Chapter 200: Have you ever seen the dream at the end of the day?

The vast land, the dry wind, the mighty army, the eternal king; the clear sky, majestic and passionate, on the same land, under the same sky, two kings who had fought so fiercely and ecstatically faced each other again.

Whether it is the King of Conqueror or the King of White Knights, they all know that this will be their last battle. After this battle, at least one person will leave the world. However, there is no fear in their hearts, only the persistence and confidence in victory.

"Knights!" Raising the sword in the stone high, the pure white knight straddled on the dragon horse, his eyes fixed on the formidable enemy ahead, sonorously, "Are you ready to bring your king? victory?"

"Sure victory! Sure victory! Sure victory!" More than a hundred knights shouted in unison, responding to their king with absolute faith.

Similarly, on the other side.

The King of Conquer also sat on the spirit horse, waving the sword in his hand, showing an expression of excitement and excitement. Xiongxiong's fighting intention was overflowing on his face, "Warriors! There is only one winner in this battle, tell me, who is it?"

"My king conquer everything! My king conquer everything! My king conquer everything!" The passionate voice, and the momentum created by thousands of warriors waving their treasures was enough to shake the earth.

"The King of Conquer..."

"The White Knight King..."

The two dead kings each recited each other's name with solemn expressions, and then, almost at the same time, Jian Feng pointed forward... "War!!"

"Hoho Ho Ho!!!!!"

The huge roar completely concealed everything. There was only the shouts of heroes in the heaven and the earth, and the unyielding martial soul was like rushing into the heaven and the earth. There was only one thought in everyone's heart... victory! victory! ! victory! ! !


In the next moment, countless treasures have already burst out with dazzling light, flying hope, for their respective kings, throwing their heads and sprinkling blood, the battlefield is flying, iron bones are clambering.

Even if the body is penetrated by the treasure, as long as there is still strength, he still waved his weapon, vowing not to lose a single point to others. Even if the body is disappearing, as long as he can still shout, he still shouts "My king will win!", vowing to keep this belief on the battlefield.

No one is afraid!

No one is cowardly!

No one goes back!

... This is a brilliant war that cannot be seen in any era. This is a war destined to be unknown. This is a war fought for victory without hatred and hatred.

There was only one witness to this war, and that was a young magician on the periphery of the battlefield.

Watching this unparalleled battle, the young magician clenched his fists, and something seemed to gush out from his body... what was that? He doesn't know, no! What he knows, what is it, it's called-Hot Blood!

"War! War! War! War! War! War..."

Listening to the screaming sound of killing, the young magician also let go of his nervous throat, and shouted such words in a voice that he had never heard before. Who was he cheering for?

That kind of thing is not important at all!

He only knows that now... the blood is flying!

"Ahahahahahahaha! The white knight king, let go for a fight!" As the soldiers wielded their weapons and struggled to fight, the Conquer King trembled with joy, roared, and galloped forward with the love horse... At the end of the opposite, there is the enemy closest to him. What could be more pleasant than this?

"I can't ask for it! Conquer the king, let's use this sword to decide the victory or defeat!" The pure white knight drove the horse and sang loudly. Although she is a pony that can fly in the air, she did not choose to fly in the air, but galloped on the ground.

On the road of the two people, no one stood in the way, no attack hindered, until they approached, the two swords crossed together, unmatched power impacted their bodies, but both of them are like mountains. As stable.

"The White Knight King, I seem to have seen a familiar guy just now. Did I read it wrong?" The Conquer King laughed and shouted while waving his sword.

"You're not mistaken, Conquer King, Dilumdo Dior is my 151st knight of the round table." The pure white knight replied readily, and the sword in the stone drew a golden light in the void, resisting the opponent's attack.

"Hahaha, you fellow, I was really careless. The person I wanted to recruit was unexpectedly recruited by you, the White Knight King, why don't you come under my command?”

"King of Conquer, are you still talking like this until now? You are too embarrassed!" Lily said loudly, but her face was not angry. Instead, she smiled, "But if you can If I beat me here, I might not even think about it."

"Oh." The Conquer King made a slightly surprised voice, but his attack was not slow in the slightest. "So, are you willing to put my effect under my account?"

"No." Lily was still smiling, her figure pierced through flowers and butterflies, the Conquer King's fierce attack could not hit her, "Because I believe...I will win!"

Even in such a decisive battle, the two can still talk and laugh like friends they have not seen for many years. The smiles on their faces tell of their excitement and joy at this moment. If it is fearless courage not to fear war, then so. Heroic attitude is the grace of the king!

The war between the two kings did not know how long it lasted. In Weber's view, there were fewer and fewer figures on the battlefield. Whether it was a fighter of the King of Conqueror or a knight of the King of Knights, they disappeared on the battlefield one by one. When he came back to his senses, the whole world had been silent, and all that appeared in his sight, except for the King of Conqueror and There was no one other than the Knight King.

They fight to death!

All the sounds have disappeared, even the shouts of the two kings, the sound of hiss, and the collision of the swords have stopped. They stood face to face, the swords in their hands inserted into each other's body, and then penetrated out.

Blood dripped from the blade.

In this way, the two remained motionless, and for a long time, the pure white knight suddenly sighed, his tone full of regret, "This is the end."

"Hahaha, victory or defeat is commonplace in the military. Even an undefeated division will eventually lose itself. Don’t sigh, the white knight." Wang Yangtian laughed. There was no joy of victory or defeat in the laughter. For him, everything is the same as before.

"A good victory or defeat is commonplace in the military. To conquer the king, so far, I can't admit that you are indeed a great king."

"It's really not easy for the White Knight King to say this." The Conquer King laughed, and then he suddenly asked with a solemn expression: "So, there is one important thing that has not been asked. What about you."

Pure White Knight did not answer, because she knew that this question was not asked to herself.

In the next moment, the King of Conquer looked at the young magician who was not far away watching the battle, "Weber Wilwitt, would you like to use it as a servant for me?"

"Woo..." Hearing these words, Webber trembled with excitement all over. He knew, because he was once the opponent's Master, so he already knew the end of this war, shut his mouth tightly, and worked hard. Don't let the tears flow.

Although I knew that it was impossible to realize it, there was no need to consider this question. I suppressed the sadness in my heart and answered without wavering, "You are! You are my king. I swear to use it for you." For you, please guide me forward so that I can see the same dream."

"Well, okay." Hearing the other party swearing so, the overbearing Wang smiled slightly. This smile was the supreme reward and reward for the ministers, and said, "It is the task of the king to show the dream. Witnessing the end of the dream and passing it on forever is your task as a minister."

Although the sword pierced through his body, the king’s voice did not drop a bit. He smiled heartily, and resolutely ordered his courtiers, "Live, Weber! Witness all this, and take the king’s way of living. The galloping heroism of Iskandar passed on."

Webber leaned down and never looked up again.

In the eyes of the King of Conquer, this was a sign of approval, and there was no need for words. From today on, until the end of time, the king's heroic posture will guide his subordinates, and his subordinates will be loyal to this memory. Before these oaths, the parting became meaningless. Under Iskandall, the bond between the king and his servants had already transcended time and space and became eternal.

"There is glory in the other side! It is because it is so far away that it has the value of challenge. Acura domineering and show dominance. This is my way to conquer the king!" Suddenly, the hand of the conquering king left his sword, and then Stretched out his hands, as if to embrace the world.

"White Knight King, blocking my domineering person! Have you ever seen that distant dream? Have you ever seen the beauty at the end of the day? Conquest is just an accessory to chasing dreams. My dream is to chase the world. The sea at the end, go and experience this vast world with your own eyes!"

"I did see, Conquer King, your boundless dream." The pure white knight nodded. It was not perfunctory. At this moment, she did see that it was only a dream that Conquer King had.

This is a tyrant.

This is a king who leads his subjects to prosperity.

He just, toward his dream, step by step, step by step, exploring this unknown world, chasing the end of the dream sea. His courtiers yearned and followed the king to pursue them. No one had seen it, even the king hadn't seen the end of the sea, but they firmly believed, because...that is what is called a dream!

Gaze towards that endless, abandon distracting thoughts, move forward, conquer, and move towards your dream...

This is the King of Conquest Iskandar!

Up to this moment, even Lily was admired by the king's way of conquering the king. This is indeed a perfect king that everyone respects, but...

"It's a pity that I couldn't see the end of the sea that day." Lily sighed slightly.

"Hahaha, it's nothing." The Conquer King laughed senselessly, "Although this time he failed to succeed and the unfinished dream ended in such a pity, it is worth a lifetime bet for him, only once. Dreams! Since the same dream can be repeated twice, there is nothing incredible about doing it again."

"Yeah, I sincerely hope you can reach the end of that dream."

"Hahaha, the White Knight King, if you have a chance next time, let's have another fight!"

"Accept your challenge at any time and conquer the king."

"That's really great!" Conquer King Iskandar narrowed his increasingly blurred eyes, and muttered contentedly, "This expedition also made me feel excited!"

After saying this, the supreme king closed his eyes, and then his body together with the sword turned into a rain of light and disappeared.

At that moment, Lily's sword in the stone pierced the Conquer King's heart, but the Conquer King's sword was only one centimeter away from the opponent's heart.

In this way, the outcome has been divided.

The sword disappeared from the body, blood poured out in an instant, and the figure of the pure white knight shook slightly, but soon stood still, and the wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the injury is not easy, but for the heroic spirit, as long as it is not a fatal injury, it is not a big deal, and as a king... there is no fear of pain.

Wiping the blood on the sword in the stone, the pure white knight lifted the sword and walked towards the young magician watching the battle until he stopped in front of the opponent.

The young magician felt a moment of depression. It had nothing to do with fear, but the pure instinct of life.

"Subjugant to the king." Lily stared at him and said in a deep voice, "loyalty is the place of righteousness. Don't be ashamed of his kingly way."

"You... don't kill me?" These words blurted out almost subconsciously.

"Hahaha!" Lily laughed, but did not answer. Turning around, the heroic battlefield had disappeared. The two returned to the foot of Yuancang Mountain again. Lily walked towards Liudong Temple and said, "Leave Here, the next battle will not be reached with your power, and will pass on the kingly way of conquering the king."

"Thank you, White Knight King." The young magician solemnly nodded, bowed slightly at the figure of the pure white knight, and then quickly ran towards the original road.

To live, to pass on the king's way of life with his heroic appearance on the battlefield, this is the duty of the courtier.

Although the battle was over, Weber knew it was unforgettable. No matter how he deceived himself or others, he would never forget that scene. The scene that just happened before his eyes has become a part of his soul and will never be separated.

This heavy and long period of time can rival his life!

For the Conquer King and Webber, their battle is over, but for the pure white knight, her battle has just begun, and there are more powerful enemies waiting for her above.

Although it was a severely wounded body, it did not move, and the golden sword in the stone had not yet been sheathed, and it was shining with brilliant brilliance.

"Ah, it's not over yet, my war, right?"

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