The Blackened Villain Of Kuai Chuan Is Not Easy To Tease

Chapter 375 Don't Run Away From The Dog (19)


Since it became Lin Yi's system, Ergouzi felt that the dense hair on its body began to fall out, and other people's hairline moved, it was the hairline.

At once……

[Sister Yi, be obedient, we won't knock. 】

Lin Yi is not convinced: [Why should I be obedient? 】



You play with themselves!


Seeing that Lin Yi didn't speak for a long time, Nine Tails Tianhu couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he cautiously called again.

Lin Yi immediately calmed down when he heard the sound, and let go of Feng Yao's hand.

It's just that with this movement, Lin Yi was torn apart by Feng Yao, and when he ran out, the collar, which was tucked a little as he wanted, actually slipped down again.

Lin Yi's fair and smooth shoulders were instantly exposed to the air, and also exposed to the sight of Feng Yao and Nine Tails Tianhu.

As soon as Nine Tails Tianhu touched Lin Yi's shoulder, his cheeks instantly turned completely red, Feng Yao finally got a smile on his face, but he instantly turned gloomy.

He immediately stretched out his hand and pulled up Lin Yi's collar, wrapping the exposed skin tightly again, and then looked at Nine Tails coldly.

Feng Yao's voice was cold, as if wrapped in ice: "See?"

Nine Tails Tianhu lowered his eyes shyly: "I saw it..."

Saying that, Nine Tails Tianhu suddenly raised his head as if he had thought of something, and looked at Lin Yi solemnly: "Don't worry, Miss, I know you will be responsible for me?"

Lin Yi: "???"

What a mess!

Just showing a shoulder, do you want to take responsibility so seriously?

Besides, why should she be responsible?

This kid is addicted to porcelain, right?

Lin Yi's face was sullen, and he looked back at Nine Tails Tianhu angrily. He was about to fight, but Feng Yao, who was on the side, said casually in a tone of indifference, "Since you have seen it, let's dig it."


What are you digging for?

Before Lin Yi could react to what Feng Yao meant by these words, she saw a figure flickering in front of her. Feng Yao, who was still standing beside her, moved in front of Nine Tails Tianhu in a blink of an eye. Kankan stretched out his hand towards Nine Tails Tianhu's eyes.

Nine Tails Tianhu didn't expect Feng Yao to be so pervert.

He just glanced at it, and it wasn't intentional, Feng Yao actually wanted to dig out his beautiful Kazilan's big eyes?

Nine Tails Tianhu is also a big demon who has been practicing for hundreds of years. Naturally, Feng Yao would not have his eyes gouged out so easily, so after feeling the murderous aura on Feng Yao, he moved his body quickly and avoided the first time. With Feng Yao's outstretched hands, he quickly moved behind Lin Yi with a dodge.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, Feng Yao and Nine Tails Tianhu were so fast that Lin Yi couldn't even react.

Nine Tails Tianhu: "Miss, save your life, seal the dog and dig people's eyes."

Feng Yao's face was gloomy and gloomy at first, but when he saw Nine Tails fox flickering behind Lin Yi for protection, his eyes narrowed into a line instantly.

He actually dared to ask his little chicken for protection?

The little chicken is his!

Just protect him!

Feng Yaopi smiled, like the wind in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, and it was cold and scratching the bones.

Nine Tails Tianhu ignored Feng Yao at all, just looked at Lin Yi pitifully, blinking incessantly.

Lin Yi ignored Nine Tails' desperate wink, and just looked at Feng Yao blankly: "Do you want his eyes?"

Feng Yao's chest tightened when he heard the words.

What does Lin Yi mean by asking?

Feng Yao: "You want to protect him?"

Lin Yi frowned in disgust: "Why should I protect him? I just want to make sure you really want it. If you want it, I'll dig it out and give it to you."

When Lin Yi said this, there was no superfluous expression on his face, and even his tone was ordinary, as if he was asking Feng Yao, "Have you eaten today?" Feng Yao paused, and the surrounding cold solidified for a moment, and then quietly collapsed.

He still had a smile on his face, but not as cold as before.

Before today, Feng Yao never knew that his emotions could be controlled and controlled by one person so easily.

Feng Yao: "Okay~"

Lin Yi nodded and turned to look at Nine Tails Tianhu.

Nine Tails Tianhu couldn't believe his ears.

His little sister actually wanted to treat him like this for Feng Yao's old dog!

"Miss, you see that I love you so much, do you really have the heart to treat me like this?"

Lin Yi didn't hesitate: "Be patient."


Nine Tails Tianhu does not give up.

With wool!

Feng Yao's old dog has a charming face, he is also beautiful, isn't he?

Why does his little sister only like Feng Yao but not him!

Is it...

Nine Tails Tianhu suddenly thought of something, and his expression instantly became solemn and pious.

Nine Tails Tianhu: "Miss, look at me, I have grown up now, although it is a little bit closer to 18 cm, but you give me some time, I will work hard and work hard, I will definitely reach 18 cm. ."

Lin Yi: "..."

Feng Yao: "..."

Eighteen centimeters can't get through, right?

Nine Tails Tianhu continued, "Miss, I know you like Feng Yao, but I'll tell you the truth, before I met you, I liked it too."

Hearing this, Lin Yi's face instantly turned cold.

How dare you like her Blacken villain?

It seems that just digging the eyes is not enough!

Nine Tails Tianhu said word by word: "You like him, I like him too, Miss, think about what a wonderful fate this is!

So in the same way, I also like you, according to the convention you should like me too, don't you think? "

I am your father!

This kind of bullshit that doesn't make sense at all, he can say it so clearly and clearly, and he has the ability.

Lin Yi said firmly: "I don't like you!"

Nine Tails Tianhu: "You think about it, people want to hear a positive answer."

A sure answer?

Lin Yi: "Oh...I definitely don't like it."

Nine Tails Tianhu: "..."

It's definitely not what he said, is it definitely good?

Lin Yi has ignored the Nine Tails Tianhu, but lowered his head and started rummaging in the Qiankun bag.

Nine Tails Tianhu looked hurt, but he didn't plan to give up because of it. After all, he had been chasing Feng Yao for a hundred years before, but Lin Yi rejected him only once, it was a drizzle.

Nine Tails Tianhu: "Miss, what are you looking for, let me help you find it?"

Lin Yi: "Where's my knife?"

Nine Tails Tianhu: "..."

Why does it feel that when the little sister said this, there were bursts of coolness on his back?

Feng Yao has been standing by the side since the beginning, watching Lin Yi quietly.

At this moment, he looked at Lin Yi's eyes, full of smiles and pampering, and there was no cold invasion.

His little chicken, from the beginning to the present, has never had the slightest hesitation or indecision in his love for him.


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