Lin Yi's eyes trembled fiercely, and he raised his eyes just to meet a pair of mysterious ice blue eyes.

The moment the four eyes met, Lin Yi's brain was in a trance for a moment, as if he was bewitched.

In fact, Lin Yi felt that if Zhao Yan opened her mouth now, she would jump in and feed him.

No no no!

This is too dangerous!

The most important thing is that although Lin Yi realized that something was wrong, Lin Yi couldn't control his body.

There is a mirror behind Zhao Yan, Lin Yi can clearly see his pretty grimace, but his expression is sluggish.

Really bewitched!

With a smile on the corner of Zhao Yan's mouth, he was asking her in a low and hoarse voice, "Little girl, why do you know my secret? Huh?"

Although Zhao Yan said this with a smile, the smile did not reach the icy blue eyes at all.

Lin Yi wanted to directly refuse to tell Zhao Yan the answer, but when the words came to his lips, it became: "You won't believe me if I say it."

Lin Yi: "!!!"

Zhao Yan raised his eyebrows: "How could I not believe it? Little girl, be good, tell me, how did you know that I eat ghosts?"

Lin Yi's mother sold out in her heart, but her body was like a puppet, answering Zhao Yan's question obediently.

Lin Yi's expression was dull and his tone was flat: "Er Gouzi told me."

"Who is the second dog?"

"It's a dog!"

Zhao Yan: "..."

Ergouzi: […]

I would really appreciate it!

Zhao Yan knew that Lin Yi couldn't lie in this state, but her answer really made him a little... confused.

Zhao Yan changed his question: "In addition to knowing that I eat ghosts, what else do you know?"

Lin Yi mechanically shook his head.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm looking for someone."


"An enemy, but now that I see you, I won't look for her for now."

Zhao Yan was satisfied, his eyebrows and eyes instantly curved up, and his tone changed: "Little girl, you are very interesting."

The moment Zhao Yan's eyebrows were raised, Lin Yi clearly felt that the bewitched and uncontrollable feeling in his body suddenly disappeared.

Being able to touch ghosts, without body temperature, without heartbeat, and bewitching ghosts...

That's awesome, my Blacken villain.

Lin Yi: [Er Gouzi, is the Blacken villain human? 】

Ergouzi had just finished being "scolded" by Lin Yi, and was still a little unhappy, and kept humming in Lin Yi's mind to show his dissatisfaction.

But Lin Yi asks a question and it will answer.

Just... so helpless.

[Yes, it is not. 】

Lin Yi: [? ? ? 】

What is yes and no?

[The Blacken villain is still human now, but it's close to not being. 】


It's like saying nothing.

Slightly restrained, Lin Yi didn't have the patience to take any more circuitous routes, and said directly to Zhao Yan, "Actually, I think it's more beneficial for you not to eat me than to eat me."

Zhao Yan guessed that Lin Yi should negotiate terms with him in exchange for not being eaten.

So after hearing what Lin Yi said, he suddenly became interested.

"Oh? What are the benefits, let's talk about it."

"I'm not like the other ghosts."

"What's the difference?"

"I can sleep with you."


Seeing Lin Yi's serious appearance, Zhao Yan couldn't hold back and laughed outright.

"Little girl, are you trying to seduce me?"

Lin Yi was upset and frowned: "Can you be a little self-aware?" Zhao Yan: "What?"

"Look at your face. If you want to seduce others, you seduce others. How can others seduce you?"

Zhao Yan: "..."

It made sense, but he couldn't refute it.

And this little girl... seems to be more interesting than expected.

Zhao Yan gave birth to the idea of ​​teasing Lin Yi, and then continued: "But I don't think it's a benefit."

Lin Yi's eyes widened in shock.

Isn't it good to sleep?


"Can I perform a handstand shampooing?"


"I'll also take the knife with my bare hands."


"Broken boulders in the chest."


"I will still..."


Without interrupting, Zhao Yan felt that Lin Yi could make a circus by himself.

"Little girl, there are quite a few."

Lin Yi nodded boldly: "I will get more in some areas, do you want to try?"

Zhao Yan: "..."

These are the words of tigers and wolves!

Zhao Yan paused, with a coquettish and sexy smile on his face: "Okay, don't rack your brains, let me tell you a secret."

Saying that, Zhao Yan leaned closer to Lin Yi's ear.

"Actually, I didn't intend to eat you."

After all, it would be a pity to eat a little girl who knew his secrets and would break a big stone in her chest and pick up a blade with her bare hands.

Moreover, why Lin Yi knew his secret from a dog remains to be investigated.

After all, even Zi Teng didn't know his secret, but a little ghost who suddenly appeared did.

Zhao Yan released Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was unhappy: "Why, I don't look delicious?"

Zhao Yan: "???"

Zhao Yan found that he was a little confused about the brain circuit of this little ghost.

I just racked my brains, not just to keep him from eating.

Why is it that now I heard that he didn't eat it, and he still looked reluctant and looked down on her?

Zhao Yan: "If you don't eat, you won't eat, and I can't just let you go. After all, you will have so much."

Lin Yi: "Well, don't let it go. Although I was not yours in life, I am your ghost in death."

"Sure enough, it's a lot of nonsense, it sounds really nice."

As Zhao Yan said, he raised his finger and tapped Lin Yi's forehead.

In an instant, Lin Yi only felt as if an invisible force rushed into the body from the forehead, and then quickly spread to the limbs of the body.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that her spiritual body was bound by an invisible shackle.

Before Lin Yi realized what was going on, he heard Zhao Yan continue: "Little girl, from now on, you are really my ghost."

Lin Yi: "???"

While the two of them were talking, Zi Teng had already returned. The originally pitch-dark sky also turned fish-mammed white. A burst of warm sunlight, along the glass window of the water room, shone directly into the water room and shone on Lin Yi. on the body.

Lin Yi didn't realize there was anything wrong at first, but when Ziteng came back and saw her standing in the sun, he suddenly became restless.

"You...what the hell are you?"

Lin Yi thought for a while: "... a female ghost?"

Zi Teng: "..."

Isn't that what he said?

"Not only can you be directly touched by humans, but you are not afraid of the sun or my spells... Are you a ghost? No, you have to let me touch it!"

Lin Yi: "..."

Are you afraid of dying?

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