Feng Yao maintained a professional smirk on his face, suddenly bent down unexpectedly, came to the usual position with Lin Yi, held a pair of gray dog ​​eyes, and looked at Lin Yi watery.

Feng Yao: "If I change back, do you just want to touch me?"


That's called smashing, okay?

Lin Yi: "It's not just touching... Is there anything else?"

Feng Yao raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Of course, such as kissing, hugging, holding high...or, more in-depth things."

Lin Yi: "..."

Lin Yi didn't think about the more in-depth things Feng Yao said, she just instinctively followed Feng Yao's words and made up for it.

If she is holding a big white dog more than two meters high, kissing and hugging, imagine the feeling of nesting her whole body in snow-white, snow-white fur, and it seems pretty cool.

But hold high...

Subconsciously, Lin Yi's mind came to a picture of her standing on the ground, holding a big dog more than two meters high in both hands. The big dog also looked at her with a pair of gray dog ​​eyes, tongue sticking out and laughing at her. screen...

Can you see it?

Can you see it?

Lin Yi shivered instantly.

Do not!

She refuses to lift high!

Ergouzi was originally quite quiet in Lin Yi's mind during this time, but at this moment it really couldn't bear it anymore.

Ergouzi: [So, Sister Yi, why can't you think about it, the Blacken villain raised you high? 】

Blacken villain lift her?

Lin Yi blinked, discarding the terrifying picture that appeared in his mind just now, and followed Ergouzi's words again to make up for it.

The big white dog who became Feng Yao stood on both feet, grabbed her with the other two hands, and raised it above his head...

This horse riding is even more scary!

Lin Yi: [I announce that, starting today, I refuse to hold high this business! 】

Ergouzi: […]

Yes it is wrong!

After such a long time, I even hoped that Sister Jiayi's brain circuit was the same as that of a normal person!

Feng Yao stared at Lin Yi, and seeing that she didn't reply for a long time, he knew she was imagining his words.

Feng Yao still doesn't know how Lin Yi's brain is galloping, so he got closer and said to Lin Yi in a charming voice: "So, how can it be enough to just change back for a while? I really don't know anything about my time~"


Lin Yi blinked.

What does this have to do with time?

If you don’t come back, say you won’t come back, if you don’t give it, then say you won’t give it. What’s the use of talking about so many ozone layers?

Lin Yi took a deep breath, "Let's go."

Feng Yao paused: "Huh?"

"Didn't you say you're going to find the little fox to settle accounts? Don't you go?"

Little Fox?

Feng Yao couldn't help but smile.

If Nine Tails Tianhu knew that he would be called the little fox one day, he would be so angry that he would die on the spot.

Feng Yao: "I can't go."

"can not go?"


"Could it be that you were greedy for the beauty of that little fox, and suddenly couldn't bear to do it?"


Where is this going?

Why can't he keep up with this little rookie's thoughts?

Feng Yao couldn't help but put his hand on Lin Yi's forehead and tap it lightly.

Feng Yao: "I really want to open your little head and see what's inside, there's nothing like what you think, it's just that Nine Tails is the best at hiding aura, I can only be sure that she/he is in this building now. In the house." Lin Yi understood.

In other words, any living person in this family may be the little fox.


"Aren't you a dog?"

Feng Yao's smile froze.

Isn't the dog's nose the smartest?

Feng Yao tried hard to restrain the turbulent emotions in his heart, barely maintained a professional fake smile on his face, and said to Lin Yi softly (biting), warm (teeth) softly (cutting) softly (teeth): "No hurry, she/he will. I couldn't help but take the initiative to show up."


There is no way to go to the little fox to settle accounts now, Lin Yi and Feng Yao sat in the yard in a good mood and waited.

The two chatted when they had nothing to do, waiting for Zhou Yuanwai and Bai Yingying to wake up while chatting.

It was also at this time that Lin Yi realized that the Xiaocui that Bai Yingying ate before was not a human, but a black cat that Bai Yingying kept.

Lin Yi is speechless!

So why did this Bai Yingying name a cat Xiaocui?

I don't know how scary it is!

Soon, Zhou Yuanwai and Bai Yingying in the room woke up.

Bai Yingying didn't know what happened, but as soon as she woke up and saw Zhou Yuanwai collapsed in her house, she immediately ran towards Zhou Yuanwai.

As soon as Zhou Yuanwai woke up, he faced Bai Yingying's terrified face, which was still covered in blood, and nearly fainted three times.

Zhou Yuanwai ran out of the room immediately, and saw Lin Yi and Feng Yao sitting and chatting happily in the yard, and burst into tears.

"Two masters! Two masters, save me, she's awake! She's awake!"

Feng Yao turned to look at Zhou Yuanwai, "Don't worry, your concubine has no demonic energy anymore."

Member Zhou was taken aback for a moment: "Huh?"

Bai Yingying also chased out of the house at this time, and just heard the conversation between Zhou Yuanwai and Feng Yao.

Bai Yingying was a little flustered: "Demon qi? What kind of monster qi?"

Lin Yi turned his head calmly, looked at Bai Yingying with a bloody face, and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just that you were attacked by demon energy before."

Bai Yingying's body shuddered suddenly, and she was even horrified with her expression: "What? People have been stained by monsters? People are not clean?"

Lin Yi: "..."

Bai Yingying suddenly shed tears that are so strong in her life, she turned her head and was about to throw herself into Zhou Yuanwai's arms: "Master..."

"Don't come here!"

Although Bai Yingying has returned to normal, and has not eaten living people, cats... are also unacceptable, okay?

Moreover, the hair and body tissue of a black cat are still hanging on her teeth, and a bloody smell spews out of her mouth.

Bai Yingying was stunned: "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Yi explained the facts calmly: "It's nothing, that is, you ate Xiao Cui when you were not clean before."

Bai Yingying: "???"

Lin Yi's words made Bai Yingying's expression instantly change to a 180-degree spiral.

Bai Yingying: "Oh, this girl, you can really make a joke."

Even though she said so, Bai Yingying turned her head around subconsciously, but she didn't see Xiao Cui's figure after searching around.

Bai Yingying: "Xiao Cui - where are you Xiao Cui?"

Lin Yi: "Don't look for it."

Bai Yingying: "Huh?"

Lin Yi raised his finger and pointed at Bai Yingying's stomach: "It's there."

Bai Yingying: "!!!"

Lin Yi glanced at Bai Yingying's face again, and said truthfully with a blank face: "There is still some left on the teeth."

Bai Yingying: "..."

Who made her unclean before?

Please let her continue to be unclean!

can't live anymore...

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