Lin Yi slept until the end of the moon.

It's best to stay by his side all her life, so that she has no energy to think about other men!

"How much have you seen?"

Lin Yi: "!!!"

Xiao Han: "???"

The crisp and explosive voice sounded in his ears, Lin Yi's body stiffened, he turned his head mechanically, and met Xiao Han's dark and deep eyes.

So what is this emperor brother doing here again?

Xiao Han: "I'm sorry, I hurt you, are you hungry?"

Realizing that Xiao Han was also there, Lin Yi couldn't take care of the pain in his body, he turned over and sat on Xiao Han's waist, pinching Xiao Han's shoulders with both hands.

Lin Yi nodded: "Hungry!"

Lin Zhao: "???"

Lin Yi also noticed Xiao Han's strangeness, and followed Xiao Han's line of sight to look back.

When was the Blacken villain here?

This...he couldn't take it.

The Blacken villains know too much.

Xiao Han didn't say anything, but after he said that, Lin Yi really felt that he was so hungry that his chest was on his back.

Sorry I got it in seconds!

However, after God gave you a crit, how could he be willing not to let you be baptized with another crit?


Xiao Han: "Beside me, still thinking about other men? It seems that I'm not working hard enough!"

She can't even get out of bed?

The bodies of the two were like connected trees, and the roots buried in the ground were intertwined.

He found that Lin Yi was really different from other women.

Xiao Han was taken aback: "What?"

At this moment, Lin Zhao seemed to be a little fanboy, staring straight at Lin Yi with big watery eyes.

Lin Yi: "..."

But when Xiao Han turned his head to see who it was, his face instantly became unpredictable.

When Lin Yi was eating, Xiao Han sat on the side watching Lin Yi eat, helping her with vegetables and soup from time to time.

Whether people are iron rice or steel, she should eat the food first, and then think about the Blacken villain.

Suddenly, Xiao Hanqing stepped forward and came to the position where he heard Lin Yi's breath.

Even if other young ladies like it when they eat, even if they are not full, they will not eat more, but Lin Yi doesn't care about that at all.

If this is seen, will she still mess around?

Lin Yi: "..."

"Elder sister!"

Even if it's not a royal family member, but a young lady from an ordinary official's family, when eating, they are all gentle and weak, full of restraint and politeness.

Xiao Han's eyes were full of tenderness and doting, but when he heard Lin Yi's words, he instantly became cold.

Young Master Yiqing bought the inn before. After being threatened by Xiao Han, Young Master Yiqing and the others handed over the inn directly to Xiao Han, so now Xiao Han has the final say about this inn.

There is no deep hatred between herself and the emperor's younger brother, and there is no deep bond between sister and brother, so she has made it clear to Lin Zhao before, and they have cleared it up.

Lin Zhao probably didn't come here in a hurry today. He had already changed into ordinary clothes, but his arms looked a little thick, which should have been caused by bandaging after the injury.

"What's wrong?"

Quit it!

Lin Yi: "..."

Just as Xiao Han was thinking, the atmosphere of other people suddenly appeared in the inn.

Lin Zhao: "Is the eldest sister eating? I happen to have not eaten either. Can I eat with the eldest sister? We haven't eaten together for a long time."

Lin Yi's voice was cold, like ice and snow wrapped in nine cold days, freezing his heart.

After speaking, Xiao Han directly hugged Lin Yi's waist with both hands and walked down from the bed.

But with Lin Yi, all of these things seemed to be thrown out of the sky.

He had already instructed the inn not to open to the public and not to receive other guests, so how could anyone come in?

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth couldn't restrain a smile: "Next time, I'll be gentler."

Lin Zhao's chopsticks were blocked by Lin Yi before they could touch the dish.

"Did you see that I didn't get up!"


Emperor's brother?

Lin Zhao: "..."

Lin Yi, who didn't want to live, was carried by Xiao Han directly from the Accord to the first floor of the inn, and soon someone brought food.

When she just went downstairs, she was keenly aware that the people in the inn seemed to have changed again.

Lin Yi raised his hand very manly and patted Xiao Han's shoulder: "Young people should know how to control, I am with you, not for short-term happiness, I also want to experience the changing seasons with you in the next few decades. , but also from black hair to white head with you.

Suddenly, Xiao Han supported Lin Yi's waist with both hands, and with a slight force, he sat up directly and came to the position where he was looking at Lin Yi.

The previous shopkeeper and the second were replaced by Young Master Yiqing and the others. Now Young Master Yiqing and the others have disappeared.

You are as strong as you are, and the bright moon shines on the river!

Lin Yi, who didn't want to live, was refreshed when he saw the food.

Lin Yi said seriously: "This is what Xiao Han prepared for me, and others are not allowed to touch it."

Lin Yi panicked inwardly, but his face was calm as if nothing had happened.

This kind of Lin, he likes more and more. Lin Yi almost finished eating, and suddenly asked Xiao Han, "Where are you, Young Master Yiqing?"

The character is completely broken!

Lin Yi instinctively wanted to step back, but Xiao Han had already sensed his intentions in advance, so he directly stretched out his arms to wrap her waist, and imprisoned her in place.

What can be done?

"Be obedient, you are struggling to get up."

Lin Zhao paused for a while, then pretended not to care, and went to pick up the chopsticks on his own to pick up the dishes: "No, I just want to eat with the eldest sister..."

"When is this, you emperor have no food to eat?"

Lin Yi thought for a while: "Apocalypse is so poor now?"

Lin Yi felt as if she hadn't slept so comfortably in a long time, and was about to get up, but a burst of pain caused her to fall back onto the bed.

Seeing Lin Yi, Lin Zhao immediately called out.


Why is he here?

How embarrassing how embarrassing it is for the Blacken villain to hug her!

Lin Yi couldn't figure it out, so he didn't answer. Lin Zhao saw that Lin Yi didn't respond and wasn't annoyed, so he went straight forward, ran to the seat next to Lin Yi and sat down.

So, pay attention to your body. "

"You're not working hard enough? Think I can't get out of bed for three days?"

Xiao Han smiled again: "Okay, then I'll take you down to dinner."

Lin Yi warned righteously: "Hurry up and put me down!"

Lin Yi doesn't want to live anymore!

Lin Yi's whole body is not well.

I slept for a day without eating, and it is strange that I am not hungry.

Why do you think this sentence sounds like no problem at first, but after thinking about it carefully, you feel that something is wrong?

Did the Blacken villain watch too much the boss Xiao Huangwen? Do you think that a man can really do seven nights a night?

"woke up?"


Lin Yi felt like he was hit with a 10,000-point crit.

There was no special expression on Lin Yi's face.

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