Chapter 1076: The resonance of the soul... the living flower lord

The flower lord can control all the plants within the visible range, and he does not need to do it himself every time he attacks. As long as the thoughts are together, the strengthened demon plant will immediately launch the most violent attack.

The attack that Youxiang has been enduring is exactly the same, except that what hits her is only ordinary vines, and has not been strengthened into a demon plant by the Lord of Flowers, but this time it is different...As the Lord of Flowers gets serious, The surrounding plants also seemed to have consciousness, and the demon was so heavy that it was a symbol of becoming a demon plant.

With Youxiang's current strength, let alone the eighteen demon plants, she can't stop even one demon plant, but... when the eighteen demon plants attacked, Youxiang should have been pierced in an instant. , After a long time, there was still no damage.

The reason is simple, because at the time Qianjun’s first shot, nine demon plants temporarily defected and switched to Youxiang’s side, blocking the attacks of the other nine demon plants for her.

This scene can be seen by anyone as long as he is not blind.

However, the flower master who saw this scene widened his eyes, as if he had seen an illusion, his face was unbelievable... The Yaozhi under his control would betrayed, how could this kind of thing be possible? !

The Lord of Flowers didn't believe it, but the facts were in front of him.

"Because I am a flower demon." At this moment, Youxiang who was opposite him said softly.

Flower demon? Flower demon?

The Lord of Flowers certainly knows that Youxiang is a flower demon. When he first saw it, he already knew Youxiang's intelligence at a glance, but what did this have to do with the situation in front of him? The Flower Lord was at a loss, but this vacancy did not last for too long. No matter what, he was also one of the most powerful people in the world, and many things could be understood with a little aftertaste.

Yes, because Youxiang is a flower demon, just this sentence is enough to explain.

Plants will not have their own consciousness until they have cultivated to monsters, while monsters of the plant system can control plants to a certain extent. This is well-known knowledge. Even the weakest flower demon possesses this ability, of course Youxiang will, but the master of the flower has amplified this ability infinitely.

However, in that case, why can Youxiang still control the demon plant strengthened by the Lord of Flowers? This is beyond her ability.

Here we have to mention a more profound thing-the soul!

Generally speaking, only conscious creatures have souls, and even in the opinion of some fairly prejudiced people, only humans and some intelligent creatures have souls, but this is obviously a cognitive misunderstanding, and it can even be said. It is an arrogant understanding.

In fact, as long as creatures have souls, even if they are not creatures, they will produce souls after they have consciousness, but whether they can feel these souls is another matter.

If you don't say anything else, you just talk about the flower monsters like Youxiang. If you don't feel the soul of the flowers and plants, then you can only say that they don't deserve to be called flower monsters.

Flowers and plants have souls and can resonate with monsters of the same kind. This is the most fundamental reason why these monsters can control flowers and plants. In other words, the closer they are to the soul, the easier the control.

What is the soul of flowers and plants? Tough!

No matter how harsh the environment, flowers and plants can survive and bloom the most beautiful colors. No matter how many times they are covered by heavy snow and sand, they can rise again with the arrival of the next spring... This is what flowers and plants have. A tough and unyielding soul.

And the essence of this soul is so similar to Youxiang!

It was under this resonance that You Xiang was able to surpass her own ability, do what was originally impossible, and "draw up" the demon plant of the flower lord.

Knowing this, the Lord of Flowers is no longer surprised. After all, when it comes to the soul, it is impossible for him to be a lord-level monster without knowing it, but it is a bit surprised that Youxiang's soul can reach such a level.

Obviously, it was not ignorance that she came to challenge herself, but also a plan. It can even be said that she is the only lord she has hope of defeating.

The fact is indeed the case. Although Youxiang is impulsive, she will not die in vain. Challenging the Lord of Flowers is the result of her many thoughts. For this, she has also made a lot of preparations... Although these preparations will bring the two sides closer. The strength gap hardly helped, but it was already the limit she could achieve.

Then it will be up to her whether she can survive the initial attack. Once it reaches the moment when her soul resonates, then her hope of victory is even greater.

Youxiang's strategy is actually a gamble. The gambling lord-level monster has a high self-esteem, and will kill her with all strength without a single blow, so that she has enough time to resonate.

Although she did not bet on the thinking circuit of the Lord of Flowers, she was right in terms of the result, because at this moment, she finally had the qualification to fight the Lord of Flowers!

"It's really wonderful." The Lord of Flowers is strong, and his brain is not bad. From the results, he can figure out Youxiang's strategy thoroughly, and can't help but nod in praise.

He even guessed that it was because of this resonance that he could not kill Youxiang before.


"It's still a bit naive to want to beat me just by this."

Indeed, although Youxiang’s strategy is successful, it is still very difficult to defeat the Lord of Flowers. After all, resonance is not without limits. How many "companions" she can pull past is still unknown, and most importantly, she and Huazhi The master's own strength gap is still very different.

Not to mention, You Xiang is still seriously injured.

For these, Youxiang knows better than anyone, but...

"At least, my chance of winning you has risen from 0.001% to 1%!"

Still so decisive, answered without hesitation, did not pay attention to the worst and impossible situation, but focused on the existence that is beneficial and possible for oneself, or in the eyes of many people, this is a kind of ignorance and arrogance. Performance, but... isn’t this just proof of her strength?

The battle started again. This time, Youxiang did not choose to attack meleely, but controlled the nine demon plants to stab at the Lord of Flowers. Of course, the Lord of Flowers also counterattacked back without saying a word.

In an instant, the eighteen vines clashed fiercely in the air, but this was only the beginning, because the demon plant that the Lord of the Flower could control was far more than that, and the resonance of Youxiang continued. Gradually, The eighteen vines that were still fighting all became Youxiang's companions, and immediately turned the spear head and attacked the demon plant that was also summoned by the Lord of Flowers.

After that, those new demon plants still switched to Youxiang little by little.

In this way, while beckoning continuously, the number is increasing, and more and more...I don’t know how long it has passed. Not only the sky, but also the ground, is completely divided into two. In the camp, countless demon plants are entangled and blasted at each other.

This seems to be no longer a heads-up, but a legion-level battle!

Interesting, really interesting!

Although it was because of Youxiang's strategy that she had fallen into a very embarrassing position... As the master of flowers, standing at the top of the control of the plant system, she was overshadowed by a little flower demon. Could this be embarrassing?

However, the Lord of Flowers obviously didn't have such consciousness, he found it very interesting, and a little excited. Living alone in this flower field for so many years, although it will not be tired, it will inevitably be a little boring over time. Now that Youxiang's appearance, coupled with such a reversal scene, there is a lot of freshness.

Even the Lord of Flowers still wondered, should we put a little water to make the situation more tense?

When I thought of this idea in my heart, the Lord of Flowers was instinctively stunned... Why did I have such an idea? Although the current situation is not dangerous, but the other party's consciousness is already very clear, even if you can't guarantee that you will never lose, why bother to release the water? Do you already have the idea of ​​seeking defeat in your heart?

But why do you want to lose?

Over ten years……


For hundreds of years...

Hundreds of years……

When the flower master recalled the past, he suddenly discovered that he didn't seem to care too much about life. He couldn't even remember the feeling of being alive. He still remembered that he had a blood boil when he was young, but what was it like?

Looking at the little flower monster on the opposite side, even though it is so weak, it exudes a dazzling light.


Suddenly, the Lord of Flowers finally woke up, why could the other party disturb the demon plant he was controlling? It wasn't just because of the resonance of the other party's soul, but also because he could no longer resonate with these monsters.

The flowers and plants have the essence of thriving, but you are in your twilight years. In this case, how can you resonate? The reason why Yao Zhi can be manipulated is just a powerful force.

"That's it."

The Lord of Flowers couldn't help showing a bitter smile. He finally realized that he was dead. Long, long ago, when he gave up fighting, he was already dead when he was enjoying the ease.


"I can live again!"

The Lord of Flowers suddenly smiled, smiling very happily.

Although Youxiang didn't hear what he was saying, at this moment, she felt an unparalleled strong heat, overwhelming the mountains, as if the real king had arrived!

Youxiang suddenly changed color, but what surprised her was still behind... She found that the monsters she had been fighting with had fallen down one after another, and they had withered in a moment.

How is this going?

Of course, Youxiang would not think that the Lord of Flowers is no longer good, because her resonance has reached the limit, but the Lord of Flowers is still dealing with it easily, how could there be such a big change suddenly.

"Be careful, your current opponent is a living flower master!"

At this moment, the voice of the Lord of Flowers rang in her ears.

Youxiang looked at her and found that the Lord of Flowers rushed towards her quickly, alone without any demon plants.

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