Chapter 872: Sorry, today’s title is at rest

The reaction caused by the completion of the inverse causal line of the scabbard was finally settled by Lin Luo and the others within a year, and even helped Gaia Alaya clear the prowlers occupying the cracks of the world, and the cracks of the whole world. The black mist has been removed, and even the air has become much fresher, and it looks like an ordinary ancient scene from a distance.

Originally, they could leave after solving the problems here, but Altria had just finished giving birth, and her body was inevitably a little weak, although Lin Luo tried to use the most primitive method to transfer the power of the scabbard in her body to her. ...It's really just to alleviate the state of weakness. It's definitely not because I haven't been lonely and empty and cold for more than seven months...Well, believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

However, even if Lin Luo worked hard to help Altria recover her body, her body did not recover quickly. For this reason, they had to stay in the world for a few more days.

During the period, Fujibayashi and the others did not come to trouble him. There was a child in the middle, which more or less resolved some of the embarrassment and contradictions between the two parties.

Lin Luo saw that Teng Lin Xing seemed to like the appearance of a child very much, so he suggested that she should give birth to one as well. Fujibayashi was cooking at the time. While cutting a large ham with a kitchen knife, he smiled and said, "Okay, I also want to help you have a baby, as long as you let me be the king of cute in three years... No, that’s not right. It's been two years, ha ha ha."

Lin Luo was scared away at the time, he was afraid that the kitchen knife would fly between his legs.

He had nothing to do. After eating at noon and putting the child to sleep, he ran to hook up with Gui Daisy. Although the latter was successfully hooked up by him, the price was that he was dragged by Gui Daisy and practiced for two hours. …It’s not a pairing practice, but a sword practice.

Especially the pitfall is that the president of the president strictly forbids him to fight back and can only resist with the power of the heart and eye, while she has to try to break through the shackles of the heart and eye... Lin Luo was chopped a lot of swords for this, but fortunately all of them were wounded. However, the angles of a few swords were very tricky, almost causing him to have a psychological shadow on the sword.

In a short time, he no longer dared to compete with the president.

In the afternoon, Lin Luo wanted to exchange feelings with Lihua Play, but after a while, the pure angel stopped other actions other than kissing, and instead dragged him to play games.

Playing games is a good thing, and Lin Luo likes it too, but the problem is that Angel sauce has become obsessed with girl games recently... What is girl games, don’t you know? It's a game where the player plays the heroine and then goes to attack the hero... Nimei, this puts Lin Luo under great pressure!

Fortunately, these girl games produced by Lihua Music are pure love, and there are no uncomfortable pictures, so that Lin Luo will not be blinded, but even so, his heart can't bear it... let him play the role of a girl. The player watched "I" talking to a beautiful young boy Jiao Didi, and returned his sister's arrogant jealousy, it was more uncomfortable than killing him!

Although the female protagonist is very similar to Lihua, the male protagonist is very much like himself... Is it because Xiaozou is obsessed with girl games to capture himself?

After this experience, Lin Luo dared not touch the game for the time being, for fear that he would stumble and sell his soul to Lucifer. In order to relieve this pressure, he can only go to Altria again at night and do what he should do while the child is asleep.

Time passed in such a harmonious and disharmonious state. A few days later, Altria's body finally recovered, and Lin Luo and the others were also about to leave. When everything was ready, the two loli were no different from before, except that Gaia looked at Lin Luo's eyes a little more ambiguous, and did not hold back. They sent the five of them out of the hall of restraint on the same day. .

Parting is always sad, and this sentence is sometimes wrong. At least when he parted with Gaia Alaya, Lin Luo did not have any sadness. Anyway, these two loli will have a chance to see you again in the future, and Gaia still yells. Going to the Crystal Palace, she will realize her dream one day.

Reunion is always joyful, and this sentence is not entirely correct. At least when Lin Luo and the others reunite with Wei Wei'an, Bediville and Cirno, everyone was filled with an atmosphere of sadness...because of the death of Merlin. Up.

Lin Luo still didn't understand why Merlin had to die? He asked Gaia and Alaya about Merlin's death only saying that he had reached the end of his life. Besides that, he didn't have any words, and he didn't care about it... It was not that they were indifferent, it was just their nature.

Lin Luo has a restraining identity, and they will treat him special, including his fellow travelers, but Merlin is just a human being, and has nothing to do with them. Whether compared with the world or the whole mankind, it is too bad. Far away, of course they would not care as restrainers.

Mei Lin, a magnificent magician, but he was no different from ordinary people after he died, only a small pile of mud and a tombstone.

Standing in front of the tombstone, Lin Luo bowed deeply. When he raised his head, he found Fujibayashi rubbing the corner of his eyes...When Fujibayashi came into this world, because of her unfamiliarity with the environment and weak strength, she almost She died in the mouth of a monster, and it was Merlin who rescued her when Qian Jun was shot. After that, it not only gave her a stable life, but also taught her magic and tried her best to help her find the way home, just like her master.

Although Fujibayashi always referred to Meilin as a dead ladyboy, she respected and thanked him very much in her heart. At this moment, she hadn't even seen the last side, so she couldn't help being sentimental.

Altria did not shed tears or weep, she just stood in front of the tombstone, her eyes closed and her expression was solemn, as if praying. People die, even Merlin is no exception. Death is sad, but there is no need to cry. At least she knows that Merlin is lucky and died smiling because he has a grave guard who will never leave. ——Vivian.

The person who really suffers is Vivian... Lin Luo thought as he looked at the goddess in the lake who was standing next to him without saying a word. When someone dies, it is not him who suffers the most, but those who love him. Just like the scene at that time, his own death is just a relief, but I am afraid that the endless sadness left to those girls, do they know that they are still alive?

After the tribute to Merlin was over, everyone returned to the hut by the lake, but the hut was still there, but the holy lake had disappeared. Vivian told them that after Merlin's death, the transfer magic was also lifted, and the holy lake returned to its original place.

"Originally, I wanted to return to the holy lake. Merlin is gone. I have no need to stay alone. I will guard him at the holy lake. But the last thing he did before he died, he couldn't see it. I But I have to help him finish the reading, so I have been waiting here and waiting for you to come back..." Vivian had never shed tears just now, but now she couldn't help crying, and said, "Seeing you go well. It’s great to be back, I think... He must be relieved to be alive in the sky, thank you... Thank you."

"Vivian..." Altria couldn't help but stretch out her hand.

"Don't comfort me, I am crying now not sad, but happy." Vivian wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and smiled slightly, but then her expression became serious, and she looked at Altria and said seriously, " There is one more thing I must tell you, which is a bad thing, and I hope you can be mentally prepared."

"What's the matter?" Altria was taken aback, but suddenly had a bad feeling. Subconsciously glanced at Bediwell, who was standing next to him, and found that the latter did not dare to make contact with his eyes. He turned his gaze in pain, and the anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Lin Luo's gaze moved along with it, but he sighed secretly. The bad things that could happen at this time, coupled with Bediwell's expression, he had already guessed somehow, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Next to them, Fujibayashi and Osmanthus also frowned, not daring to touch Altria's gaze. They came from the future and naturally knew what the worst thing was for King Arthur.

"It seems that you are mentally prepared, so I'll just say..." Vivienne took a deep breath, looked straight at Altria's trembling eyes, and said solemnly, ", The era of King Arthur is over, and it is King Arthur himself who ended this era."

"What!?" Altria stood up fiercely, and the violent movement caused the chair under her seat to fall to the ground with a loud bang.

The baby who was deep asleep in Lin Luo's arms was awakened by this sound, and started crying, and focused everyone's attention on his arms.

Vivienne and Bediwell were surprised that such a baby suddenly appeared. Lin Luo and the others did not explain. Moreover, Merlin's matter was first. They did not ask when they first saw it, only Cirno was ignorant. Worry, as soon as the baby woke up, she immediately flew to the side and played with him with a grimace.

Lin Luo patted the baby's body gently, calming the energy around him and calming him down... He didn't use his mind and eyes to comfort his child, but this time the situation was special.

When the baby fell asleep again, Cirno returned in disappointment, everyone was silent, Altria once again cast his sights on Vivian, but her calm tone couldn't suppress the panic in her heart, "Bei Deville didn't dare to look at me directly because of this, right? What happened, please tell me."

"I'll tell you one to five to ten." Vivian nodded, and then said everything she knew.

After listening, Altria was already dumbfounded, with an unbelievable look, and the sword of the king in her hand fell to the ground with a clang.

The sword's edge was still shining, exuding golden light under the reflection of the sunlight, but the light that originally symbolized victory, at this moment, there was only irony in her eyes.

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