The Blackened Villain Of Kuai Chuan Is Not Easy To Tease

Chapter 396 Cold Blooded Young Marshal (17)

In the inner room, the water vapor was dense and curled, and the sharp and sharp cheeks of the gale were steaming, and there was a physiological flush.

Gale: "I'm not a child anymore."

Lin Yi thought about it and thought it was right.

It turned out that because Gale Feng was thin and small, she was preconceived and thought that he was a child, she was indeed arbitrary.

Change it when you know it is wrong!

Lin Yi: "Yes, according to the customs of your world, you will be able to marry and have children in two years..."

Before Lin Yi could finish speaking, Gale Feng suddenly turned around as if he had been stimulated by some kind of huge stimulus.

Lin Yi: "!!!"

It's over!

How to tell the truth accidentally.

But as long as she doesn't admit it, the Blacken villain can't do anything to her!

Gale: "I don't want to marry a wife!"

The gale slammed word by word, and every word was extremely solemn and determined.

He doesn't want to get married.

If he really wants to marry, there is only one person he wants to marry in this life.

But Lin Yi's current identity...

Suddenly, Lie Feng realized that now that he owns Lin Yi, he can only secretly hide it from everyone, as the son of Lie Hongzhang.

But how could he be so willing?

What he wanted was a genuine, upright, and complete possession of Lin Yi.

Gale pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Lin Yi, however, was not well.

"You don't want to marry?"

So what does she do?

Gale didn't answer, but with a deep face, turned around and turned his back to Lin Yi again.

Just at that glance,

The most deadly!

I don't know if Lin Yi noticed anything.

Lie Feng took a deep breath, "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that the woman I want to marry must be the person I really want, so you... don't think about helping me get a wife."

After a pause: "It's you, who just asked me why I didn't call you second mother.

I won't call you that again in the future. I know that you didn't want to enter the Grand Commander's Mansion. Lie Hongzhang is coming back now. If you want to leave, I... can help you! "


Lin Yi: "Why did you leave?"

Li Feng couldn't help but move slightly when he heard the words.

Lin Yi doesn't want to leave?

Is it because of Lie Hongzhang, or because of... him?

Although I know that Lin Yi has always taken care of him like an elder and a mother, it should be, probably, maybe not because of him that he doesn't want to leave.

But there was still something uncontrollable in his heart, and there was a little hope.

What if, he meant if, Lin Yi really didn't want to go because of him?

What if Lin Yi really hates him?

Thinking so in his heart, by the time Lie Feng realized it, he had already asked.

"Why don't you want to go?"

"because of you!"

Without any hesitation, Lin Yi gave a positive answer to the crack.

Lin Yi: "Where are you, I'll be there. Where there is a strong wind with you, there is only me Lin Yi."


After Qin's mother left, the whole person was restless.

I don't know, it's okay, knowing what Lie Feng thinks of Lin Yi, Lin Yi still looks stupid and doesn't know anything. She feels that she will not be able to look directly at Li Feng and Lin Yi in the future. I didn't expect that Gale, who looked soft, weak, thin and small, was so thoughtful and ambitious, and if this goes on, Lin Yi might be eaten one day!


She has to figure out a way!

Qin's mother thought about it, and finally thought of a person——


Lie Hongzhang won't be back until tonight, so I can't tell Lie Hongzhang directly about this matter, so Qin's mother decided to start with Lieyang first.

However, after Qin's mother told Lieyang about the matter, Lieyang didn't believe it.

"What? Mother Qin, what are you talking about? It's too windy and I can't hear you clearly. "

Qin's mother: "..."

Don't act!

You clearly heard it!

Lie Yang and a few followers have been following Lin Yi and Gale every day during this period of time. Not only have their physical fitness improved, they have also reduced smoking and drinking, and they can even help Lin Yi to smash the theatre and run errands.

Although Lin Yi and Liefeng have never given Lieyang and his followers a good look, today's Lieyang and Liefeng have long regarded Lin Yi and Liefeng as a family.

Lieyang even apologized to Liefeng, saying that he had been bad to Liefeng before and asked Liefeng to return it.

At that time, Lie Feng looked at Lie Yang like the stupid son of a landlord, and ignored him at all.

But Lie Yang did not change his heart towards Lin Yi and Gale Feng.

So at this moment, after hearing what Qin's mother said, Lieyang felt that he had heard the biggest joke this year.

"Mother Qin, please don't make me laugh. I just finished eating. If I laugh too much, it's easy to squirt out, and then I squirt on your face."


"Okay, Mother Qin, you don't have to worry about it. If it's a big deal tomorrow, I'll tell my second mother and Gale Feng that when they go to bed, bathe, and eat, take me with you, too?"

Qin's mother: "..."

She was wrong!

She shouldn't have come looking for Lie Yang, the second fool!

What's the matter, come join if you can't break up?


Qin's mother left silently, racking her brains to see if there was any other way, when a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

Before Qin's mother raised her head, she felt a strong coldness and momentum from the other party, and an ominous premonition rose up in her heart for no reason.

As a result, as soon as Qin's mother raised her head and met Gale Feng's deep, dark eyes, her body trembled involuntarily.

Qin's mother: "Second...Second Young Master..."

"When I was in the yard today, I know you saw it all."

Lie Feng didn't make any detours, and saw that Qin's mother was straight to the point, and talked about what happened during the day when he was holding Lin Yi in the rain and was seen by Qin's mother.

Qin's mother groaned in her heart.

"I...I didn't see anything..."

"Really? But you and Lieyang just said that's not what you said~"

The gale-like voice spoke as if it were safe, and while speaking, there was also a meaningful smile, which was exactly the same as when he warned her before.

Qin's mother couldn't hold on any longer, and she knelt on the ground with a "pop".

"Second young master...Second young master, I know it's wrong, but...but Miss Isshin is bent on you, you treat her like have such thoughts on's not right!"

Qin's mother knelt in front of the strong wind, and she mustered up the courage to say the words in her heart tremblingly.

Lie Feng raised his eyebrows: "Well... why is it wrong?"

Qin's mother: "...but have you ever thought about it, if the lady knows now, you..."

"So, we can't let her know now."

Speaking of this, Gale suddenly paused, then bent down, leaned in front of Qin's mother, bent her eyes, raised the corners of her lips, seemingly softly, but in fact said coldly: "Qin mother, do you know what to do? "

Qin's mother: "!!!"

Qin's mother widened her eyes in horror, looking at Yan Yan who was clearly smiling in disbelief, but terrifyingly like a devil-like gale.

At this moment, Lie Yang's voice suddenly sounded: "Geez? You're here, it's just right, and someone just came to report that the old man is back. It's just that you are going with me."

Lie Hongzhang is back!

The smile on Gale's face was icy cold in an instant!

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