Chapter 1006: The bullied rabbit...and the black long straight little loli

"No, don't come over! If you... come over again, I'll call someone!"

"Scream, no one will come to rescue you even if you break your throat, oh ha ha ha ha."

"No, don't do this... Why do you want to do such an excessive thing?"

"Is it too much? I don't think it is too much at all."

"It is obviously too much for others to do this or that. People shouldn't do this or that..."

"Then let's be like this, look, isn't it very comfortable?"


In the yard of Forever Pavilion, Gensokyo’s most popular rabbit Lingxian, kneeling on the wooden planks in the corridor with her legs aside, her hands crossed on her abdomen, she trembled slightly with her body contraction, and blushed. Mouth, tears swirling in his eyes, an expression of eager tears.

"Don't touch it, don't bully me...uuuuu..."

Lin Luo squatted in front of her, while looking at her soft and uncomfortable appearance, while rubbing the hair and rabbit ears on her head, she felt that the title she always received in Gensokyo really was not called, this This kind of softness has reached an invincible state, and lethal cuteness is released everywhere... It is no wonder that Emperor Inaba, the black-bellied rabbit, can bully her, because she is so tempting, it makes people watch forbearance. I can't help but want to bully her.

Lin Luo rubbed her head like a pet, but there was a devilish smile on her face, "So, if you don't tell me the purpose of the love potion, I will always do this and that thing."

"Woo... there is no purpose at all, it was only made out of curiosity." Ling Xian cried with red eyes.

"Do you think I would believe it? If you just do it out of curiosity, you can only do one or two at most, but you just have 20 or so in your hand, and I have enough reason to suspect that the medicine you made does not It's not just that on your hands... Tell me honestly, do you want to do bad things?" After speaking, Lin Luo leaned forward and blew a sigh into her ears, a face full of evil.

Ling Xian's body trembled fiercely, the blush on his face became more intense, and his mouth was stubbornly resisting, "Let go, if this happens, I...I'm going to blacken, and I blacken even me. I am afraid."

Lin Luo suddenly laughed, "Are you threatening me? It doesn't matter, even if you are really blackened, I can subdue you, and when dealing with blackened girls, I usually strip off their clothes. Light, and then do things like that, so if you want to blacken it, just blacken it as much as you want."

Hearing what he said, Lingxian suddenly didn't dare to turn black, and cried again, "Uuuuuuuuu...why are everyone bullying me? I obviously didn't do anything bad."

Lin Luo touched her head and smiled slightly, "Who tells you that you are always soft and cute. People can't help but want to bully you when they look at them. I don't know about others, but I just love you. Bully you."

Ling Xian burst into tears, "If you like me, don't bully me."

"That's not good, because bullying you is fun and enjoyable. And did you know that, a human boy, when she likes a girl, she always uses all kinds of pranks to tease her, such as scratching her hair. , Throw a ball on her, or lift her skirt or something." Lin Luo rubbed the hair on her head into a mess and smiled, "I didn't lift your skirt. I have been very restrained."

When Lingxian heard these words, he quickly held down his skirt with his hands and protested, "Then you don't like me, it's too annoying."

"This is also not good, because I have no resistance to cute things. Cuteness is justice. This is the principle I have always pursued." Lin Luo privately applies Yanilas's principles to herself. If Yanilas knows, He will probably sue him for infringement.

"I'm not cute at all! Woo... let me go!" Ling Xian finally couldn't help but roar, but even if she roared, she was still so soft and so cute, so cute.

Lin Luo was almost adorable, and secretly said: Your sister, if this girl goes to participate in the adorable battle, and then shouts so loudly, he must be the adorable king in 2013.

But his mouth said: "Well, you can let you go, you can take a love potion and let me see it."

Ling Xian's expression suddenly changed, "No, that will happen."

"Then to be fair, let's eat together so that nothing happens."

Ling Xian was about to cry, "It's even worse if we eat together!"

Seeing her like this, Lin Luo stopped teasing her, and took the hand on her head back, but when she got up she pretended to be lonely, empty and cold, "Okay, Since you don’t want this one, and you don’t want that one, then forget it, oh, why did I grow a face of ridicule?"

Finally freed, Ling Xian was amnesty, jumped up quickly and ran to hide behind a pillar five meters away, then carefully poked his head out to observe Lin Luo.

Lin Luo looked at Shoutu's cute and funny appearance, holding back a smile and said with a serious face: "Now, someone told me before that Yonglin asked me to come to Everlasting Pavilion. Do you know about this?"

Ling Xian was probably still a little frightened. She didn't know until Lin Luo asked her three times, and then squeezed her mouth and said unhappily: "Master seems to have told me that you should go find the princess.

"Isn't Hui Ye playing a game? Is she already cleared?" Lin Luo asked in surprise.

"How do I know." Ling Xian turned his head away and hummed... proudly.

Lin Luo didn't know what she looked like, so he stopped asking, shook his head and sighed: "Oh, I seem to be hated. It's so sad that I obviously like you so much...Oh!" After a heavy sigh, Lin Luo turned and walked into the room.

Lingxian didn’t know that he was pretending to be sad, but thought he was really sad, so he couldn’t help but suffocated his mouth, “What? You’ve been bullying me all the time, making it as if I’ve done something wrong. It’s true... Bully me again, bully me again, I will... give you breast enhancement medicine!"

Ling Xian clenched her small fist and said viciously, feeling annoyed for no reason, but when she saw the heavy rain and hail falling outside, remembering Master's severity, she quickly threw this worry aside and quickly picked up the medicinal materials. "Forget it, no matter what, I will go out and sell the medicine as soon as I put it away. My medicine will definitely be more popular than Master's medicine."


Lin Luo is no stranger to the Forever Pavilion. Lin Luo also knows the location of Huiye in the Forever Pavilion. Then, based on Huiye's breath and his own premonitions, Lin Luo quickly judged the location of Huiye. The place... is the room where he talked with Huiye for the first time after meeting for the first time.

When he came to the door of the room, Lin Luo found that the door was not locked, and it was pushed open with a light push. The room was filled with computers and various electrical appliances as always, but to Lin Luo's surprise, Hui Ye was not here. .

"It's weird. Her breath is clearly in this room. If it's playing games, it shouldn't be possible to go to other places, why isn't it?" Lin Luo was taken aback, but soon he felt the strangeness in this room. , That is the weird flow of the timeline, which is different from the outside... or even any place.

"So that's it." Thinking of Hui Ye's abilities, Lin Luo suddenly suddenly felt.

There is no doubt that Hui Ye is indeed in this room, but the timeline of the two people getting along is different, and time can affect the space, causing the world line to become different, forming two disjoint parallels. Line, so...Although the two are in the same room, it is almost impossible to meet.

Of course, with Lin Luo's current strength, it is not difficult to break through this shackle and reach the world line and timeline where Hui Ye is located, but he did not do so, but after wandering in the room for a while, Sit down in front of a computer.

The facilities here are exactly the same as two years ago. Turn on the computer and even the barrage fighting game made by Kaguya with Gensokyo as the background is placed on the table... Lin Luo somewhat missed the game when he saw it. I remember the Truth or Dare when playing this game with Hui Ye. It really made people blush, and I almost lost my underwear.

Lin Luo instinctively opened the game, and then he found that the original game with only fifty characters had increased to more than one hundred people at this moment, not to mention the characters in the dark history, even himself and Ming Meng were in it.

"Huh? This guy is not playing alone." Lin Luo was taken aback when he saw one row of data.

This game has a feature, that is, before playing, the player must first log in his name, and then a battle table will be formed, and the victory and defeat records will be displayed in it. When he played with Kaguya for the first time two years ago, he only played against himself, Kaguya and Meihong, but at this moment it has increased to dozens. Not only Reimu and Remilia have played, Even Yakumo Zi is in it.

"It seems that this group of people are really free." Lin Luo shook his head, and couldn't think of where the local girls would go to play this game that betrayed their abilities with Hui Ye, and they played with them. The game looks like this, especially the funny thing is the winning rate of the eldest, 0 wins and 2000 losses... you deserve to be a gunman!

Lin Luo didn't have the interest in playing the computer. After watching for a while, he quit the game, then lay down on the spot, closing his eyes and resting...Since I don't want to cross the world line, I only have to wait honestly, Bayiyong Lin called herself to the Everlasting Pavilion, and most of Huiye was coming out too.

Lying down, Lin Luo also fell asleep, and gradually fell asleep. He didn't know how long it had passed. He suddenly felt a little heavy in his chest, instinctively opened his eyes, and then he saw a ten-year-old man. Black long-haired loli sat on her with her legs crossed.

"Huh?!" Lin Luo was stunned.

"Oh, you seem to be surprised." Hei Changzhi Lori covered her mouth with a mysterious smile on her face.

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