Chapter 824: I think this is an intricate Shura field

As the host of Fenghua Heart, Fujibayashi Xing had not completely unraveled the seal, so naturally she would not know the reason and meaning of her coming into this world, but this did not prevent her from searching for meaning.

When she came to this world, she was basically as confused as Osmanthus daisy, but she was a little luckier than Osmanthus daisy, because she met Meilin and Weiwei, so she didn’t have to worry about her safety anymore, she could do her own thoughts wholeheartedly. What she did... and what she wanted to do was of course to find a way to leave this world, which is why she has worked so hard and struggled so far.

She traveled to this world because of a momentary complaint, and sometimes she was naive to think that she would be able to return to the original world as long as she complained again. So at the beginning, she would complain a few from time to time, but the fantasy is beautiful. The reality is cruel, and her complaints are naturally disappointed.

So, she can only find other ways.

Fujibayashi does not have the idea of ​​traveling through the strange world of the protagonist in the novel. Of course, she will not conceal her identity and origins for Meilin and Vivian, who saved her. Of course, she will be straightforward in the face of characters like Meilin. You can't hide it.

Meilin knew that she was a future person, or a future person in another world, and did not make a fuss. As a magician, he had seen too many strange facts. This kind of thing was not enough to shock him, knowing that Fujibayashi wanted to go back. He would be happy to help.

Meilin told Fujibayashi that if he could master the magic of traveling in parallel worlds, or it might be possible to return to her original world, although in his opinion, it was probably impossible. But Fujibayashi will not give up. She has the Book of the Sage, which may not be impossible.

Of course, neither she nor Merlin knew that even if she learned the magic of Jewel Weng, she would not be able to go back.

Fujibayashi has been studying magic very hard, mastering the book of the sage, and using the book of the sage to create all kinds of weird props, but even she can see that this will not allow her to return to the original world... Even if it was really successful in the end, it would be impossible without a few hundred years, but by that time she had mostly turned into dead bones.

Fujibayashi was naturally disappointed, and she also began to think of home and her sister...Of course, ever since she came into this world, she has been thinking about it all the time, but although she is a straight-forward person, she also knows that sometimes there is no reason to miss it. With this, she will also hide her melancholy and prevent people from seeing her soft side. She has always been so strong.

Meilin Vivian has been with her for a long time, and she understands her obsession to some extent. Vivienne no longer persuades her to stay in this world with peace of mind as she did at the beginning. After all, this is a completely unfamiliar world to Fujibayashi. Friends have no relatives... Who knows the pain of being in a foreign land, except for herself?

Vivienne knew a little bit of missing pain, so she tried her best to help her, her power is limited, but Merlin is a great ability, and Merlin really lived up to the promise, and finally found an opportunity for Fujibayashi to go back...that is Lin Luo, or Hades!

Fujibayashi didn't know why she had to return to the original world and had something to do with a stranger. She asked Meilin. The latter didn't explain, but she had no other way, so it might not be a way to be a dead horse doctor.

Then, she finally saw Hades today, only to find that the other party was not the Hades in her imagination, "Will you wait to dye the world black for me", but the funny referee who once had a fate... …At this time, she finally understood a little bit, why the thing she wanted to go back had to do with this person.

There is no doubt that the other party also crossed over, but I don't know, does the other party want to play Alien Land here, or want to go home just like myself?

As the saying goes, meeting the old friend in another country is one of the four great joys in life. Fujibayashi did not have a very strong impression of Lin Luo, but thought that the other party's refereeing was very funny and funny...Of course it was also very begging, but it was sudden when I saw it today. A little more cordial. It's not easy. You can even meet acquaintances in this different world, although only half-baked.

But now, Fujibayashi has a sense of crisis suddenly, because she finds that Lin Luo has a very happy life here, and she has the demeanor of the queen of Shu reluctant to think about Shu... also, he has no worries about food or clothes. To live in a big house, not only is he the first favorite under the seat of Arthur, but also there are so many beautiful girls around him, so idiots want to go back...I don't know which girl has an ulterior relationship with him?

Fujibayashi felt that his hope of going back might lie in Lin Luo, and if he didn't want to go back, then he would be very bad.

In fact, she really wanted to tell Lin Luo that you should stop following King Arthur. She will almost never be able to protect herself. If you mix with her again, most of it will only go down in history. Come and mix with me... Just change your mind and dig boldly like this. The corner seems to be a bit unkind, and Lin Luo is a future person like herself, it is impossible not to know the legend of King Arthur, she knows so and still follows King Arthur, that can only say...

When Fujibayashi thought about this, she subconsciously looked at the girl next to her who was eating faster than herself... She had blond hair, beautiful and exotic, and the dull hair on her head was cute, her face, maybe she was not pretty. No one believes that although the figure is a little worse, this loli figure seems to be liked by most men, and more importantly... she will not get old!

Fujibayashi almost came up with the crime. For a moment, he felt that it was a sin for his parents to be so smart. The situation in front of him was already obvious. Lin Luo was obviously fascinated by this girl knight king, and was fascinated. The kind that is willing to live for her and die for her.

Perhaps Lin Luo had already thought that if the Knight King died, he would also commit suicide and die in love or something.

No, no! This looks absolutely not good!

Fujibayashi felt that her guess was undoubtedly a fact, otherwise there would be no second explanation, so she was anxious. Who Lin Luo likes to fall in love with is his own business and has nothing to do with her, but if Lin Luo wants to die, he won't be allowed, because his hope of returning still rests on him. If he committed suicide, what would he do?

But is there a way to prevent Lin Luo from dying in love?

Have! Let him empathize, at least let him know that there is more than one woman in this world, Altria!

And such a difficult task can only be accomplished by oneself.

Although Fujibayashi doesn't like being a third party, it's a big deal now. She has to be unrestrained if she wants to save others and herself. Even if she pushes herself into the fire pit, it is inevitable. So, she put down the tableware and made a lady's posture, and also tried to make her smile more charming, and cast a wink at Lin Luo, "By the way, where are your two little girlfriends?"

Lin Luo was not overwhelmed by her smile, but almost frightened out of a heart attack. Thankfully, the soup in her mouth had already been swallowed, otherwise he would probably shoot Altria on the opposite side. He swallowed and looked at Fujibayashi. , Asked carefully, "Well, where did my two little girlfriends come from?"

Fujibayashi felt that the glaring eye just now was thrown to the blind man, and lamented that Lin Luozhong's knight king was too poisonous. It is not easy to save it, but she will not give up, racking her brains and finally remembering the two little girls. "It's Nanoha and Fett, aren't they your little girlfriends?"

Fujibayashi hopes that the two little loli can awaken Lin Luo's "conscience" and let him rein in the precipice, so he deliberately emphasized their names, and their smiles were as warm as a spring breeze.

Lin Luo couldn't hear her warmth. He only felt that her tone was more cruel than the severe winter, threatening, and immediately said with a serious face, "What little girlfriends, they are only nine years old, it's obviously my sister, OK?"

Altoria looked at the faces of the two of them as they were picking up the meal. When they heard the three words girlfriend, there was nothing. After all, girlfriends are not popular in this world, only friends or lovers are popular, but Hearing the words Sister, he hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth and asked Lin Luo strangely, "No, didn't you mean that there are only two younger sisters? Since the two nine-year-old girls are your younger sisters , Then who is she?"

Altria pointed to Fujibayashi.

"Ah, what does this have to do with me?" The topic that Fujibayashi singled out, is now at a loss.

"Aren't you his half-sister who has been separated for many years?" Altria asked back.

The two girls ate fast and spoke faster. Before Lin Luo had time to cover up, his lie had already been announced to the public, and my king also added a half-parent setting to him with his own personality. Lin Luo can't wait to buy a piece of tofu and hit him to death...If he is really a half-parent, then he will be under great pressure.

Fujibayashi is very sensitive to the word sister, but her half-parents made her a little unable to bear it. She was trying to refute it, but she just changed her mind. Now she wants to move Lin Luo so that he can fall in love with him and can't make him angry. , Let alone embarrass him, if you are embarrassed with him, this affection degree will probably rise very slowly.

So, she suppressed the depression in her heart and said nonsense with her eyes open, "Yeah, yeah, I am indeed his half-sister, and I only learned this recently... alas."

Fujibayashi sighed, but there were endless ups and downs.

"Since they are half-parents, why are your surnames different?" Looking at the form of the dinner table, it seems that there are only three people present, but Bediwell has to show her sense of existence, otherwise others will think that she has been Forced to disconnect.

"Hey, do you have so many younger sisters? Yesterday, my **** sister asked me to have a dream, telling you not to forget her daughter...Is my **** sister your daughter?" After Chirono had eaten the popsicles, she came over to collect it. Lively, stretched out his hand to look at Lin Luo.

"What! Do you still have a daughter?" At this moment, not only Altria and Fujibayashi were shocked, but even Iwasawa Mami, who hadn't heard anything outside the window, looked over at me.

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