Chapter 154: Close to the real girl and the sudden ancestor

Although Lin Luo had never dealt with people in the church, the church often dealt with dead people. One root, two major restraints, five magicians, the twenty-seventh ancestors, and Lin Luo who is related to these four can not fail to pay attention, but the church is the closest organization to the twenty-seventh ancestors. Of course, it is. Take a hostile stand.

In addition, the church itself is a behemoth, so in the previous few months, Lin Luo also did a lot of investigations on the church. Although only some basic information was obtained due to various reasons, as long as he did not intend to cooperate with the church The enemy is enough.

There were four or five people in the mirror, men and women, all wearing the same attire, each holding one or more black long swords in their hands. Lin Luo immediately saw their identities from their equipment and clothing, the substitutes of the church church, or the exorcism team, and what they held was a kind of talisman used to exorcise— -Black key!

Lin Luo has always had no liking for the church. As I said before, this group of guys would accuse the other party of being a heretic as long as they have a little bit of force against organizations whose beliefs are different from their own, and then use force to kill them. Exterminate, it is clear that they are just a group of mortals, but they regard themselves as the spokesperson of God.

God? This title has no meaning at all in front of the walker, who is the spokesperson of the highest god! At least, the walker can come and go in these planes at will, then even if these planes really have gods, they are far below the gods behind the gods, and it may even be impossible to find the gods at all.

It is true that the Templar Church has made a lot of contributions to mankind by killing the killers, but there is no need to put itself in the position of God, looking like the only one in the sky and the world. What's more, there are organizations like burial organs in the church. Although the members are relatively small, they are either perverted murderers or aliens. None of them are pure humans, and there are very few clean ones. Among them, there are a few humans who have killed them. Not necessarily less than the dead.

Originally, Lin Luo didn’t have much good impression of the church. Coupled with the reason of Lin, he hated Yanfeng Qili. As the so-called loves the house and the Wu, Lin Luo hates the Wujiwu, and he is also full of hostility towards the church. However, because of the disparity between the strengths of the two sides, he didn't have the idea to trouble the church.

Of course, regardless of the prejudice against the church, there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, people in the exorcism team usually only move out when they exorcise or eliminate aliens, and they rarely attack ordinary people. , Then why do they have to deal with Xiaoqi?

What kind of identity does Xiaoqi have? Heterogeneous? Monster? Still dead?

"Why are the church people chasing you?" Looking at the person in the mirror out of the scope of observation and disappearing from his vision, Lin Luo couldn't help but ask Xiaoqi in the end.

"This..." Xiao Qi opened her mouth, but it seemed inconvenient to say it.

If you change someone else, Lin Luo might part ways with him immediately, but Xiaoqi is such an elf-like girl, he can hardly imagine what kind of monster the other party will be, this is not a genius mahjong girl...not to mention that he is not there. She felt any evil aura on her body, it could not be a monster, nor could she be a dead person.

Lin Luo believed that with his true eyes, even a dead disciple at the level of the ancestor, he could see some clues, and he could not hide his "hot eyes."

And no matter how powerful Xiaoqi is, she can't be above her ancestors...that may only be the root cause and restraint.

Of course, Lin Luo knew that Xiaoqi couldn’t be either Gaia sauce or Alaya. Let’s first say that the church has no ability and motivation to deal with inhibitions at all, she just feels it from her. Is also not the same as restraint.

how to say? The feeling Xiaoqi brought to Lin Luo...well, full of aura, it should be the kind of truth that is close to!

Lin Luo suddenly understood that the reason why he wanted to ask her this question was not because he was suspicious of her and he was vigilant. On the contrary, he was looking for a reason to protect Xiaoqi!

Why do you have this idea, of course, is not just because the other party is a cute little loli, the most important reason is that even Lin Luo himself hadn't noticed before... Xiao Qi was close to the reality of this world.

Lin Luo has been pursuing the truth of this world for more than six months, and has met countless people, among them are the genius Aozaki Orange who knows the root best, the future magician Aozaki Aoko, the evil thing in the world, the dead, and others. There are so many things related to the reality of the world... But no one has ever given him such a strong feeling, making him feel the closest contact with the essence and reality of the world!

For Lin Luo, besides Mikoto and their safety, the most important thing is to understand the truth of the world and then to unlock the rules of the world. And since Xiaoqi in front of him gave him the closest feeling to the reality of the world, he didn't need to ask anything. Whether to move towards the reality and fight the church, or stay away from the reality and avoid the threat of the church, there is no need to hesitate at all!

"I understand, you don't need to tell me the reason, anyway, our enemy is the church, right?" Lin Luo said so after looking at Xiao Qi, who seemed a little hard to tell.

"Huh?!" Xiaoqi suddenly looked surprised, "It has nothing to do with you, the church is just chasing me down."

"So..." Lin Luo laughed, "How can we be regarded as pitiful people with the same disease, how could I just watch you being chased by them."

"Why... why do you want to help me? Don't you know how powerful the church is?" Xiaoqi asked incredulously.

"Well, if it's all the power of the church, I really don't dare to confront them, but there are only a few substitutes, but I don't need to worry about it, and even if all the walkers are killed in this common area, the church may be afraid I don't know anything." Lin Luo said indifferently, because it was in this weird place that he dared to be an enemy of the church. Anyway, when the time comes, all the church members will be wiped out, and everything will be wiped out.

"...What a strange person." Xiaoqi sighed.

"I'm often said by people." Lin Luo laughed, "By the way, we have to prepare quickly. Although there are only a few substitutes, it is still not to be taken lightly. It is best to find a hidden place to hide first. stand up……"

While talking, Lin Luo checked the surrounding environment, saying that the best way is of course to arrange an enchantment, but the point is that although he will break the enchantment, he will not create it. Enchantments with a high degree of defensiveness can only be used by high-level magicians.

Seeing Lin Luo busy there alone, Xiaoqi's eyes showed a curious look: really an invisible human, but a bit too optimistic, my enemy is not just as simple as the church... Back, since the lock was broken, the door probably couldn't be hidden, even the walkers of the church were let in. Those guys should be able to find here soon... Damn it! If it wasn't for the special period that my power was sealed off, just a few running dogs of the church...

"The moon will rise in six hours. As long as you can survive these six hours, no one will want to go back alive when that happens, hum!" Xiao Qi stared fiercely in a certain direction and snorted coldly.


Because he had not formally contacted people from the church, Lin Luo didn't know the strength of the surrogates and couldn't figure out an exact way to deal with them, so temporarily took Lei and Xiaoqi to hide in a relatively hidden place... It was a soil bag on a certain hillside surrounded by a pile of giant mushrooms. The terrain was high and the grass was lush, which was easy to hide and also had enough vision to allow them to fully observe the surrounding environment.

"What's the matter with your mirror?" Lin Luo couldn't help but ask as she watched Xiaoqi next to her, fiddling with the mirror in her hand.

This mirror was about the size of two palms and had no borders. It seemed to be just a piece of ordinary glass, but Lin Luo could faintly feel a mysterious power hidden in it. In Xiaoqi's words, through this mirror, she can see some scenes in the distance. Of course, there must be a mark set by her in that place to make the two connect.

"I only know the usage, I don't understand how it works." Xiaoqi said.

"Isn't this your thing?" Lin Luo was surprised.

"No." Xiaoqi shook her head, "It's the toy my mother gave me...probably."

"Ah...probably?" Lin Luo felt speechless, and gave this magical thing as a toy to his daughter. Who on earth is it?

Seeing the confusion in Lin Luo's eyes, Xiaoqi explained: "My mother seems to have given me a lot of toys, but most of them I don't know where, only this mirror and the big white are in my hands."

"Dabai?" What is that again?

"Oh, Da Bai is a dog, my pet."

"It turned out to be a dog." When Xiaoqi said that, Lin Luo suddenly felt a little kind and smiled, "Actually, I also have a pet dog named Xiaobai."

While speaking, Lin Luo was a little confused...Dog? Dabai? How do you feel like you have heard it somewhere, what is it? I can't remember it a bit, it shouldn't be too important.

At this time, the mirror in Xiaoqi's hand suddenly reacted again. It was a dazzling white light, rising into the sky from the mirror!

"This is..." Lin Luo was taken aback and looked at Xiaoqi.

But Xiaoqi's face changed, her expression extremely solemn, "This mirror has a special place. According to the strength of the opponent, the light it emits is also different. The substitutes just now are just weak. Light, and the person who came in this time...very strong!"

How strong is it? Lin Luo was about to ask a question, but the next moment, when he saw the person in the mirror, he couldn't ask anymore. He only felt a dry throat and cold sweat!

"That's... ancestor!!!!!??"

Chapter 155 Come Back! Once the courage, once the faith! At this moment, right here, I will once again become the strongest!

In the mirror, what Lin Luo saw was a tall young man with short white hair, blood-red eyes, a broken red cloak on his back, and a hand that was not much shorter than the owner on his shoulders. The big sword, exposed to the outside, was covered with bandages on his arms, and it was stained with blood...

Through the eyes of truth, Lin Luo could see that the death aura emanating from this man was extremely large and terrifying. It was more than ten times stronger than that of the dead man he had encountered before. He would not believe that this guy was not an ancestor!

What's more, Lin Luo still knows some of the twenty-seventh ancestors, and this guy with the image of Dante is one of them. He is... the eighteenth seat of the twenty-seventh ancestors. ——Ann Hans!

It has the same nature as Gongzhong Wuyue. When he was originally a human, he was resurrected on the first day after being sucked by the original eighteen ancestors. After resurrection, his ability is comparable to that of the original eighteen ancestors. He possesses such a qualification. People, in the entire history of the dead, adding him and Gongzhong Wuyue will only be four people!

After that, he even beheaded the original eighteen ancestors and took his place by himself.

Although it does not possess the inherent barriers like Gongzuka Wuyue, nor does it possess the special ability to pull the group like other ancestors, it is more based on willpower and action to fight, but no one can question his as an ancestor. strength!

"Why does this guy appear here?!" Lin Luo's face changed drastically.

"Re-vow riding on Ann Hans, do you know him too?" Xiaoqi seemed a little surprised.

"You know, that... he is also your enemy?" Lin Luo said weakly, an ancestor-level dead disciple, if this guy is also an enemy, how could he be able to fight with his current strength, even Dongfeng It is impossible for the Ring to kill an ancestor, and Lei's energy is limited, he dare not take such a big risk!

"It should be. After all, he has a certain cooperative relationship with the church. Since he appears here, he will definitely not be an enemy of the church." Xiaoqi tried to analyze, although she first saw Ann Hans I was very nervous, but now he seemed to have calmed down, with a calm expression on his face.

"..." Lin Luo was speechless. Indeed, Ann Hans is called the Oath Rider. Because he hates being turned into a dead person by his ancestors, he hunts other "ancestors" for personal purposes. This is the same as the church, so the two often cooperate. In fact, they are different. In other words, Ann Hans is also equal to the church's half thug.

Since the church was chasing Xiaoqi, Anhansi followed closely behind him, and he didn't even think about it, but also for Xiaoqi...Speaking of which, what kind of identity does Xiaoqi have? Not only the church, but the ancestors were alarmed!

Of course, Lin Luo has no thoughts to think about this now. Even if he knows Xiaoqi’s true identity, it won’t help the two of them now. Instead of thinking about these useless things, it’s better to think carefully about how to avoid being with An Han. Sri Lanka conflicts as well.

"I think we should run away from here as soon as possible. Since the enemy has an ancestor level, no matter how prepared we are, we have no chance of winning." Lin Luo suggested.

"Escape? It's useless." Xiaoqi shook her head, "With Anhans' ability, as long as we are in this shared area, no matter where we go, he will definitely find us, or do you think you are motivated? Above him?"

"Uh..." Lin Luo had nothing to say. That’s right, running is useless. His greatest specialty is willpower and action. Unless it’s Bai Ji, there are few ancestors that can surpass him. He wants to be in front of him. Escape, nothing can be done except waste of energy.

"Then do you have any countermeasures?" Lin Luo frowned and asked. The enemy is the ancestor and the church walking on behalf of him. There are only three people on his side. Lei and himself can only be counted as one person. There is no problem with dealing with church walkers, but... …Although I don’t know Xiaoqi’s strength, can she beat her ancestors?

Lin Luo didn't feel much power in Xiaoqi. Except for her special temperament, she was no different from ordinary people. If such a person can beat the ancestor, then the ancestor would not need to be mixed. Twenty Seventh ancestor simply called twenty-seven insects.

"There is no countermeasure." Without hesitation for a second, Xiaoqi shook her head decisively, "My guards are all entangled by other enemies, and can't help me, and I can't use power for the time being."

"Then you are very dangerous, why are you not worried at all?" Lin Luo felt very strange. Faced with such a dangerous situation, Xiao Qi didn't seem to panic at all, she looked like she was ready.

After hearing Lin Luo's words, Xiao Qi sighed helplessly, and at the same time gave him a blank look, "Originally, if you didn't break the'lock', let alone the church's substitute, even the ancestors. It is difficult to find the door of this space, so as long as I escape the period of weakness here, nothing will happen, but..."

"It's me?!" Lin Luo suddenly felt ashamed. Hearing Xiaoqi's words, it seemed that all the faults were on her own body, but if what she said was true, it would be true.

Lin Luo felt in a dilemma. Logically speaking, this matter had nothing to do with him. Whether it was the church or the ancestors, they only came to Xiaoqi. As long as he let go, it didn't matter what happened, but the problem is... Xiaoqi has the most Close to the real characteristics of the world, and the reason for such a dangerous situation seems to have something to do with me, there is really no way to let her go, but...

"Lin Luo..." The girl's soft voice sounded in her ears. Lin Luo heard the reputation and found that Lei had woke up and was rubbing her eyes with sleepy eyes.

"Wake up, Lei."

"Yeah..." Lei nodded slightly, and then saw Xiaoqi next to her as her eyes moved. Suddenly, a trace of daze appeared on her face.

"Well, this is Xiaoqi, I met while you were sleeping." Lin Luo introduced to her.

Although Lei didn't like to talk, she was not a person who was afraid of life. She nodded friendly to Xiaoqi, and Xiaoqi responded politely. Lei is a royal family among the holy war angels. Although there is no clear title, she is almost at the same level as the princess. Although Xiaoqi is unknown, she is undoubtedly from a nobleman due to her elegant and decent posture. The temperament is somewhat similar, and the personality is the same calm and indifferent.

Afterwards, Lin Luo found an excuse to take Leila out, and spent two minutes telling Lei about their current situation in a voice that Xiaoqi couldn't hear.

After Lei listened, she blinked, "So, you killed Xiaoqi, right?"

"Uh..." Lin Luo was embarrassed, please, don't speak so directly. "Well, it's probably like this, so I want to ask for your opinion."

"My opinion? I think I should help Xiaoqi." Lei said naturally, "After all, we killed her. If she is caught by the enemy, wouldn't it be bad?"

"Although I think so, but at present, we don't have the fighting power to fight the enemy at all, and it is very difficult even to escape." Lin Luo said in a deep voice.

"But you can't just let it go, right?" Lei said softly.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded. The fact is that he cannot advance or retreat. It doesn't matter if he is alone. For peace of mind, he will fight against his ancestors, but his life and death are related to the lives of many people. Leaving aside Mikoto and the others, there is a bud in front of her eyes, how can we put them into this kind of danger.

"Don't hesitate, if you think you should do it like that, then do it. No matter what, I will support you. As you said, strength is not all of a person, the most important thing is the heart." Suddenly , Leila raised Lin Luo's hand and smiled softly.

"..." Lin Luo was taken aback, as if being infected by her smile, the originally gloomy sky appeared bright, and there was a sudden sense of openness in his heart.

Forgot, what has forgotten?

...I don’t know when I have forgotten something. In my own world, Mikoto, who was on the verge of life and death due to the return of her heart, resolutely chose the one with only 5% hope in order to save her. Option to enter Mikoto's spiritual world and pull her out of the abyss of despair.

In the Forbidden World, in order to save the sisters, he resolutely challenged the highest combat power of the Academy City, invaded the research institute, confronted Anbe, and attacked Kihara many times, and finally stood at the top of the Academy City with an absolute disadvantage. The side with the strongest superpower can pass the challenge!

At that time, he did not hesitate to die, and he took everything on his back, faced an unprecedented powerful enemy, as an ordinary person, defeated one enemy after another, hesitated one after another, and guarded. The most important person!

At that time, my heart was full of courage, no matter who the enemy standing in front was, I was fearless!

However, since when, I have forgotten the courage and the most important fighting spirit. Although he has stronger strength, he is already afraid of doing things, looking forward and backward, like a bereaved dog!

Although it is because different from the time when I was alone, there are too many things that need to be tied, there are too many people that need to be protected, but!

How can I forget the courage I once had! How can I forget the unyieldingness of the past! How can I forget the kind of belief that I once had! How can I forget... the man who said the phrase "bring everything on my back" is the real himself!

Forget, forget, why do you even forget these?

While the strength has become stronger, the heart has become weak, it shouldn't be! Is the one who has forgotten all this still himself?

Get it back! Find back that courage, find back that belief again... and once again become the strongest self!

Just now, just now!

To this day, to this place!

Prove once again...I am fearless!

"Lei, thank you."

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