Chapter 187: The war is not over, it's just reserved for future

The war is gradually coming to an end. It is not that the Conquer King and the White Knight King are about to divide the victory or defeat. On the contrary, the two are fighting evenly at the moment. Living.

After all, they are not the full version of the heroic spirits, their own magic power is limited, whether it is materialization or fighting, they need to use magic power from the Master. Originally, such a large inherent barrier could not be maintained for a long time. What's more, now letting two such powerful armies fight, generally speaking, it is very good to be able to maintain for more than five minutes, but now it has been more than ten. Minutes!

As Lily's Master, Rin, although she is one of the best Masters, has absolutely sufficient magic power, but because she is not here now, Lily can only get a small part of the magic power from Rin. As for the Master Weber of the Conquer King, he is not such a good magician himself. It is very hard to maintain the Conquer King’s entity every day, let alone maintain the inherent barrier for such a long time. At least he can't bear it now. It's about to fall down.

In addition, more importantly, the inherent barriers cast by the two are still in a state of waiting for each other, which is completely different from the single erosion of the real world, and the cost required is even greater.

Therefore, during the confrontation between the two armies, the inherent barriers have begun to tremble, and some places have even begun to shatter, probably because the inherent barriers are about to collapse. Everyone can even see that there are soldiers from the two armies. When they fought with each other, they didn't suffer any harm, and suddenly disappeared, as if they were forced to send back...

This kind of scene made everyone who watched the game feel a little depressed, like the climax but the successor was weak. What kind of helplessness is that.

However, the two kings who were fighting fiercely did not notice this. The blood in their hearts had been completely ignited, and they would not give up unless they defeated their opponents!

"King of Conquest Iskandar, take this to seek supremacy!" The King of Conquer, who had already stepped on the ground from his horse, raised his sword aloft and shouted, and then swung his sword at the pure white knight in front of him without mercy. Slash!

"Knight King Altria, use this sword to prove my king's way!" For Lily, sitting on a dragon horse is not suitable for singles, so she also wisely gave up air superiority and looked at her opponent at lightning speed. Cut away diagonally!

Buzz...! ! !

Before the Jianfeng had touched, there was already a violent vacuum wave in the air, which shows how strong the blow of the two is really, but...

Nothing happened!

The swords of the two did not collide in the end, and their attack was stopped. In the middle of them, another force abruptly blocked the offensive of the two!

It was something that happened in an instant, and no one could react, but in the next second, whether it was a spectator or a fighting person, they were all stunned, as if they had seen a monster with their faces full of shock.

"No, it's impossible..."

"how come?"

"What the **** is that guy..."

"Wang, was blocked?!"

"Tsk, bastard..."

Lily and the King of Conquer, both of them are still in an attacking posture, but... not only their swords are stopped in the air, but they are also motionless, as if they are frozen, looking at the person in front of them and saying no Speak out.

Because at this moment, in the middle of the two, there is a person holding a white sword in each hand, looking ordinary, not exuding the power of a treasure, nor showing a huge magical power. It is really just very ordinary. sword. But... one of them was horizontally placed on the edge of the Conquer King's sword, making it impossible to cut down, while the other intersected with the sword in the stone and blocked its way.

And standing between the two kings, holding two swords to block them down, it was... Lin Luo!

"Why, why? So, that... Why can that guy stop? How is this possible! Is he also a Servant?!" Master Weber of the Conquer King pointed at Lin Luo, his face full of unbelievable expression, almost excited. Speechless.

"It's not a Servant, he's a complete human, but..." Saber explained calmly as his emerald eyes stared at the center of the battlefield. But she couldn't go on in the middle of it. Yeah, why is it that human beings can block the attack of the two heroic spirits? Whether it is the king of conqueror or the king of white knights, even among the heroic spirits, they are definitely the most advanced characters. Their full attack, even if they don’t use treasures, is extremely powerful. Why can he easily attack the two of them? Block it?

Did not use any magic, and did not feel any magical power, wrong! If you talk about magical power...I was just beside myself, why did I rush into the center of the battlefield in less than a second, it was like a teleportation, even if I didn't have such a speed! Moreover, the two swords looked like fog but not fog, how did they get it out in such a short time?

Everyone was very puzzled about this and couldn't believe it. Of course, there was only one exception.

The girl with blonde hair and red eyes wrinkled her nose, raised her head and snorted coldly, as if laughing.

"Archer, do you know what?" Saber immediately turned his head and asked in a deep voice.

"Huh, bastard." The girl was as proud as a phoenix, don't go too far, she didn't know if she was disdainful to answer or didn't want to answer.

Archer knows it!

Seeing this scene, everyone knew it, and this time...

"It's really weird. I remember the Master just summoned me. He was just a scum with only five combat power. Why has he become so powerful now?" Nero suddenly tilted his head and said with a puzzled look.

Hello! Are you sure to say that your Master is really fine?

The people next to her couldn't help but have a black line, even the heroic girl frowned subconsciously, thinking to herself, maybe this red cow is a guy even worse than herself.

And the other side.

The two kings who were blocked by Lin Luo had surprised eyes. Before they could speak, Lin Luo had already spoken first, "This battle is over."

"What?!" Lily and Conquer Wang said in unison.

"Look around." Lin Luo retracted his hand, and the two white mist swords disappeared suddenly. This scene made everyone who saw it brighten up, "The inherent barrier has already begun to collapse, you think it can still Hold on for a few minutes or seconds?"

"Uh!" Hearing what he said, Lily and the King of Conquer only noticed the changes in the surrounding environment, and the two of them frowned subconsciously. It was indeed difficult to fight anymore in this situation.

"And..." Lin Luo swept his gaze over the two of them and continued, "Now the Holy Grail War has just begun. It will be a pity that no matter which one of you is leaving here, then, instead of that ..."

Lin Luo looked at the two with a smile, spreading his hands as if to embrace the world that was about to collapse, "Leave this unfinished King’s Banquet and this unfinished battle for future, at the end of the Holy Grail War, once again upright, with all his strength. Fully open, decide the top of the winner for your respective kings! Conquering the king, can you accept it?"

"Hmm..." The King of Conquer looked at him slightly frowning, as if thinking. After a while, he suddenly burst into laughter, "Hahahaha! I did not read it wrong, Lin Luo, I remember you, very good. Good! I have no reason not to accept this suggestion!"

As he said, he had put away the sword, and then raised his arms, "Warriors, go back and recharge and sharpen your edge. In the future, you will have another victory with the King of Knights and her heroic knights!"

"One showdown! One showdown!..." At this moment, the king's army has only two or three hundred people left, but their aura is no weaker than when they started, and they slowly turned into spirits after loud cheers. Disappear into the distance.

"Lily." Lin Luo looked at the pure white knight again.

The pure white knight nodded immediately and raised the sword in the stone, "Knights, today's battle is over for the time being, but the fire of our faith will not extinguish, next time we will fight the King of Conqueror and his undefeated army for glory!"

"The glory of my king! The glory of my king!..." The knights of the Round Table, who were only a few dozen people left, waved their treasures in response to the king's words, and also turned into spirits and gradually disappeared.

After only a few people were left on the spot, the inherent barrier also disappeared, and the boundless battlefield dyed red by the sunset turned back to the original night, and everyone stood in the courtyard of Einzbern Castle again.

The white and bright moonlight revealed silence, and there was no trace of dust in the air, as if the previous war had never happened.

As soon as they relaxed, Lily and the King of Conquer felt physical fatigue. They didn't start the battle just now at their peak, but they showed their full strength. At this moment, the two were very weak. Just as Lin Luo said, If you continue to fight in this state, no matter who wins or loses, it is a pity.

"It's so happy!" The King of Conquer picked up the wine glass on the table, drank it, looked at Lin Luo, and suddenly sighed, "It's a pity, a pity."

"What's a pity?" Lin Luo asked with a smile.

"If you were born in troubled times, you would be a king, if you were in the same age as me, you should be able to conquer the battlefield together, what a pity! What a pity!"

"That you are wrong, conquer the king." Lin Luo also picked up his wine glass and respected him, "Now you are each other's opponents, and under the premise of the Holy Grail, you can still ride on the battlefield of Dongmu. ?"

"Well, this is also a truth, haha, good, very good!" The King of Conquer nodded with a smile. Suddenly, the sound of lightning and thunder came from the distant sky, and the chariot of the gods rushed along with the sound of thunder.

"The White Knight King, I am looking forward to the next decisive battle. You must be ready."

"When so."

"Wait! Rider, I haven't..." Seeing that the Conquer King was about to leave, Saber hurriedly shouted, she had something to say about the King's Way just now.

"You shut up!" But the King of Conquer didn't want to listen at all, and stopped her words with a strong tone, "Tonight is a banquet between kings, but Saber, I don't recognize you as the king!"

"Do you still want to keep fooling me? Rider." The girl watched him angrily.

The King of Conquer looked at her compassionately, and after he carried his Master into the chariot, he said in a sincere tone: "I said little girl, you should wake up from your painful dream, otherwise one day , You will lose even the most basic self-esteem of the hero. The so-called king you mentioned is just a spell you cast yourself. After seeing the treasure of the White Knight King, don’t you understand it? "

"No, I..." Saber's face changed, and he wanted to refute.

Ignoring Saber's final rebuttal, the King of Conquer had already drove the chariot of mighty power, and the lightning was shining, only the roar of thunder remained in his ears, and finally the chariot disappeared into the eastern sky.

Facing the King of Conquer, who would not listen to Saber in the end, the humiliation is natural, but at this moment Saber can’t let go anyway, but the anxiety in his heart... There is no benevolence, no ideals, just to satisfy selfish desires. And promote violent violence. But even so, there are still a group of such loyal officials willing to forge an indelible bond with him.

This is contrary to the rules of the Knight King, and she cannot accept this belief.

But she also couldn't forget Iskandar's words as a joke. There was a kind of unwillingness to make him take them back. It was these words that made Saber worry about it.

"Since the banquet is over, then we should also go." Lin Luo took the little Saber from the glass and put it in his pocket... The people who saw this scene felt very speechless, they could even listen. To this little Saber’s drunken words, "People can drink, they can drink...what the king of conqueror, what golden sparkle, in front of me, you are all scum..."

"Mongrel!" Shining Lori was so angry that her anger in her heart was natural, but for such a drunk, it would be too embarrassing to be true, so after a word of curse, she too Turned into a spiritual body and disappeared.

Walking to the front of the King of Knights, looking at the girl with a sullen expression, Lin Luo smiled and said, "If you don't subdue the King of Conquer, if you want to prove your way of king, then use your own sword to prove it, and fight just now. Same, Altria, where is your power?"

"You, I..." Facing the person in front of her, the girl realized that she couldn't say anything to refute, and every sentence hit her heart.

"Okay, I've already said everything that needs to be said, Lily, Nero, go." After that, Lin Luo walked out without looking back, Nero followed, but Lily didn't move.

The pure white knight stood face to face with the knight king, no one said a word, just watching it, and it was not until a minute later that the pure white knight turned around, "Knight knight, also look forward to a fight with you."

When everyone left, Saber stood silently in the court alone. Alice Phil couldn't help but feel that the scene was a bit familiar. This lonely figure was the same as when he was fighting in the warehouse street yesterday. Si's melancholy expression made Alice Phil very uneasy.

In this way, a battle came to an end.

Although it is different from a battle in the ordinary sense, it is indeed a battle. In order to implement the king's belief, the heroic spirits also have many reasons to bet on their lives.

And there is no doubt that there is no winner in this battle, there is only one loser!

But... she will not always be the loser!

Alice Phil was so sure.

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