Chapter 1106: death! When death comes...

Under the same strength, a huge body is far less conducive to fighting than a small body. On the one hand, it is not easy to be fired, and the speed can be increased. Finally, the fighting methods can be diversified, and this last point is especially important.

Therefore, when the Dragon God appeared in the form of a black-clothed maid, Lin Luo had a premonition, and then waited for him to think that the prototype of the black-clothed maid might very well be the one in the book of contract that holds the equivalent exchange rules. When he was a big man, he was even more frightened.

We must know that this big man has defeated the Dao of Heaven, otherwise how did he survive from the Dao of Heaven? Based on this speculation, the real black-clothed maid's combat effectiveness is at least the fifth heavenly rank. The Dragon God uses a real black-clothed maid as a prototype for transformation. He will definitely not only imitate a shape, but will probably copy it together with the fighting method... As for whether it can be copied, this is completely unnecessary, because it is equivalent exchange. Originally from the hand of a black-clothed maid.

If this speculation is true, the result is extremely terrifying. Even if the dragon god’s simulating black-clothed maid’s fighting method cannot be as powerful as the deity, even if it is only in its shape, it is enough to increase its combat effectiveness by several steps. After all... both have the rules of equivalent exchange!

In other words, the enemy they are facing at this moment is no longer the dull Dragon God, but the real powerhouse of the heavenly rank, even... it is very likely that the strongest person in the first heaven of the heavenly rank!

The reason why Lin Luo dared to fight the Dragon God is precisely because the Dragon God is not a strong heavenly rank, but just a rule of heavenly rank. With his understanding of equivalent exchange, he can even achieve this rule. He defeated the realm of the heavenly ranks, but... he couldn't restrict the strongmen of the heavenly ranks. Under this circumstance, his advantages would disappear!

The actions of the Dragon God completely exceeded Lin Luo's predictions and completely disrupted his rhythm. However, he was not the kind of person who would retreat as soon as he encountered a setback. He had long known that this battle would be extremely difficult. After thinking of this, he immediately calmed down, gathered his body again, and began to take the initiative to attack.

After all, in such a situation, he is the only one who can face the maid in black.

However, the speed of the black-clothed maid was too fast, and he did not dare to immediately take down the defenses imposed on everyone, so that he failed to face the black-clothed maid in the first time, causing serious injuries to many people on his side... …Of course, no one dies for the time being is the best result, if he takes back his defense in the first time, I am afraid someone has already died at this moment.

Finally, when the black-clothed maid was about to launch a killer move on Yakumo Zi again, Lin Luo completed the transformation of his own existence, holding the Destroy Killing Sword and beheaded him.

The black-clothed maid had a completely condescending attitude towards Yakumo Zi and the others, and she dismissed it, but when she felt Lin Luo's attack hit, there was a dignified look in her eyes.

Turning around suddenly, she was holding the Destruction Killing Sword within a few inches of her head, and then squeezing it hard, the Destroying Killing Sword suddenly shattered, and the black flames flew in all directions.

"Hmph, overwhelming!" said the black-clothed maid proudly.

This voice really... Lin Luo didn't pay attention before, but at this time he finally heard it. The voice of the maid in black was exactly the same as the voice he had heard in his dream. Of course, there was a world of difference in tone, the one in the dream. The tone gives people a gentle and graceful feeling, and of course it is proud and domineering at the moment.

It’s just that the character of the black maid’s deity is unclear. Although Lin Luo is more gentle and graceful, if you guess from the facts, it should belong to the latter...After all, the other party is imitating the deity, if the deity is Is gentle and graceful type, then she should also be gentle and graceful.

This discovery made Lin Luo faintly feel where the previous violation was.

"Is it beyond your own control? You have to try it before you know it!" Although the Destruction Killing Sword was destroyed by the opponent, Lin Luo didn't care at all. The speed was full, and he approached in an instant, showing up again in his hands. Out of the destruction and killing sword, directly hack up.

The black-clothed maid leaned back slightly, avoiding Lin Luo's attack, and at the same time raising her right hand, an instantaneous destroying sword appeared in her hand, slashing towards Lin Luo fiercely.

Lin Luo missed a blow, but he didn't panic at all. Before being slashed by the black maid's destroying sword, he disappeared from the place and appeared behind the enemy, endless black flames surge like a wave.

The black-clothed maid sneered, and the destruction-killing sword had already been cut backwards during the change of gesture, and with a clatter, the black flame was immediately cut to pieces.

But after cutting through the black flames, the black-clothed maid did not see Lin Luo's figure. She suddenly felt bad in her heart. She suddenly raised her head and saw a huge fire phoenix attacking her.

The black-clothed maid instinctively swung the sword, but it was too late. The next moment, she was completely swallowed by the fire phoenix, and she was completely burnt in an instant.

The black flame contracted, and the fire phoenix instantly turned into Lin Luo, but just as he stood still, he suddenly stretched out a hand in the void, clenched his five fingers, wrapped the black flame, and blasted Lin Luo's back with a punch.

Lin Luo couldn't avoid it, was blasted, and his body burst instantly.

The fight between the two is really fast to the extreme. In this instant, they have completed a fight, but the people next to them did not see the process at all. They only saw Lin Luo swinging the sword and cutting it down, and then the sword changed. Becoming a fire phoenix and swallowing the black-clothed maid, Lin Luo was also exploded...they could understand this fierce level, but they didn't understand what was going on.

Even for the quasi-celestial rank of Yakumo Zi, she did not capture the entire process.

From this point, it can be seen that Lin Luo's strength may not be as good as the black-clothed maid, but at least it has opened up a long distance between the Eight Clouds and the others, and this distance obviously cannot be caught up in a short while.

When Lin Luo fought head-on with the black-clothed maid, these people could only watch. After all, they couldn't even catch up with the opponent's speed. How should they fight?

Therefore, when Lin Luo was bombarded with a single blow, everyone was discolored.

Although they played the entire battle at the beginning, they almost completely suppressed the Dragon God, and Lin Luo just played the role of an MT, but everyone knows...their real main force is Lin Luo, whether it is strength or psychological. rely.

It can be said that Lin Luo is not only the trump card, but also the soul of the entire team.

No matter how the other people lose, even if someone is seriously injured or killed, they will not lose hope, but if Lin Luo loses, then everything is over.

It is as if the two armies are at war. If the commander dies, then the army will be defeated.

Although everyone knows that Lin Luo has such a magical ability to be born out of nothing, they will not be able to positively recognize how powerful this ability is. They have no confidence in this ability when facing the almost inexhaustible powerhouse. Being out of nothing is also restrained...Almost no one dares to imagine the consequences.

Will being out of nothing be restrained?

of course not!

In less than a second, Lin Luo's figure reappeared again, blocking the black-clothed maid again.

Immediately, except for the black-clothed maid, everyone in the court breathed a sigh of relief.

Not to mention the feelings of Yakumo Zi and others at the moment, Lin Luo has a brand new experience through the battle just now... This black-clothed maid, her combat effectiveness is undoubtedly of the heavenly rank, otherwise he will leave the sky. Only half the strength of the rank is left, no one below the rank can blast him with a punch, but!

The Maid in Black and Saint Bai Lian also fought each other just now. Although they still had the defenses he gave at that time, they would definitely be killed by a single move with the attack power that the Maid in Black showed now, but the result was not like that... …In other words, the black maid is stronger when fighting him than when fighting with Saint White Lotus and the others.

Is it to retain strength?

Of course not!

The maid in black could not wait to make up for the tenth and third generations before. It was completely aura of death. How could it be possible to retain the strength, so the fact is that...the maid in black at that time even talked about offensive power. It is much better than Dragon God, but that's how it is.

However, when fighting with him, the black maid's strength has improved a lot. What does this show?

Has it become stronger in an instant?

If this is the case, it would be too much.

Then there is only one truth... Equivalent exchange!

The black-clothed maid's punch to the third generation is not obvious to others, but Lin Luo knows it very clearly. It is obviously a fourth-generation move. Not to mention the heavy damage to Saint Bailian, the emperor and Remilia afterwards, except The storm that killed Yakumozi is temporarily invisible, and all the abilities of the black maid are obtained through equivalent exchange.

So is it also indirectly indicated: In addition to the pressure of the heavenly rank, the black maid does not have any fighting ability, even if it is the pressure of the heavenly rank, it is stronger when there is no dragon **** form.

If this is the case, then the sense of violation that I felt before makes sense...Although the equivalent exchange is trying to imitate its master, the real maid in black, it is because the gap between the two is too big. , So it became a posture that painting a tiger is not an anti-dog. When she obtains the abilities of Saint White Lotus and the others through equivalent exchange, her own power will be greatly reduced, and when she exchanges to the rule of destruction, because Her level is different, so her strength has also been greatly improved.

There is no doubt that this is a weakness!

But is this weakness deadly enough?

Lin Luo is still not sure for the time being, because this is only his guess in the end. Even if the guess is true, he can let the black maid exchange the abilities of other people and then take the opportunity to start. Whether he can succeed is still unknown. What's more, if other people don't have his defensive support, even such an attack would be enough to kill them all in one hit.

So, now is not the time to attack this weakness.

All these thoughts just flashed in Lin Luo's mind, not even a tenth of a second, his eyes focused on the black-clothed maid opposite, his mind had already made up his mind... if You will only exchange for equal value, so let you exchange enough!

Lin Luo rushed forward again, with unparalleled speed, destroying Heiyan like a tsunami and rushing forward. In this regard, the black-clothed maid certainly wouldn't show weakness, but also danced to destroy Heiyan to kill her.

It's just that relatively speaking, the black-clothed maid's body has even less destructive black inflammation.

Is it because she is not strong enough?

Of course not. Although the black flame carried by the black maid is less than half of Lin Luo's, the power displayed by Lin Luo is still incomparable. At the moment of collision, Lin Luo's black flame was directly affected by Lin Luo. After rushing away, then with a wave of the trend, the fist that burned Black Flame smashed Lin Luo to pieces again.

Judging from the results, the black maid has more control over the rules of destruction than Lin Luo.

This is also of course, after all, her Heavenly Rank's strength does not contain water at all.

However, Lin Luo was not discouraged. He had such a magical ability to be born out of nothing. He could hardly die. He immediately resurrected at the moment of crushing, and killed him again with endless destruction.

The current black-clothed maids have no fatal weaknesses, but they have countless weaknesses. If he can't block the other side and let the black-clothed maids rush over, it will definitely be a tiger into the flock.

Therefore, he must block it!



three times……

ten times……

Twenty times...

A hundred times……

At this moment, Lin Luo is like a challenger, challenging the unattainable existence time and time again. Although every time he fails, he will light up the horn of charge again at the moment of failure. What is perseverance? , What is righteousness without hesitation, this may be the best explanation.

The people around who watched the battle were all stunned, and each one was stunned. They could already be sure that the strongest of the heavens could not completely kill Lin Luo, but... what about the feeling of death?

How many times Lin Luo has died so far, they have not counted, it is because they can't bear to count. Everyone knows that death is not a good thing, but Lin Luo has to bear it again and again, blocking them in front of them, pulling them away from the black-clothed maids...Why do this, everyone knows.

If the black-clothed maid tore through Lin Luo's defenses and then killed them, few of them would be able to survive. Even if Lin Luo could rush back in time, the sacrifice would be certain.

In the current situation, Lin Luo was using his own death to protect them again and again.

But, have they done anything?

Everyone suddenly discovered that since the Dragon God became a black-clothed maid, they have done nothing. They seem to be viewers watching TV, who can only feel the plot and cannot participate in it.

Not reconciled, everyone is not reconciled!

But what can they do?

Facing the powerful power of the black-clothed maids, they are simply powerless. Even if they rush forward unwillingly, they can only be a cannon fodder, and they are still a cannon fodder.

Is it true that I can only watch the show?

Everyone looked at their own hands and realized that it really seemed like this, because...they are too weak!

power! Need strength! If it can be stronger!

However, they don't have any reservations at all. The power they show has already reached the limit. How can they surpass themselves in a moment?

Powerless, really powerless!

No, go on like this... Others don’t know how many times Lin Luo died. In fact, even Lin Luo himself doesn’t remember. He originally intended to defend this line of defense, and at the same time, through the battle with the black maid, to understand the other side's use. The mystery of destroying the rules. After all, the opponent is a strong celestial rank, and the level of destruction is also a celestial rank, so as long as he can learn, he may attack the celestial rank in battle.

But... he looked at himself a little too high.

He is not a genius, not from the beginning. Although his progress is even faster than a genius, only he himself knows that they are all breakthroughs on the edge of life and death, not Yakumo Zina. A type that can be learned at a glance.

Now, although he is experiencing death all the time, but being out of nothing prevents him from truly dying. Therefore, it is impossible to break through in life and death, even if he has already realized a lot of things.

It is success that is born out of nothing, and failure is also born out of nothing.

Lin Luo began to admire that kind of true genius, but at this moment, what use is it to envy the talents he doesn't have?

In the end, he still had no choice but to bite the bullet.

As for the pain of death, can this kind of thing be managed?

"The only thing you admire me is this persistence, but..." The black-clothed maid's eyes were awe-inspiring, she punched Lin Luo again, and said proudly, "Power always has its limit. How long can you hold on?"

Lin Luo resurrected and appeared again, ignoring the black-clothed maid's words, and raising his hand was a sword.

Of course he knows that his power has its limit, and even he has clearly felt his limit now. He knows that it is impossible to defeat the black maid in front of him by his own power alone. Even if it is contained here, it is already It was a super level performance, but... this battle is not being fought by him alone!

Even if some people are confused now, some people are afraid, even if some people are desperate, he still believes.

Therefore, even in such a situation, he did not lose confidence.

Wait, as long as you wait, you can definitely...


Once again, Lin Luo's body was shattered by the black maid.

At this moment, the black-clothed maid’s figure flashed and immediately speeded up and rushed towards the opposite side. She no longer wanted to entangle with Lin Luo, but before she rushed out, there was a flower in front of her, and Lin Luo was already in front of her. .

"It's really annoying." The black-clothed maid couldn't help frowning. Now that she couldn't see Lin Luo's characteristics, no one would be bored with such an unkillable enemy.

She even had an urge to kill a few people ignoring Lin Luo’s attack, but the rule of destruction was not something that could be ignored after all, and she couldn’t get it through equivalent exchange if she was born out of nothing. If she accidentally overturned the ship in the gutter, it would really be Seeking a dead end.

"I have already said that if you want to go to a massacre, you must first kill me completely."

Lin Luo's expression was as firm as ever.

"Then I will kill your confidence until it collapses!" The black-clothed maid was furious, raised her palms fiercely, and the blazing black flame blasted down like the sky and the sun, and immediately burned Lin Luofan to death. .

"Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, one time you will..."

"Don't bully my dad!"

The black-clothed maid still wanted to verbally blow Lin Luo's confidence, but before she could finish her words, suddenly, an extremely angry voice sounded in the void.

Hearing this voice, not only the black-clothed maid turned her head, but even Lin Luo, who was just half-resurrected, and Reimu and the others all turned their eyes. Then, they saw...a girl, no, a girl appeared. Not far behind the black maid.

The girl looked about twelve years old, dressed in a witch costume, with a delicate little face and bulging, she looked extremely angry. At the same time, there were tears in her eyes, and anyone could see the grief and anger on her face.

"That's... Mingmeng? It's Mingmeng, right!" Although the size and age are not the same, Reimu confirmed in the first time that the girl who appeared suddenly is her own daughter.

"Don't stay there, go!" Of course Lin Luo recognized it and shouted immediately. Although he didn't know how Ming Meng came here, but now is not the time to care about it.

His resurrection will take time. Although it is extremely short, Ming Meng is too close to the black-clothed maid, so close to the black-clothed maid that he can kill her by just reaching out.

But Ming Meng ignored it, still staring at the black-clothed maid very angrily, and... and she also attacked the black-clothed maid frontally!

"Damn it!" Reimu's face changed drastically, and he immediately rushed forward desperately, and at the same time Yakumo Zi also activated the gap.

But in vain!

Because at this time, the black-clothed maid had already stretched out her finger, and a light of destruction shot towards Ming Meng like lightning.

Reimu doesn't have the ability to move instantaneously, no matter she rushes the fastest, it is impossible to rescue, but Yakumo Zi, the black-clothed maid knows her abilities very well, and within the range that she can attack, she has already confronted the gap. After interfering, Yakumo Zi was forced out by a powerful force as soon as he stepped into the gap.

As for the others, the speed is even worse.

Although Lin Luo was fully resurrected at this time, the moment the black-clothed maid pointed it out, she turned around and restrained him.

As a result, everyone could only watch the light of destruction shooting towards Ming Meng.

And Ming Meng was stunned for an instant when he watched the terrifying attack.


A heart-piercing voice shouted, but it was already unable to stop the tragedy from happening.

However, just when the light of destruction was a few meters away from Mingmeng, a small figure suddenly appeared in front of her...Silver long hair, black clothes, black wings-a mercury lamp!

With the mercury lamp in the N domain, her speed is not inferior to that of Yakumo Zi, but in the previous battles, she has not used this ability, so the black maid did not guard her, so everyone else When unable to rescue, the mercury lamp arrived through the N field.

But is this useful?

If it is Lin Luo, then rescue has been achieved, but the strength of the mercury lamp is almost only stronger than Ming Meng among the people, even if she arrives in time, can she really block the light of destruction of the heavens?

The answer is of course impossible.

Even the Mercury Lantern knew that she was powerless in the face of such an attack.

Therefore, at the moment it appeared, the Mercury Lantern did only one thing, facing the light of destruction, opening her hands... She wanted to use her body to help Ming Meng block this mortal blow.

Mercury lamps hate humans, and even apart from her father in her heart, there is no one she really likes. She would never do such things as self-sacrificing, but at this moment, even the Mercury Lamp herself doesn't know what it is for.

When she saw the light of destruction hit Mingmeng, she instinctively rushed up.

Why would I do this kind of thing?

The Mercury Lantern asked herself, but she couldn't find the answer, maybe this answer is dispensable.

When the light of destruction hit her body, the Mercury Lantern showed a slight smile on her face. Looking at the girl who was her sister in front of her, she knew that she had found the meaning of rushing forward.

Because I am a elder sister, protecting my younger sister is a matter of course.


The light of destruction is formed by the gathering of the black flames of destruction. At the moment of hitting, the black flames burned and burned the body of the mercury lamp into ashes in an instant.

Even Lin Luo can only resurrect the black flames of the destructive sky by relying on being born out of nothing, and there is no mercury lamp born out of nothing. Once it is burned out, there will only be one...death!

Mingmeng was stunned, she didn't know how to react at this moment.

However, her sluggishness was only a moment, because...the light of destruction did not stop on the mercury lamp. The moment the mercury lamp was exhausted, it penetrated and finally hit Mingmeng.

Like a mercury lamp, the black flame rose up in an instant, and then before even blinking, Ming Meng's body was also burned completely.

One light of destruction, two lives, almost at the same time.

Lin Luo was stunned.

Reimu was stunned.

Yakumo Zi was stunned.

At this moment, everyone is dumbfounded.

In such a short blink of an eye, both of them died? Is this true?

Impossible, how could death be so simple, obviously such a young and fresh life, this is... too unreasonable!

There is no reason, why does it appear at this time?




Lin Luo still clearly remembers the girl’s quiet and peaceful sleeping position when she saw the mercury lamp for the first time, and when she awoke her, the girl’s happy and hopeful smile on her face and sitting The little happiness on his shoulders. When I first saw Ming Meng, the girl’s dazed and somewhat cunning character, she played the second year, her admiring gaze and excitement, when she said she wanted to save everyone, she shouted The word hero.


Did you do it? Did you really do it?

Say what makes everyone happy ending, what you say you can protect everything...Even two girls can't be saved, just that blink of an eye, just such a moment... Life is so fragile that it can even drag for a moment Sorry!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The roar of grief and anger filled the entire space, grief and pain made Lin Luo completely crazy, tears gushing from his eyes, his face was as hideous as a ghost, and the endless black flame burned the entire world.

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