Chapter 1019: Falling fantasy... The last banquet of the Miko!

The next morning, which was also the eighth day after Ming Meng went to the Parallel World, she finally returned to Hakurei Shrine after completing her practice. Of course, she was not a sixteen-year-old girl at this moment, but a two-year-old child.

"Father!" As always, Ming Meng flew towards him, sat on his shoulder in a familiar way, kissed his face, and said happily, "Father, these days are so interesting, I Have a good time."

"Really, just be happy." Lin Luo smiled slightly, but he was a little strange in his heart. It stands to reason that after Ming Meng has undergone future transformations, although he will not have future memories, his personality and thoughts should be a little mature. , But now it seems that nothing has changed at all?

After a while, Mingmeng jumped off his shoulder and ran to Reimu who was sitting in the corridor of the shrine drinking tea leisurely, and said sweetly, "Mom, do you miss me?"

Reimeng took a leisurely sip of tea, turned his head and glanced at her, and said faintly: "I don't want to think about it at all. It's better to say that the child is not by my side, and I feel a lot more relaxed." Ming Meng is here, but Ming Meng is here Say hello to Lin Luo, which makes her very dissatisfied.

"Oh, mother really is." Reimu's indifferent attitude didn't hurt Mingmeng. Instead, he held her arm affectionately and smiled, "Actually, in my heart, my mother is more important, so I put it at the end. Greetings from mother."

Well, it is indeed a little mature, at least the previous Ming Meng would not deliberately increase favorability in this way... Seeing this, Lin Luo couldn't help but think to himself.

Hearing this, Reimeng was also surprised, she was taken aback for a moment, then her eyes fell on Lin Luo, frowning and saying, "Did you do something bad?"

"Huh?" Lin Luo's face was blank, Reimeng's jumping thinking made him speechless.

"If it wasn't for you to do something bad, how could Mingmeng become like this?" Reimeng asked, after all, it was her own daughter, and any slight changes could not escape her eyes.

Lin Luo instinctively remembered Ming Meng's super father's disease control, and couldn't help but his heart jumped, but his face was calm, and he smiled: "Isn't it just a little more mature, I think this is also quite good."

"Is it mature? That's right, I can cook by myself in the future." Reimu carefully examined her daughter for a while, and finally discovered the benefits of her maturity, but it didn't mean that she would let Lin Luo go, but continued. "But you must have done something bad."

"Where does this start?"

"Is it necessary to say? You have been preoccupied these days. It is a manifestation of your guilty conscience. If you have not done bad things, how can you be guilty of conscience?" Reimu's expression on the maiden's expression had already broken people's hearts.

"Uh!" Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't think that all his performance these days would fall into the eyes of Reimu. Speaking of which, even a stupid person like Reimu could find out his own thoughts. It seems that his recent performance. It should be particularly eye-catching.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo frowned. After all, it made him think about the situation of not caring about people around him. This also proved the strong sense of anxiety from the side.

Of course, Reimu didn’t know what he was upset about. He just thought he had guessed it, and suddenly became a little angry, "Sure enough, you did something bad. Did you hook up with which girl during the day? I remember you. For a few days I often ran to the Ji Ling Temple and the Red Devil Hall, and Moriya Shrine. By the way, the last time I went to the Forever Pavilion, I went to the Everlasting Pavilion for so long. As expected, the cosmic people are more difficult to put down!

While talking, Reimu suddenly felt inexplicably entangled for a while...Although she never agreed to sign the contract, it did not prevent her from knowing the hosts in Gensokyo, and the thought of those hosts kissing me and this man. , I just feel troubles up.

Why on earth?

Hey, you are obviously jealous!

Lin Luo suddenly felt embarrassed, seeing that Reimu was jealous, he was somewhat mature, after all, that represented his strategy is gradually becoming successful, and even the anxiety that had been plagued him was alleviated a little, and he smiled: "What? Maybe, I never do bad things, and you don’t know. I am bringing lonely people to come, bringing friendship to lonely people, and letting people who do not love have love in their hearts... I have been doing it all the time. This kind of good thing that is not well known."

"Good thing?" Reimu couldn't tell which thing was good.

"Good thing, haha." Just as Lingmeng continued to question, a seven-pointed immature, two-pointed wayward and one-pointed majestic voice came in from outside the shrine, and immediately stuffed her words back.

With such a distinctive and unique voice, Lin Luo knew who it was even with his heels, turned around, and sure enough, the "majestic" eldest lady Remilia had already ascended the steps of the shrine...Of course, There are her sister Flandre, Jiyou Paqiuli, and a dragon Hong Meiling.

"Why are you here?" Looking at her, Reimu was somewhat unhappy... No way, hatred of the rich is the right and obligation of every poor person.

"To bring happiness to troubled people is of course to do good deeds." Remilia said triumphantly.

Reimu's face became cold as soon as she heard it, "Local tyrants are not welcome here." What she hates most now is good things, and if the people who do good things are local tyrants, it will be even more disgusting.

"It's a cold witch." Remilia didn't take it seriously, but when she turned her head to look at Lin Luo, her expression was a bit unkind, and she said with majesty, "I heard that you are always hacking me recently. What's going on?"

"Ah!" Lin Luo was taken aback. He never expected that such a secret matter would be known to the eldest lady, but he would not admit it, "I have been praising you for nothing."

"Bah!" Remilia sipped a full sip and sneered, "Don't talk nonsense, I have a special spy. You have been hacking me in every chapter recently, don't think I don't know!"

Who is that special spy, dare you say?

Lin Luo secretly slandered himself, but since the eldest lady already knew it, he didn't need to hide it anymore. He smiled and said, "I didn't deliberately hacked you. As a public figure, your popularity and influence are really huge. Take you as an example, and every time I hack you, your sense of presence will greatly increase...Look at Reimu, as the heroine of Gensokyo, she doesn’t have such a high sense of presence. It can be seen that you are The hidden true mistress."

"Hey!" Reimu over there was upset.

Remilia was also very upset at first, but Lin Luo's ostentation made her feel a lot better. She patted her flat chest and said proudly: "You make sense, as a red The public figures who have become purple will have a lot of criticisms. For the sake of indirectly improving my reputation, I will let you go this time, but next time you hack me, it will not be so easy to pass the level... Take me as an example, and please take a good example. For example, as the strongest monster in Gensokyo, how majestic and full I am."

You are really embarrassed to say this.

"Well, I'll take it right in the future. For example, the eldest lady in the Red Devil Hall has a cute little sister." Lin Luo nodded and touched Flandre's head and said to her.

"Hehe." Fran enjoyed the treatment of touching her head, and smiled innocently.

"Why do I feel that this is not a compliment to me?" Although Remilia was heartless, she also felt a little puzzled about it.

"You are wrong. Having a good sister is also an advantage. For example, I don't have such an advantage."

"You seem to make some sense..." After thinking for a while, Remilia nodded in agreement, and then clenched her fists. "So, in Gensokyo, the only person qualified to be my opponent is Xiao Xiao Five loli!"

"I said, what do you guys want to do when you come to the shrine?!" Reimu couldn't bear the flirting and scolding of the two people, and said with a dissatisfaction.

"Humph." Remilia smiled without saying a word, snapped her fingers lightly.

With a click, and when the fingers fell, I saw that the cherry blossom forest next to the shrine was suddenly filled with cushions and all kinds of wine and vegetables, and the handsome maid stood in the middle. Obviously, this miraculous scene was happening. It is from her handwriting.

Seeing Reimu’s unfamiliar expression, Paqiuli explained: “Said it was to celebrate Sakiya and Mingmeng’s exit, Remy is going to hold a banquet for them... Well, it’s just that she wants to play. ."

"Yes, it's just to celebrate, that's why the banquet is held." Remilia gave an expression that I am a local tyrant and who I am afraid of.

"Party or something...Can't you do a little serious thing?" Lin Luo smiled bitterly.

"What? The banquet is meant to be a serious thing, okay, it's really a foreigner, and I don't know anything about Gensokyo's customs." Remilia scorned unceremoniously.

"Well, okay, there are food and drink anyway." Compared to Lin Luo's helplessness, Reimu was surprisingly not opposed this time, but was the first to walk into the banquet venue and sit down to eat and drink.

"Huh?" This move made Remilia very puzzled. After all, according to the past, although Reimu could never stop the banquet from unfolding, he would be awkward for a while, saying why not to open it in the shrine. It's the banquet, and I cleaned it up afterwards. I have never taken care of it like it is today.

Can't help but cast a strange look at Lin Luo, "Why has she become so obedient?"

"I don't know." Lin Luo shook his head, and felt that today's Reimu is a little different from the past, but it is not clear what the difference is, but... something abnormal must be a demon!

Thinking of the reminder in his dream last night, Lin Luo felt it was necessary to pay attention to it.

Putting this question aside for now, Lin Luo asked Remilia: "Since it's a banquet, there can't be just a few of us, have you called all the others?"

"Of course! Don't underestimate me. No one knows better than me how to make a banquet more lively. I have already sent my messenger to spread the news of the banquet in the early hours of this morning."

The messenger refers to Shemei Maruwen, when did she become your messenger? Lin Luo secretly complained, although the majesty of the eldest lady is not very good, but there is still a little means.

In terms of communication, Sheming Maruwen also has a unique ability. In less than half an hour, the people attending the banquet arrived one after another. In addition to the original crew of the previous banquet, there were several more people. , Such as this group of people from Sun Flower Field headed by Yuxiang.

Except for the last two years, Youxiang has always been a lonely king. Although she occasionally participates in banquets, most of the time she drinks and enjoys flowers alone. Others also know her personality and don't like to communicate with others. , They don't have much contact with her.

This time, Youxiang still adheres to the previous style, holding a sun umbrella alone, standing on the edge of drinking and enjoying the cherry blossoms. Evan Jielin, who has been with her for two years, is not with her, and has been following her poisonous puppet Mei. Tixin was not by her side, and even her old friend Shen Qi, who had not seen her for many years, just raised her glass from a distance.

As for Shenqi, she didn't mix into the aunt group this time. Instead, she stayed with daughter-level girls like Alice, Mercury Lantern, and Ming Meng, and played the role of nanny.

Next is Huiye. Although she is a housemaid who is more squatting at home than Paqiuli and Fran, and the number of times she attends banquets is very small, but this time she walked out the door very positively, and now she is with Yiwenjie Lin and Lily sat together drinking and talking.

The three of them are hosts, and their strengths are similar. They are also very engaged when they chat, but you should not think that they are talking about cultivation. In fact, they only talk about one thing, that is, games.

It’s no secret that Huiye is a game madman, and Evangeline also loves all kinds of games. In addition, Lily, who originally belonged to the heroic spirit, also likes all kinds of riding games because of the inherent skill of riding. Three people are considered rare. Like-minded.

"Speaking of which, everyone is playing around, why are you the only one doing the work of serving tea and water?" Lin Luo asked strangely, looking at Sakuya who was pouring wine for himself. He remembered the theme of this banquet. It was to celebrate her leaving the customs, but how can she become a waiter now?

"Because I am a maid." Sakiya smiled, answering naturally.

"In other words, you are born Lao Lu fate." As soon as Lin Luo finished saying this, he heard the voice of the eldest lady next to him, "Sakuya, there is no black tea here."

"Yes, come right away, Miss." Sakiya teleported, and immediately came to Remilia, and poured a full cup of black tea for her.

Although Sakiya has already surpassed Remilia, she is still working as a maid in the Red Devil Mansion, and she is very happy. Probably for her, this job is far more attractive than other things. Li...Of course, Remilia's true mistress halo cannot be ruled out.

In other words, is the eldest lady really the true mistress?

"Ah, everyone looks so happy." Suddenly, a quiet and frivolous voice rang in the banquet hall, and then, the long-lost heroine fell from the sky.

"Ah, Lord Youyouzi!" Yao Meng reacted first, and ran towards the other party, his face full of excitement.

"The food-eating souls are back. I thought you were dead." Lingmeng vomited.

"The undead can't die, but you humans only say that you are born, old, sick, and die." Youyouzi covered her mouth and smiled, first comforted the demon dream who had been helpless for a while, and then greeted everyone, saying hello. "This is my new favorite, let everyone know."

While she was talking, she pulled King Wu Meow out from behind.

"New, new favorite?!" Yao Meng suddenly suffered a big blow.

King Wu Meow seemed very calm. He first greeted everyone, and then stretched out his hand to Yao Meng, "Hello, senior."

Watching this scene, Lin Luo felt amused secretly. When she turned her head, she suddenly realized Pa Qiuli was writing something while looking at You Youzi and the others. Under curiosity, she couldn't help taking a sneak peek, and then she was all over. Not calm, because Paqiuli wrote "The Dead Princess has a new love, where should the old love go? ! "Hey, is such a book title really okay?"

Not to mention the various farce in the banquet hall, Lin Luo looked around. Although there were a lot of people in the banquet, there was still one main character who did not appear-Yakumo Zi!

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Lin Luo always feels that Yakumo Zi is deliberately avoiding herself. He thought she would be here today, but he didn’t expect to show up. He couldn’t help but want to sing: Zi Ma Zi Ma, where are you ? The days without you are so lonely!

"By the way, let's sing, who is better at singing?" Just as Lin Luo thought about it, Marisa suddenly made a very nonsensical suggestion.

You Yuko raised her hand without hesitation, "Little broken bones."

"You recommend small bones, just want to eat it." Lin Luo couldn't help but complain.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't say it, the saying is suddenly unbelievable, all eyes are attracted by him, and he is terrified.

"It's decided, it's up to you to sing!" Reimeng said, pointing at him.


"Because you are the only male here."

"..." Lin Luo was speechless, although he didn't want to sing very much, but under the eyes of everyone, he had no choice but to say, "Well, in that case, then I will sing the most dazzling oriental style with Gensokyo style. ."

Everyone nodded.

So, Lin Luo cleared his throat and acted as accompaniment and vocalist at the same time: "The frog in the lake of mist is the love of 9, and the snow in March is only for the westbound demon... Youyouzi sings the most dazzling oriental style, making you the most The perverted feeling~~"

"How?" At the end of the song, Lin Luo looked at everyone expectantly, hoping to hear applause.

But at this moment, let alone the applause, most of the girls’ faces turned black, especially Reimu, and said in a deep voice: "You deliberately mocked us in this song, right? Others only mocked us once, but I mocked it. Twice!" The low tone had a faint tendency to run wild.

Lin Luo realized that it was bad, and flew upward instinctively.

At the same time, Reimu got up from the ground and ran after him.

But at this moment, an accident occurred.

The witch with flying ability, flying halfway, suddenly seemed to have lost all of her power, she paused in the air, and then she fell down.

Originally, based on Reimeng's physical fitness, it would be fine even if he fell down, but Lin Luo had the reminder from yesterday's dream, and was shocked, not daring to be careless, so he flew over to catch her, but...

When he landed, Reimeng was already lying softly on his hands, his hands drooping feebly, his originally bright eyes were completely gray at the moment, and the whole person was breathless.

"this is?!"

Others ran over, seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

At this moment, a shock of thunder fell from the sky, dimming the sky.

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