Chapter 956: Take them both back for training

When Lin Luo returned to the original star field, the Dark King Xixi was no longer there.

"She has found a greater meaning and has let go of the obsession in her heart." Lin Xiaoke explained.

Lin Luo nodded, since that's the case, then Xixi shouldn't trouble Cui Xin again.

"Where is your side?"

"It's okay, I've convinced her." Lin Luo replied. Twelve years of getting along made him feel like he knew himself to Cui Xin. As long as Sixi didn't trouble her, she wouldn't take the initiative to fight. of. After all, the two of them are also sympathetic to each other. Cui Xin can see her own shadow in Xixi. This is the reason why she would be merciful in the battle before. To put it bluntly, her way of killing is not so extreme, after all, it is just A twelve-year-old girl.

After Lin Luo finished speaking, he glanced at Lin Xiaoke several times, looked at her so calm and unhuman expression, and couldn't help asking strangely, "Why are you still like this?"

After completing the sacrificial offering of the saint, Lin Xiaoke gave up everything as a human being, cold as iron, but at this moment she has reached the quasi-celestial level, not only has the two consciousnesses in the body awakened, but also completely understood and mastered them. With one foot straddling the edge of the sky, logically speaking, her feelings should have come back.

Lin Xiaoke's expression remained unchanged and calmly explained, "I reached the quasi-celestial rank with this personality. Although it can be changed back to the original state, this is the shortest way to reach the heavenly rank. If you truly reach the heavenly rank, there is no such restriction. "

"That's the way it is, that's good. Although you are not like this, you talk a lot, but if you keep being cold, it's really uncomfortable."

Lin Luo scratched his head, facing the glamorous Lin Xiaoke, he was a little uncomfortable for a while, not knowing what to say, but after watching this for a while, he suddenly frowned, touching his chin and asked. , "It's strange, how come I feel like you are very close, there is an urge to hug you, touch your head... You won't secretly use any special abilities?"

It’s not the first time that he had this feeling. In fact, during the fourth battle of God, after spending a few days with Lin Xiaoke, he had a strange feeling. He only felt that this person was very familiar, but in the end he was familiar with it. He didn't know where...Although he asked a little at the time, once the battle was urgent, it was inevitable that people would think that he was deliberately hitting up a conversation, so he never asked.

Lin Xiaoke glanced at him, the light in his eyes was a little brighter, but then returned to normal, turned his head and said, "Please don't accost me casually. This will bother me."

"..." Lin Luo was speechless, he didn't really strike up a conversation.

However, Lin Xiaoke seemed to think that he was really hitting up a conversation. With a single finger, a faint light floated towards Lin Luo, "These are the coordinates of my world. If there is an emergency, you can come to me at any time. Of course, if it's okay. Don’t come... Besides, I’m very happy to see you come back, then, see you at Tian Tier."

When the voice fell, Lin Xiaoke turned into a white light and floated away.

What she said bye bye by the heavens meant that there was no need to meet before reaching the heavens. Although there was nothing wrong with that, but for some reason, Lin Luo thought about her tone, always feeling that she was hiding something from herself.

Forget it... Lin Luo couldn't figure it out, so he just threw this question out of Jiuxiaoyun. Everyone would have a little secret, and he couldn't get to the bottom of it.

The three kings of the world have left, so the only thing left is the host. Lin Luo turned and came to the huge stage... Mikoto, Yakumo Zi, Hatsune, and Kasuga are all here, but the latter two have become The captive was taken away, and his face was full of anger.

Lin Luo felt a little amused looking at their bulging faces, but now it was not the time to deal with the prisoners. She turned her head and looked at Mikoto again. After a year, she had already raised her long hair, which was unexpected. However, the heroic sorrow hasn't diminished at all, on the contrary, it has added a bit of elegant temperament, especially the bust, which seems to have grown up again, faintly moving towards the level of Misaka's mother...the future is boundless.

Not only did Mikoto's body mature a lot, but her mood became more mature than before. Seeing Lin Luo looking at her, she just nodded, and then closed her eyes to rest up.

Lin Luo knew what she meant, and looked at Yakumo Zi... Zimei was still the same as before, and could not feel much change. That’s right, there is a poem from the ancestors: first there is Hongjun, then there is the sky, Yakumo is still before the Buddha, Zimei is seventeen years old, and a chaos is one year...I haven’t seen it for more than a year. Seven-year-old Zimei, how could there be any change.

"Thank you for your help this time." Lin Luo said to her.

Lin Luo said very politely. He thought that according to Zimei’s shady character, he would definitely molested herself at this time, but what he did not expect was that Yakumo Zi did not molested, but looked at him with a complicated expression and said something. What he didn't understand.

"Do you remember?"

"What?" Lin Luo was taken aback instinctively.

Seeing his puzzled face, the disappointment in Yakumo Zi's eyes flashed, "Since I don't know, then forget it."

Thinking too much, he won’t know anything at all at this time...Yakumo Zi sighed in her heart, although she wanted to tell everything, but she used Cirno as her own eyes, she saw a lot, reverse causality Her threats cannot be offset by her strength, and she can't say anything.

"The matter has been resolved, then I will go back." Yakumo Zi said with his back to Lin Luo, opening the gap around him.

"Huh! Are you leaving now?" Lin Luo was still wondering what dumb riddle she was playing. He couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. He originally thought that Zi Mei would not go anymore if she came to the door on her own initiative.

Yakumo Zi did not answer, but half of her body had already jumped into the gap, then turned her head and looked at Lin Luo sideways, "Please don't forget, the golden ocean and the green earth."

"Wait a minute! Coordinates!" Lin Luo said hurriedly, seeing that Yakumo Zi's whole person has entered the gap.

Although he can travel freely between the worlds now, he must have the coordinates of the world. If the previous contract with the maid is still there, she can go to Gensokyo immediately, but the contract has been removed. If Yakumo Zi does not change the coordinates Tell him that if he wants to go to Gensokyo, he can only reach the heavenly rank.

But Yakumo Zi didn't tell him the idea of ​​the coordinates, or she didn't know what the coordinates of that world were, after all, she was not the master of that world. However, at the moment when the gap was closed, her faint voice came out, "Soon, I will send people over, the same as last time. Finally... the golden ocean and the green earth, ten million do not forget."

Yakumo Zi came suddenly and went strangely, Lin Luo was completely confused. She said that she would send people over like last time, so sure enough, Ciruno appeared in the moon world, it was her hands and feet, but... What exactly are the golden ocean and the green earth, and why do I have to remember?

Lin Xiaoke and Yakumo Zi, each of them pretended to be mysterious, but they wanted to say something but deliberately concealed themselves. I really don't understand what they are playing...Uh!

Suddenly, Lin Luo remembered what Alaya said not long ago. There are so many inverse causal lines entwined with him. Could it be related to this?

Lin Luo didn't dare to be careless when he thought of this, but he didn't dig into the horns anymore. What was going on? Let's wait for Yakumo Zi to send people over. Everything will finally come to light.

"Hey! When are you going to tie me up?"

Suddenly an angry voice sounded in his ears, Lin Luo suppressed all the doubts to the bottom of his heart, smiled at her, "Of course I want to tie you up to be honest. By the way, what kind of rope is this? It's so powerful."

The last sentence she asked Mikoto.

Mikoto replied, "The ring of heaven, from the demon demon."

"You stinky man who eats inside and out, you were really helpless before! Bastard **** bastard!" Seeing that Lin Luo didn't mean to loosen his bonds, Hatsune scolded immediately.

Lin Luo squatted down in front of her, "Although you have helped me to be right, but because of your misbehavior, it caused me a lot of trouble, so the two phases canceled out, and... you have to know that you are As for the quasi-level rank, if I let you go, when I meet you next time, God knows, I finally calmed down this incident. If you go to trouble Xixi again, wouldn't I be tired again."

"Then what do you want?" Hatsune Xiu frowned, knowing that he could not escape.

"Of course I take it home and train me." Lin Luo took it for granted and stretched his hand to Hatsune's waist. "I just saw you have a lot of babies. Now I will take a look so that you won't escape by props."

"Hmph, only I can open my dimensional pocket. Don't waste your thoughts."

"Really?" Lin Luo put his hand into her pocket, as she said, it was just an ordinary pocket with a layer of soft flesh, warm... Lin Luo subconsciously touched the soft flesh a few times .

"Lore, pervert! Don't touch it!" Hatsune immediately changed color and roared, but instead of stopping, Lin Luo continued to fumble around her waist.

"Haha...don't touch...haha... asshole..." Hatsune was ticklish and cursed while laughing.

Lin Luo was so obsessed with it that he forgot to do business for a while.


The fierce electric current flashed through his ears, and Lin Luo felt pity in his heart. He immediately woke up and stood up from the ground. Yizheng said in awe, "Very well, her dimensional pockets are no longer usable. Take it back."

"Huh!" Mikoto snorted coldly, grabbing Hatsune's body and disappearing. With her leaving, the stage was also gone.

Lin Luo shrugged and carried Chunri on his shoulders. Seeing her didn't say a word, he couldn't help asking strangely, "What's the matter? Don't you protest?"

The head is so quiet and unscientific!

"What are you protesting about, training? Isn't it interesting?" Kasuga said excitedly, "I used to play tricks on others, but now I change my appetite. I think it's very interesting."


Lin Luo 囧 was speechless, and the group of shaking S turned into shaking M, which was really...or, it would be really interesting.

Volume Fourteen The Storm Sweeping the Demon Forbidden

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