The Blackened Villain Of Kuai Chuan Is Not Easy To Tease

Chapter 380 Cold Blooded Young Marshal (1)

Feng Yao felt that even if Lin Yi really killed him at this moment, he would spare no effort to be willing.

Suddenly, Feng Yao got up and lifted his upper body directly.

The bodies of the two were intertwined like a tree, Feng Yao raised a big hand and clasped the back of Lin Yi's head, and then kissed Lin Yi's lips forcefully.

His kisses seemed to draw the power of Lin Yi's life, like a devil who could devour her sanity.

Lin Yi gradually felt short of breath, and his body was so soft that it seemed to turn into a pool of water.

But instead, the initiative fell on Feng Yao.

She is like a doll that has lost its vitality, being driven by Feng Yao, her whole body seems to be broken.

Lin Yi said he had learned it.

It turned out that even in

Suddenly, the sea of ​​​​flowers shook violently.

The wave of flowers that had been steady before, covered waves of flowers, now seemed to be frightened by something, the flowers trembled and the flowers and leaves swayed.

The intertwined figures are set against the huge and bright moon.

Lin Yi seemed to have hallucinations.

She seems to have also transformed into a petal in this sea of ​​flowers, being blown up in the air uncontrollably, spinning without support, and being enveloped by the breeze and moonlight.

Until the end, he fell into Feng Yao's arms.

Feng Yao's breathing was rapid, and the ups and downs of his chest were the frequency of his breathing. ..

His gray eyes were deep, but Lin Yi was the only one.

Feng Yao: "Xiao Caiji, you are mine now."

At the same time, Lin Yi saw the progress bar above Feng Yao's head and began to flicker and jump violently.

Increase: Thirty percent

Progress: 100%

The petals flying all around stopped, the surging waves stopped, and the whole world seemed to have pressed the pause button.


Ergouzi popped up in Lin Yi's mind.

Ergouzi: [Congratulations to Sister Yi, you have obtained 100% of the power of love from the Blacken villain Feng Yao, we are ready to go to the next world~]

Lin Yi: [? ? ? 】

Are you OK?




Lin Yi: [Is it suitable? 】

Ergouzi also seemed to sense something was wrong, and arched the white hair on his body vigorously: [Then why don't you put on some clothes first? 】

Lin Yi: […]

Who said it's a matter of wearing clothes or not?

Anyway, when she travels to the next world, everything must have changed.

Ergouzi: [Ah? What are you talking about, Mrs. 】

Lin Yi raised his finger and pointed at Feng Yao: [He hasn't changed back yet! 】

She's still not having fun!

Ergouzi: […]

As expected of you!

【Hey? What are you saying, Mrs. It's so windy, why can't I hear it? Then we are ready to go to the next world~xiu——]

Lin Yi: […]


Count your dog!

Lin Yi calmed down slightly, raised his hand and gently stroked Feng Yao's cheek in front of him.

Compared with youkai, humans are too small. Monsters can live for hundreds of thousands of years, but humans only have a few decades.

Lin Yi couldn't imagine that after a few decades, she would live to the end of her life in this world, and when she was about to leave, how would Feng Yao spend the remaining hundreds of thousands of years alone.

Looking for another dog?

That is absolutely impossible!

She is so selfish!

So, that's it... even if it's sudden, it's fine.

Just let everything stop at this moment.

Lin Yi's thin lips parted slightly, and her voice was very soft, but it contained many complex emotions that had never been seen before.

She said, "Feng Yao, I'm leaving..."



"Miss, you want to open up, things are already like this, we women, born in this troubled world, can't help themselves.

Although Dashuai is a little older, a little less literate, a little rude, and doesn't like to take a bath... But he still loves his wife, the big lady is gone, although Dashuai has not broken women for so many years, but you It is the first woman who can enter the commander's mansion after his wife's death, which is enough to prove your status in the commander's heart. "

As soon as the things in front of Lin Yi became clear, he heard a lot of words being muttered in his ears.

She is sitting in front of the makeup gown at the moment, wearing a green cheongsam, her hair is tied with a hairpin at the back of her head, and her whole person looks cold and noble.

Her face in the mirror was even more stunningly beautiful.

The person who spoke was an old woman in her fifties standing beside her, also wearing a cheongsam, but looking at the fabric and style, it was not of the same level as hers.

Lin Yi is a little confused now.

Especially the words she just heard.

A little older, a little less literate, a little rude, a little less fond of bathing...

What is this all about?

Lin Yi hurriedly called Ergouzi out to convey the plot.

This is a troubled country.

The original owner, Lin Yi, was originally born in a scholarly family. His parents were both university teachers.

I just didn't expect that when I was playing with my classmates on the street, I ran into the warlord Lie Hongzhang.

Lie Hongzhang covered the sky with one hand on this side of the land. He was in his fifties, but at a glance, he fell in love with the original owner who was only eighteen years old.

However, although the original owner looks gentle, he has a very strong temperament.

Lie Hongzhang had limited patience and directly threatened the original owner with the original owner's parents.

The original owner compromised.

Lie Hongzhang was very happy, but before he could consummate the marriage with the original owner, there was a war on the front line. Lie Hongzhang didn't care about the original owner, and immediately led his troops to the front line.

The point that Lin Yi has crossed over now is exactly the point where Lie Hongzhang just kidnapped the original owner into the commander's mansion, threatened the original owner with the original owner's parents, and the original owner was ready to surrender.

Lin Yi smiled.

Someone dared to kidnap her, or be a concubine?

I really don't want three legs!

Qin's mother, the one who served Lin Yi just to persuade Lin Yi, said so much. She saw the smile on Lin Yi's face at this moment. For some reason, she suddenly felt a chill on her back.

Lin Yi put away the smile on his face and stood up directly.

Qin's mother: "Little...Miss? Where are you going? We haven't finished dressing up yet, and the handsome should come back later..."

"Don't be busy."

Lin Yi said lightly.

Qin's mother was stunned.

Lin Yi: "I can't come back."

Not only today, but according to the plot given by Ergouzi, Lie Hongzhang will not come back in the next month.

She didn't want to, but she had no choice. Since it was a plot arrangement, she could only let that dog Lie Hongzhang live for an extra month.

Lin Yi walked out of the room, leaving Qin's mother alone.

It's just that she wore a cheongsam for the first time, and she didn't understand the tailoring of this thing at all, and her steps were a bit drastic, so she stumbled before she took two steps.

Lin Yi's mother sold the approval in her heart. Seeing that she was about to fall, her body was suddenly hugged...

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