common method.

Lin Luo pointed to the six arenas on the playground and said to everyone: "The first task I give you is to fight on these six arenas. There are 72 of you in total, which happens to be divided into six groups, each of which can be divided into six groups. The first place will accept my guidance, and the others can go home individually...Of course, I know that you can get paid for participating in this training, and you can still get these rewards even if you fail, and You can apply right away, and I promise you won’t lose any points. In addition, as compensation for not being able to participate in training in the future, I will also give the loser a gift in my own name.”

Some people were still a little dissatisfied when they heard the first half of the sentence, but Lin Luo's second half of the sentence dispelled all their dissatisfaction. Many people here come to participate in the training. In fact, the main purpose is not to participate in the competition. Some are to join in the fun, some are mandatory to participate, and some are for the generous rewards.

Now that you can get paid even if you don't need to participate in training, the others don't matter, and some people who are forced to participate are happier. They will definitely not win in the battle.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Lin Luo smiled slightly, "Well, everyone will take a rest for an hour. You can go anywhere, and you will come back to participate in the competition in an hour. In addition... Chuchun Shi Li and Zuo Tian Lei Zi, you two come here. Give me the names of all the students."

The two immediately ran over, pointing at the Shiraizu Kuroko who was still in mid-air, and cautiously said to Lin Luo, "That, Shirai-san..."


Lin Luo snapped his fingers, and Bai Jingheizi immediately fell from mid-air and fell into the mud.

"You **** wild monkey, I won't let you go, ah ah ah!" Bai Jing Heizi immediately cursed at Lin Luo as soon as he got free, but this time he didn't dare to fight again.

After a while, Lin Luo took the two girls to a staff room. This room was for the former instructor, but now that Lin Luo is here, those people are obviously not needed anymore, they have been fired by Aleister, of course. , This room also belongs to Lin Luo.

The information about the 72 girls is available in this room. The three of them looked for it and turned it out from a drawer. Then Lin Luo said to the two of them, "The next game, you two All will win, you know?"

"Huh!" The two didn't expect Lin Luo to talk about this topic as soon as they came up. They were shocked and waved their hands again and again, "It's impossible, we have no hope of winning."

Among the 72 girls, there has been a fixed ranking for a long time. The strongest is Danxi Yujie. Since the psychological shadow is removed, she is the strongest existence among all the LV4s in Academy City, second only to superpowers. Even if you don't fight, you know.

Secondly, after Takikuri, he is known as the closest person to LV5. With special abilities, years of fighting experience, and Misaka Mire’s help, it is only a matter of time before breaking through LV5. Xi, just because there are not many attack methods, coupled with a natural personality, only ranked second.

The next one is Jinqi's favorite. When she was originally a member of Anbe, she was the second main attacker in the item. She has killed people, fought, and has rich combat experience. In addition, she has been following Misaka Mizuwa for the past two years. One party allowed them to perform tasks everywhere, and their strength was greatly improved. Except for Danxi, who was able to stabilize her, she was almost invincible below LV5 and ranked third.

There is also Flanda, her cunning personality can be said to be the biggest weapon on the battlefield. Once Mikoto was caught in a bitter battle, her combat effectiveness needless to say, she ranked firmly in fifth place.

In addition, the stronger ones are the psychological rules that were originally with Emperor Yuangen, and He Juanqi's favorite nitrogen blasting gun with a certain relationship, one sixth and one fourth, all ranked in the top ten.

As for Zuo Tian Lei Zi and Chu Chun Yi Li, although the former has a good reputation recently, the combat experience is not very rich and failed to enter the top ten. As for the latter, it is only LV3, which is even better, it is the tail of the crane.

Therefore, it is difficult for them two to win.

However, Lin Luo had no scruples and smiled, "It doesn't matter, I will let you win."

"Huh?" The two were taken aback, but then they realized that Lin Luo was going to cheat and let them go through the back door.

"That... isn't that good?" Chuchun Shili said timidly.

"Yeah, that's a bit unfair." Zuo Tian Leizi also nodded.

"It has nothing to do with fairness or not." Lin Luo shook his head, but didn't want to explain in detail, but said, "In fact, you two are not weak, you can even say that they are quite strong. God, what you lack is combat experience. In the early spring, you lacked fighting spirit."

In Lin Luo's view, both the wind power of Zuotian Leizi and the constant temperature ability of Chuchun Lili are very good, and Zuotian is a real LV4, and Chuchun is infinitely close to LV4, a powerful attack power that controls all Wind, everything is unbreakable, another special attack, temperature control, as long as a slight change of the enemy's body temperature, almost no one can stop.

The reason why they are not strong is that Saten has too little combat experience. If she can hang around with Mi Ling for two years, let alone the top ten this time, even if it hits the top five, it will be fine.

As for the early spring, although she has no combat experience, her fighting style does not require any experience at all, mainly because her personality is too weak and she can't fight at all. How can a person without fighting spirit be in battle? win.

"So, now I won't improve your combat power to let you pass the level, I just give you what you lack..." While speaking, Lin Luo used the Destroy Killing Sword with his left hand and the Creation Sword with his right.

His destruction and killing sword cut towards Chuchun Shili, passing from the center of his eyebrows... cut off the cowardice!

His creative sword slashed towards Zuotian Leizi, passing from the center of his brows... to give experience!

Because the speed was so fast, the two of them didn't see it at all, but in the next moment, they vaguely felt a little different. Saten Leizi discovered that there are many strange things in his mind. It is the experience of various people in battle. How to avoid the enemy's attack and how to attack when the enemy is defending...all Everything in her was clearly presented in her mind.

As for playing Lee in the early spring, she felt a surge of blood in her body, as if she had inexhaustible strength, eager to vent, fight and fight, she was eager to fight!


An hour later, Lin Luo took the two and went out. The others had all assembled on the playground. Now they only waited for him to announce the list of matches, and then they could enter the formal trials.

"Ring 1, Zuo Tian Leizi..."

"The second ring, early spring as Lee..."

"The third ring, the silk flag's favorite..."

"Fourth ring, after Takiju..."

"Fifth ring, Danxi the final bid..."

"Ring Six, Flanda Seyvin..."

"Above, there are twelve people in each arena, and the game begins!"

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