Chapter 931: go to hell! satyr! H will hack you again!

"So, now I won't be fooled by you anymore!" Shana just sat on Lin Luo's waist and looked into his eyes. She didn't seem to feel how warm the two people's postures at the moment were, and said with a serious face. "It's true as you said, if you shoot at a living creature, from the other side's point of view, it is indeed a heinous thing, but!"

Speaking of this, Shana suddenly exploded into a kingly spirit, and took the pineapple bread on the table with a trick to fetch things from the air, and handed it to Lin Luo's eyes, "Pineapple bread is not a living creature, but food. , The meaning of its existence is to let those who like it eat it, and it is also its lifelong wish! I love pineapple bread and eat it all, no matter to me or to it, it is a good deed, and you But ignoring the meaning of pineapple bread, not only did not eat it, but threw it away as garbage. This is not only a heinous sin, it is simply inexcusable!"

"..." Listening to this arrogant remark, Lin Luo wanted to say cheating, but for some reason, he found that he could not find a rebuttal? What a pain this is!

I have definitely been abused by fate in the past two days, so my mind is a little messy... Well, absolutely!

"You guy is already so annoying..." Shana glared at Lin Luo, gritted her teeth as if she was about to eat him, accusing him of all kinds of crimes, "Ignore the mood of pineapple bread now, using rubbish. To call it, to obliterate its existence...Ah! I can never forgive you! For the pineapple bread! Beat you to death!"

As she spoke, her little fist rained down again.

Lin Luo felt a pain in the egg. Probably because of the accumulation of anger, the power of Shana's fist began to rise. She was not so comfortable to hit her body, so she stretched out her hand to block it and said, "Hey, calm down! Okay, I admit that it was my fault, but I still have a lot of pineapple bread here, I will compensate you."

"There is only one pineapple bread you threw away!" Shana yelled in grief, and hit the second wave of Shenma Meteor Fist.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Lin Luo relied on the steel bars and barely resisted.

"Of course it's a life for a life!"

"How can there be such a thing!" Lin Luo was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. It turned out that in Shana's heart, he was actually equal to a pineapple bread... No, it was not as good as a pineapple bread!

"It's just such a thing, it's justified to kill people and pay for their lives!"


"Don't call my name, bastard!"


"Long-winded! You are young!"


"Uh! It's disgusting...Go to hell!" Nana screamed at Shana, frowning, and her belly was overwhelmed, and she punched more violently in shame.

Nimei! I don't show off my power, when I'm a sick cat!

Lin Luo felt that the fists that fell on him were getting heavier and heavier, and he was about to be overwhelmed. He couldn't help but feel angry from the bottom of his heart, and evil grew from the side of the gall. Staying on her two brilliant arms, a peasant suddenly turned over and pressed the landlord...This action, Lin Luo was already very skilled in the fight against Setsuna Mu Naoxiang, at this moment, even Shana didn't have time to react. In between, the situation of the two has completely reversed.

At this moment, Lin Luo is riding on Shana, her thighs are tightly clamped around her waist, and her hands are pressed against her two wrists, spreading left and right, pressing her under her body, and at the same time leaning over her body. Face to face less than 20 centimeters away.

"Woo!" Shana obviously didn't think that it was only for a moment to become the king and loser. When she recovered, she found that Lin Luo's face was close at hand, and her face was flushed with a fiery breath. He got up, his eyes rounded, his mouth slowly began to open, and the strength in his body gradually...


Lin Luo immediately realized that it was not good. If Shana's current strength were to really make a beating, he would definitely not be able to resist it, and it was estimated that one move would have to be second... this kind of thing absolutely can't happen!

It was almost instinctive, without thinking through the brain at all, just like a conditioned reflex. When Shana's mouth opened into an O shape, Lin Luo suddenly lowered her head and sealed her mouth.

Her lips were invaded, Shana was struck by lightning, and the faintly bursting power in her body stopped abruptly, her eyes widened and motionless, her whole body was in a state of crash, unable to react.

Although Shana had calmed down, Lin Luo knew that this was only temporary. As long as she left, Shana would still be stunned, and she would still be immediately instantaneous. Therefore, in order to make her quieter longer, he can only increase the impact on Shana.

Shana didn't close her mouth just now, which brought great convenience to Lin Luo. Between the touch of his lips, his tongue easily got in. Shana's mouth smelled of pineapple bread, but this was not the focus of Lin Luo's attention. She rolled up the clove tongue and tasted it carefully.

The moment Shana went to Lin Luo to kiss her, her head became blank, and she didn't have any reaction. When Lin Luo started to attack the city and land wantonly in her mouth, she seemed even more unconscious, just She stared blankly and looked at a loss, letting Lin Luo take advantage of her.

Although Lin Luo's sudden kiss crashed Shana's consciousness, her proficient kissing skills caused Shana's body to respond instinctively. The soft tongue originally only moved with Lin Luo's sucking, but gradually it became active. She got up, reached into Lin Luo's mouth, and took the initiative to get entangled.

Shana’s kissing skills were very jerky, a little ugly, it was a mess, but it was her jerky that made Lin Luo linger, gradually forgetting the previous purpose, and indulging in the kiss with Shana... It was stained. , The sound of saliva exchange is endless.

There were a lot of maids in the living room on the first floor, but when Shana first pushed Lin Luo down, these maids turned into birds and beasts. At this moment, there were only two of them in the huge living room.

But is this really the case?

Of course it is negative.

These maids are full of personality, except for their physical functions that are different from those of human beings, they are no different from ordinary girls in any other place, and they have a sincere admiration for their masters. In their puberty, they seem to be scattered, but in fact they are hiding in a corner, watching the kiss scene between Lin Luo and Shana carefully, hoping to learn something from them so that they can please their masters in the future.

The kissing scene lasted for nearly five minutes, and the maids felt it was too short. Why did they end when they saw the end? Lin Luo felt just right, whether it was the first experience or Shana's arrogance. Shana felt that the kiss had passed for a long, long time, as long as a century. When Lin Luo left her lips, although she was coming back little by little, she was still at a loss.

Lin Luo looked at her reddish cheeks, pulled her up from the ground, grabbed the hair in her ears, and said softly, "Xana, I like you."

"Uh!" Shana was startled again.

"I like you as much as you like pineapple bread. I want to be with you until the end of time, so... please associate with me." Lin Luo held up her hands, affectionately Watching her.

"I..." Shana seemed to be moved by these words, her blushing face stammered and she couldn't speak, her dark eyes were covered with mist, and she was also looking at Lin Luo affectionately.

"Shana..." Lin Luo only said that she had been moved by herself and was about to go further, but as soon as he spoke, he suddenly saw a trace of bright red flashing through his dark eyes, and his long straight black hair turned into flowing red hair. There was a little igniting light.

Fire and fog fighter status!

Lin Luo was shocked. Before he could react, a fist suddenly expanded in front of his eyes, and then with a bang, the gold star suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Go to hell! You bastard!"

Shana finally woke up completely, instinctively rewarded Lin Luo with a punch, her face was full of shame and anger... Just now, she was pushed down! I was forced to kiss! And I was tempted to kiss back!

What a shame! This is a great shame!

Just one punch couldn't vent the anger in her heart. She, who had both shyness and anger values, rushed up again, punching and kicking Lin Luo who was in a state of dizziness, beating and cursing at the same time.

"Pervert! A thief! Pervert! Indecent! Shameless! Blame Shuli! lo*ic*n! Wife-controlled! Daughter-controlled! Stupid! Disgusting! Bastard! Lost goodness! Built-in QB! Sinai Sinai!!!"

After venting, Shana violently kicked Lin Luo out of the main hall with a bang, and fell onto the atrium of the Sky City.

Unexpectedly, this dead girl really got such a heavy hand... Lin Luo touched her black nose and swollen face, wishing to cry without tears. I thought that thanks to the fortune gathered four days after being violently abused by fate, a little bit of arrogance could make Shana feel better Throw in your arms...but sure enough, this method doesn't work.

And...what? Is there a lot of strange things in the curse just now?

Just struggling to get up from the ground, Lin Luo saw that two wings of fire grew out of Shana’s back and flew out of the main hall. Holding the Zhidian in her hand, she stared at him bitterly. .

Zhi Dianzha made a wiping motion of his neck and threatened viciously, "Hit you again!"

After speaking, the Huo Wing spread out, and she flew out into the distance.

"Shana, wait a minute!" Lin Luo immediately ignored the skin wounds on his body and chased after him.

"Don't come here, you pervert!" Shana shouted without looking back.

"Shana, I have something to tell you!" Lin Luo ignored her threats, instead of stopping, but speeding up. At this time, if he doesn't chase, he will be completely out of the game, even if the sword is in flames!

"I won't listen to anything!"


"Don't call me by such a disgusting name! Sinai!"


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