The Blackened Villain Of Kuai Chuan Is Not Easy To Tease

Chapter 197 Rebirth Of The Shadow Emperor (4)

For some reason, looking at Lin Yi's eyes at this moment, Rong Ze's body trembled involuntarily.

Lin Yi's eyes were so clear, like the sun, that he couldn't look directly.

At this moment, Rong Ze even had an illusion in his heart.

It seems that what she said came from the heart, not hypocrisy.

Rong Ze was stunned as soon as this thought popped into his mind.

The next second, he quickly looked away, no longer looking at Lin Yi.

But deep hatred and self-deprecation rose again in my heart.

Is it more convenient to give your legs a discount and send them to the old man's bed?

It's a shame that he still thinks she's sincere!

How ridiculous!

Lin Yi guessed what Rong Ze was thinking when he saw Rong Ze's reaction.

She is also very desperate!

Obviously the original owner killed herself, but asked her to clean up the mess, what can she do?

After roughly giving Rong Ze the medicine, Lin Yi turned around and packed the medicine box. After packing, he went straight back to the room, not even giving Rong Ze a reward from the corner of his eye.

Rong Ze was sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching Lin Yi's indifferent back disappear from sight, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

That's it?

At this time, shouldn't she try to show her concern for herself and take care of herself with all her heart?

What is gone?

For a moment, Rong Ze's face was ashen, but after thinking about it, he had nothing to say or do, so he had to turn around and go back to the room.

Rong Ze's mood was a little irritable, and he couldn't say why.

He walked to the computer and sat down. After a while, he took out the USB flash drive and inserted it into the host.

Although it didn't take long for him to be reborn, in view of his experience in the previous life, he began to collect this information about Lin Yi from the first day he was reborn.

The moment he put his finger on the mouse, Rong Ze couldn't help recalling the words Lin Yi said in the living room just now, and the clear and bright eyes when he said those words to her.

But in the next second, Rong Ze pressed the mouse without hesitation.

No matter what Lin Yi says or does, in this life, his desire for revenge will never change!

At the same time, Lin Yi was in the room, simply took a shower and lay on the bed.

Lin Yi thought for a while: [Er Gouzi, why did the original owner treat the Blacken villain so much in the last life? 】

She thought about it for a long time and always felt a little strange.

The original owner and the Blacken villain should have no intersection at all, but the original owner deliberately brought people back from the orphanage and pretended to be nice to him, and finally made him look like that.

It looks like it has been planned for a long time.

Seeing that Lin Yi finally asked the key point, Ergouzi quickly answered.

Ergouzi: [Because the Blacken villain is actually the son of the original owner's old lover. 】

This answer was a bit unexpected by Lin Yi.

Mainly it's too bloody.

Ergouzi continued: [Blacken's villain's father used to be a teacher, and the original owner was a student of Blacken's villain's father, and there was an extramarital affair between the two.

Later, the father of the villain Blacken realized how outrageous the relationship with the original owner was. After realizing it, he broke up with the original owner and left the city with his wife and children.

The original story should end here, but the original owner harbored resentment in his heart. Later, he learned that both the parents of the villain Blacken died in an accident, leaving only the villain Blacken to live in the orphanage, and he felt revenge.

You will know what happened after that. 】

Blacken's villain is... such a miserable man.

Lin Yi was simply unable to complain.

Sure enough, there is no bloodiest, only more bloody.

What and what?

Lin Yi pulled the quilt over his head angrily.

Seeing that Lin Yi finished asking, Ergouzi didn't respond. He was about to go to bed, and was a little anxious.

Ergouzi: [Sister Yi, you just slept like this? What are you going to do next? 】

Lin Yi doesn't care: [Cold salad! 】

Ergouzi: [...] It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch.


the next day.

Lin Yi was woken up by a life-threatening phone ringing.

The moment Lin Yi answered the phone, the low air pressure in the room was almost transmitted to the other end along with the cell phone signal.

Even Zuo An'an, who was on the other side of the signal, was stunned for a moment.

Zuo Anan: "Lin Yi, what are you doing? Don't tell me you are still sleeping, the sky is falling, do you know that?!"

Lin Yi listened to the questioning on the phone, frowned, his face sank, and then asked a question that directly hit the soul.

Lin Yi: "Who are you?"

Zuo An'an: "???"


Seeing this, Ergouzi quickly reminded: [Sister Yi, this Zuo An'an is the manager of the original owner, in other words, your manager. 】


Lin Yi, who hasn't woken up yet, can't react.

what broker...


When I remembered it, the original owner was an 18th-tier star!


Lin Yi: "What does it have to do with me when the sky falls? I won't make up the sky."

Zuo An'an: "..."

Zuo An'an didn't come up in one breath, and almost died on the spot.

Zuo Anan was trembling with anger and clutching the phone tightly: "Don't tell me those useless things, I don't care where you are now, get up for me right away, give you ten minutes, and see me at the company, or else You are dead!"

After speaking, Zuo An'an hung up the phone immediately, and didn't even have a chance to speak to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at the hung up phone for two seconds, then threw the phone to the other side with a blank expression, and pulled the quilt to go back to sleep.

Will be threatened to count her as a loser!

However, Lin Yi had just lay down for five seconds when the phone started to sing again.

Lin Yi is about to collapse.

She just wanted to sleep, how could it be so difficult!

Lin Yi felt that the small universe on her body was starting to burn, and violently and violently lifted the quilt, sat up straight, and took the phone that she threw aside.

However, Lin Yi couldn't help but paused when he saw that the note on the caller ID was "Rong Ze's teacher".

Oh, right!

The Blacken villain is only sixteen now, a student...

Sixteen... years old! ! !

Still underage!

How to sleep! ! !

Ergouzi is speechless. Lin Yi's concerns can only be reminded at the right time: [Sister Yi, do you want to answer the phone first? 】

Lin Yi reluctantly sighed heavily.


Not being able to sleep is annoying!

Lin Yi tried her best to sound polite: "Hello."

"Hello Miss Lin, I'm Rong Ze's teacher. We met before. I'm calling you today because something happened to Rong Ze at school. It's... serious."

Something happened to the Blacken villain?

Lin Yi was refreshed and got out of bed immediately: "What's wrong?"

The teacher came over first and thought: " still come to the school in person, let's meet and talk."

Lin Yi: "Okay."

Hanging up the phone, Lin Yi washed and changed clothes as quickly as possible, and rushed out of the house to drive to Rong Ze's school.

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