Chapter 1079: The history of Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka

Although Lin Luo jumped out of the past, he didn't immediately return to the future. He didn't know if it was because his power had not fully recovered, or for other reasons, he fell into the river of time instead.

Time moves forward slowly, if someone can grasp its specific form, then it is a river. If it’s a normal time river, it’s fine, but the current time river is from the past to the established future. In the process of flow, it is fast and slow, sometimes accelerating and sometimes stopping, just like menopausal women, it is very irregular. , It makes people a headache.

It doesn't matter if it is irregular, the problem is that it still hides countless murderous intents, as long as it is careless, it will be the end of the bones. Of course, the murderous intention here is only for the general strong, and it is still not a threat to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo didn't expect that he managed to solve the inverse cause and effect, and he would encounter this kind of stuff when he returned. Although it would not make him feel pressure, how should I say? It's like the Tang Seng and his party, who came to the west to get the scriptures, but they were thrown into the sea on the way back, making the scriptures become parallel imports. Even if there are surprises or dangers, the ones in front of the TV Audience friends will also think that your Tathagata Buddha is so idle, it really kills the scenery.

Lin Luo is now anxious to know if there will be any changes in the future, and is not in the mood to entangle with these things, but these things are like a worm and can't be thrown away. Even if he can break them with force, he has to worry about the consequences. Go with the flow.

Anyway, he has already done what he should do, what will happen next, he can no longer intervene, just be a bystander.

Lin Luo felt a lot more relaxed thinking about it this way, and immediately began to observe everything in the river of time. Although the fragments in the river of time flickered very quickly and intermittently, he could still see a lot of things with his ability.

Then Lin Luo was the first to see Youxiang, or the wind sees Youxiang.

I don't know how long it has been. Through the river of time, Lin Luo found that Youxiang not only changed her name to Fengjian Youxiang, but also grew up, and she looked like a fourteen or five-year-old girl.

She is no longer the nameless little demon when Lin Luo left. She has already occupied a place in the world and is known as the uncrowned king of the rising star!

Youxiang is just a rising star. From this point of view, the time since his departure should not be long, at most not more than a hundred years. After all, even if Youxiang defeats the Lord of Flowers, her strength will not improve much, regardless of her fame. Both his strength and strength need to be accumulated little by little, and a hundred years of time seemed reasonable to Lin Luo.

As for why Youxiang seems to be only fourteen or five years old, it’s the difference between monsters and humans. It’s like the second lady, who is already more than 500 years old, but she is still a grandmother. It's Lolita, who is Lolita, and it can explain that time really doesn't kill pigskins for their monsters.

In the picture that Lin Luo saw, Youxiang did not stick to one side like the Lord of Flowers, but took the initiative to challenge the strong from all sides. Although there are wins and losses from time to time, they can retreat every time, and their strength is also Getting stronger and stronger, this makes the lords everywhere extremely depressed. They feel like they have become a stepping stone for others.

In order to prevent themselves from becoming the next challenged, these second-tier lords united and ordered to kill Youxiang, trying to eliminate this unruly younger generation, but in the end they did not succeed. Instead, they let Youxiang take possession of everything. It's cheap, and occasionally when they are empty behind them, a lord will be picked out at once.

If this kind of thing happens occasionally, it’s fine, but in fact, every time you chase, this kind of thing will happen. For a time, the lords everywhere are in panic all day long, fearing that one day they will be picked down by the uncrowned king. Since then retired from the stage of history.

As the incident intensified, Youxiang finally entered the line of sight of the first-line lords.

Of course, this would not be a good thing, because she was on the blacklist of the lords.

At the same time, there was another person who entered the blacklist of the lords-Yakumo Zi.

Speaking of which, compared to Fengjian Yuxiang, the lords hate Yakumozi even more, because the purpose of Fengjian Yuxiang is clear to everyone. It is nothing more than to step on them, these lords to climb upwards. They have been doing this kind of thing. It doesn't matter whether you hate it or not, but when the person being trampled on is yourself, you will be very upset after all.

But what about Yakumo Zi?

No one knows what purpose this guy has.

They only knew that every time Yakumo Zi appeared in front of them, it would bring them huge losses. Sometimes the two lords fought with each other to seize territory, Yakumo Zi suddenly appeared, and randomly found one to join. Just when the joined party thought she was her own reinforcement, Yakumo Zi suddenly turned his gun and started hitting them, or The lords who had nothing to do with the third party were dragged over...In short, all kinds of tricks emerged in an endless stream. In the end, no lord had taken advantage of this kind of war, and the ending was almost the same, either loses or hurts three. All losers, no one is a winner anyway.

If there is a real winner, there is only Yakumo Zi, because every time she leaves with a smile.

But what did she win? Not to mention that the lords couldn’t figure it out, even Lin Luo who watched these pictures couldn’t figure it out, because she didn’t make money or profit, and she didn’t see her working hard to climb up like Youxiang, or... she was pure Sabotage just for sabotage?

But what's the point of this? !

Of course, this kind of thing has been done a lot, and Yakumo Zi still won one thing, and that is the hatred of the lords. Lin Luo feels that if Yakumo Zi becomes a MT, no one can beat him, this hatred is well done.

For a long time, it was because these two guys were stirring up the wind and the rain everywhere, making the power of the whole world messy, and it was not just the second-tier and third-tier lords who suffered, but even many first-tier lords were also affected...In short , As long as it is mentioned that Yakumo Zihe Feng Jian Yuxiang, no lord will give a good face.

However, although these two guys can't squeeze into the first line in terms of true strength, and even the second line are reluctant, but their ability to escape is really enough to go against the sky, even if the first-line lord makes a shot.

Lin Luo is very interested to know how long this kind of thing will continue, but at this time the river is really like menopausal women. If you want it to be slower, it just jumps violently. The era of coquettish coquettish forced by the Fang lords is over.

I don't know if it has been hundreds or thousands of years, the appearance of Yakumo Zihe Fengjian Yuxiang has not changed much, but their reputation can only be described in four words...ruiguaner.

They have completely taken off the title of uncrowned king and become a powerful monster that even the first-line lord has to face with twelve points of spirit, and then at this time, they did something to change history.

Kazami Yuka and Yakumo Zi are not friends. Yes, after the memory is sealed, they will fight with all their strength when they meet, there is no superfluous intersection...probably because they are both contemporary Uncrowned king, don't bother each other.

But turning hostility into hostility does not prevent them from joining forces.

There was no exchange of news in advance, and no idea of ​​cooperation. On a black and windy night, Feng Jian Youxiang sneaked into the southern wolf clan base camp. In just one night, he killed countless wolf clan masters, and at the same time took off the Southern Wolf King. His head shocked the world.

At the same time, Yakumo Zi did the same thing, except that her target was the northern wolf clan.

Compared with Fengjian Youxiang's blood flow in the southern wolf tribe, Yayunzi's method is much gentler. She just turns the northern wolf tribe into an empty city. Yes, it was the empty city. Except for the Northern Wolf King who clearly left a corpse, none of the others were stunned, and there were even few traces of battle.

But obviously, this situation is even more terrifying and strange to outsiders.

The blood of the southern wolf tribe is flowing into a river, at most people think that this is a war movie, war is like this, but Feng Jian Youxiang is a bit perverted, as a group of enemies. But the empty city of the northern wolf tribe, this is undoubtedly a cultivating novel.

However, the death of the Southern Wolf King and the Northern Wolf King was only a signal of the beginning. Just as these two events spread around the world, Feng Jian Youxiang and Yakumo Zi headed toward the west at the same time.

As soon as the North Wolf King and the South Wolf King were killed on the front foot, they headed to the West on the back foot. Even idiots could see their intentions, and countless monsters also headed to the West, preparing to watch a good show.

But this good show was not regarded as after all, because the Eastern Wolf King was also the number one master of the entire wolf clan, one of the top three at the apex of the pyramid, and powerfully rescued the Western wolf clan.

Hearing the sound of the wind, Yakumo Zihe Fengjian Yuxiang didn't continue traveling westward, but immediately fleeed away. For this choice, the monsters understand that although Yakumo Zihe Kazejian Yuka has a reputation recently, it is still too young in the end, and it is not comparable to the old powerhouse such as the East Wolf King, even if they can single-handedly kill. The Southern Wolf King and the Northern Wolf King, but they may not be at the same level as the East Wolf King.

The excitement is not considered, most monsters are a little unhappy. After all, the wolf clan has been arrogant for a long time. They really hope to see the wolf clan eating turtles. Now, with the action of the Eastern Wolf King, this incident is probably also It's over.

As for the death of the Southern Wolf King and the Northern Wolf King, this is not enough for the entire wolf clan.

Everyone thinks so, even Lin Luo, but!

Just one night later, a shocking news came out.

On the way to the west, the East Wolf King encountered Yakumo Zihe Feng Jian Youxiang, the two sides fought fiercely for a night, and finally... the East Wolf King fell!

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