The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1049: So, too much brain supplement is not good

At this moment, everyone was stunned. Seeing Xiuze’s purple palms completely submerged into the West Wolf King’s chest, blood flowed out. Not to mention the West Wolf King couldn’t believe it. The monster lords were terrified and inexplicable, even the original Shen Qi, who was already crumbling, also froze abruptly, staring at the scene before her stunned.

Of course, one of them just glanced and stopped paying attention, and that was Lin Luo.

While these monster lords were disturbed by this incident, he pained the assassin, waved the fire phoenix again and again, and launched a massacre on the monster lords who were already disturbed.

The Western Wolf King can see everything over there, but at the moment he can't take care of it anymore. He stared at the injury on his chest in a daze, then raised his head, seemingly dazed, "Commander Xiuze, you are... What are you doing?"

Xiuze pulled out his hand, sprinkled a **** water, and then retreated a few tens of meters away, and smiled and said, "Hasn't the wolf king been found yet? This is a bit unworthy of your status, as I said just now. Actually I am an undercover agent."

West Wolf King endured the sharp pain in his chest, and said solemnly, "Are you standing on the side of the witch?"

Xiuzawa nodded, "It's not impossible to understand this way."

"Huh?" His words made Shen Qi, who heard not far away, dare to believe it. After all, he personally experienced Xiuze's cruelty just now, killing her twice in a row!

Not only her, but the Western Wolf King also had such doubts, and asked: "If this is the case, why are you still fighting the witch with me?" From the ruthless shot just now, he could not see that Xiuze was on the side of the witch at all.

Xiuze smiled and said, "If you don't, how can you deceive you who are too suspicious."

"But didn't the witch killed your princess?!" The Western Wolf King roared in a deep voice.

"Hahahaha!" After hearing this, Xiuze seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, "Wolf King, your brain supplement ability seems a bit too strong, I have never said such a thing. "

"Uh!" The Western Wolf King was taken aback for a moment, thinking about it carefully, as if Xiuze had never said that Shen Qi killed the princess.

At this moment, Xiuzawa continued: "I have only one princess in my demonic clan. Although she is still alive, she is already'dead' in my clan. As the princess's teacher, I have taught her carefully since childhood. Because of her negligence caused her'death', it is natural to be responsible for it, otherwise, why should I be a teacher or a minister...Wolf King, you are a generation of heroes, do you think I make sense?"

West Wolf King suddenly felt his heart when he heard this, "Could it be that princess...?"

Xiuzawa nodded, "It seems that you guessed it too. That's right, my princess of the Demon Race is the Demon Goddess Qi in your mouth. Although she has been driven out of the Demon Race and removed the name of the princess, it is in my heart. , She will always be a princess. Since the princess is in trouble, as a minister, how can I ignore it, right?"

Xiuze asked two questions, and the West Wolf King was completely stunned. No wonder Xiuze can easily break the witch trap that has made countless strong men frightened. No wonder Xiuze can easily walk out of the witch’s maze. No wonder Xiuze can easily kill the witch twice. ...Witch Gein is Xiuzawa's disciple!

Since Shen Qi is Xiuze's disciple, of course she was taught by Xiuze, even if she later turned into a witch, she would not become another person after all.

"It turns've been pitting me!" Thinking of this, the Western Wolf King suddenly gritted his teeth, his eyes almost bursting out of fire, wishing to smash Xiuze's body to pieces.

But Xiuze smiled freely, "Wolf King, I have pitted you for nearly a month, so naturally I don't mind pitting you for a while."

"Damn you!" At this moment, the Western Wolf King was furious, and his anger towards Xiuze completely surpassed Lin Luo and Shen Qi, and it was the first time in his life that he was so angry.

But Xiuze still had a smile on his face, and he still looked like he was owed, but his eyes were a little more solemn. At their level, unless they have an absolutely overwhelming strength, they can't do a one-shot instant kill. After all, the vitality of the monster is too strong.

Even though his blow hit the Western Wolf King hard just now, it was not enough to make the opponent fatal, and he knew that once the wolf clan was injured and went mad, their fighting power would become extremely powerful, and anger was an additive of strength. , Although the duration will not be very long.

In other words, although he injured the West Wolf King, it also made the West Wolf King even more terrifying.

"Damn devil! I'll make you pay the price you deserve!" The Western Wolf roared, his roar was earth-shaking, and then he saw his whole body swell, his body appeared, and his face began to change drastically... In a short span of time, the Western Wolf King had changed from a middle-aged huawu to a hideous werewolf with a height of three meters.

This is the ancestor of the werewolf!

Ordinary werewolves don’t become humans. For example, Lin Luo’s first werewolf killed in a second, he has no strength to become a human. Once a werewolf with the ability to change, when they return to their ancestors, their combat effectiveness will directly skyrocket. More than doubled, this is the real scary place of the werewolf.

But returning to ancestors does not stop there, because it has no limit on the number of times.

The more powerful the werewolves, the more times they can return to their ancestors, and every time they return to their ancestors, their fighting power will double again, increasing upward in a geometrical manner.

Madness, return to ancestors, full moon...Because the werewolves have so many ways to make them stronger, in this world, the werewolves can be so vast, almost reaching the point of covering the sky with one hand.

At present, the werewolf who can achieve the highest number of return to ancestors in the werewolf tribe is the Eastern Wolf King and the true Wolf King. He can return to the ancestors seven times. Although the Western Wolf King is slightly inferior, he can do it five times.

Five times of returning to the ancestors, coupled with madness, his current strength is so strong that even Xiuze, the number one master of the demon clan, has to be cautious and never dare to laugh.

"Go and die!" As soon as the Western Wolf King returned to his ancestors, he rushed towards Xiuze without any hesitation. The speed was almost as fast as lightning, and his momentum was like roaring raging waves. The wind pressure made Xiuze feel heavy. pressure.

Xiuze’s eyes were awe-inspiring, knowing that the werewolf’s combat effectiveness was the strongest during the first period of his return to ancestors, and then it would slowly decline. So just in case, he didn’t dare to fight with it, and quickly displayed the highest speed. get away.

But how could the Western Wolf King let him go so easily, and opened his mouth directly in the direction of his retreat, "Roar!!!"

With a thunderous roar, the visible wind pressure formed a live ammunition, which slammed into Xiuze.

In the face of this terrifying wind pressure, Xiuze is like a lone boat in the sea, seemingly in danger of being destroyed at any time, but Xiuze is not panic, and his body makes a strange curve, as if it has become Floating like a piece of paper, it escaped the attack of wind pressure without letting it go.

However, the Western Wolf King seemed to have reached this point a long time ago. Just as Xiuze dodges the wind pressure, he jumped in the void, and the whole person moved forward, and in an instant he came to Xiuze’s side and punched. under.

Xiuze's face changed slightly, it was too late to avoid, so she stretched out her hand to block it.

boom! ! !

With a loud bang, the shock wave visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings as the two fists met, and even the ground below began to shatter under this impact, and then dented.

And Xiuze was blasted out after a stalemate for a second, and a mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth.

This is not that Xiuze is too weak, but that the West Wolf King is too strong. After blessing the madness and returning to the ancestors, the West Wolf King has completely surpassed Xiuze. In addition, it is head-to-head resisting with strength, Xiuze is undefeated. There are ghosts.

After all, in this world, the strength of werewolves is rare in the world, and the only thing that can beat them in strength is the ghost race. If Xiuze's wings are still there, with the strength of his demon clan's number one master, it is still possible to fight the West Wolf King in strength, but his wings have long been lost, and it is obviously impossible to fight it.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

With such a great opportunity, the Western Wolf King wouldn't miss it in vain, he immediately slid in the void and attacked Xiuze again.

"It looks like you need help."

Just as Xiuze was about to be hit by the Western Wolf King, a faint voice rang in his ears, and then he saw the black fire phoenix screaming, passing Xiuze directly and hitting the Western Wolf King.

Although the West Wolf King is in a frenzy, it does not mean that he has lost his mind. On the contrary, his consciousness at this moment is extremely clear, knowing that this black phoenix is ​​a urging thing, and he does not dare to rely on his frenzy to fight against it. , Hurriedly escaped.

On the other side, Xiuze, who was temporarily out of danger, smiled at Lin Luo, not saying hello like the first time I met, "You are a bit late to act, but I have been waiting for you."

Hey, be careful when you speak!

Although he understood what Xiuze meant, Lin Luo couldn't help but feel a chill, and goosebumps on his body... Such a man who looks more beautiful than a woman said that he has been waiting for you like this, even if he doesn't know how. Wrong, but if he is heard by others, he will probably be named philosophy.

Lin Luo murmured to himself, but said in his mouth: "In fact, my side has already ended, just want to see if you can stop everyone."

During the conversation between the Western Wolf King and Xiuze, the monster lords were in a mess, and they were completely cleaned by Lin Luo. So far, only four of them were left in this place.

Originally, according to Lin Luo's idea, of course, taking advantage of the West Wolf King's serious injury to kill the killer, but he also learned a little about the werewolf, knowing that the more terrifying the injured beast, he did not dare to attack. Watch the changes.

Of course, there is another reason besides that, that is Xiuzawa.

This sissy was still fighting with the West Wolf King a moment ago, and she made a sneak attack in a blink of an eye. This change of face became too fast, and Lin Luo was a little surprised.

So just wait for them to finish talking and see what is going on.

In case he suddenly intervenes in, Xiuze will act in Infernal Affairs again and say "I'm sorry, but I'm actually an undercover agent now", that would be very bad.

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