Chapter 942: Promoting to the quasi-tian tier... the strongest battle is coming!

There is no Caifeng with double wings, and the hero is full of tears... This poem is very well written, and it tells us that if you don’t have the power of the King of the Birds, don’t try to play double flying, otherwise, it will be indomitable. The hero, in the end, can only burst into tears and sigh with joy.

Lin Luo was reading this poem in his heart, and he understood that there was no ambiguity, and sincerely believed that the person who wrote this poem was absolutely talented as a saint, and sooner or later would ascend day by day. Just talk about his own double flying experience...Forget it, let's not talk about it. It is better to leave a little room for imagination for people who have never experienced double flying.

In short, after a day and two nights of fierce fighting, the bee-eaters, Chaoqi and Maiye Shenli, the two **** are very satisfied and happy. They didn't need Lin Luo to mention them at all. They showed kindness and took the initiative to pull him up limp on the bed. Start signing the contract of the heart.

The bee eater kissed Lin Luo's lips, and a burst of colorful ripples spread out, as if the stars and ocean could be seen in her star pupil eyes, like a dream.

"The contract of the heart is activated, and the agreement mode is launched...The current contractor and the contractor have reached a walk together, the current contractor has obtained the proof of restraint-the meaning of the only one, and the current contractor has obtained the proof of the binding-the meaning of infinity."

Afterwards, Mai Ye Shenli pulled Lin Luo's body and offered a kiss on his own initiative. In an instant, gray-black light bloomed from her body, forming a whirlpool, releasing an evil and charming aura.

"The contract of the heart is activated, and the contract mode is launched...The current contractor and the contractor have reached a walk, the current contractor has obtained the proof of restraint-the light of sinking, and the current contractor has obtained the proof of the binding-the breath of depravity."

Contractor: Bee-eater exercise prayer

Body strength: S

Mental strength: SS

Comprehensive strength: Intermediate level

Proof of Constraint: The Meaning of Infinity

Seal of the Guardian: Nightmare Banshee

The heart of the world: the heart of the spirit (number twenty-five, the form and meaning are born from the heart, and the heart is integrated)


Contractor: Mai Ye Shen Li

Body strength: S

Mental strength: SS

Comprehensive strength: Intermediate level

Proof of Restraint: Breath of Depravity

Seal of the Guardian: Black Angel

The Heart of the World: The Fallen Heart (No. 14, the form of my lord is floating and sinking, and the heart is melted)

After the contract was signed, Lin Luo rose to LV4 as he wished. Although a little excited, he really doesn't have the strength to do anything now. Even if the sky falls, he just wants to sleep well and replenish his energy.

Mai Ye and Bee Eater didn't bother him this time. After taking a comfortable bath in the bathroom, the two put on their clothes and left, waved their sleeves without taking away any virginity.

After a day and night of recuperation, Lin Luo finally recovered. After checking his own state a little bit, he told the maids and then entered the retreat mode.

Just when Lin Luo intends to burst out the strength he has accumulated, coupled with his own perception of the heavenly ranks, in order to reach the highest level of his expectations... In a world infinitely far away from him, a person is wearing The beautiful girl in plain clothes stands on the high mountain.

The girl is about sixteen or seventeen years old. Although she is not stunningly beautiful, her delicate face can make people feel her innocence. With her eyes closed, she seems to look into the distance, and she feels the world, a silver-white head. The long hair danced with the breeze, rippling with waves and scales.

Keeping this posture, the girl is motionless, giving people the illusion that she and the rock are one, which will last forever. I don't know how long it took, the girl suddenly opened her eyes, revealing dark eyes that were completely inversely proportional to her hair, bursting with bright light.

"Since that day, I have received everything you have, strength, identity, status, and... determination! The blue silk is white because of this, and the peace of the past disappears without a trace, but I have no regrets, because I was there. I decided in one day...I am the Dark King!"

The girl looked into the distance, as if she was telling someone, or she was talking to herself. Every word revealed her determination and determination, "No matter how difficult the road ahead, whether it is right or wrong, I The path decided... Do not regret, do not look back, go all the way forward!"

"Finally came to this day, finally found it, now..."


While the girl was talking, a huge Huanglong suddenly emerged from the cliff behind her and rushed to the sky in a flash. This yellow dragon's feet are thousands of meters long, with a huge body hovering in the air to cover the sky and the sun, releasing unparalleled domineering... If it is an ordinary person, just looking at it, I'm afraid it will give birth to the thought of kowtow and bow.

"Go!" The girl uttered a clear drink, and she was already standing on Huang Long's back. Huang Long roared and his huge body rushed directly towards the boundless sky.


Lin Luo did not spend a long time in retreat. It only took three days. Maybe it was too fast in the eyes of others, but as far as he was concerned, the speed was not only unsatisfactory, but also slow. After all, he was the sky before. The first person below the order!

He has the experience of being a human for two lives, a sense of heaven, and a deep understanding of power, as well as a familiarity with one's own abilities... All of this broke out completely after reaching LV4... It's like a spring, pressed down. The stronger it is, when it bounces, it will be faster and higher!

"Oh, it looks like a good harvest." In the living room on the first floor, Yaoyao, who hadn't seen him for a long time, finally appeared again and said hello to Lin Luo who had come down from the stairs.

"It's okay, but it's a pity that I didn't reach the heaven level after all." Lin Luo smiled and shook his head, with a hint of regret...Although he pressed the spring very low, his perception of the sky level was still poor after all. After a bit of heat, it failed to reach the sky in one step.

"The heavenly ranks are not so easy to break through. Your current strength has already surprised me." Yao Yao said something very rare, and then said sternly, "Since you have reached this state, then one thing is fine. I told you."

"what's up?"

"It's the Dark King and the Evil King, you should really want to know, right?"

Lin Luo was stunned. He had asked Xinsheng about the dark and evil twin kings before, but Yaoya never said it. Unexpectedly, she took the initiative to mention it this time. Is it because she was not strong enough before, so she didn't want to hit herself?

"The Dark King and the Evil King... how strong are they?" Lin Luo asked instinctively.

"Hmm, hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing." Yao Yao smiled mysteriously, then flicked his finger, a huge mirror suddenly appeared in front of Lin Luo, "Look, these two people are the newly born Dark King and The evil king!"

Lin Luo looked into the mirror. There were two separated images. In one of the images, a 16 or 17-year-old girl in plain clothes, wrapped in eight dragons, stirred the sky and the earth. In another picture, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl stepped on a sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain and made heaven and earth cry for it!

"That's... Xixi?!" Rao Lin Luo was surprised when he saw the girl in plain clothes. Before the Dark King died, he used the fire phoenix to break a lot of news into his mind, and the image of Xixi was also Flashed in his mind for a moment, he did not expect that she would become a new-born Dark King, and her strength even far surpassed the first Dark King, it was incredible.

As for the evil king, he didn't know him, but he was also a strong man of the same level.

Seeing his shock, Yao Yao explained, "They are different from you. When they get the heart code, they also get all the abilities of the former king of the world. Although that is not equal to combat power, their own potential is not. They are far beyond the first generation. Just a month ago, they had all reached the quasi-celestial rank!"

"This is in trouble..." Lin Luo frowned. He originally thought that his current strength should be considered as the number one walker, but he didn't expect that someone would rush to reach the quasi-celestial rank before him... although in the image transmitted by the fire phoenix , Xixi is a very gentle girl, but as far as the situation is concerned, whether it is Xixi or the new evil king, they are not good men and women.

"It's really troublesome, what you need to do next." Yao Yao nodded suddenly.


"Three days ago, when you were in retreat, the new dark king found the location of the new evil king and jumped out of the world to fight with her, and the reason why you and I told you about them is that all you want to do is One piece..." At this point, Yao Yao looked serious, "Stop their fight!"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Luo seemed to think he had heard the hallucinations, "Really?"

Yao Yao asked him to stop the battle between the evil king and the dark king. This... does not seem to be in line with his own position?

Yao Yao naturally knew his doubts, but he said, “Now you don’t have to ask why. In short, if you want to completely eliminate the former proxy god, the power of the four kings of the world is indispensable. Fortunately, they are now using their own will. In the battle, winning them over is the best chance...let go and do it!"

Let it go, you can say it easily!

Lin Luo was speechless, even if he could put aside his relationship and resolve the battle between the two, but where is their combat power, can he stop it?

"The Dark King set off three days ago, and should have been in contact with the Evil King now. If no one stepped forward to stop them, they would either lose both sides, or they would die out..." The demon monster's sharp gaze shot towards Lin Luo, "Chance But only once!"

"...Well, tell me the coordinates!"

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Luo finally nodded and agreed. After all, Yaoyao would not blame him. Since she wants to stop it by herself, then she definitely makes sense. It is not her own style that drags her back.


After a while, Lin Luo left the Sky City, stretched out his hand and pointed forward, a cave flashed out of the void, and walked in without hesitation.

Contractor Lin Luo: The Walker (LV4)

Body strength: SS

Mental strength: SS

Comprehensive strength: quasi-sky

Level up: sixteen more appointments need to be completed

Although a strong person who has reached the quasi-heavy rank cannot really jump out of the world, as a walker, as long as he relies on the ability of the heart code to assimilate the Avenue of Stars, and has the correct coordinates, he can still... jump out of the world!

Looking at Lin Luo's leaving back, Yao Yao showed a thoughtful expression, "It's also a quasi-celestial rank, and his strength alone is not enough, but that girl is about to leave... just in case, by the way Let them know too."

While speaking, Yao Yao flicked his finger, and the two coordinates traveled through the world and flew in different directions.

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