Chapter 621: Controversy between the cute king... the late sister control and the loli who arrived i

Natural incisions are all black. If you deny this, go face the wall. Before, there are Hatsuharu, Yui Hirasawa, and Miyaga Saki, and the magical girl's round face...Countless natural idiots have confirmed this. The feasibility of the argument, the conclusion drawn from philosophy to the discussion of human nature: natural dullness is black belly.

Takamachi Naha is a little bit natural, of course, she has a little black belly.

Lyrical Nanoha knew that if it were just a change of outfit like Fett, although it could once again cause a sensation in the venue, it would be impossible to surpass Fett, because the classics cannot be surpassed.

For the audience on the scene, Fett was the person who made them see the magical girl transforming for the first time in reality. Her existence is equivalent to Ayanami, the ancestor of the Three Nothings, who completely suppressed the later Three No Girls. No matter how bright the latecomer is, how novel and refined it is, it is impossible to surpass the first ancestor... This is the same reason that Huan Zhu Gege cannot surpass the old Huan Zhu Gege no matter how much he remakes.

Well, compare the many three-no girls to Xinhuan Zhugege, first say sorry, you are wronged.

Closer to home, since he can't surpass Fett on the way of transforming, then he can only create a new path, so Nanoha's approach is to...make yourself more animated!

Fett just turned into a transformation but did not speak. Although her transformation has become a classic, it is still difficult to escape the three-dimensional circle. However, Nanoha uses a self-introduction as the prerequisite for transformation, and her self-introduction is on the scene. The audience seemed to be exactly the scenes in the anime: As the heroine, the ordinary girl Nanoha became a magical girl after accidentally gaining magical powers, and then went on a series of incredible stories... The audience seemed to see the magical girl Nai The opening scene of Ye Animation.

This is not just COS magical girl, but in COS animation, let these otaku otaku see the second dimension in the three dimensions... Nanoha, only by a self-introduction, broke the barrier of the dimension!

For these otaku and otaku, the second dimension is obviously higher than the third dimension. Therefore, although the scoring table was also hit, the cheers of the audience were louder than before, and finally passed the live audience In the vote, Nanoha defeated Fett by three votes and became the champion of the COS conference.

Although it was also suggested that what Nanoha and Fett cosplayed was not any character of the magical girl Mei Lulu, but the voice of opposition was inspired by the enthusiasm of the audience, and Izumi’s sentence "As long as there is love" Was completely suppressed.

After the game, Nanoha got his wish and got the ownership of the Sacred Stone Seed, as well as the reward of the COS conference-there is only one specially made Meilulu figure in the world.

When Izumi Makoto gave this reward to Lyrical Nanoha, his face was somewhat unnatural.

And as they expected, as soon as the awards were over, there were more than N people rushing towards Nanoha and Fett. These people were not those passionate audiences, but reporters, scouts, and others. The transformation of various professionals with interest and doubt.

Of course, because Lin Luo had already greeted Izumi before the start of the game, before these people rushed over, she waved Lin Luo to take Nayha and the others off the stage, and at the same time organized part of the work. The personnel and the rest of the contestants, seemingly unconsciously formed a human wall, blocking all these people.

On the other side, after arriving at the backstage lounge, Lin Luo immediately asked Lyrical Nanoha and Fett to remove the magical girl costumes, and then walked out from another passage.

"Brother Lin Luo, what should I do with this thing?" Walking on the road, Lyrical Nanoha asked Lin Luo with her special hand made by Meruru, her victory product. She is not an ACG fan, so this thing is dispensable to her.

"Well... let's put it here for now." Lin Luo said casually. Although he is an ACG lover, he doesn't cute the magical girl Mei Lulu, so this figure is of no use to him...Of course, if it is for previous years He reluctantly accepted King Meng’s hand.

After speaking, Lin Luo turned to look and found that although Fett hadn’t said anything, there was a hint of unwillingness in her eyes...That’s right, her magical girl’s history is much longer than that of Neha, but Lost to Lyrical Nanoha on the COS Magical Girl, and the strongest point was even compared, how can he be willing?

In Lin Luo's view, the game just now can also be seen as a cute battle. It is the cutest competition between Nanoha and Fett. As the king of the Japanese cute, Nanoha has received more support and overwhelmed Fett. But... Fett is also the king of cuteness! Lyrical Nanoha is only the fourth generation of Japanese Moe King. Although her fame completely surpasses the second and third generations and catches up with the original Kinomoto Sakura, Fett is really the first generation of Moe King, the real first generation!

"Don't be disappointed, because this game is held in the eleventh district, so you lost, but if it is held for the whole world, maybe you will win." Lin Luo patted Fett's head and comforted.

Lin Luo believes that the defeat caused by regional restrictions is inevitable. Of course, these words of him are completely incomprehensible to Lyrical Nanoha and Fett... If they understand, Lyrical Nanoha may be very angry and send him an SLB directly. .

"The magical girl over there, please wait!" Just when Lin Luo and the others just walked out of the venue, a girl's voice suddenly came from behind, thinking it was those annoying reporters who were chasing him, but subconsciously turned around and found that the prediction was wrong. The visitor was not a reporter or scout, but an audience member in the previous venue.

The reason why this girl can be confirmed at the first glance is the audience, that is because the clothes she wears are the uniform costumes of the fans of the conference... The long rose red dress has a big fate on the back, and the color is correct. Is the main color of the magical girl Mei Lulu.

Before Lin Luo and the others could react, the girl fan rushed in front of them, looking at Lyrical Nanoha and Fett, her eyes were straight, and she almost drained her mouth, "What a lovely magical girl, what a lovely sister, I really want to hug him. Go home."

"..." Not to mention the embarrassment of Naye and Fett, Lin Luo also felt very speechless. Sure enough, there are fans of whatever organizers there are. This girl obviously lives as deep as Izumi. But then again... Lin Luo always had a strong sense of sight when looking at the yellow-haired girl in front of him.

"Are you?" Lin Luo looked at her suspiciously.

"Ah!" After hearing Lin Luo's question, the girl recovered and introduced herself, "My name is Kosaka Kirino. I am the most loyal fan of the Magical Girl and I like my sister the most. I just gave it to Fett-chan and Neha-chan vote, they are so cute, I really want them to be my sisters..." Then, the girl held her hands on her chest with a look of intoxication.

"..." Lin Luo was decisively speechless, Takasaka Tongno...My sister, there really is, how much chaos is going to happen?

As if he hadn’t noticed Lin Luo’s embarrassing expression, Kosaka Kirino passed him directly to Fett and Neha, took out paper and pen from his arms, and was full of excitement, “Hey, can you give me Do you sign? I really like you guys."

"Uh, that..." Lyrical Nanoha suddenly became confused. She had never done such a thing as an autograph, and she was too embarrassed to sign an autograph for a girl who was obviously older than herself. As for Fett, after the daily nurturing during this period, it is no longer as cold as it was at the beginning. Facing the eager request of Takasaka Kirino, he is a bit unsure of what to do.

"Just help her sign one, it won't take much time anyway." Lin Luo said with a smile, Fett and Neye looked at each other, and finally wrote their names on the signature board.

"Wow, that's great." When the signature was reached, Kosaka Kirino was very happy, and then she made the next request, "Nyechan, Fettchan, can you be my sister, just one day is enough ?"

"Huh?!" The two girls were stunned, even Lin Luo was a little calm and unable to do so. Although they had known that this product was a sister-in-law, they were so blatantly proposed...Should they be called Kosaka Kirino?

"Being a sister is free, but this thing can be given to you." Lin Luo stepped forward and blocked her sight, then took the Meilulu special figure from Nanoha's hand and sent it to Takasaka Tong. Nai's hand.

"Wow! This is Mei Lulu..." There was ecstasy in Kosaka Kirino's eyes.

"Oops, those reporters have been chasing over." At this moment, Elf suddenly exclaimed, Lin Luo turned his head and looked around, and she saw a large group of reporters rushing out of the venue and running towards this side.

"This group of paparazzi is really difficult." Lin Luo's face changed slightly, no longer paying attention to Kosaka Kirino who was still in surprise, pulling Naha and Fett to ran forward, but he hadn't even ran a few steps yet. A high-end car dashed out, and a gorgeous drift came and stopped in front of them.

"Ah...what's this time?" Lyrical Nanoha was obviously taken aback. She had just finished speaking, and the car door opened, and a face that made her very familiar came out from inside.

"Nye, Fett, come up soon!"

"Alisa... and Suzuka?!"

That's right, the owner of this car is Alisa, Lydia's childhood sweetheart, and there is Tsukimura Suzuka in it. Naha could hardly believe that she would see both of them in such a place.

However, the paparazzi behind had no time for them to hesitate. Lin Luo immediately called Elf and asked her to sit in the assistant driving room, while he directly picked up Nanoha and Fett and got into the car door with a bang. close.

"Wow! You lo*ic*n, let go of Nanoha and Fett... Ah, forget it, the driver drove!" Amidst Alisha's frustrated exclamation, the car left immediately.

The moment he left, Lin Luo saw Takasaka Kirino being meeting a man and a woman, and she could still hear her excitedly saying, "Aya Shu, you see, this is a special hand made by Mei Lu, and Nai The autographs of Yejiang and Feitejiang, this is simply the best birthday present..."

Lin Luo didn't listen carefully when he heard half of it. First, because the distance of the car was getting farther and farther, the second was...

"You lo*ic*n, let go!" Alisha pulled Lin Luo's arm and yelled angrily...Because of the crowded carriage, the five people obviously couldn't sit down, so at this moment, Nanoha and Fett sat separately On Lin Luo's two thighs, let alone the shyness of the two girls, Alisa felt very angry anyway.

"Alysa, it can't be like's very dangerous, it will disturb the driver's master to drive... Now, Alyssa..." Suzuka was obviously frightened by this action of Alyssa, and weakly discouraged.

"What are you talking about, Suzuka, this lo*ic*n is already ready to take action against Nanoha and Fett, I can see it, and he hugs right and left, we must not let him succeed!" Alisha said angrily. Finding that Lin Luo's arm was useless, he immediately turned to Nayha and tried to pull Nayha off Lin Luo's leg.

"..." Lin Luo said that the pressure was not normal. Even if he blushed when he heard this loli's words, he had to say, "This carriage is so small, it would be very crowded with five people in a row, if you don't worry, Then you can sit on my lap."

"Don't kill it!" Alisha refused without hesitation.

"Um... Alisa, it's okay to just sit for a while." Naha, who was the person involved, finally said blushing. Although this posture did make her a little uncomfortable, the carriage was not big, and only five people could be accommodated. This way of sitting.

"I can hold Suzuka, and Nanoha can hold Fett, and let that loli sit alone!" But even if Niha spoke, Alisa did not give in.

In the end, in order to avoid this loli from continuing to entangle, Lin Luo had no choice but to implement according to her statement. In this way, Alisa finally shut up, and Fett and Neha's blushing faces also recovered a lot. .

"You also come down!" Lin Luo was angry but was so squeezed by this loli, lightning shot, and dragged down the ermine who was lying on Nanoha's shoulder... Juno Jun was crying and choking silently.

"By the way, Alisa, Suzuka, why are you here?" After sitting down, Lyrical Nanoha asked immediately.

Alisa replied: "Because my father’s company happened to have some business dealings with the organizer of the magical girl, Mei Lulu, and today is another day off, so I came over and let me get in touch with me. I wanted to come with you. Yes, but when I called your cell phone, I found that you were turned off, so I had to come over with Suzuka."

He started contacting his family business partners at the age of nine, and he deserves to be a rich second-generation... Lin Luo complained in his heart, but after listening to Alisha's words, Niha's expression changed, and he asked cautiously, "That... Have you seen the Magical Girl COS conference?"

"Of course I saw it. There was no omission in the whole process." Alisha blinked her eyes and said with her hands open. Then her eyes suddenly stared at Neha, her eyes strong and sharp, "Speaking of which, why did you go to the COS conference, and also Playing Magical Girl Transformation, I don't know you still have that interest, don't tell you... Are you really Magical Girl?"

"Uh..." Faced with Alisha's ‘aggressive’ gaze, Neye suddenly became speechless, and his eyes began to dodge subconsciously. Even Fett’s expression was somewhat guilty, and the two looked at Lin Luo as if they asked for help.

"Well... what does that expression of powerlessness after the thing that you desperately want to conceal is revealed?" Alisa fully demonstrated her superior analytical power as a rich second-generation character's expression, and then looked around. Xiang Linluo, "Well, now I will listen to your explanation. If it is still the kind of magical girl saving the world, I will take it seriously."

"..." At this moment, even Lin Luo felt a lot of pressure.

The reason why he revealed the magic to these two loli last time was because he was not worried that they would believe it. But now, both of them have seen the transformation of Lyrical Nanoha and Fett. It’s strange if you don’t doubt it.

Lin Luo's thoughts flew in his mind, and he was about to make up a seamless story to fool Alisa, but saw Alisa shook her hand suddenly, and sighed, "Ah, forget it, I still don't want to pursue it anymore."

"Alyssa..." Lyrical Nanoha looked at her puzzledly.

"That's just an ordinary COS, right?"


"Because it is just an ordinary COS, I am not interested. Of course, if you encounter any trouble, you must tell us because we are friends."

"...Hmm!" After a moment of surprise, Lyrical Nanoha nodded her head, moving tears faintly flashed in her eyes.

Lin Luo could see that the little girl Alisa was playing the true love card, maybe she had already guessed something, of course, it would be a good thing for her not to go deeper.

"But, since you are friends, you two must play with me tomorrow!" A sly smile flashed in Alisa's eyes, pointing to Fett and Neha.

"Playing?" Nayha looked puzzled, but Fett frowned slightly. Her mother was waiting for her holy stone seed. She didn't have so much free time to play, and could promise Lin Luo to come in a game. Fighting for the seed of the holy stone is already a big concession.

Alisha explained, “Yes, tomorrow Suzuka and I decided to go to the beach in the neighboring town. It’s already summer. I’ve already wanted to go to the beach for a long time. You can’t miss this rare weekend, so you two too. go with."

"Well, Nanoha, Fett, I also hope you can come." Tsukimura Suzuka looked forward to it.

"I don't have any problems, but Fett..." Lyrical Nanoha looked at the girl sitting on her with embarrassment.

"I'm afraid..." Fett was about to refuse, but Lin Luo said first, "No problem, Fett and I will go to Naiye's house at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, and then you can come and pick us up."

"Ah, I didn't say to let you go!" Alisha was suddenly upset.

"If I don't go, Fett won't go." Lin Luo blinked at Alisa, and then asked the driver to stop. Before Fett could say anything, he pulled her down. See this, Elf Also immediately got out of the car door.

"Then that's it, goodbye." Lin Luo closed the door and waved goodbye to the three girls inside.

"Wow, it's disgusting!" Alisha stomped her feet bitterly, and then the car drove forward.

On the spot, Fett looked at Lin Luo somewhat dissatisfied, "I don't want to go to the beach, I will continue to look for the seed of the holy stone."

"The seed of the sacred stone cannot be found in a day or two, and you have searched almost all of the entire Haiming City. Perhaps the seed of the sacred stone will be in another city. I think it is very possible for a neighboring town. , Anyway, there is only one day..."

Lin Luo seduced Feite with the sacred stone, and after a few minutes, she was finally fooled by her. Then she took Feite’s hand and walked to the nearby shopping mall. He smiled while walking, "Then I will go on a beach trip tomorrow Get your swimsuit."

Fett had no choice but to let him pull it, and Elf behind them seemed a little weak and said to himself: "If this goes on, the seed of the holy stone that Precia wants can really be collected. Are you up?"

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