Chapter 1008: The word bite, in fact, occasionally you don’t have to say it separately

In fact, many people don’t know that Forever Pavilion is also a hidden nest of local tyrants. It is no less inferior to the Red Devil Hall. If you don’t believe it, you will believe it if you just go to the Vientiane Monthly Exhibition... The value of cultural relics and weapons is enough to describe them in terms of pricelessness.

It’s just that the people at Forever Pavilion have always been very low-key. They don’t show off the mountains or dew. They don’t show off their wealth like the eldest lady. Besides, the cultural relics of Yuedu are basically not sold, so the rich name has never been spread.

In addition, in terms of real estate, Forever Pavilion and Red Devil Hall are also very similar. After all, both parties have a time capable person. Extending this power to the residence can make the place where one lives infinitely huge... The corridor and the corridor of the eternal pavilion, so far, nothing can surpass them.

Then, to infer from this, it doesn't seem to be strange that Kaguya will engage with Sakiya together. And the most important thing is their similarity... the five-character name, the three-character surname, and the name contains a night, and their abilities are related to time... Nima! What an amazing similarity is this, why haven't these two people been put together into a pair of CPs?

Too unscientific!

But it doesn't matter, even if no one helps them with CP, they will be well-fed.

Let’s just talk about it now. In the open-air hot spring bath in the backyard of Forever Pavilion, these two young loli soaked naked in the water, and then, taking advantage of the opportunity of Sakuya to wash themselves, they were behind her. Hui Ye rushed forward and hugged him.

"Woo, it's so comfortable, this smooth and tender skin..." Kaguya lifted his hands and touched Sakuya unscrupulously, rubbing her smooth back with a face full of intoxication.

"Wow! What are you doing? Perverted!" Sakuya's face changed drastically, and she stood up reflexively, most of her body was exposed to the surface of the water, while Kaguya hung on her like a koala, even though Sakiya tried her best She wanted to throw her off, but she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"Of course it is to enjoy the welfare. How can the rare opportunity be let go?" Kaguya said of course, then the corners of his mouth curled up with an evil smile, and he blew hot air into Sakiya's ears.


Sakuya seemed to have received a violent attack. In the groan of ecstasy, her body trembled fiercely, her face flushed, and her legs softened and fell on the big rock next to her.

Kaguya leaned on her side, pulled her body over, and then pulled out her legs along the way. The little spring onion-like hand proficiently stretched out towards Sakiya’s lower body, and at the same time smiled towards Sakiya, "What? Well, is it very comfortable?"

"Asshole, asshole! Unexpectedly, you still have this hobby, hidden so deeply..." At this moment, Sakiya finally saw Kaguya's true face, full of regret, and endured Kaguya's attack with gritted teeth. , While groaning, "K, damn, why can't my body move at all?"

"Of course, because this is my hot spring, there are many mysterious drugs in the water..." Kaguya breathed into her ear again, deepening Sakiya's stimulation, and laughed, "But you don't need to Worry, these drugs are beneficial to the human body, and their effect is only to increase the sensitivity of the body, just like you are now."

"Is this guy like you already planned...Hey! Don't touch your hands! That kind of place..."

"Haha, don't worry, it will be over soon. Under my trick to explore the moon, there are not many girls who can hold on for more than 15 minutes. Even Meihong's mushroom head only persisted for 14 minutes and had an orgasm. Now, as for you, it will probably take about ten minutes, huh..."

Then, Kaguya attacked Sakuya with his hands, and although Sakuya was patient, she still made ecstasy gasps and moans from time to time...

On the other side of the hot spring, Lin Luo was stunned at their behavior at the moment, completely speechless... Sakiya said one sentence is correct, Kaguya’s lily love is really hidden too deeply, even he only now knows .

The area of ​​this hot spring is not very large, the diameter will not exceed ten meters, and at this distance, Lin Luo of the two loli bodies can naturally be seen clearly, especially their posture at the moment... Sakuya Shuang Lying flat on the rock with his legs split, Hui Ye was lying on her body, raising his hips high, he only had to glance over, whether it was what he should see or what he shouldn’t see, everything was in sight.

As for the two little white tigers, it was even more clear.

As for why it is a white tiger? Nonsense, can ten-year-old Lori grow hair? !

But having said that, even though Kaguya was bold, he had already experienced it before, but he still didn't expect that Kaguya would actually engage him with Sakiya in front of him, treating him as if he didn't exist.

Is she just a piece of wood in her eyes?

Although seeing such benefits makes Lin Luo very irritating, he feels a little unhappy when he thinks about it here. Lin Luo's principle is that if you make me unhappy, I will make you even more unhappy, so I just "trained" in Huiye. At Sakuya, he got up and walked over, then put his hands around Kaguya's abdomen and hugged her petite body.

The feeling of suddenly becoming empty made Hui Ye stunned for a moment. When he realized that Lin Luo was making trouble, he suddenly groaned: "What are you doing? Quickly let me down!"

"Don't play, you will be harmonized if you continue to play." Lin Luo said helplessly.

"I'm not playing, I'm doing business." Hui Ye said confidently.

"It's so strange that it's called business!"

"I don't care, it's the business anyway!" Probably because the body has become smaller. Although the nature of the black belly has not changed, it is inevitable that the character will be a little bit more self-willed. Huiye began to make troubles unreasonably, but saw Lin Luo indifferent. Her face darkened suddenly, "Huh! Since you don't let go, then I... I will kick!"

Before she finished her words, her little feet started to move. At that moment, it was a flash of lightning, and even the gods couldn't predict her speed, so she kicked Lin Luo in the crotch.

I am grass!

Lin Luo's face changed suddenly. Of course, it is impossible to wear clothes when he comes to the hot spring to take a bath. Anyway, the two loli don't care, why should he care, so he is completely naked at the moment. Although his body can be called King Kong not bad, even if the nuclear bomb exploded, he wouldn't be able to injure a single hair, but after all, this is relatively speaking. Kaguya is not the level comparable to the nuclear bomb. Unprepared, It is not difficult to break his defense.

So when this foot came down, the expression on Lin Luo's face began to twitch violently, and the reflex let go and threw Hui Ye out, holding down his lower body.

"Humph." Hui Ye smiled triumphantly and jumped in the air, but before she could escape, Lin Luo forced her pain and shot, grabbed her ankles, and lifted her upside down. .

"Ah! You guy dare to come?" Hui Ye obviously didn't expect that Lin Luo would have room for counterattack after receiving that kind of attack.

Lin Luo's mouth twitched, but a triumphant smile appeared on his face, "Hehe, although...Although your strength is not weak, your petite body limits your attack range to a large extent, just like now. I have grabbed your two feet, and your hands have been sealed by me. See what you can do!"

"You bastard, you bullied me like this!" Hui Ye, who was being carried upside down, couldn't help snarling, because her hands and feet were all sealed, her power couldn't be used at all, but she soon She couldn't growl anymore, because she found that the thing she kicked just now was dangling in front of her own eyes.

Although Huiye was very open just now, it was just a normal situation after all. Even if I saw the thing, it wouldn't be so good. But at this moment in such a close contact, even the smell can be smelled, and I suddenly bear it. No more, he blushed and looked away.

Then she suddenly thought, since she could see Lin Luo, would Lin Luo also see herself, and she was still in such a shameful posture...

When she thought of this, Huiye couldn’t wait to find a hole to go in. Of course she didn’t know, because her blow was too powerful just now. Although Lin Luo looked at her body, he didn’t pay attention to her. It alleviated the pain in the lower body, but it didn't take long, so Lin Luo soon noticed how warm their postures were at this moment.

The delicate little white tiger was less than 30 centimeters away from him.

"Damn it! It made me so embarrassed, I...I'm going to die!" Seeing Lin Luo staring straight at her white tiger, Hui Ye really felt a sense of dying, she gritted her teeth and carried it. He looked at death as if at home, then raised his head and opened his mouth. It was just a vicious tiger eating... Lin Luo's spear that had gradually strengthened was directly bit into her mouth.

Not to read separately, but to really bite!


In an instant, a terrifying scream came from Lin Luo's mouth, and his entire face turned green.

"Quick, let go, it's going to be broken!" Lin Luo quickly exclaimed, and the pain from the source made his legs tremble.

"You let it go first!" Hui Ye said vaguely, tears of humiliation in her eyes swirling, if it weren't for her love, she would definitely not resort to such a move of killing eight hundred and self-defeating one thousand.

Your sister, what makes you cry? I should cry!

Lin Luo really wanted to cry, because he found that his thing was touching Huiye's little mouth, and he felt like he was getting stronger and stronger... This was life-threatening!

Next to him, Sakiya, who had been violated by Kaguya before, finally recovered from her weakness at this moment, and then sat up, the incomparably lascivious and insignificant scene suddenly entered her eyes, making her instinctively stunned and staring dumbfounded.

"Wh, what is this going to cause?"

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