Chapter 929: Nuwa uses water to replenish the sky, Houtu uses the heart to reign

In ancient times, when the dog eats the moon, there are whales swallowing the sky, and when Mu Naoxiang’s sky-swallowing whale came out, everyone was really shocked, but it wouldn’t be a big deal to think about it, at least from Lin Luo’s eyes, This is just the ability to cut space... When he reaches the level of the first person below the sky level, he can easily erase the "sky" in front of him.

Of course, this sky is just a space visible to the naked eye, not a real world. Although Mu Naoxiang's own ability has nothing to do with space, it does not prevent her Seal of Protection from having such ability.

However, the next scene really made Lin Luo embarrassed.

Seeing that the sky became dark, Mu Naoxiang seemed to be taken aback, and she covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Oh, this is not good, bad things will happen if you want to destroy it indiscriminately."

While she was speaking, Mu Naoxiang suddenly flew to the broken space, her wide sleeves waved with her bare hand, and bursts of water magical power spilled, "The water of the sky."

A huge amount of magic power poured into that dark space, and after a while, the sky returned to its original shape again, as blue as the sea.

Nimei! It can even make up the sky. Is this imitating Nuwa?

Lin Luo is speechless, Mu Naixiang and Heiyan, one can fill the sky, and the other has the ring of Houtu, well, if these two girls are put in the fairy world, wouldn't they be the ready-made Nuwa and Houtu... …Although the current level is still a bit lower.

......The battle has been carried out so far, the guardian seals of both sides have all been revealed, all the strengths have been revealed, and there is no need to deliberately persecute. Although the chakra goblin and monster force loli were swallowed, Black Rock was not worried, not to mention that they would not die. Even if a sky-swallowing whale could defeat them, it would not be possible to actually swallow them up. The mid-level powerhouse swallowed it in his stomach, and he was even more desperate.


The facts are almost the same as Heiyan's calculations. When Minoxiang made up the sky, the Sky-Swallowing Whale jumped out of the sea again, but this time it did not jump out by itself, but was hit by someone... I saw The moment the Sky-Swallowing Whale just jumped out of the sea, Lori came out of its back and quickly came to the tail of the Sky-Swallowing Whale with two steel wrists grasping its tail.

Flicking upwards in that calm gaze, this thousand-meter-long whale was actually thrown high in the sky by the strange force Loli... Lin Luo estimated that only the wrist strength, it is estimated that it is only the ghost clan of Gensokyo. The Four Heavenly Kings can match it, even if he uses his natural divine power, he can't match her.

At the same time, the war-wheel goblin formed a spiral and drilled out of the sky-swallowing whale's abdomen. The huge wound spewed blood from the sky, and the latter couldn't help howling wildly under the severe pain.

Obviously the Death Lord and the Black Gold Sawsaw would not let go of this opportunity, and the two rushed forward like lightning, intending to take the opportunity to kill the Sky Swallowing Whale.

Huh! The white wings flashed by, and the sharp blade of light shot towards the death dominator, it was an instant!

"Hehe." The death ruler showed a wicked smile and greeted him calmly. As long as he blocked the moment, the severely injured Sky-Swallowing Whale would be dealt with by the black gold saw blade alone.

But what she didn't expect was that just before the two collided, the trajectory of the moment suddenly changed, and it flashed from her side inconceivably, and the sword was aimed at the black gold saw hand, "Uranus-Qianluo Yinghua! "

The black gold saw hand is not silent, she doesn't speak at all, but in the face of the thousand sword lights that have been slashed in an instant, she can't help but let out an exclaim, instinctively attaching the red flame to the light of the saw blade. Swing horizontally, forming a sea of ​​flames covering the sky... the next step is like a collision between a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​flames.

Immediately after that, Setsuna again slashed out the Ninomiya Sword, attacking the Death Lord who had not yet reacted.

With such a few tricks, Setsuna has pinned down the two middle-level masters, which makes everyone on the battlefield feel very puzzled. How can Setsuna's strength be one enemy two?

Suddenly, Heiyan thought of something, and hurriedly looked at Mu Nao Xiang, and found that the other party was dancing with two folding fans, spinning in mid-air, and the huge magic power that was faintly visible to the naked eye was continuously transported towards the moment.

That's it!

Heiyan finally understood that this is the connection of magic power-unlimited magic power increase!

With Mu Naoxiang’s infinite magical support, although it is impossible to jump to the realm of Mossara, the power, speed, and all the reaction abilities can all be raised by a step. The masters compete, the competition is always the first line, and all her abilities have reached the increase, and must be blocked The two intermediate levels are obviously not strange.

Thinking of this, Heiyan immediately attacked Mu Nao Xiang. Although she could not prevent the connection of the opponent's magic power, she was able to suppress it as much as possible, so that the transmission of magic power would not be too abnormal. At the same time, she also instructed the war-wheel fairy and monster power loli to continue attacking the Sky-Swallowing Whale. As long as the Sky-Swallowing Whale is destroyed, they are crowded and still have a chance of winning.

"Drink!" With a clear drink, the big sword and the giant blade slashed straight towards Mu Nao Xiang with a momentum of opening up the world.

Mu Naoxiang was unmoved, and a water giant was once again formed in the surging magic power, tyrannically blocking the attack of the black rock, and at the same time chuckled, "Baby whale is not so easy to deal with, it swallows people, and It's not useless."

Heiyan is indifferent, every slash with the aura of the earth, domineering and swift... She naturally knows that Mu Naoxiang's greatest reliance is infinite magic. Since it can increase Momentum, the same can be done with the sky swallowing whale. It looks serious, but in fact it is just a skin injury.

However, the residents of their pure white world are not that simple.

The battle between the two sides is in full swing. The entire battlefield has been divided into three parts. One is the hand-to-hand battle with the Death Lord and the Black Gold Saw. The second battlefield is the Sky-Swallowing Whale, Monster Force Loli, and War-Wheel Fairy. Here is the collision of power. Almost every impact will make the sound of the sky and the earth. Not to mention the sky shaking, even the entire Black Sea below. In Roaring Pentium, the majestic momentum can be seen.

As for the third battlefield, of course, it is Mu Nao Xiang and Hei Yan.

What the two fight is not skill and strength, but their respective advantages. Mu Nao Xiang tried to consume Black Rock's combat power with unlimited magic power, while Black Rock tried to suppress Mu Nao Xiang with the restraint of attributes. One side is water and the other side is soil. The collision of water and soil is like an erupting flood and a dam that traverses east and west, making people feel like they are surging.

The girls fought so fiercely, Lin Luo looked very passionate at first, after all, in this kind of battle, there will be scenes of bursting clothes...Although he watched the nakedness of several other girls except for the four members of the runaway team. Yes, but different environments have different tastes, not to mention violent clothes.

But it's a pity that besides the sharp attack of these girls, the defense is also outrageous. After playing for so long, even a piece of clothing can't be lost. This is too unscientific!

Gradually, Lin Luo lost much interest. Of course, there is no violent clothes on the one hand, but the more important reason is that these girls have been playing for too long. They have been playing from morning to noon and still have no winners or losers, and even no signs of defeat are visible. After pinching each other for so long, they are still full of energy.

"Ah..." When the sun was about to set in the evening, Lin Luo couldn't help but yawn. At this moment, he suddenly heard the phone ring in his pocket. Dinner is ready.

Lin Luo hung up the phone and saw that the sisters who were opposite were still talking, he couldn't help shouting, "Hey, I say everyone, although I know you are very interested, I am not embarrassed to interrupt you, but I still propose to have dinner first. How about playing again? Don’t you feel hungry?"

"..." Hearing this sentence, everyone was speechless. After eating, they would fight again. Can they still fight? Fighting is not about being one-shot.

Seeing that they had no intention of stopping, Lin Luo shook his head and flew towards the sky city by himself. However, when he just started, he thought of something. He turned around and said seriously, "That...instant, Mu Naoxiang, you It’s better to sit back and exercise at night. It’s not good to be exhausted."


As soon as these words were said, the sword of Shisuna almost broke out, and Munaoka's magical connection was almost broken.

"There is also Black Rock, you can join if you want to exercise, I can also toss over one-on-three."

Heiyan didn't stand firm, and fell directly from the sky.


This shocking battle should have lasted a long, long time, but because of some unscrupulous few words, the battle ended without a problem.

Mu Naoxiang and Setsuna were embarrassed, even Heiyan was angry.

After hurriedly eating dinner, the three girls didn't say anything, and went straight into the virtual world, devoting themselves to their own practice, so that Lin Luo's one-enemy-three exercise was soaked.

Lin Luo expressed emptiness, loneliness, and coldness. Sleeping alone was not very comfortable. In desperation, he had to find fate to vent...Although it was abuse.

The hosts’ retreats and exits have no regularity. Lin Luo has been abused by fate for three consecutive days, and the next host has not come out, and the door of the super ring tone has no sign of opening. Only the demon will occasionally appear, but for Lin Luo didn't dare to make an idea for this banshee of ten thousand years.

Let alone the problem of strength, even if you let go of the courage to molested, in the end, you will only become the party being molested. That is really a depressing thing.

Suddenly, Lin Luo felt that it was a bit far away to rise to LV4.

However, this illusion disappeared from his mind at noon the next day, because the next host was finally about to leave the customs, which made Lin Luo a little bit excited. Five minutes before the other party left the customs, he was already excited. Wait at the door.

"Oh! So it's you!"

Only when he saw the other party, Lin Luo felt...LV4 is really far away.

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