Chapter 874: Invasion Invasion Invasion... the title girl of counterattack!

Altria said that she didn’t hesitate to go to the sword bar, even if she was about to face the betrayal, even if she was about to face what was pointed out by thousands of people, even if she was about to face the butcher knife of the person she was protecting, her tone There is always no wavering, decisively.

Looking at her expression, everyone knows that her will is determined, no one can stop it, and in fact, no one will stop it.

"Merlin said that if you know about this, you will definitely go. He really didn't make a mistake." Vivien said quietly, but she stood up, "I have said everything I want to say. Then I should go now."

"Wait a minute!" Altria stopped her and asked, "Merlin already knew?"

"You want to ask Merlin if he already knows why he didn't tell you? Merlin is not the only one who knows, but there is only one reason for not telling you. I think you should understand what that is." Vivian said that it was not clear. However, Altria could already understand that touching her own future is a taboo among taboos.

"Good luck everyone." After Vivian finished speaking, she bowed gently to everyone, and then her figure slowly disappeared in place.

Don’t look at Vivian’s soft and weak, but if you really think she is a weak woman, you are wrong. Regarding the position of the goddess in the lake, she is still above Morgan and has been with Merlin for so long. , Even if you don’t learn anything, you will open up a lot of knowledge under the influence of ears and eyes. If you really fight, let alone Morgan can not be her opponent, even if they are one-on-one, they may not dare to say that they will win her.

After Vivian left, Altria finally looked at Lin Luo and said solemnly, "Please allow my last willfulness. I will go anyway in this line."

"I understand, do you need help?" Lin Luo nodded. He also knew that Altria's battle must be fought. Although she would not lose to anyone with her current strength, the enemy she had to face was It is the knight of the round table, the knight who has been following her, can she really recover immediately from such a blow?

Altria shook her head, without confusion and doubt, only the determination to move forward, "This is my own business, and it is also my responsibility. As a king, let me take this responsibility alone as a king for the last time. Well, this is the request of my life!"

Lin Luo originally thought, even if you don’t need everyone to go, at least he wants to use it. After all, he is still a palace sign, but after hearing this, he can only sigh helplessly, “Since the request of a lifetime has been spent, Then I have no way to refuse, well, you can go alone."

"Oh! Do you really let her go alone?" Fujibayashi and Osmanthus Daisy suddenly changed their colors. They didn't know the legend of King Arthur in Xingyue. They only heard the legend of King Arthur in folk. In those legends, King Arthur died by the sword. Battle of the column, now let Altria go alone...

"Is this really okay?" Even Fujibayashi, who often goes against Altria, frowned at this moment and looked at Lin Luo. She did see Altria being upset, after all, the other party had robbed her man, but...this is not the reason for her to watch the other party go to death!

"Thank you for your concern, but I will not change this decision. Don't embarrass him anymore." Before Lin Luo could speak, Altria had already spoken first, and then she picked up the baby in Lin Luo's arms. , Her face exudes the brilliance of maternity, "And I am not looking for death, just to take the responsibility that I should bear, even if it is just for this child, I will survive strong."

"...Okay." Seeing the perseverance on her face and knowing that the opposition was invalid, Fujibayashi Xing and Gui Daidai didn't say anything.

"King, please allow me to move forward with you, I am the king's guardian knight!" At this moment, Bediville knelt down on one knee, raised his head to meet Altria's sight, and made a sound.

Originally, when she heard Vivian talk about the domestic unrest two days ago, she could not sit still, but after Vivian's persuasion, she finally calmed down. After all, her status in the Knights of the Round Table is not very high, and war is inevitable, even if she rushes away, it will not make much difference. Moreover, with her alone strength, she may not be able to walk out of this sea of ​​demons.

Vivienne's remarks were sensible, and she had no room for refutation, and finally had to wait patiently for Altria to return. At this moment, since the king is ready to move forward, the knight who is the king does not have to hesitate.

"I see, Bediwell, you can go with me."

What Altria sees from her eyes is the same as her own determination. She can refuse other people’s help because they have nothing to do with her own country. She can refuse Lin Luo’s help because the child needs the father. , But she can't refuse Bediwell, because Bediwell is a knight of the round table, guarding the king is her glory as a knight, and she can't tarnish her glory in any way!

This knight who never abandons himself at all times.

"Yes, my king!" Bediwell yelled, standing straight beside the king.

As soon as he left, Lin Luo realized that Altria looked at the child with a sense of dismay, so he let Fujibayashi and the others stay here and said to her, "Let me see you for a ride."

Altria nodded, and walked out with Lin Luo and Bediwell in his arms.

Bediwell watched Lin Luo walking side by side with his king, while the king was still holding a child in his arms. Although he was under such tension, his heart was full of suspicion... No matter how you look at this situation, it is a family. The appearance of three mouths, and the words of Altria just now clearly revealed that she has an unusual relationship with the baby in her arms, and there is also a great ambiguity between her and Lin Luo. As long as she is a person with a brighter head, it can be seen at a glance. see through.

But Bediville didn't understand. Of course she had thought about that aspect too, but how did you make her believe that the two could give birth to a child after only one month away? This speed is too fast! But if that child is not Wang's child, how could Wang show his maternal tenderness?

Bediwell couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't ask, but kept his eyes on the two of them.

Leaving the lakeside cottage and walking up the dry forest path, Lin Luo stopped and looked at the worried Altria, "Remember what I said?"

Altria nodded, but said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I can't accept it now."

Although Lin Luo hadn't talked about the world line and the battle of Gods, he did mention the contract, and also secretly revealed that once the contract was signed, they would be able to leave the world and stay away from the troubles of the kingdom's shackles. However, even if Altria gave everything to him, she did not compromise on this point, even in the tender moments after the climax, she never agreed.

"I know." Lin Luo stretched out his hand and stroked her cheek, and said in harmony, "I didn't want you to agree right away, nor did I want to put pressure on you at this time. You just need to remember, no matter what the appointment is. It is still valid."

"Hmm." Altria grabbed Lin Luo's hand and nodded gently, "I understand, when this matter is over, if I am still alive... No, I will live, whether it is for you or for us. My child, so, waiting for me to come back, at that time, I will be your woman with peace of mind and stay by your side."

"Ah!" The two flirted and flirted ignoring the existence of Bediwell, but Bediwell could not be regarded as missing, and almost jumped up. The most impossible thing became a reality... how? !

But what surprised Bediwell was more than that. At this moment, Lin Luo suddenly took Altria's body and kissed it heavily. Altria’s breath was held back because of this, and Bediwell was the same. She only felt that the world was changing too fast, and it was beyond her scope of understanding. Although Morgan’s actions and plans were like sparkling fire, they were similar to Lin Luo. Compared with Altria, it's still insignificant.

"Oh..." Seeing the two people kissing, Bediwell sighed secretly. She didn't sigh for the king's derailment, but sighed for the king's fate. The current king is undoubtedly happy, but this kind of happiness is short-lived, and may not exist after today.

As a guardian knight, I must not only protect the safety of the king, but also protect the happiness of the king. Can I really do it? Do you have that ability?

Altria thought that Lin Luo was kissing herself goodbye. She didn't know if she would be able to come back, so she was very involved, but she suddenly felt something was delivered to her mouth, she just swallowed it as soon as she slipped. I was shocked by my throat.

The moment his lips split, Lin Luo smiled and said, "This is a gift from me. Although I don't know if it's useful, I think it should be helpful."

"Yeah." Altria nodded and didn't ask what it was. She just kissed the baby in her arms and said softly, "Good boy, wait here with Dad. Mom will be back soon. "

Then, she handed the baby to Lin Luo's hand, and Lin Luo also handed the lightspeed skateboard over...I want to get to the sword stall in the shortest time, only their feet can't do it.

"I'm leaving." Stepping on the lightspeed skateboard, Altria looked back. Although there was reluctance and nostalgia in her eyes, she did not hesitate at all. When the voice fell, she had already rushed towards the sky with Bediwell.

Lin Luo looked at her back and couldn't help laughing. It was always men who set off for women to see off, but now it is the other way round. It seems that his road to soft food is not over yet.

"Wow..." At this moment, the baby opened his eyes and waved a pair of small hands, as if to see off his mother.

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