Wu Yuzan stared deeply at Lin Yi with a pair of obsidian-like eyes.

Without Yuzan's expression changed.

No Yuzan appeared tense, did not move, just stared at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's face sank, and he rushed over immediately.

No Yuzan still stared at Lin Yi.

I have to say that the clothes of this ancient man are really inconvenient.

Ok, Ok!

belong to him only.

Lin Yi has just noticed the progress bar above Yuzan's head.

Lin Yi said coldly, "Don't eat, right?"

No Yuzan didn't speak.

Wu Yuzan had already withdrawn his hand, clenched his fists hard against the table beside him, because of the sudden pain, he could only tighten the lines of his lips and face, gritted his teeth and endured it.

Lin Yi tightened her lips.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but have a cold look on his face: "Want me to feed you?"

The pain and burning made his thinking seem to be many times slower than usual, and his body had no strength to resist Lin Yi's sudden move.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi lowered his head and wanted to take the antidote out of his sleeve.

Lin Yi looked down in his sleeves for a long time, and finally found the bottle of antidote given by the system as a reward.

None Yuzan: "What is this?"

It was not in vain that she threw a set of punches and got him the antidote.

And no Yuzan could already feel that the pain that had been slowed down by the aroma of the pills had swept over once again.

He never knew that one day, someone would stand in front of him and tell him that he could actually rely on him.

If you guessed correctly, the Blacken villain is poisoned again.

The distance between the two was gone, and Yuzan could even smell the medicinal fragrance wafting from Lin Yi's lips and teeth.

Although Lin Yi walked towards him in front of everyone today, the defense against Lin Yi in his heart was a little less, but it was only a little.

Wu Yuzan's eyes widened when he saw Lin Yi's move, but before he could figure out what Lin Yi was doing, the shirt on his chest was suddenly grabbed by Lin Yi. , Taking advantage of the situation, Yuzan felt a strong force, pulling his body towards Lin Yi's direction and falling over.

However, just a second before his hand touched Lin Yi, he suddenly stopped.

No Yuzan's mind moved.

Later, she will cover him.

But today, now, at this moment, Lin Yi told him unequivocally—

For a moment, Wu Yuzan's heart seemed to be wrapped by the warm and clear spring water of countless mountain streams. The warmth spread from the deepest part of his heart to the outside, and soon covered his limbs and bones.

However, at this moment, Lin Yi made a surprising move.

Lin Yi was unhappy, and when she was unhappy, her eyes were as clear and deep as ancient wells, staring straight at Wu Yuzan, staring at Wu Yuzan so unnaturally.

Saying that, Lin Yi suddenly raised his hand and stuffed the pill into his mouth.

No Yuzan's face sank.

Lin Yi: "You can eat as much as you want, so much nonsense!"

No Yuzan: "Where did the antidote come from?"

For a moment, Wu Yuzan felt a sudden explosion in his mind.

That kind of pain is like countless little bugs, following the blood flowing in his body, crawling all over every corner of his body, on his blood vessels, on his flesh and blood, on his internal organs, gnawing and tearing unscrupulously. bite.

Lin Yi: "Hehe!"

According to this frequency, it is not easy for the Blacken villain to live so big.

No Yuzan didn't speak.

He only felt that at that moment, his body seemed to be hollowed out, filled with countless dry wood, and then someone set a fire on the dry wood.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi couldn't help but admire a little more when he looked at Wu Yuzan.

He has long been accustomed to being alone, that he is used to facing everything alone, that one person will close up all his emotions, endure it, and restrain himself.

However, the moment she lowered her head, she didn't see Wu Yuzan's hand that was hanging by her side, but now it was slowly raising it towards her.

Wu Yuzan frowned, not knowing whether it was because of pain or some other reason.

At this moment, the unfamiliar and dangerous thought in his heart rose up involuntarily.

Lin Yi: "Are you afraid I'll be poisoned?"

To be honest, you don't believe me when I say it.

Now that the poison has just exploded, he can still hold it back, but every quarter of an hour delay, the danger will increase by one point.

Lin Yi held the pill in front of Wu Yuzan: "Antidote, take it."

His brain was spinning rapidly, and before he wanted to be discovered, he asked Feiyu to come in and take him away.

But this happened too frequently. If she remembered correctly, it seemed that the Blacken villain had just been poisoned two days ago, right?

Lin Yi: "..."

Was it when she was punching?

Such Lin Yi should naturally belong to him.

His movements were gentle and slow, as if to touch the top of Lin Yi's hair.

Wu Yuzan was obviously stunned when he saw Lin Yi pour out the pills, and he could clearly feel that after smelling the strange aroma emanating from the pills, the strangeness and pain in his body had obviously eased. few.


Lin Yi took the antidote and looked up at Wu Yuzan, and immediately noticed his strangeness.

But when he thought of how weak he was about to die at any moment when he was poisoned, Lin Yi didn't dare to do anything.

Lin Yi nodded: "Okay."

Accompanied by the burning sensation of the flame, there is also the severe pain that is almost unbearable.

The flames quickly swept through his body, as if to burn his internal organs to pieces.

To be honest, she was a little confused.

He didn't fully trust Lin Yi to the point that no matter what she took out, he would eat it without hesitation.

Wu Yuzan: "Why are you so sure that this is the antidote to my body's poison?"

No Yuzan's eyes were originally pitch-black, but suddenly a thin, thick layer of black mist appeared.

Just as some idea appeared in his mind, there was a burst of warmth on his lips and teeth.

She didn't dare to delay, and quickly opened the medicine bottle, and an intoxicating aroma instantly diffused from the mouth of the bottle. Lin Yi poured out the pill, a small one, black, and the aroma came from the pill.

My subordinates are neither light nor heavy, and if one of them is killed, what can I do with the mission?

He knew that it was a black heart lotus. He didn't believe in such a good person. Who else would he want to believe?

He subconsciously wanted to refuse, but at this moment, someone had already arrived in front of Lin Yi.

Shouldn't she...

Just this sleeve, Xu Zhimo didn't dare to say that he didn't bring a cloud after he came!

But Wu Yuzan was very vigilant, his black eyes were cold like a cold pool.

When did the Blacken villain's progress bar go up?

Lin Yi really wanted to knock Wu Yuzan unconscious at this moment, and then used strong means to pour the medicine down on him.

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