Lin Yi: "!!!"

What the hell!

Someone slapped her eyes with her?

Fellow people!

Just when did this person come, why didn't she notice it at all?

Thinking about it, Lin Yi turned to look, and Lin Yi was amazed with just one glance.

The man in front of him was dressed in white clothes that beat the snow, his hair was the same snow-white color, and it was scattered all the way to his waist, and his skin was so white that it was almost transparent.

The man's face is angular and thin, and his facial features are delicate, especially the pair of gray eyes, which brings out a coquettish and beautiful broken feeling.

The man was looking at Lin Yi with a slight smile. A gust of breeze blew past, fluttering his white hair, and enchantingly brushed against Lin Yi's cheeks, bringing a tingling feeling.

He is not human!

How can a normal human have such a seductive appearance?

How could a normal human being have such a young and beautiful face with white hair?

When a normal human being would not secretly slap her eyes with her, she even asked her if the young woman knew if the Yun Yu person was a human!

The most important thing is that there is a progress bar on the top of his head.

Blacken villain: Feng Yao

Power of Love Progress: 0%

Lin Yi blinked.

You can be two dogs, the Blacken villain this world gave her is actually a little monster~

[Sister Yi, they are little monsters... ah no, to be precise, they should be big monsters! 】

Ergouzi noticed that Lin Yi's wording was wrong, and quickly corrected it cheaply.

Lin Yi rolled his eyes angrily: [Do you understand what cuteness is? 】

Ergouzi: […]

You might get beaten up if you say it, but the words "cute" and you don't really match up.

It may be cute when others call the little monster Xiao Yaogai, but your name... will only make people think that you can't pronounce it right?

Lin Yi didn't know the slander in Ergouzi's heart, but he just keenly caught the key words in Ergouzi's words.

Big monster!

Lin Yi: [How big is it? 】

Ergouzi thought for a while: [I haven't measured it, but it's about eighteen centimeters visually. 】

Eighteen centimeters?

Lin Yi looked at Feng Yao, who was 1.85 meters tall in front of him, and imagined that he was only ten centimeters in size after he changed back to his original body, and the whole person shuddered in horror.

Lin Yi said to Ergouzi very seriously: [Don't tell me that he is actually a bug! 】

Ergouzi understood in seconds: [Aiya, sister Yi, you misunderstood, the eighteen centimeters I said were the eighteen centimeters, not the eighteen centimeters. 】

Lin Yi: [? ? ? 】


[You tell me directly, what kind of monster is the Blacken villain. 】

To save her from guessing and guessing.

Ergouzi is mysterious: [I'm telling you now that there are no surprises? 】


Are you sure it was a surprise, not a fright?

When Lin Yi was talking to Ergouzi in his mind, Feng Yao kept looking at Lin Yi.

In fact, he was simply passing by. Even if he sensed the aura of the Illusory Demon, he didn't care too much. After all, a little monster like the Illusory Demon was not worth mentioning in front of him.

However, he originally planned to leave, but accidentally caught a glimpse of Lin Yi, who was pouting his butt and clinging to the corn stalks, watching with "relish".

In particular, the aura of a monster hunter exuding from her body made Feng Yao interested, so he stopped and came over curiously to see what Lin Yi was poking at.

The result is that the Illusory Demon is practicing illusion, and there is nothing to see at all.

The most important thing is that he had been standing beside her for a long time, and she didn't even notice it.

Isn't she a witch hunter?

Feng Yao finally couldn't help but open his mouth. Originally, he wanted to attract Lin Yi's attention, but he didn't expect Lin Yi to react even more strangely after seeing him.

Although she looked at him and didn't speak, she didn't seem to be looking at him, not the kind of stunned stunned by his appearance, more like ignoring him and talking to someone.

This is the first time Feng Yao has been so blatantly ignored! Feng Yao was not happy.

"Little chicken, you haven't answered my question yet."

Feng Yao's words pulled Lin Yi's mind back.



Vegetable chicken?

"Who is your name?"

"you guess?"

Even a monster as powerful as him can't detect it, what is it if it's not a rookie?

Lin Yi: "..."

I guess your grandma is a fourth uncle!

Lin Yi resisted the urge to beat Feng Yao into a peach blossom and let him know why the flowers were so red. He kept telling himself in his heart that it was the Blacken villain who couldn't beat him, so he finally calmed down. M..

After a pause, Lin Yi took his eyes away from Feng Yao's face, and continued to look at the village women and ghosts in the cornfield.

Lin Yi: "Do you know what to do?"

When Lin Yi said this, his tone was flat as if he was talking about something unimportant.

Although her face is profiled, Feng Yao can still clearly feel the coldness and indifference on Lin Yi's body. Her cheeks are small, her skin is fair and clean, her tall nose and curled eyelashes are particularly attractive from Feng Yao's angle. clear.

If these words were said by a monster, I am afraid there is nothing to attract attention.

However, these words came from the mouth of a demon hunter who shouted "Remove demons and protect the world" from Tiantian's mouth. Feng Yao thought it was very interesting.

Feng Yao smiled: "Yes, but aren't you a monster hunter?"

Lin Yi's eyes widened, and he looked at Feng Yao in shock: "You know all this?"

It's really a bit arrogant, brother, as expected of a little monster!

Feng Yao: "..."

Feng Yao saw that Lin Yi's shock was not fake, so he raised his finger and pointed at Lin Yi's waist.

Lin Yi: "???"

Lin Yi looked down in the direction Feng Yao pointed, and saw a golden sign hanging on her waist, with three big characters written on the sign—

Demon catcher.

Lin Yi: "..."

it's okay no problem!

As long as she is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed!

Lin Yi looked tense and glanced at Feng Yao lightly, "What if I'm a monster hunter?"

How is it?

"Will the monster catcher see monsters harming people, don't they care?"

"Shut your fart..."

[Sister Yi, let me warn you, the Blacken villain in front of you is the most powerful monster on the Dongyun Continent, the kind that crushes you in minutes with your fingers. 】

So do you dare to be careful when you speak?

Lin Yi took back the word "fart".

It's not that she was scared by Ergouzi's warning, but she suddenly remembered that this is the Blacken villain, the mission target, to gain the power of love.

Can't fight!


Lin Yi changed his words in seconds: "None of my business?"

Feng Yao was stunned.

He suddenly discovered that the little girl in front of him seemed to be different from the sanctimonious and self-righteous demon hunters he had seen before.

Feng Yao smiled and suddenly approached Lin Yi, his eyes refocused on the phantom demons and village women in the cornfield, and whispered in Lin Yi's ear:

"Then focus on watching, it's about to climax."

Lin Yi: "..."

After Feng Yao finished speaking, he did not forget to wink at Lin Yi: "Don't think too much, I'm talking about the development of the story, the climax."

Lin Yi again: "..."

The speed is too fast, let me fasten my seat belt first!

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