Chapter 947: Let go of that queen! Let go of that loli!

The invincible mouth can no longer be used to face these unreasonable women, and the BUG-like power cannot withstand the repeated bombing of four quasi-celestial powerhouses. In such a dangerous situation, Lin Luo don't talk to persuade them, even if It is extremely difficult to withdraw calmly.

Although the planets that smashed over are only as big as a hill, the impact has not shrunk at all. Even if the SS-level physical fitness does not have defensive measures, it will be smashed in an instant, even if Lin Luo has the rules to create self-defense. , Suffered such continuous attacks, but also a little dizzy.

Hatsune's anger, Haruhi's entanglement, Dark King's guard, evil King's hostility... Lin Luo really didn't understand, he was just a persuasive, why suddenly he became a female public enemy?

This is totally illogical and not scientific at all!

"Well, although I know that it's useless to talk to women about logic, you guys are also deceiving people too much. If that's the case, then have a good fight!"

Lin Luo was also a little angry when he was beaten to this point. In the roar, Destruction Killing Sword directly smashed the two planets that rushed horizontally. At that moment, Lin Luo released his hand holding Destroy Killing Sword and smashed Hundred The meter-long sword was inserted straight, and a cold and merciless voice came from his mouth, "Spread it, Chibon Sakura!"

Although it is a facial paralysis technique of COS, its power is obviously not comparable to that of facial paralysis. The Destruction Killing Sword fell into the void of the universe, causing waves of ripples. The hundred-meter-long sword was instantly shattered and turned into billions of small pieces. The sword rushed in all directions like a tide.

The evil king’s cosmic map was burned in the first place, and then, the destruction black flame in the form of a broken sword took advantage of the evil king... As the saying goes, capture the thief first, capture the king, as long as the evil king can be suppressed, her treasure will be lost Feared.

At the same time, the two dragons of the Dark King, the absolute home of Hatsune, and the meteor group of Haruhi Suzumiya were also destroyed and burned at the same time, and the power of nothing but burning made them instinctively retreat.

But it is obviously impossible to resist them just this way. Lin Luo never thought that the four of them could be suppressed by destruction alone. In fact, there is still a lot of luck to be able to achieve a single blow... At least none of these people really Use all your strength.

Therefore, in this short moment, Lin Luo released the rules of creation in the form of a spiral, merged with this void universe, and continuously rotated with the momentum of a circle to form the most extensive defensive net. Every time it rotates, the power of life increases by one point, endlessly, so that every defense can reach the peak.

Integrate into the world and let the rules of creation explode the most powerful force when they conform to the laws of the world. It is also the strongest defensive skill Lin Luo can currently use-the pinnacle throne!

Like a huge cosmic galaxy, Lin Luo is located at the most central point, surrounded by a defensive circle extended by the rules of creation, with dozens of layers, and even more to the fault are the billions of pieces that destroy the black flame. Sword can be described as an integrated offense and defense.

"This guy!" Although the evil king was arrogant, but seeing Lin Luo's move, his face also showed an extremely solemn expression.

Originally, no matter how exaggerated Lin Luo's defense was, he would inevitably relax in certain places when fighting, so that the enemy could take advantage of the opportunity. For example, when attacking, he will relatively weaken his own defenses, but at this moment, Lin Luo uses this trick to fully utilize the same offensive and defensive advantages to the limit, and it is obviously used to use one enemy and many, no matter which direction it is from. Invasion, no matter how many people attack, they will be defended by the same intensity. What is even more frightening is that there is the indestructible black flame of destruction!

"Okay, it's just this way to be interesting!" Lin Luo's strength was beyond the evil king's expectations, but instead of feeling scared, she smiled excitedly, fighting destruction with the power of complete disorder.

Although Lin Luo's moves were terrifying, she knew that such a big move would definitely not last too long, and the consumption of mental power was extremely huge. As long as Lin Luo's power was constantly consumed, it would eventually destroy itself.

Facing Lin Luo's all-pervasive Destruction Broken Sword, the Dark King chose to avoid its edge. Her thoughts were the same as the Evil King. The stronger the move, the more fatal weakness it had!

In fact, their guess is true. Although Lin Luo smashed the battle with one blow, destroyed the battlefield of the four people, repelled them all in different directions, and made them unable to advance with absolute offensive and defensive attitude. , But to put it bluntly this is only temporary.

They are all quasi-celestial powerhouses, and those four are not much worse than him. He now only takes advantage of the high-end ability. Once the power is consumed too much, this advantage will immediately disappear.

Of course, if he hurts the assassin, he will end up with the four of them, but the problem is... he is not here to kill, but to stop the fight.

Although they are separated temporarily, they will fight again as long as my ability is reduced, and after this, they will also be wary of them. It will be difficult for my surprise to have a miraculous effect... Damn! At this time, if there are a few helpers... Lin Luo has a hard time to speak, and his heart is also anxious.

"I didn't expect this guy to become so strong. Although I had expected such a day for a long time, it was still surprising." Hatsune stared at Lin Luo, who was thousands of meters away, with complicated eyes. It was just a moment for her Just toss out this complexity... There is only one thing she has to do today, and only this thing, she will never compromise!

A resolute look flashed in her eyes, Hatsune's delicate hand swiped forward, and six pieces of light jade dropped out, forming a timeline under her ability, excluding all the destruction of the broken sword from the timeline, and at the same time absolutely home again. , Stretched out his hand and called, "Come on! My guardian beast...Kagamine! Tour!"

In an instant, two young girls appeared on the huge stage ahead. One of them was a fourteen or five-year-old Lolita, with short yellow shoulder-length hair, a white bow, and a microphone in his hand. It was Kagamine bell. And the other two-year-old, tall, with long pink hair, holding a whip in both hands, faintly released the queen's aura, it is the megurine stream song.

"Damn!" Lin Luo sprayed directly after seeing these two players playing, almost explaining the peak throne... Nima! Kagane and Mourune turned out to be Hatsune's seal of protection, can they pit a little bit more? !

Tourne probably was very dissatisfied with Hatsune's name, and snarled at Hatsune with a whip, "Asshole! You are the guardian beast, your whole family is the guardian beast, your whole family is the guardian beast... Hey, no! I am! Why did you scold yourself?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and help me fight, this is the responsibility of the guardian beast!" Hatsune ignored her roar, and said aloud.

Kagane was a bit natural and dumb, looking at the situation in front of her, she couldn't understand what was going on, but Hatsune's words made her stunned for a moment. He pulled her tightly and squatted down, drew circles on the stage, and burst into fullness. The voice of resentment, "People are not guardian beasts...People are not guardian beasts...Woo, they are not guardian beasts..."

Hatsune's brows frowned, but he couldn't control so much at this time, and said anxiously, "You two should stop dragging your feet. You are absolutely invincible on that stage. Hurry up and help me. Break the guy's defensive net."

Even if she said that, the three words guardian beast completely hurt Kagamine's heart, still squatting on the ground and drawing a circle of grievances, while the guard glanced in the direction of Hatsune's fingers, and was startled, somewhat at a loss, "What? What's the matter? Why did you fight the man? Didn't you say that the man and you were the same?"

"Don't ask so much now, anyway, just go and teach the stinky man who eats inside and out!" Hatsune got a headache. The guardians of others are so obedient, why only his guardian beast has such a personality? !

The patrol glanced at her, and she held her arms, showing a proud figure, and said disdainfully, "Cut, I won't help you. If you want to fight, go and fight yourself."

Mighty patrol! The highest tour!

After hearing her words, Hatsune hadn't reacted yet, and Lin Luo was already happy. Although they don't know what abilities Kagamine and Tourne have, it's great that they don't want to be an enemy of themselves.

"Huh! Why did those two virtual idols come out again?"

On the other side, when Kasuga was avoiding Lin Luo's destruction of the broken sword attack, his eyes lit up when he saw Kagamine and Mourune. He looked at Lin Luo and Hatsune left and right, and suddenly a "good" idea came up in his heart.

"You two guys don't give me your temper...ah, be careful!" Hatsune persuaded me bitterly, and suddenly saw a figure appear behind them, his face changed suddenly.

"Huh?" Tour Yin was taken aback and didn't understand what was going on, but in a moment he felt someone press his shoulder, and then his consciousness was blurred.

Wow! Wow!

Two crisp voices sounded on the stage. Haruhi Suzumiya was in the center of the stage, holding two sets of calligraphy and painting, looking at Hatsune triumphantly, "Haha, Lady Onion, your two friends have fallen into my hands. Obediently listen to me!"

Everyone was shocked to share, Kagamine and Touryine were locked in the two calligraphy and paintings, as if they were no longer living creatures, but characters in the painting!

"This kind of thing..." Lin Luo was shocked, even the evil king and the dark king, seeing this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

"It's you lunatic again!" His killer was actually caught by Haruhi, and Hatsune became furious. "Damn it, let me go that queen! Let go of that loli!"

"Hmph, I won't let it go." Haruhi ignored her anger.

"Oh, oh, it really is a guy with a bad personality." At this moment, a woman's lazy voice suddenly sounded, and then a blond girl holding a parasol came out of one of the calligraphy and paintings.

"Haruhi Suzumiya, it's not as well known as meeting each other."

The girl held Kagamine, who was still locked in the painting, and faced Haruhi Suzumiya with a playful smile.

This girl is...Yakumo Purple!

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