Chapter 1091: Brother's big gun is still so hungry and thirsty

"I said, what's the matter with you? Have a fever?" Lin Luo asked inexplicably in the face of Reimu's Tsundere, with the silly style of the harem man protagonist.

"You just have a fever! Your whole family has a fever!" Ling Meng's originally soft expression suddenly abandoned her arrogance when she heard this, and stared at him fiercely, appearing extremely dissatisfied.

I don’t know if my family has a fever. I only know that in theory, you are definitely a member of my family, so if you scold my family, you are tantamount to scolding yourself... Lin Luo really wants to tell Reimu this way, but it’s the end of the story. But the lips became, "If you don't have a fever, why would your face be so red?"

In Lin Luo's memory, it seems that Reimu blushes only when she is in bed, and she must be in a special state to give special stimulation...Oh no, pay attention to ethics!

"I have a cold, can I blush?" Reimu quibbled.

"Oh oh oh." Lin Luo nodded noncommittal, sat down at the table, just about to get a bowl, suddenly thought of something, looked at Reimeng and said, "I understand, because I had three days ago Saving yourself for others saved you, and finally moved you, so now you have fallen in love with me, right?"

"..." Reimu was stunned, and the hand holding the chopsticks stopped motionless in the air, as if petrified.

"Go and die!" Reimeng, who finally came back to his senses, was embarrassed and angry. He flew a kick like lightning, kicked Lin Luo out with a bang, and then retracted his foot bitterly, expressionless, and ate. !

In fact, what Lin Luo said is not wrong. Although Lingmeng was not conscious of her own death, after she woke up, she also learned from other people that she went from life to death, from death to life, life and death. It was a very cool walk.

When she learned that she was going to die because she was the scapegoat for Lin Luo and the others, she was very angry and felt that she was more wronged than the current minister. Then when she learned that Lin Luo took the initiative to save her and put herself in the environment of a lifetime of nine deaths, she was shocked, and after careful consideration for a while, she felt that it was necessary to re-examine Lin Luo.

In Reimu’s impression, Lin Luo has always been the same as Marisa Alice and the others, a passer-by, maintaining an attitude of intimacy and indifference. Although there were several ambiguities and complicated things that happened during the period, it was also a passerby. It didn't cause any waves in her heart, and she waved her hand and dissipated like clouds.

It wasn't until the night of drinking and chaos that the relationship between the two changed significantly... For a long time, this incident was regarded by Reimu as the greatest shame of his life.

For this man who forcibly stole his virginity, Reimu gritted his teeth, unloading him countless times in his dreams, thwarting his bones and turning his ashes, that was a joy. Of course, with a "correct" outlook on life, after some careful thinking, she still reluctantly let go of the pain of breaking life, purely as a spring dream, and decided to still treat Lin Luo like a passerby in the future. .

But as the saying goes, people are not as good as the heavens, and plans are not as good as changes. She had a lot of thoughts and never thought, because of the mistake of that night, she actually became pregnant with a child!

At that time, Reimu had only one feeling...The wind was messy, tears streaming down his face.

It was not easy for her to forget the incident, but she was reminiscent of the new life in her stomach. At the beginning, she had thought about knocking down the child, and of course she took action. After all, she was not mentally prepared to be a mother, and she also had a great psychological shadow on the term "mother and daughter".

For this reason, she deliberately went to find someone to fight, she deliberately jumped from a high place, she deliberately soaked herself in cold water for three days and three nights...Anyway, she changed her method to create an accidental miscarriage. But unfortunately, no matter how much she "self-harmed", the child in her stomach was still alive and bigger and bigger. His vitality was even more terrifying than Xiaoqiang. On the contrary, she almost got a life and couldn't take care of herself.

Finally, when she realized that she wanted to get rid of the child, she had to go to Siji Yingji to report this sorrowful method, she finally gave up.

So, she gave birth to Ming Meng, and then she met Lin Luo again.

Because of the fetters of her daughter, Reimu changed her attitude towards Lin Luo again, and no longer regarded him as a passerby...Of course, this did not mean that she had accepted Lin Luo in her heart, and said that she was in front of family love. Compromise, to say that it is ugly, is to break the jar.

However, this attitude still did not last long. Until three days ago, when she learned about the things that happened to her and the things that Lin Luo had to face with her choice, she was truly touched.

Moving? Of course there is, but Reimu will never admit that, at most, it is thanks, um, it is thanks. But whether she was moved or thanked, she felt that her attitude should be changed slightly.

From now on, treat him as the level of the money box... This is the position that Reimu finally gave Lin Luo after a series of inner struggles.

So, when I learned that Lin Luo had returned to Gensokyo today, Reimu didn't go to greet her, but meticulously prepared a meal, ready to entertain this human figure and stuff the money box.

But now Reimu regrets a bit.

She had read in Paqiuli’s book before, saying that women are like fog, rain and wind, making people elusive, but Reimu feels that the one who just kicked out by herself is better than those wind and fog. It's even more elusive, one will move people, one will make people mad, and the other will half-dead popular, it's really hateful.

It was hard for me to make up my mind to be gentler, so I didn't give face, and I still talked gibberish. Is this what people do?

Reimu wondered whether Lin Luo should be demoted. Without going down a lot, he would be reduced to the stone steps outside the shrine, which could be stepped on every day.

Lin Luo had already walked back from the outside when Reimeng was thinking about it while picking up rice. This time, he did not continue to pull the hatred. Instead, he pinched his chin and looked worried.


Hearing Lin Luo's muttering voice, Lingmeng turned a deaf ear to him. She didn't even bother to sit down again. She had already decided and dealt with Lin Luo coldly for the time being.

It's really weird...

Reimu ignored him, and Lin Luo didn’t say much, but he suddenly didn’t understand... Reimu was tired from the textbook level before, and he was so familiar with him. If you follow his previous style, this time He will definitely climb up the pole to increase his favorability, and he will never make Reimu upset.

But in fact, he not only made Reimu unhappy, but even made her violent, which is too inconsistent with his style... As a man who wants to become the king of the harem, why would he do such a stupid thing?

Not scientific at all!

Also, when I met Meili and Lianzi in that cave not long ago, the best way to contact was naturally to pretend to be a coincidence, and help them by the way, so as to establish a deep friendship. Or self-directed and acted a heroic saving the beauty drama, and then let the two ignorant girls take the initiative to throw their arms and hug...Well, throwing arms and hugs may be a bit exaggerated, but it will definitely make them admire themselves and even love the scene.

But what about the facts? But he was constantly taunting and pulling hatred, almost burning the lotus seeds, causing Meili to blacken...Well, although he has not done this kind of thing before, for example, when she first came into contact with Mai Ye Shenli, she She properly pulled up the hatred of the other party, and in the world of the moon a thousand years ago, she also established a fairly stable relationship of hatred with the knight Ji Modred, but don’t forget, it is based on both sides. Under the premise of hostility.

For those girls who will not become enemies, he basically will not actively or deliberately pull hatred.

So, what is going on with this change now?

Lin Luo faintly felt that this transition started from this time traveling through time and space. To be more precise, when he was still in the era of Xiao Zi and Youxiang, he was not so mocking, but when he moved from the river of time When he came out, he suddenly became very mocking.

This sudden change is really not magical at all!

Could it be that someone passed through when I came back? It's like another soul is incorporated into those crossing novels?

Lin Luo thought of this for the first time, but he was quickly ruled out. With his current strength, not to mention the high degree of mastery of his own soul, only the soul fusion is like eating one while eating. If Rusty Needle couldn't notice something so clear, he just bought a piece of tofu and killed it.

Since it wasn't such a ridiculous thing as being possessed, could it be because he spent too much time in the river of time, which caused him to see through the world and lost interest in women, so he didn't care about the issue of favorability at all?

The thought of this made Lin Luo's horror suddenly. If a man has evolved to have no interest in women, what is the point of being alive? Do you have a base? !

Almost conditioned, Lin Luo immediately looked towards Reimu, looking from top to bottom, first with a white face, then a white neck, and then the snow-white skin exposed in the air because of the exposed armpit witch costume. , And then the liberated poor **** who gave up the breast wrap...Although you can't see them, and down there is the slender waist under the red maiden's clothes, and of course the women who are infinitely irritating even though they can't be seen restricted area.

At this moment, Lin Luo, like a satyr who had been hungry for ten years, stared at Reimu's body, and at the same time gave full play to his rich brain replenishment ability. In an instant, a naked body appeared in his mind. , The jade body presents the wonderful witch lying on the bed.

Then Lin Luo felt the familiar erection and thirst beneath him.

For the first time in his life, he was so excited about his normal physiological phenomenon.

Great, brother's big gun is still hungry and thirsty!

At this point, Lin Luo finally felt relieved.

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