King Heng sat in the carriage, his face so gloomy as the night sky tonight.

Wu Yuzan sneered suddenly, and the disdain and indifference in his smile did not hide at all.

When the guards and entourage heard the words, they immediately answered yes, and then hurriedly retreated a few meters away.

When King Heng heard the sound, his mind moved, and he turned his eyes to look, and saw Wu Yuzan in a long black robe, standing in front of the carriage at the moment, holding an indifferent and beautiful face like an iceberg, looking at him calmly.

Struggle to be mentally retarded?

King Heng: "You... why are you looking at me like this?"

If Lin died at that time, where would there be so much happening now?

What, do you regret it now?

As a result, Concubine Xian gave birth to a prince, but Concubine Shu was already prepared, and deliberately bribed the eunuchs and maids in the palace to deliver the prince born by Concubine Xian secretly out of the palace, and then lied that Concubine Xian gave birth to A civet cat.

What did the dog man of King Heng say?

No wonder his guards dared not move, it turned out to be him.

As soon as King Heng opened his mouth, he was a series of accusations, and his face was accompanied by his accusations, becoming more and more angry and ugly.

King Heng was already full of anger, but this sudden stop made him just find a vent.

To fight with yourself?

But he couldn't worry about his son, so he found Yuzan, who was Xiaowu back then.

"Who's going to deal with me?"

King Heng: "No Yuzan, what do you mean? Didn't you tell your royal father that you have no interest in power and status? Aren't you unwilling to return to the commonplace?

Ergouzi: [Hey? Didn't I tell you, Mrs. Yi? Hahaha, I thought I said that. 】

Although the old emperor did not directly establish a crown prince, in fact, this is almost the same as establishing a prince.

First, Lin Yi made him lose face in public, and then Yuzan stood up to protect Lin Yi, even at the expense of Lin Yi.

So when they systematically set the plot, can they take a snack?

Just looking at Wu Yuzan, I felt like a boulder was being pressed against my chest, I couldn't breathe, and I was suffocated.

King Heng thought, his hands hanging on his knees involuntarily clenched fists, and even the knuckles between his fingers turned blue.

Unexpectedly, she would really meet her.

But she had no choice, who made the other party the Blacken villain? Besides petting, what else can she do?

Seeing the man's face clearly, King Heng's face instantly turned cold and gloomy.

King Heng: "???"

No Yuzan, you're really calculating, but do you think you can beat me this way? "

No Yuzan: "Fight? Are you worthy?"

However, at this moment, the carriage suddenly stopped.

I don't know if his eyes were too deep and sharp, and his eyes were too straight. King Heng was stared at for a while, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Lin Yi thought about it.

King Heng finished speaking, but the guard did not move.

Mu Yuzan's cheek muscles trembled, and he jumped out of the carriage.

It turned out that Wu Yuzan was not an ordinary person. He was actually the son of the current Emperor of Zhao and Concubine Xian, in other words, a prince.

Ergouzi began to introduce Lin Yi about the situation without Yuzan.

Threatening her to rush out if she is not obedient, she will keep biting her ears in the future.

On the other hand, without Yuzan, there was no turbulence on his face from beginning to end. No matter what King Heng said, it seemed to him that he was talking about a stranger, and he was unmoved.

It's not that she hasn't heard the story of the civet cat changing to the prince, but before today, she really thought it was just a story.


However, compared to King Heng's irritability and anger, this voice seemed particularly calm and cold.

The old emperor was furious, and in a fit of rage, he sent Concubine Xian into the cold palace, and named Concubine Shu's son King Heng.

A guard approached on horseback, approached the carriage and reported to King Heng: "My lord, ahead... someone blocked the way."

King Heng said angrily: "I have limited patience, you guys deal with people immediately."

The old emperor felt guilty and did not dare to force Wu Yuzan, but he was very fond of him, but in the face of this love, Wu Yuzan was always indifferent.

Originally, Concubine Xian's child was handed over to an old maid in the palace and sent out to the palace to be disposed of, but the old mama finally relented, so she kept the child and raised it carefully, and left the civet cat for the prince incident. evidence of.

Lin Yi: [Er Gouzi, who is the Blacken villain? 】

It's just that Lin Yi didn't expect to hear such a huge amount of information.

What does that guy mean?

Who is so brave!

But the bigger problem now is that Yuzan is no longer vulgar.

How dare someone stop his carriage?

Lin Yi was definitely going to die.

Lin Yi never showed up.

Concubine Xian used to be the most favored concubine of the emperor of Zhao State. Concubine Xian and Concubine Shu were pregnant together. When the old emperor of Zhao State was happy, Jinkou Yu said that whoever wants to be a prince, his son will be named king directly.

Faced with a series of accusations from King Heng, Yuzan didn't answer immediately, but looked at King Heng expressionlessly with pursed lips.

King Heng took a deep breath and quickly walked towards the person in front of the carriage.

Lin Yi was completely speechless.

Just... she couldn't tell what it felt like.

Later, the old mama became seriously ill, and before she died, she told the old emperor all the truth.

King Heng's patience was about to reach its peak, and he couldn't sit still any longer. He directly opened the curtain of the carriage and roared angrily: "I asked you to deal with the people and continue on the road, didn't you hear? Don't have your head?"

Lin Yi frowned after hearing the whole story.

Fight for what?

"Go back to me!"

Do you think you can beat me when you come back now?

Lin Yi stared at Wu Yuzan who was not far away, and a strange and unfamiliar feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

After Xiaowu Yuzan knew the truth, he refused to go back to the palace with the old emperor, and even became a monk.

Although King Heng's gaze was directed at the person who stopped the carriage, his words were addressed to the guards and entourage behind him.


Ah, I see, Lin Yi is actually your person from the beginning, right? It was you who sent her to deliberately seduce me, to destroy my reputation, to destroy my image in my father's heart, and to prevent my marriage with the Prime Minister's family.

King Heng has never suffered such humiliation since he was a child, how can he swallow this breath!

But at this time, Concubine Xian had already died of illness in the cold palace. Besides, Concubine Shu's family had a huge influence in the court, so he could only let this matter be covered up.

It's not that she doesn't want to show up, it's the Blacken villain who forced her! No Yuzan threatened her just after biting her ear and realizing that she was particularly sensitive.

If I had known it earlier, it would have been better to have killed Lin Yi while the iron was still hot when Lin Yi was not poisoned to death.

Blacken villain fighting him?

Heng Dynasty asked angrily outside the carriage, "What's going on? Who told you to stop?"

King Heng said a word, and then, another icy voice suddenly sounded in the air.

Does this sound like something a monk could say?

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