Chapter 1115: Broad and profound moon culture

Three days later


After the Dragon God was eliminated, Gensokyo has undergone some changes.

The original Gensokyo was surrounded by two enchantments, forming a world of its own, but after the disappearance of the dragon god, Hakuli’s Great Enchantment also disappeared. Although people outside still can’t see Gensokyo, there is no clear "common sense". The boundary between "Uncommon Knowledge" and Phenomenal Common Sense has begun to invade Gensokyo.

Of course, this kind of change is invisible on the surface, and ordinary people will not feel it, so the atmosphere in Gensokyo is still as calm as usual. Whether it is a human or a monster, their lives have not changed...but!

As long as it is someone who understands the role of Hakui’s Great Enchantment, no one does not know that this calm is only temporary. Once the common sense of the phenomenon completely invades Gensokyo, the so-called paradise of monsters will not exist. The future Gensokyo... … Can only exist as a paradise.

"It's over." Yakumo Zi stood in the sky, looking down at Gensokyo, as if to keep the current scene in her heart forever, then she closed her eyes and said quietly.

Yes, whether it is as the great sage of the monsters or as the guardian of Gensokyo, when the dragon **** dies, her mission is over.

Her mood at the moment is very complicated. On the one hand, she feels relaxed because of the heavy burden she has unloaded. On the other hand, she feels helpless because of Gensokyo’s "disappearance". As for sadness, there will be no such feelings. She was already numb, and all the witches who had died have returned. It should be considered a happy thing... right?

But is the current situation really worthy of happiness?

Yakumo Zi didn't know, and she couldn't describe what it was like. She just felt empty in her heart. She couldn't make any effort to do anything, just like...

"Is it the same as losing my life goal?"

A voice came from behind, Yakumo Zi turned around, and saw the person coming, she couldn't help showing a wry smile, "How do you know what I'm thinking in my heart?"

"No, I just feel a little bit empathetic." Lin Luo walked up to her, looked at Gensokyo, with a bit of nostalgia in his eyes, and said, "When I was an ordinary person, I used my favorite one every time. After playing these games, I will have this feeling of emptiness. I told myself in my heart that even if the same or more classic games appear in the future, I will not have such strong feelings and feel that I have lost my life in an instant. Goal, no business... At that time, my face was exactly the same as yours now."

Yakumo Zi was taken aback, and then said: "But you are not empty right now."

"Of course, when I think about it now, I just think I was too stupid at that time." Lin Luo smiled and laughed at himself, "At that time, I thought I would be empty forever, but I only felt depressed for a few days. After a more classic game appeared in front of me, I immediately became energetic again and devoted myself to it. As for the feeling that I would never love it again, it has long since disappeared without a trace... You understand Do I mean?"

Yakumo Zi was silent for a moment. Of course she understood that Lin Luo just wanted to tell her that the so-called emptiness was only temporary, but...

"...That's just a game." After a moment of silence, Yakumo Zi said.

Lin Luo nodded: "Yes, games are just games after all. It cannot be compared with reality. The emptiness I experience is not comparable to your current emptiness, but what I want to say is...the feelings are the same, because I really liked it once, so when that thing disappeared, we couldn't accept it, but if you think about it, why do we live for?"

"Live for what?" Yakumo Zi looked at him instinctively, her eyes filled with blankness.

Lin Luo turned around and fixedly looked at her, "I don't think that the purpose of my life is for games. In fact, I rarely touch games nowadays, so what about you? The meaning of your existence here, isn't it? Is it just for Gensokyo?"

"Uh!" In one sentence, Yakumo Zi was stunned.

What is the reason for being alive? What is the meaning of being here? She has never considered this kind of problem. Since the three words Gensokyo appeared in her memory, all her actions have been for Gensokyo, but the meaning of her being born shouldn't be for Gensokyo, right?

"So, what is my point?"

Yakumo Zi murmured to herself, but when she recovered, Lin Luo had already been lost in front of her.

Subconsciously looking around, there was no one else nearby except her, Lin Luo really left. This made her somewhat disappointed. She thought that Lin Luo would comfort her, but in the end only said a few inexplicable words, which made her feel even more confused.

Yakumo Zi smiled helplessly and floated back to the ground. At this moment, she suddenly saw a bee web on a branch not far away, and a butterfly was trapped in the web and struggling hard.

When the spider saw the prey falling on the web, he immediately appeared from the dark, and crawled along the web to the butterfly. The butterfly obviously also saw the predator. Its struggle was more intense, but the toughness of the web made it still unable to break free. Life is about to end here, Yakumo Zi can't help but touch his heart, and instinctively stretches out his hand...

However, before she could take any action, the butterfly suddenly exploded with great power, and with a loud chirp, it broke the spider web abruptly, escaped from the spider's mouth, flapped its wings and flew into the vast sky.

Yakumo Zi's gaze followed the trajectory of the butterfly flying, watching it fly farther and farther, farther and farther, until the end of the butterfly was never seen again, she still did not take back her gaze.

Suddenly, she understood a little bit. If she is the butterfly, Gensokyo is the web that binds herself. But the butterfly caught in the net is involuntary, and she is bound by Gensokyo, but it is the web she woven by herself. If you want to fly out of this net, you can only rely on herself.

But there is not only one web in this world. But if the butterfly escapes this web, it may fall into another web again or be hunted by another predator. What about yourself?

Even if he breaks free from Gensokyo's shackles, as long as he doesn't let go of his heart completely, he will once again be trapped in the cobweb he has woven.

"So, you just want to tell me that you are not my net, right."

Soft words confided from her mouth, Yakumo Zi’s face showed a relieved smile, and once again looked at the sky as expected, she finally saw... The meaning of her life is not for Gensokyo, nor is it For anyone else, just because of yourself!

Because I am alive, I am alive without any reason.

Free and unrestrained, love if you want, hate if you want to hate.

This is the monster.

This is the monster.

She, Yakumo Zi, should be such a monster!


Since the battle with the Dragon God was over, Lily, Evangeline, and Mercury Lantern followed Tosaka Rin and others to return to the Ming World. The only people who are still staying in Gensokyo, except for the natives of Gensokyo, are Lin. Luo alone.

He has already said about Qiandoming, but everyone is still hesitating. After all, they are already used to the life of Gensokyo, and suddenly they say to leave and leave... Although Gensokyo has changed, but They still can't bear the atmosphere here.

After living in a place for a long time, he would naturally have feelings for this place, Lin Luo also understood, so he just said his thoughts, did not force it, and waited silently.

Three days have passed, and no one has made up his mind yet.

It was under such circumstances that Lin Luo arrived at the Everlasting Pavilion after bidding farewell to the Eight Clouds.

Lingxian and the black-bellied rabbit didn't know where they went. They didn't see it this time, but it was Yonglin Bayi. After Lin Luo came in, she sat alone in the living room, drinking tea and reading books on pharmacology.

Lin Luo stepped forward and sat down opposite her, and found that Yonglin Bayi didn't notice him, with a serious expression on her face, so she took the initiative to speak, "How are you thinking about it?"

Without raising her head, Bayi Yonglin said indifferently: "There is nothing wrong with us. Anyway, for the princess, as long as she is not disturbed, where she lives is the same, and...well, the five problems are already there. If you cracked it, I have no reason to stop it."

Bayi Yonglin's tone was full of helplessness, a feeling of reluctance left by the female college.

When Lin Luo came to Gensokyo for the first time, he made an agreement with Kaguya. After the five problems were solved, when he signed a contract with Kaguya, this agreement was also known to Eirin Bayi.

It’s just that Yonglin Bayi knows the true meaning of this agreement more clearly. In the era when Kaguya was Kaguya Ji, countless suitors were attracted because of her beauty. The five problems were used as a barrier to stop these suitors. Existence, as a result, the world is incompetent and retreats.

Although the five questions that Kaguya gave in that era and the five questions that Kaguya gave Lin Luo were two completely different questions, the meaning was the same. Now that Lin Luo has solved these five problems, it actually means that Hui Ye must be married.

The so-called married husband, although Huiye used to be a princess, she is now just an "ordinary person", so of course, where her husband lives, Huiye also has to live... Bayi Yonglin understands this truth. She also felt that the matter had no meaning to stop now, but she was still very entangled in her heart.

"Five problems..." Lin Luo murmured. After the battle with the Dragon God ended three days ago, Hui Ye also mentioned to him that the five problems had been solved, but he didn't even know. When did he crack it? This made him very baffled. When asked Huiye, she didn't mention a word.

"Do you know the answer?" Lin Luo couldn't help asking.

"It doesn't matter what the answer is." Bayi Yonglin raised her head and said sternly, "The five problems the princess gave you are not actually for you to think, but just a test of your personality. Do you know the problem? It’s the most important thing to crack under the specific meaning. If you think about it too much, you won’t be able to crack it.”

"It makes sense to say that."

Lin Luo nodded, not knowing whether he really understood or pretended to understand. After a while, he continued: "Since you don't have any objections when you go to the Ming Realm, do you want to solve the problem on the moon?"

"Solve what?"

"Uh...for example, farewell or something."

"There is nothing to say, we have been away from the moon for more than a thousand years."

"That's right, but after all, it will be two different worlds."

"It's the same everywhere. Anyway, we have basically nothing to do with the moon." Bayi Yonglin looked indifferent. Although she was still concerned about the safety of the moon, it was impossible for her to set foot on the moon again.

Lin Luo didn't say anything anymore when he saw her expression, but suddenly he thought of something, and suddenly he felt gossip and asked in a low voice, "By the way, I remember the two princesses on the moon now. , Matsuki Toyohime and Matsuki Yihime are biological sisters, right?"

"What are you asking about this?" Bayi Yonglin looked at him immediately like a thief.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just a little curious." Lin Luo quickly explained, "Look, the two of them are sisters, but Yi Ji married her sister Feng Ji's son and became her sister's daughter-in-law. Logically speaking, This is incest, what do you think?"

Bayi Yonglin looked at him seriously for a while, “I didn’t expect your news to be very well-informed. Indeed, what you said is the truth, but how can this be considered incest? My sister is married to her sister’s son. If you understand, kiss and kiss, don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand."

"..." Looking at Bayi Yonglin's contemptuous expression, Lin Luo was speechless.

Originally, he wanted to say that your circle is really messy, but he can't say it at all.

Sure enough, his worldview is still very narrow, and it is too unreasonable for him to be a king of the world to be bound by such a narrow worldview.

Therefore, Lin Luo decided to learn the value of pro-superior pro-pros from the moon.

"Since a younger sister marries her sister's son as a kiss, then the apprentice marries the master, or the master marries the apprentice's husband, or the elder sister marries a husband, all kinds of things, is it all considered a kiss and a kiss?" Lin Luo put on a correct learning attitude and asked humbly.

Bayi Yonglin closed the book in her hand, seemed to think about it for a while, and then she squeezed her chin and said, "How do you say? We don’t have as many restraints as people on the ground on the moon. In general, except for father, daughter, mother and son. Unless the relationship is not allowed, everything else can be combined. For example, brothers and sisters, as long as the two love each other, then there is no problem at all, and as a parent, you will be very happy, with a pair of children under your lap."

"..." Lin Luo was embarrassed and speechless, the moon... is so good!

"Speaking of which, you are very free today, and you even inquired about this kind of gossip." Bayi Yonglin couldn't help but vomit.

"No, no, this is very useful knowledge." Lin Luo repeatedly shook his hand, "I think we should carry forward this spirit, the moon culture is really broad and profound."

Lin Luo couldn't help but sigh in the end.

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