Fei Yu was frightened by his own thoughts.

None Yuzan: "..."

He must be wrong.

For the mission, she is so weak and helpless.

Wu Yuzan's movements were slow and gentle, his long, white fingertips were wet at the moment, and he looked extraordinarily attractive.

"what did you just say?"

After a pause, Yuzan said, "You know what you're talking about?"

Wu Yuzan's cheeks flashed a little unnatural, but his black eyes darkened quietly.

Lin Yi: "Shouldn't you take off your full set in the shower? You just take off your clothes, not your pants?"

He took off his clothes little by little, and his fair skin was instantly exposed to Lin Yi's sight.

How could the young master of their family be hungry?

Wu Yuzan carried Lin Yi all the way to the back of the inn.

The sound of water merged with the sound of rain.

Lin Yi was unprepared, and his body vacated.

Lin Yi puzzled: [Why? 】

Wu Yuzan felt Lin Yi's approach, his body suddenly tightened, and he opened his eyes again, staring straight at Lin Yi in front of him.

Taking advantage of Lin Yi's dazed time, Wu Yuzan was already holding her and went down to the hot spring. The slightly scalding hot spring water instantly wrapped Lin Yi's body, a warm feeling that made the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney feel comfortable. , and also attacked Lin Yi's body.

Does she know that at the moment she is soaked all over, even if her body is hidden in the hot spring, her black eyes are still clear and unwavering, but it still makes people fascinated!

No Yuzan spoke suddenly, interrupting Feather's words.

Seeing this, Lin Yi took advantage of the situation to look forward, and his eyes couldn't help but stop.

Lin Yi, as if not aware of the danger, moved his body closer to Wu Yuzan.

The white water vapor kept rising from the water surface, as if enveloping Yuzan's whole body, which looked a little unreal.

But he didn't dare to get up and leave just like that, because he was afraid that if he got up together, he would be exposed.

But Lin Yi not only didn't have those reactions, he didn't even blush and heartbeat, just stared straight at him with his big eyes.

Without Yuzan, he only took off his jacket and did not continue to take it off. He stretched out his arms to support the edge of the stone wall at the edge of the hot spring, and leaned back slightly, letting the ink-colored robe float on the water. His body was hidden under the spring water, only a pair of obsidian-like black eyes looked towards Lin Yi.

White water vapor, black rockery, blue spring water... It is like a dream, like a fantasy, like a mist like a fairy.

Wu Yuzan quickly retracted his gaze and looked at Lin Yi again, but in the next second, he stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Yi horizontally without saying a word, then quickly walked back.

This stalemate between cold and heat is like putting him between ice and fire, and it is extremely tormented.

The sound of the spring water recalled Lin Yi's thoughts, she looked back and saw Wu Yuzan was standing beside her to take off... off, clothes, clothes!

Ergouzi doesn't want to explain so much. Anyway, no matter how much he explains, he can't understand the reinforced concrete of his family.

None Yuzan: "Huh?"

Just this big natural hot spring, bath water or something, is it weak?

The curling water vapor permeates the rain curtain, and the rockery surrounds the hot spring that steams out the heat, and it is isolated into a place like a fairyland.

Realizing what Lin Yi was going to say, Ergouzi quickly reminded dutifully.

"last sentence."

Wu Yuzan knew that Lin Yi had misunderstood what he meant, and said meaningfully: "I didn't mean to take a bath."

But the torment was all because of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi: "You will get sick if you get in the rain. I asked Feiyu to burn the bath water. You should take a bath first?"

Sure enough, when Ergouzi said the word "mission", Lin Yi instantly fainted, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

The princess hug looked like her whole person was babbling, she couldn't stand it.

However, Lin Yi leaned over.

[Sister Yi, please don't say that the Blacken villain will let you down! 】

But his eyes were also covered with water vapor at the moment, and they looked wet, diluting the coldness and coldness, but instead they were a little innocent and a little provocative.

Because of the body and mind's desire for Lin Yi, and because of rational dissuasion.

It turns out that the Blacken villain said no, no need to burn the bath water.

Lin Yi: "???"

What's not to know about this?

After realizing what Yuzan had done, the whole person felt bad in an instant.

Lin Yi finally understood what Wu Yuzan meant when he said no.

Wu Yuzan knew that Lin Yi's temperament was bold and unrestrained. Just like the current situation, if he were an ordinary woman, he would have panicked and screamed and wanted to run away.

It was clear that the poison had been resolved, but at that moment, his body was scorching hot again, as if he had been poisoned, as if the scalding hot spring water had penetrated into his body through his skin and followed his path. The blood, bones, and internal organs flow slowly, wrapping them one by one.

The rain was still heavy, and the rapid raindrops fell tightly from the sky, as if a curtain formed by the rain had been opened in Lin Yi's line of sight.

Lin Yi originally thought that a man with white skin like Wu Yuzan, who is whiter than her, looks so thin and should be very thin. very.

Wu Yuzan stopped talking, closed his eyes and raised his head, letting the rain keep falling on his cheeks, as if he wanted to use this method to stop something.

However, his upper body and cheeks were still exposed to the rain, despite the cold beat of the rain.

Lin Yi's eyes instantly widened, and he stared at Wu Yuzan without blinking.

Even asked him why he didn't take off his pants!

Does she even know what she's doing?

He hurt himself badly!

If he knew that it would be such a scene now, without Yuzan saying anything, he would not choose to take a hot spring with Lin Yi.

Wu Yuzan looked down at Lin Yi: "No need."

Lin Yi blinked: "It's over?"

Rao was already mentally prepared, but Wu Yuzan was still shocked by Lin Yi's words.

She did not expect that there would be such a place behind this inn.

Rather than get straight to the point.

There was anxiety, warning, and danger in his voice, but more than that, it turned out to be duplicitous desire.

"Ah? I said the bath water is already boiled..."

Lin Yi quits: "So you want to get wet?"

Lin Yi: "Let..."

I don't know how to rely on it!

She didn't speak bird language!

Ergouzi: [Because of the mission! 】

After the words fell, Yuzan stopped in his footsteps.

"do not come!"

Fei Yu was stunned: "Are you back?"

Because only he himself knows what kind of stormy waves are screaming in his body the moment he closes his eyes.

Thinking of this, Fei Yu quickly gathered his thoughts and walked quickly to Wu Yuzan's side: "Young Master, you are back, why are you showering..."

His shoulders are broad, his chest is strong, his pectoral muscles are not exaggerated but just half exposed and half submerged.

The cold personality of the young master of his family has completely collapsed.

broken broken.

Fei Yu also widened his eyes in disbelief.

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