Chapter 1012: People are not black-bellied, they are just cheating

In fact, I really want to talk about it, the fact that a child suddenly becomes an adult may be a fantasy in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is not too strange to Lin Luo, let alone, at least in this room There are only three people who can do it here.

One is Sakuya, the master of time does not explain, the other is Kaguya, who also controls time that ordinary people can't perceive, and the third is naturally Lin Luo, even if he hasn’t learned to make something out of nothing, he can do it to someone. Create more time and let the other party grow up faster.

But this kind of thing happened to Mingmeng and it was a little, it can’t be said to be abnormal. After all, what she has is the heart of space, and space is bound to be inseparable from time. Through the accelerated movement of time, she can also To allow herself or others to grow quickly, but... then she has to have enough power, and she definitely does not have that power when she is only two years old, no matter how talented she is!

"Don't you two laugh all the time there, please explain to me quickly, this must not be related to you?!" Seeing the two people next to them secretly laughing, Lin Luo suddenly glared over.

"What? I don't know what's going on." Hui Ye Tanshou said.

Sakiya also shrugged, "Obviously, I am not that good."

Lin Luo nodded, "I believe you... it's strange!"

"I really don't know."

"I do not know either."

The two refused to admit it.

"Okay, okay, don't pour water anymore." Lin Luo sighed helplessly, "With Mingmeng's ability alone, you can't achieve this level. Even if you are not a direct participant, at least it is an indirect manufacturing. Yeah, my realm is higher than you, and my ability is stronger than you. Don’t you think I can’t even break this point? So you should recruit as soon as possible. If you don’t say anything, then I will go home and sleep."

"Okay, okay, let’s be honest, oh, I wanted to have fun, it’s really disappointing." Hearing that Lin Luo had already begun to threaten, Huiye was immediately discouraged and stopped playing mystery, and explained, "Actually, The matter is very simple. First of all, in terms of ability, space and time cannot be truly separated, so Ming Meng also has the ability to manipulate time, but her ability is a bit complicated, and the specific is still based on space. Time ability can only be regarded as one. Attached."

"Furthermore, her time ability is also different from ours in nature. Sakuya and I's time ability are both external and have a strong offensive nature, but Mingmeng's time ability is internal and can only be used by ourselves. It is not aggressive, but it is a very powerful auxiliary skill...Of course, this kind of internality has the advantage that other people's time ability cannot affect her, even if it is the time attack of me and Sakiya, she is immune to it. Of course, the premise is that she has certain strength."

"So Mingmeng will grow up because of you guys."

"Half and half." It was Sakuya who spoke. "We didn't impose a specific time on her, but we just opened a way for her a little bit, and then pulled her hidden abilities out, and then induced them, so she Grow up."

It's really easy to say.

Lin Luo murmured to himself. Although he understood, he felt very entangled... Mingmeng suddenly changed from a young tooth to a girl, completely skipping the loli stage. Doesn't it mean that there is no cultivation? Lolita develops, that is the time he is most looking forward to, it is really your sister's cheating father!

"Then, can she change back?" Lin Luo couldn't help asking, although he has enough strength, his area of ​​expertise is not time after all.

Hui Ye said: "Of course it can. At present, this state can only be maintained for seven days at most. After seven days, she will become a child, but the memory when she grows older will not disappear."

"That's good." Lin Luo finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard these words. If it is only temporary, then don't care about it at all. It can even be said to be a happy thing.

But Lin Luo still didn't understand, "Why do you want to bring Mingmeng over and let her appear in this way?"

Hui Ye explained: "Didn’t you just say that, the abilities of the three of us are different, internally and externally, perceptible and imperceptible. In this way, as long as the three of us stay together, we can tie the time together. All of her abilities are concentrated, which is of great benefit to each of us. As for making Ming Meng grow up, it is to allow her to resist our external abilities and not be harmed, and in her current state , Our time ability can't hurt her anymore."

"That's the case, so next will Ming Meng go with us?"


Listening to the two people's answer without hesitation, Lin Luo slightly hesitated. To be honest, he actually didn't want to involve Ming Meng in the battle of God. Although she is the host, she is only two years old after all. But generally two-year-old children are acting like a baby in the arms of their parents, but Ming Meng has to fight life and death with the enemy, he can't bear to do so.

But in this divine battle, the more strength, the more protection, if Ming Meng becomes stronger, she also has the ability to protect herself.

These two choices are both pros and cons. Although as a father, Lin Luo doesn’t want to control her future life. Everyone’s life should be controlled by himself, even the parents, but to guide and let the children. Follow the right principles, but there is no need to interfere.

So, after thinking for a while, Lin Luo turned to look at Ming Meng and asked: "Ming Meng, you have heard what you said just now, it would be very dangerous if you were with these two sisters, and you might encounter danger in the future. But you will become stronger very quickly. If you don’t want to be in danger, then go home, we will help you get rid of your current state, and you can continue to live a stable life...what to do is up to you select."

"Let me skills?" Ming Meng asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded, "Whether you want to be an ordinary child for the future by a witch, or embark on a battle of gods as a host, it is all up to you to choose. No matter what you choose, I will support you."

Ming Meng lit his chin and hesitated for a moment, then walked to Hui Ye and said firmly: "I am with these two sisters, as long as they become stronger, I can help my father."

"Ming Meng..." What a good boy, Lin Luo was moved in an instant. Now that she had made a choice, she didn't have to say anything.

"But I have a request." Ming Meng said suddenly.

"What's the requirement? Let's say, as long as I can do it, I will promise you." Lin Luo smiled.


"of course."

"Not to lie?"

"Big man, don't lie!" Lin Luo said vowedly.

"Well, I believe in Father Father." Ming Meng laughed happily, and then said, "Then, please sign a contract with me and become a devil girl!"


Lin Luo sprayed it directly. Hey, where did you learn these words?

Lin Luo was embarrassed, "I said Ming Meng, this request may be a bit..."

"My father is a lie." Seeing his unwillingness, Ming Meng suddenly looked aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, I'll sign a contract with you." Lin Luo was helpless, for fear that she would use the magical skill of crying, making trouble, and hanging himself, so she agreed, "But...why do you want to become a demon-dressed girl?"

Mingmeng suddenly burst into laughter, "Because my father who wears women's clothes is so cute."


This time Lin Luo did not spray, but was already kneeling.

"What! Women's clothing?" On the other side, Kaguya and Sakiya exclaimed loudly, their faces full of longing for gossip.

"Mingmeng, don't say..."

Lin Luo wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Ming Meng was very happy to broadcast his dark history, "Yes, because my father is a female fetishist." And also used exaggerated methods.

Upon hearing this, Kaguya and Sakiya showed disgusting expressions, "Really, really abnormal..."

"I don't have any fetishism at all!" Lin Luo stood up fiercely, roared loudly, and then looked at Ming Meng with a face full of confusion, "You said just now that you didn't come from the future, so how did you know that I wore women's clothing? "

"You really go through women's clothing!" The two girls next to each other exclaimed again, and hid in the corner of the room pretending to be scared.

Lin Luoji.

"Please, can you two stop making trouble for the time being?" Lin Luo didn't want to say anything about these two guys.

At this time, Ming Meng laughed innocently, "Because Ming Meng is sixteen years old this year."

"I'm not asking about your age, I'm asking... uh!" Ming Meng's answer made Lin Luo dumbfounded, but he suddenly woke up in the middle of the talk, and quickly looked at Hui Ye, "Hey, it seems like this is the case. It’s a bit inconsistent with what you said."

"There is no discrepancy. Although we said just now that we used our abilities to grow her, this is not just physical growth. You know, I can create plural history."

Lin Luo understood. In fact, he should have understood from the beginning. If Ming Meng only grew up physically, then she would not say that she was sixteen years old, because that changed within five minutes, even if her body grew longer. Being older does not mean getting older. Nor will it increase her strength, because strength takes time to exchange. In just five minutes, how can Ming Meng be strong enough to resist the strength of Huiye and their time abilities?

And when she first appeared, she wouldn't have that kind of indifferent expression. She, who was only two years old, would definitely not have that kind of temperament.

Only dreams with real life experiences can be like that.

In other words, Mingmeng does not travel from the future, but directly transforms into the shape of the future. A 16-year-old girl in the future...Hey, is there a difference between these two statements?

Thinking of this, Lin Luo suddenly looked at Ming Meng with a dark face, and found her with a bright and sunny smile, and finally suddenly... The feeling girl had been pretending to be tender and fooling herself just now.

This black belly is really bad!

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