Chapter 166: An unknown secret... She is a white tiger!

The generation queen of the clock tower, Marshal Sorcerer-Lorelei, came from passing through time and space ten years later, such an incredible thing...Well, I often travel through time and space, nothing incredible, but!

"What the **** is going on?" Lin Luo said that he fully understood that he couldn't, and looked at the girl in front of him with doubts.

"What do you want to ask?" Loreliya asked back.

"Well, that..." Just as Lin Luo wanted to speak, he suddenly saw Hei Ji's domineering look. He hesitated for half a second, and finally said against his will, "Let's talk about Alte Luci first. Thing."

"Huh, this little vampire..." Ignoring Hei Ji's angry eyes completely, she is probably the only one who can achieve this level in the entire Moon World. She curled her lips and said reluctantly, "Okay. Well, after all, it was entrusted by others. Since it has failed, then I don’t have to target her anymore."

"All the secrets about this little vampire are you told me ten years later..."

Lin Luo learned from Loreliya’s words that ten years later, he seemed to know many things about Heiji, which can also be said to be secrets, and all these secrets were told to Loreliya... Heiji was a dead person. Lorelia is the magician who hates death followers the most. The two people can be said to be at odds. They both want to kill and be unhappy, but he told Loreliya all of Heiji's weaknesses. So when he heard this, Lin Luo felt very embarrassed, because in Loreliya's description, he was simply the Jewish man who had betrayed God.

Although Lin Luo wanted to ask himself why he knew Heiji's secrets and why he told Loreliya these secrets, the latter didn't mention this point.

"Hmph, I think you are just talking nonsense!" Hei Ji suddenly sneered.

"Really? Then I'll tell you a few things..." Lorelei twitched the corner of her mouth disdainfully, stretched out a finger and said, "You have a period of weakness, this is no longer a secret now. Nothing to say. So... First, as a hybrid of true ancestor and dead disciple, your strongest time is at the full moon, but because you have another unique physique, your true strongest state is not the full moon. It’s to step on the'center of the earth' because it is connected to Gaia!"

Hei Ji suddenly changed her color, she was shocked in her heart: She knew it! she knows! She really knows!

Then, before she could react, Lorelei stretched out her second finger, "Secondly, because of your unique physique, even if it is not connected to the center of the earth, you are always receiving the earth’s Energy gives you unparalleled explosive power and inexhaustible power, so... as long as you seal all energy-absorbing acupuncture points on the soles of your feet, or cut off your connection with the ground, your strength can be reduced by at least 70%."

As she said, she looked at the feet of Hei Ji wrapped in her long skirt with a smile.

"You...!!!" This time Hei Ji was not only shocked, she took a few steps backwards like lightning, guarding Loreliya extremely vigilantly.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo knew that what Lorelia said was true.

"His Royal Highness Ji!" At this time, the black and white knight and the white beast immediately rushed to protect Hei Ji, while looking at Loreliya with hostile eyes, ready to attack... This is not a small matter, strength. Both the source and the method of cutting off the power were discovered by the enemy, which was a deadly threat.

"Third, it is also your most important secret. There is no secret that anyone else knows except you..."

Seeing Lorelia raise her third finger, Hei Ji was instinctively stunned. The first two are already her biggest secrets. Why is there a third one? And only she knows that she has such an important thing. Secret?

Even she herself was a little curious, and subconsciously asked: "What?"

Lorelia smiled mysteriously, and then she calmly said, "You are a white tiger."


A moment of coldness. It was as if a strong wind had blown in a cold winter, and even the air had frozen.

"..." Lin Luo almost spewed rice. He covered his mouth and suppressed his smile, but the tears in his eyes were about to fall. Hei Ji turned out to be a white tiger. This is really... thinking of this, suddenly he felt a difference. Dao's scorching gaze was shooting at him, and following those two gazes, he just saw Hei Ji gritted her teeth, with a look of resentment and anger, as if she wanted to take him off.

Why are you angry with me? It's not me...Ah! After less than half a second, Lin Luo had already woke up, with a cold sweat in his heart... Loreliya said that all the secrets about Hei Ji were told to her by herself, then, is it possible that Hei Ji is Bai Hu? Too?

"Um, Lorelei, you...Don't tell me, I told you this too?" Lin Luo asked with trepidation.

Lorelia gave him a stern look, and said of course: "Nonsense, do you think I'm going to see a place like a vampire?"

"Lin Luo! Go and die!!!"

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention how bad and rippling Lin Luo felt that she was ten years later, Hei Ji had already rushed towards him with her teeth and claws, but she was forced to stop halfway through the attack.

I saw the black and white knight alone pulling one of her arms, "His Royal Highness, you have lost your mind."

Although Hei Ji finally calmed down a bit under the black and white knight’s persuasion, her vermilion eyes never left Lin Luo for a second... Lin Luo subconsciously hid behind Loreliya, barely able to. Find a little sense of security.

Loreliya didn’t care at all about this kind of thing. She sighed, looking disappointed, and said, “This is the case with this little vampire. I originally wanted to take this opportunity to take a look. Can you get rid of her? It seems that some things really cannot be changed."

"What do you mean?" Lin Luo and Hei Ji looked at her in unison.

"Didn’t I just say that I was entrusted by people to come here ten years later. Originally, it’s a very dangerous thing to travel through time and go back in time. Let’s not talk about the uncertainty of time turbulence. It is the existence of two different periods of time that if they meet, an unpredictable butterfly effect will occur. So for more than half a month when I came to this world, I have not even been to my own family, nor have I revealed my identity to anyone. In view of this, the client agreed to a request from me to do something to change the future."

"This thing is to deal with Elt Lucky? Then why don't you do it yourself?" Lin Luo couldn't help but ask. Logically, Loreliya knew Heiji's secret and wanted to kill a weak one with her power. Hei Ji is easy, there is no need for such trouble.

"Of course there is a reason."

Loreliya did not hide it. Everyone knew from her explanation: her client was also the one who made her return to ten years ago. Although she promised that she could take action against Hei Ji, she could not do it herself, so She cooperated with the church, hoping to use the hands of the church to get rid of Hei Ji, and there was only one chance. If one failed, then she could not deal with Hei Ji in any way... Obviously, Loreliya failed in the end.

"Why are you deliberately trying to get rid of me?" Hei Ji frowned and asked in a deep voice. There is more than one vampire in this world. Why is she only targeting herself? This makes her feel very unfair.

"Humph!" Loreliya snorted coldly, as if she didn't want to bring up this topic.

However, Lin Luo had another question after listening to it: Who is that person who can make the Marshal Tangtang magically obedient, and even have the ability to send her back ten years ago? Is it the embodiment of the first law in the legend?

However, she still didn't mention this Loreliya, instead she took out a jade pendant from her body and handed it to Lin Luo.

"What is this?" Lin Luo asked immediately.

"Give this jade pendant to you. This is what the client wants me to do... Although I can't tell you the specific reason, it will work when you go to the next world."

"What did you say!?" Lin Luo suddenly changed color, "Why do you also know this kind of thing?!"

"Of course, what I know..." Lorelia looked proud, but her voice suddenly stopped halfway through.

"Luo Lei..."

"Don't touch me!" Suddenly, Loreliya yelled, and an extremely powerful force burst out of her. The huge impact not only shook Lin Luo, but even Heiji and Black-and-white riding them back. More than ten meters.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, a black hole with a diameter of ten meters appeared directly above Lorelei. In the center of the black hole, a huge pointer was spinning fast...

"Time Vortex!? You bitch, you are so shameless!" Not knowing who was scolding, Lorelia looked extremely angry at the moment, even that beautiful face began to be distorted because of anger.

As for Lin Luo Hei Ji and others who were shaken back more than ten meters away, they all looked at the black hole with shock.

"It turned out to be a time vortex! This is simply a miracle!" Even the black knight, who rarely speaks and has always been calm, was moved. He could feel the terrifying and heavy power transmitted from the time vortex. This is definitely not human ability. If it can be done, if magic is a miracle, then this one in front of you can only be a miracle.

And Loreliya, who is directly under the time vortex, although desperately resisting, still can't stop her from being sucked in by the time vortex. She is as strong as her, and weak as a ant under this miracle!

"Lin Luo! One last word to warn you, the next world... Be careful, be careful! If you die, I won't let you go!" She seemed to give up completely after she said this sentence with the pain. I let myself be inhaled by the black hole, and at the same time roared, "Damn, damn, damn!!! Come home, you bitch, you are so shameless! I swear that one day I will beat you down and begging for mercy... …Ah!!! Damn it!!!"

When the last word fell, she was sucked in by the time vortex, and then the black hole disappeared completely, leaving only a group of people in the field looking at each other.

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