Chapter 1055: The resurrection of the ancient strong, accidental and inevitable

With the appearance of this phantom woman, the situation on the entire battlefield immediately changed drastically. With just a word, she let a quasi-heavenly strong man be killed by a meteor, and there was no warning. No fool would believe it if it wasn't that she was playing a ghost.

Therefore, the remaining eight powerhouses suddenly felt jealous. When they heard the woman saying that they should be careful to die of illness, they palpitated again, but they still didn't believe it after all.

After all, the meteor smashes the quasi-tian rank powerhouse. Although it has never happened, it is not impossible. As long as some special powers are added to the meteor, it can be done theoretically, but if the quasi-day-rank powerhouse is said to be sick and die, That would definitely be a joke.

Because a quasi-celestial powerhouse has a long life span that ordinary people can't imagine, even if it is called immortality, it is a bit shabby, almost the supreme existence in the world he lives in. Although there are still celestial and higher existences on it, those who, strictly speaking, no longer belong to a particular world, can be classified as detached people.

And is it like this that people who are immortal and immortal will get sick and die? It's simply a fantasy, it's impossible!

However, some people are able to turn the impossible into possibility, and the phantom woman at this moment is one of them.

Not long after she finished speaking, before others could judge whether it was credible or not, one of the quasi-celestial powerhouses suddenly screamed, and then the whole person lay on the ground, clutching his chest and twitching. Only after struggling for a long time, the man's movements stopped, and when he looked again, he had turned his eyes white, completely losing his breath of life.


Such a scene made the people on the scene gasp.

"Impossible! Impossible! How could this kind of thing happen!" Someone exclaimed loudly because they didn't believe the facts in front of them.

However, even if no one believes it, facts are facts after all.

The phantom woman looked at them with flaws and smiled: "Now you should always believe what your concubine said. Danger is always by your side, depending on whether you have a pair of bright eyes to find out. "

"Who are you? Pretending to be a ghost!" Hearing her words, the rest of the people looked at her instinctively and asked viciously, but the faint fear in their eyes showed their stubbornness.

The phantom woman smiled indifferently, completely ignoring their vicious attitude, and whispered: "The concubine body is not yet a human being, at most it is just a soul body, but since the concubine body's soul has been awakened, it will not be completely resurrected. It's just a matter of time..."

Having said that, her gaze swept across the people in front of her, and there was a hint of urging in her eyes, "You should also know that whenever there is a big devil in the world resurrected, you always need to offer one or two sacrifices in advance... …And the concubine body is the most terrifying big devil in the legend."

At this moment, her black belly was thoroughly revealed.

However, the seven quasi-sky-rank powerhouses on the opposite side clearly felt the killing intent that she revealed, and they suddenly felt a chill in their hearts. They almost didn't hesitate. They jumped up like lightning and fleeed from different directions. .

Facing the murderous intent of the phantom woman, they chose to escape.

This can't blame them for being too timid. After all, this phantom woman just said a few words before killing their two companions, but they didn't know how they died together with their companions, and the realm gap was clear at a glance.

Moreover, they used all means to attack Zhai Xin extremely, but they didn't even hit Zhai Xin's hair. Obviously, this was also the ghost of the phantom woman... Since she can protect Zhai Xin from harm, Naturally, there is no reason why I can't protect myself.

Their attacks are completely useless, but the opponent can easily kill them with just a single word. How do they fight such an opponent?

Whose fate is not fate, even the ants are still alive, and the noble world like them is even more afraid of death.

Therefore, when they felt the killing intent revealed by the virtual shadow and the terrifying coercion, they would decisively choose to escape.

But, can it really run away?

Of course not!

Now that the Great Demon King has awakened, the offering of sacrifices is naturally inevitable.

These seven quasi-celestial powerhouses chose seven directions to escape, based on the idea that one escape is one, and even if it doesn't work, one must escape to inform the news. The reason for this is not how loyal they are to the proxy gods, but in their eyes, the proxy gods are omnipotent, and maybe they have the ability to resurrect them...Although the probability that the proxy gods will resurrect them is extremely small, But at least it is also a hope.

As for who can escape safely, it depends on whose character is stronger.

Originally, with the BUFF bonus of the proxy god, it is not difficult for them to escape from this world, but one thing should not be forgotten... They have completely blocked the world before, and cannot enter, even if they want to. It takes a while to leave.

At this moment, the phantom woman was already enough to kill them all.

The moment they dispersed, a thunderstorm suddenly struck in the sky, hitting one of them with incomparable accuracy, and it would be blasted to ashes in an instant. Immediately afterwards, a hurricane protruded, like a shredder, tearing another person to pieces.

All kinds of accidents were staged on these quasi-day-rank experts. Even if they escaped the first accident and did not die, they would be killed by the second accident that followed... just for a moment. In the meantime, there was only one of those seven quasi-celestial powerhouses.

His luck was not bad, perhaps the strongest, he escaped two accidents, finally opened the blocked world, and then stepped out to escape the world completely.

The moment he left this world, his panic and uneasy heart finally settled down, knowing that, even if the phantom woman is against the sky, it is impossible to kill him, but...he hasn't waited for him to be happy. , When he saw what was in front of him, the excitement on his face suddenly turned into despair and fear.

Yes, he did escape from that world, but he did not return to where he was supposed to go, he had a third accident. Perhaps it was accidental, or perhaps it was an error in hurriedly opening the blockade. What appeared in front of him at this moment was a peerless array of chaotic timelines and broken world lines!

"Do not!!!"

When the great formation rushed towards him, he instinctively uttered a desperate cry, and then the next moment, the great formation completely covered him, sound and life, nothing left, completely gray.

"It seems that they are all dead." When the last strong man died, the phantom woman regained the killing intent, changed back to the harmless appearance of humans and animals, and then turned around. Looking at Zhai Xin.

Leaving aside the mentality of the phantom woman at this moment, Zhai Xin is completely stupid. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have never believed that nine quasi-celestial powerhouses were killed by this woman in such a simple way. Now, what is the origin of this person? When did you have such a powerful existence in your body? If she is not a phantom, but appears in a complete life form, then how strong should she be?

Zhai Xin didn't know, she only knew the realm of the other party, she couldn't guess.

Therefore, when she found that the woman was determined to look at her, Zhai Xin was instinctively surprised...Although she didn’t know how to do it, it did not prevent her from knowing that there is such a saying in this world that this phantom woman Will exist in one's own body, will not help oneself without reason or purpose, it is very likely to win home. At this moment, if the enemy is eliminated, it is probably his turn.

Thinking of this, Zhai Xin couldn't help but sigh secretly, except that there was no fear.

The phantom woman seemed to know what she was thinking, smiled slightly, and said, "Are you worried that I will take you home?"

"Uh!" Zhai Xin was taken aback for a moment. After hesitating for a moment, she nodded, "Yes."

"Very well, to be honest, I like it." To Cui Xin's suspicion, the phantom woman did not show any anger or dissatisfaction. Mysterious person, even though this person has helped himself, he can't be sure that it is the enemy or the friend. If it is me, I will also suspect that this is human nature. If you say you are not worried, then I will despise you. "

After listening to her, Zhai Xin moved suddenly and asked, "You didn't mean to seize the house?"

The phantom woman smiled freely, "You seem to have misunderstood a bit. I am not the kind of existence you imagined. Although you are a rare talent even in my time with your aptitude, it is a pity that I have taken care of me. There is no benefit. And for now, I am attached to your existence. If you die, or your soul dies, then I will disappear with it... So you don’t have to worry that I will be against you. , Because your existence is the foundation of my existence."

Zhai Xin looked at her and did not speak, but was thinking about how true what the other person said, but instinctively told her that this woman did not lie, so she nodded, "Okay, I believe what you said, you don't It would be against me, but I still have a question to ask."

"you said."

"Who are you? Why do you appear in my body?"

Regarding her two questions, the phantom woman, as expected, smiled: "Who am I, even if you tell you, you won’t know. Even the people who know me in this era are only a few people at most. That's it, so you don't need to know about this question, but my former friends called me Yiren, and you can call me that way too."

"Yiren?" Zhai Xin instinctively searched for the memory of this name, but couldn't find such a strong man. He faintly guessed that the other party might be a very old person.

"As for your second question, this matter is very complicated, and I only have a little knowledge, so I can't tell you. I can only tell you that someone is playing a very big chess... If this chess wins, we We will all be in peace, but if we lose, all of us will go back wherever we came from." Yiren said with a serious face.

Zhai Xin was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Then what should we do next?"

"It's very simple, just become stronger." Yiren smiled and looked at her, and suddenly said, "You should probably also be able to guess which level or higher I am, then, do you want to become stronger than now? ?"

"Of course." Zhai Xin answered without hesitation.

"Then if I said, I can make you reach the heavenly rank within a month, what do you think?"

"What?!" Rao was a cold-faced person like Cui Xin, his face changed a lot when he heard these words. Heavenly step, that has always been her unattainable realm, although she has stepped into the heavenly step with one foot and found the door, but she can't open it anyway, she is close in front of her but far away. .

However, Yiren said that it only takes one month for her to reach the heavenly rank, as if promotion to the heavenly rank is just a simple matter of eating and drinking for her, which made her feel absurd to the extreme.

"What? You don't believe me?"

Zhai Xin shook her head, "No, I believe it."

Yes, although this incident sounds absurd, she does not doubt its authenticity.

"So, what is your answer?" Yiren asked.

Zhai Xin's expression moved slightly. She knew that if she only relied on her own strength, it was absolutely impossible to reach the heavenly rank within a month, and it was not impossible to even wander in this realm throughout her life, and as long as she had the help of Yiren, just one Within a month, she can reach the sky in one step... To be honest, this is an extremely tempting thing, but!

After hesitating for a moment, Zhai Xin finally shook his head, "I appreciate your kindness, but I don't want to accept it."

"Are you still worried that I will harm you?" Yiren's face changed, and he seemed a little angry.

Although there was no murderous intent oozing out, Zhai Xin couldn't help feeling palpitations with the majesty of the strong man, but she still mustered the courage to say: "I am not worried that you will harm me, but I want to work **** my own. Maybe, from At first I accepted the inheritance and gained the strength of others. I am not qualified to say such things, but this is the most important step. I want to rely on my own ability to break through. Otherwise, even if I become stronger, I will eventually be the tree of my predecessors. Under the shade."

What Zhai Xin said was silent, but he was firm, without wavering.

Yiren stared at her steadfast expression for a long time, and made sure that she was not talking big, she couldn't help but nodded: "Well, it's rare for you to have this ambition, and it's wasted that I was born again on you. Only in this way, you are qualified to get My help."

Zhai Xin opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but Yiren waved her hand, "Don’t get me wrong. The help I am talking about is different from just now. I just want to tell you that if you have any questions you don’t understand, you can ask me. , But other than that, I won’t give you any further assistance, understand?"

When Zhai Xin heard this, he was overjoyed and said noddingly, "Yes!"

Yiren looked at her excited expression, and her mood was not bad, but after a moment, when she looked up to the sky, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes: The mirror of truth appeared, and I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing?

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