Chapter 925: In the season when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, unfold the Shuangfei Story

"This... If Mu Naoxiang really thinks like this, we won't object." The guards of Yongchun and his wife were stunned for a moment, then nodded and said to the girl.

The Konoe family is very old-fashioned. Three wives and four concubines have been very popular in their previous generations. It is not an exclusion. If the daughter really thinks this will be happy, they will not stop it.

"Teacher, how about you?" Seeing no objection from her parents, Mu Naoxiang asked Lin Luo again.

Seeing everyone’s eyes looking at him, Lin Luo scratched his head, somewhat embarrassed. Fortunately, his face was not badly dimensional. He touched his chin and looked up at the sky forty-five degrees, "Well, of course I don’t. Mind, but this matter mainly depends on Xiaosha's wishes."

"Xiaosha, would you like to marry me with me?" Mu Naoxiang immediately looked at Shi Na pitifully, her eyes full of expectation... For some reason, Lin Luo felt that there were multiple meanings in her words.

"This, this..." Susuna was obviously not as calm as Mu Naoxiang, blushing like a burnt iron, wringing a pair of fingers, completely at a loss.

Mu Nao Xiang could say things like marriage of three people in the crowd, but Yissana's character, even if he only likes two words, is hard to tell.

However, as everyone knows, Mu Naoxiang is a natural black, this kind of person usually does not show the mountains and dew, there will often be unexpected actions at the critical moment, and it is a good deal to deal with the arrogant girl.

In the end, under Mu Naoxiang's tender offensive, Setsuna finally nodded, "I...I do."

"Oh yeah, great, in this way Xiaosha will become my bride!" Mu Naoxiang cheered immediately, rubbing her cheek happily with the body that was holding Setsuna, and she almost fainted by her.

This guy is really changing the concept...Lin Luo finally understands that Mu Naoxiang asked Setsuna to participate in the wedding. It is not that she wants Setsuna to marry herself, but she wants to marry Setsuna... Well, anyway, the one who has the advantage in the end is herself, just follow Let her go.

"Very well, since everyone has no opinion, let's hold the wedding right away." Mu Naoxiang's mother said immediately when everyone had discussed it. Compared with Guard Wing Chun, she is a bit more decisive... Obviously, the real master of this family is not Guard Wing Chun, but her.

Lin Luo looked at his two lives, although his sisters have been overthrown a lot, and he even had sons and daughters, but it was the first time that he got married in the true sense, and even he was a little nervous. And this time marrying two wives the first time I get married, this is really... double happiness!

Lin Luo had seen other people get married before, but at that time he only noticed that the bride was more beautiful, but didn't know anything about other things. This time it was his turn to get married, and he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, his father-in-law and mother-in-law have already prepared everything. He and Mu Nao Xiangsuna only need to put on floral clothes and follow the instructions.

Lin Luo has always repelled others to point fingers at him, but this time he was very grateful that someone pointed fingers at him, anyway, he was happy to relax.

Although the wedding was held hurriedly this time, the guests present were only related to people from the headquarters of the Western Incantation Association, and even the head of the academy did not come to attend, but it was organized from beginning to end, from putting on the wedding dress to giving it away. The moment I entered the bridal chamber, there was no mistake, even the extremely shy person in that moment fully played his role.

"Well, there's nothing to do with you here, let's be your bridegroom." At nightfall, the wedding banquet came to an end, and Mu Naoxiang's mother drove Lin Luo into the bridal chamber without saying anything.

Facing such a mother-in-law, Lin Luo can only say-this is my blessing!

As soon as he entered the bridal chamber full of red paper and beaming, Lin Luo saw two brides wearing red cloth sitting quietly on the eaves of the bed. His heart jumped, and an evil word appeared in his mind-Shuangfei!

Although his efficiency in tearing down his sister is not very bad, it can be seen that even a woman as strong as Emperor Wudi has been pushed and pushed by him, but he has never experienced the fun of double flying for a long time, but now he can justify it. Shuangfei, this is simply... Lin Luo couldn't help being excited.

Lin Luo walked over lightly and stood in front of the two girls, and then calmed down for a while, and stretched out his hand to uncover the bride's turban... He could faintly feel the one on the left trembling slightly, and the one on the right although I didn't tremble, and my breath was more urgent.

Lin Luo estimates that the one on the left is Momentum, and the one on the right is Mu Naoxiang.

With a clatter, the moment he unveiled his head scarf, two young girls in kimonos suddenly appeared in front of him. They were already extremely beautiful after deliberately dressing up, making them even more amazing.

As he had expected, the moment on the left was already flushed with nervousness. At the moment when the headscarf was removed, she instinctively closed her eyes, not daring to look at it. On the right, Mu Naoxiang was nervous when she wore a headscarf, but when she saw Lin Luo without the headscarf, she suddenly became bold again, smiled slightly, and her face was a little bit shy, "Teacher, am I looking good now?"

"It used to be beautiful, but now it looks better." Lin Luo smiled and sat between the two girls.

Instantly, Lin Luo was too nervous. In order to calm her down, Lin Luo didn't touch her for a while, grabbed Mu Naoxiang's hand, and corrected, "But you should call my husband now, right?"

"No, I still like to call you teacher." Mu Naoxiang said coquettishly.

"Then it's up to you." Lin Luo didn't reluctantly, to him, how he called it was the same.



After a few words, the room suddenly fell into silence. For the first time facing this kind of situation where one dragon and two phoenixes, Lin Luo didn't know how to start, and although Mu Naoxiang was bold on the surface, her heart was still a bit nervous, and she hoped that Lin Luo Being able to take the initiative, the two looked at each other, and they were speechless for a while.

"Why didn't the teacher do it?" In the end, Mu Naoxiang was able to let go a little bit. She leaned against Lin Luo while her eyes were moving, grabbed his hand and pressed it on her chest, and said quietly, "Mum taught me just now. ."

Lin Luo felt the softness of the girl's chest, and couldn't help swallowing her saliva, put her other hand around her body, and asked, "What did you teach you?"

Mu Naoxiang leaned into his ear and exhaled, "Teach me 18 ways to serve my husband."


Lin Luo almost spit rice. Although she knew that ancient mothers would tell her daughters about all kinds of **** when they got married, she didn't expect that Mu Naoxiang's mother knew this well, but she had gained insights.

But after this, the awkward atmosphere has been reduced a lot.

Lin Luo couldn't bear to live up to Mu Naoxiang's kindness, lifted her chin in her expectant eyes and kissed eagerly, and Mu Naoxiang responded with the most gentleness.

After a while, Lin Luo took off all the girl’s clothes with his hands, stroking and watching her flawless body, bursts of fragrance rushing to his face, Lin Luo could no longer suppress the desire in his heart, and took the girl. Hugging to the bed, his naked body pressed up.

"Wait, there is a small brake." Just when Lin Luo wanted to enter the girl's body, Mu Naoxiang stretched out her hand to block him, and her eyes indicated that Lin Luo was still sitting on the edge of the bed.

Lin Luo understood, chuckled lightly, and grabbed Shi Na directly.

" can just play by yourself, no, leave me alone!" Suddenly, he was panicked.

"Xiaosha is really nonsense, you are also a bride, how can we leave you... let me teach you first." Mu Naoxiang suddenly hugged Setsuna's neck and kissed her before she could react.

Susuna's eyes widened immediately, but no matter where she could stop Mu Naoxiang's offensive, she had fallen into it after a while, and the sound of stained water came from their mouths.

Lin Luo took advantage of this opportunity to also strip off the clothes of Shi Na, revealing her white jade body.

The two naked girls just lay under them, completely igniting Lin Luo's sun, even Mu Naoxiang felt it, and the steel-like hardness against her inner thighs became more and more scorching, and she couldn't help her heart. It is rippling, and the private parts are already overflowing with water.

Seeing the eyes from the opposite side, Lin Luo knew it well, and immediately raised the girl's fragrant buttocks, and the waist entered Mu Naoxiang's body, and then a series of conquests were launched amidst the girl's painful and happy cries.

Not long after, Mu Naoxiang was already limp on the bed, she didn't even have the strength to kiss her, and her lower body was covered with red and white stains.

However, Lin Luo was still in good spirits, changed hands and grabbed Shi Na again, and acted on her.

"No, don't...I still don't..." Setsuna just heard the eldest lady's cry, knowing that the kind of thing is extremely painful, plus she was shy and screamed in panic.

Lin Luo pressed her under her body, squeezed her breasts, teasing, "If you want to refuse, you have to be before the wedding, but now you are my wife, it is useless to refuse."

After speaking, Lin Luo kissed him, taking in the sweetness from the girl's mouth to his heart's content.

"Woo..." Under the successive offensives of Mu Naoxiang and Lin Luo, Mossana was already emotional, and Lin Luo was teased at this moment, and immediately gave up resistance. Immediately afterwards, in a cry of pain, the girl's lower body also sprinkled a little bit of red, enjoying the painful and happy feeling.

In the end, it was even worse.

However, this night of the bridal chamber will not end because of this. The three of them are of strong physique. Needless to say, Lin Luo, Mu Naoxiang and Setsuna quickly recovered after the initial pain, at Lin Luo's instigation. Next, plunge into the wonderful sport again.

One man and two women will come and go on this bed, or hug left and right, or stack up and down, or real dragon and phoenix, or lily blossoms, posing eighteen-like poses, which is extremely absurd.

Even the bright moon outside the window seemed to be ashamed of all this, hiding in the clouds.

Only the sound of stained water, and the endless groans of the two girls resounded endlessly.

Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

Chapter 926 The title lady turned into a housemaid and couldn’t leave the door behind closed doors, so let’s see how long Title King’s big gun is... long, long, long... Nimei, it's almost a circle around the earth, Lin Luo originally planned. If the world doesn't have huge changes like last time, then go back early, but the unexpected marriage has delayed the return journey.

Guard Wing Chun is fine to say, but the mother-in-law is a strong woman. How could her daughter leave so quickly when she got married? Even if you don't wait for your grandson to be born, you have to spend your honeymoon before leaving.

Lin Luo couldn't help feeling ashamed. It was absolutely impossible to leave after his grandson was born. As for the honeymoon, he was also very reluctant. After all, when he came here, the next host was about to leave the customs, so she couldn't let her wait too long. Therefore, after the final discussion, they had to step back and stay in this world for a week.

Seven days is acceptable to Lin Luo. Based on the time ratio of the two worlds, it is only a little more than a day to reach the Ming Realm. Even if the next host leaves the customs, it can be considered as giving her some preparation time.

For the first five days, Lin Luo stayed in the real world to be a good son-in-law and a good husband. He had fun during the day and endless fun at night, doing his best to satisfy the two wives.

In the last two days, he took two newly married young women who were getting more and more beautiful to the wizarding world... The little apprentice Negi got news as early as the first day he came to this world, but he couldn’t smoke because of his busy work. When time came to the real world, Guard Wing Chun told him that Lin Luo had gone to the magical world at this moment, and he immediately waited at the teleportation formation.

Not only him, but even the group of "non-humans" who are hard to see at ordinary times, who didn't know where they got the news of Lin Luo's return, ran out one after another, so lively.

After everyone met, they couldn't help but have a long conversation. Some people talked with their mouths, while others talked with their fists... For example, the muscular man from Lakan likes to talk with his fists the most.

The magical world has undergone a little change in nature due to the relationship of the creator. Not to mention, under this change, after four years, Lakan has also changed from a human-shaped nuclear bomb to a human-shaped Gundam. Lin Luo Yiling The strength of Tier Dianfeng really took a lot of hands and feet to beat him down.

It's just that when facing Instant, Red Wings ate the turtles, after all, the strength of Instants has reached the Intermediate level, even if the entire Red Wings add up, it is not her opponent.

A little rookie in the past, in just four years, he has grown to the point where they can stand behind him. When he was hit, he was shocked. He was curious about what kind of magic Lin Luo used. It could have made Setsuna and Mu Naoka make such great progress.

In this regard, Lin Luo can only laugh without saying a word. When he died last time, there was only an Intermediate Spirit Level, and now he has jumped to a big level. It has nothing to do with him, it is entirely due to the demon’s credit and herself. His hard work...Of course, it was his credit to Setsuna to become more beautiful.

Regarding the magical world, Negi has become the actual spokesperson of the Creator. With his own ability, the prestige of the Red Wings, and the cooperation of various countries, it has changed completely from the last time he left. There are still many dark forces in China, but basically they don't dare to be too public.

Regarding these dark forces, Neji and the others adopted a soft and hard attitude. Although Lin Luo thought it was more convenient to use iron and blood, he no longer wanted to interfere in the affairs of this world, so he just let them go, anyway. Under the current situation, those dark forces can't make a big storm either.

It is also worth mentioning that the Creator has entered a state of retreat two years ago, and the reason is...The Creator has absorbed that huge magic block that can destroy the entire world!

At the beginning, Super Ringtone said that if the magic block explodes, the world is likely to be completely destroyed. Regarding this, Negi and others and the Red Wings have always been worried, looking for a solution, and They didn't expect that the Creator would have absorbed that thing directly!

Even though this solves a major problem, they are a little worried about the Creator. It would be better to absorb it cleanly. If the absorption fails and it causes abnormal changes, it is too dangerous.

Of course, after two years, there was no movement from the Creator, which gave them a lot of peace of mind. At least at this stage, it seems that they have not failed.

After listening to several people’s accounts, Lin Luo estimated that the magic block might be a product left over from ancient times. Although this magical world was projected by the creator after the war of destruction, it does not prevent the creator from putting the ancient heritage in Here.

And the Creator absorbed the magic block, which probably means that she has almost returned to her peak state. There is only one existence that connects the two eras, and it is possible for the Creator to go further.

Lin Luo couldn't help but look forward to this. In the ancient times, the strength of the Creator had reached the high level of the ground level, and he was one of the top ten. This time, if he could go further, the peak of the ground level would be appropriate. If I tell her in detail about my feelings about the heavenly rank, it is not impossible to reach the quasi-heaven rank or even the heavenly rank in the future.

The creator is the person on his side, the stronger the better, of course.

However, judging from the current situation, I didn't have a chance to see her.

Therefore, Lin Luo had to put this matter aside and talk about it later.

After a short stay in the magical world for two days, that night, he bid farewell to everyone and returned to the Ming Realm with Mu Nao Xiang and Shi Na. Of course, because the intimacy with Mu Naoxiang had reached the requirement, Lin Luo opened the door to the world from a height of 10,000 meters above the palace of the tombkeeper, connecting the two worlds.

Regarding this matter, he had his own opinions and did not tell others about it. Not only did he lock the door of the world, he also used a special method to hide it. The strong who did not reach the ground level would not be able to see it.

After returning to the Sky City, I asked my sister Shao Chang a little bit to let Lin Luo know that there was indeed a host who had left the customs, and it was just yesterday noon.

Knowing the location of the host, Lin Luo first let Mu Naoxiang and Shi Na go back to the room to rest, and then left the Sky City alone.

Under the dazzling starlight, the night of Mingjie is not dark, but it looks misty, as if it is covered with a layer of silver sand, and it has a special mood.

Lin Luo rushed for nearly half an hour, and finally found the figure of the host in a black sea hundreds of miles away from the city of the sky... with double ponytail hair styles of various lengths, large black cloaks, and extremely revealing clothes. Clothing, holding a long sword with both hands in reverse, the most striking thing is the blue flame in the left eye-the black rock shooter, standing quietly on the sea.

Heiyan doesn’t stay in Sky City when she’s okay. It’s not that she doesn’t like Sky City. It’s just that she is a little lonely and generally has no serious matters. She either locks herself in the room or stays. Exercise in the ordinary exercise room, or come outside to practice alone.

And this Black Sea is her favorite place to stay.

"One is staying here, thinking about something?" Lin Luo came to her and asked seemingly casually.

Hei Yan heard from the maid yesterday that he had returned, and the excitement in his heart had long since calmed down. At this moment, when he heard Lin Luo's figure turn around, his face was as usual, "Feeling."

Lin Luo touched his chin, somewhat puzzled, "Your power is the earth. Even if you feel it, you should stand on the ground and feel it. What does it mean to stand on the sea?"

"There is also the earth under the sea, and there is also the earth under the sky. No matter where you stand, you can feel the earth." Hei Yan said blankly.

"Well, it seems that your realm is already very high. Sure enough, your cultivation during this period of time was not in vain." Lin Luo smiled slightly.

Hei Yan shook his head, "It's still far away. I don't have the confidence to defeat anyone."

Lin Luo naturally knows that any person she said refers to other hosts. Not to mention that the three Gui Daidais are newcomers. He hasn’t seen the others and it’s not easy to make judgments, but for those who have already left the customs, even It is also very difficult to defeat them with Black Rock's current strength.

There are two high-ranking five-level Liuliu and Levli, a martial emperor comparable to the high-ranking, and a pair of twins who can easily leapfrog and kill the enemy. Even the healer of Mu Naoxiang, her defensive power is terribly powerful. It is really difficult for Black Rock to defeat them, but on the other hand, she may not be defeated at the same level.

But with Heiyan's character, in her opinion, maybe if you can't win, you lose.

Lin Luo was silent for a while when she saw that she stopped talking, and then said: "I met Hatsune again this time. Although I didn't see her directly, I found what she left behind."

"Really." Hearing the news of Hatsune, Heiyan was not as excited as before, and looked particularly calm, "How strong is her?"

"It's very strong. Among the hosts I have seen, probably only Mikoto can be shorter than her."

"Quasi-Tian Rank!" Hei Yan's gaze was slightly surprised.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded. There is no doubt about Hatsune's quasi-celestial rank. Since Mikoto can attack the celestial rank, the quasi-celestial rank is necessary. Heiyan obviously judged the strength of Hatsune from Mikoto's strength.

Heiyan pondered for a while, and then frowned rare, "Hatsune is a quasi-celestial rank, then it's troublesome."

"What do you mean?" Lin Luo was taken aback.

Heiyan's complexion was a bit solemn, and he said solemnly: "She is my sister, I can feel something, Hatsune will become our enemy in the near future."

"What?!" Rao was Lin Luo, and was shocked after hearing these words. Hatsune will become their enemy... Is it possible?

Hei Yan shook his head, "Maybe it's not that exaggerated, but it will definitely cause us trouble soon, so it's best to be careful."

Lin Luo observed her expression and found that she didn't seem to be talking about it. With the special relationship between Kuroiwa and Hatsune, her feelings probably couldn't go wrong, but...

If Hatsune really caused them trouble, it would really be a big trouble!

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