For Luo Chen's evaluation of Wan Ye's anger in the show, which was beyond Lin Yi's expectations, Wan Ye was not angry at all, but rather proud.

Wan Ye leaned against the door frame and raised his eyebrows to look at Luo Chen.

Wan Ye: "Sao is a kind of talent, you don't need to be too envious."

Luo Chen: "Oh!"

Luo Chen smiled and looked back at Wan Ye without showing weakness: "I need to envy you? Although I'm not arrogant, I'm very rude."

Wan Ye: "Oh, so you don't need oars for rowing."

Lin Yi: "..."

I'm afraid you two are not suffering from that serious illness!

At this time, you don't care about the dead, who is the murderer, and who is more rude here?

Lin Yi's eyebrows twitched instantly.

Although Wan Ye and Luo Chen both had smiles on their faces, there was a faint black mist in their eyes.

Even the air between the two seemed to have sparks ignited and crackled.

"What are you two doing?"

Even when Lin Yi thought that the two were going to fight in front of her, Lu Linyuan suddenly approached Lin Yi, holding a pair of deer-like eyes, looking innocently and innocently at Wan Ye and Luo Chen.

Lu Linyuan: "The two of you will scare sister Lin Yi."

After Lu Linyuan finished speaking, he looked at Lin Yi again: "Sister and the two of them are fierce, I'm so scared."

Lin Yi: "..."

It may be impolite to say it, I don't think you are afraid at all.

Wan Ye and Luo Chen didn't express any opinion on Lu Linyuan's style, but others were not used to it.

Lu Linyuan made a look of fear, and wanted to lean into Lin Yi's arms as he spoke, but before anyone could get close, a person stood in front of Lin Yi and stood firmly between her and Lu Linyuan.

Lin Yi carefully looked at the person standing in front of him, and then recalled the person's name.

Feng Yan was the one with ice blue eyes who knew how to hunt ghosts.

When Lu Linyuan looked at Feng Yan, the smile on his face instantly became dangerous.

Lu Linyuan: "What to do?"

Feng Yan: "If you don't do anything, I advise you to be more restrained. After all, when it comes to acting, there is an actor behind you."

And a movie star?

Lin Yi searched around, and finally locked on Ji Xun who was standing not far behind Lu Linyuan with an indifferent face.

However, after meeting Lin Yi's eyes, Ji Xun's eyes clearly showed a strong hatred, and then he quickly looked away as if he didn't want to meet Lin Yi's eyes.

Lin Yi: "..."

At this time, Feng Yan had already stepped forward and approached Lu Linyuan: "Other people here may be afraid of you, but I'm sorry, I won't, I was born to deal with your things."

Lu Linyuan smiled but did not smile, and the anger between his eyebrows became more and more intense: "Oh? Then try?"

Feng Yan: "I can't ask for it."

"Wait a moment."

Just when the scene was about to become uncontrollable, Lin Yi suddenly spoke, without any emotion.

When Lu Linyuan and Feng Yan heard the sound, they couldn't help turning their eyes to look at Lin Yi suspiciously.

At the moment, Lin Yi looked around with a blank expression, and finally locked on a target and walked over.

A few people just stared at Lin Yi and pulled a chair, then dragged the chair to find a position with a good angle, put down the chair, and sat down.

He even picked up one leg savagely and put it on the other leg.

Lin Yi: "Come on, let's get started." In a word, the room that was still tense with a strange atmosphere instantly became as quiet as a chicken.

In particular, Feng Yan and Lu Linyuan, who were about to be pinched just now, showed signs of convulsions on their faces.

Lu Linyuan also pretended to be innocent: "Sister, what do you want us to do?"

Lin Yi looked indifferent: "Start what you haven't done just now, continue, don't control."

After speaking, Lin Yi also looked at Wan Ye and Luo Chen: "The two of you too, if you don't mind, you can go together."

Wan Ye: "..."

Luo Chen: "..."

God riding a horse does not mind that we can be together.

After talking about these four, there are still a few left, Lin Yi felt that as a girl, one should not favor one over another, so after thinking about it carefully, he suggested to a few other people with a solemn and devout expression: "You guys Would you like to form a team?"

Everyone did not respond, but their faces were very different.

Seeing that no one was moving, Lin Yi immediately felt blessed: "Don't form a team? It's okay not to form a team, come and place a bet with me."

Lin Yi's eyes were as calm as a lake, without a shred of waves.

How interesting!

A pair of Wan Ye and Luo Chen is not enough, another pair of Feng Yan and Lu Linyuan?

Come on, let's fight together.

She hasn't watched a gang fight live yet.

Just thinking about it is super exciting!

I am most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air.

One of the four people who had been visited by Lin Yiite before was uglier than the other. Although the rest were a little better, they were limited.

How could they forget, how different Lin Yi's brain circuits are!

In this way, trying to see the difference between yourself and others in Lin Yi's heart is simply humiliating.


Suddenly, there was a sudden burst of laughter in the quiet air. Lin Yi and the others followed the laughter, only to realize that it was not someone else who was laughing. It was Lu Linyuan who had solemnly told Lin Yi before that it was a bit scary. The man named Fan Ye.

Lin Yi fixed his eyes on Fan Ye.

From the time she came to this world until now, Fan Ye seemed to be the only person who made her not feel that familiar.

And Lin Yi didn't feel it before, but now he always feels that this person has a different temperament from everyone else.

But what exactly, she couldn't say for a while.

It wasn't until Lin Yi found out that people like Wan Ye and Luo Chen who had thorns all over their bodies and who seemed to want to screw someone's head off after hearing Fan Ye's laughter, were not angry or angry, and Lin Yi understood when his expression was still full of fear and deepness.

Lu Linyuan wasn't talking casually before, they were actually a little scared of this Fan Ye!

Fan Ye ignored Lin Yi's gaze and looked at everyone: "It's all right, go back to sleep."

With that said, Fan Ye picked up his steps and walked towards the door first.

It looked like he was really leaving.

Lin Yi's face sank: "Just leave like this?"

Fan Ye stopped.

Fan Ye: "Otherwise you will come with me?"

Lin Yi: "..."

Lin Yi tightened her expression, raised her finger and pointed at Feng Youqing's body: "Although I also find it strange, there is always a voice in my heart telling me that she is mine."

With that said, Lin Yi suddenly got up and walked towards Fan Ye step by step...

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