Seeing Lu Yan take the pan from his hand with a smile, Lin Yi's face instantly collapsed.

So, when he just said that he was amazing, he was actually talking about a pot, right?

Otherwise why did he just take the pot and didn't say sleep...

Lin Yi was complaining when suddenly his eyes widened.

Because Lu Yan, who was still standing in front of her with huge wings and a frying pan in his hand, suddenly looked like a malfunctioning scene in a movie, and with a flickering, he disappeared from her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a few meters away appeared in front of Chen Wang, who was kneeling on the ground.

However, at this moment, Lu Yan did not have his feet on the ground, but had a pair of huge black wings hanging above Chen Wang's head.

At this moment, he seems to be no longer a zombie master, but a fallen angel who really came from hell.

The sun fell on him, as if a halo had been plated all over his body.

Lin Yi: "..."

This is too handsome!

She wants a pair of wings too!

Ergouzi: [Sister Nayi, in the next world, I will let you be a bird? 】

Ergouzi came out at the right time to show his hospitality, Lin Yi's face instantly turned cold when he heard the words.

【don't want! 】

Isn't that a bird man?

She refuses!

Ergouzi: […]

Hey, my sister Yi is still difficult to serve.

Although Chen Yan was still in pain at this time, Lu Yan's sudden arrival made him forget the pain for a moment.

Or, because the fear has far exceeded the physical pain, so he has no time to take it into account.

He looked up with only the lower part of his head left, and the leaf tentacles, which were like stumps and broken arms, stopped in mid-air, and the two eyes above looked straight up at Lu Yan above his head.

At this moment, Lu Yan was condescending, like the real master of this world.

His face was calm, and his purple eyes shone with a faint, mysterious purple light.

Chen Yan panicked.

He just knelt at Lu Yan's feet, his body trembling, "Lu Yan... Lu Yan, can you spare me? There are no human beings in this world. From now on, we will be the overlords in this world...

No, no, it's not us, it's you! It's you! You are the only king in this world.

I listen to you all, I listen to you, you forgive me, please, I beg you. "

At this time, Chen Huang had long lost the aloofness of the zombie owner. He was crawling towards Lu Yan and wagging his tail to beg for pity, carefully observing Lu Yan's expression as he spoke.

Seeing that Lu Yan didn't seem to have any reaction to his words, Chen Wang's inner fear became stronger and stronger.

And with the rise of fear, there is a desperate gamble.

He began to move his knees and approached Lu Yan little by little, still saying those words of prayer.

"Lu Yan, think about it, without me, you are the only one left in this world, how lonely you will be?

I am a zombie master like you, only I can understand you, and only I can serve you well. You will be my lord of eternity and king of eternity.

And you know, we can't kill each other, our bodies can regenerate, I..."

Chen Juan said, his eyes suddenly slammed, and then, the leaf tentacles that had been beaten to pieces, the tentacles of the leaves that had been conjured up in the upper part of his head, were suddenly stretched, and at the fastest speed in their life, they moved towards Lu Yan's. Head attacked.

Although Lin Yi was standing a few meters away, from the beginning to the end, she could clearly see the actions between Lu Yan and Chen Wang, and could hear Chen Wang's words.

Although it seems that Chen Wang's behavior is not suspicious, Lin Yi doesn't believe what he said at all.

How can a person who is in a high position and has obtained power be willing to submit to the feet of others.

Lin Yi stared directly at Chen Juan with a cold expression, and was about to say a reminder when suddenly Chen Juan changed his face and attacked Lu Yan.

In an instant, a heart in Lin Yi's chest hung to his throat.

She subconsciously took her steps and rushed towards Lu Yan.

However, Lu Yan was still hanging in the air, holding a pair of huge wings and motionless, as if he didn't notice Chen Yan's behavior at all. Chen Yan's eyes were distorted at this moment.

He was desperate, betting everything on this moment.

As he said, he couldn't kill Lu Yan, just like Lu Yan couldn't kill him.

But as a zombie master, he has an ability that Lu Yan does not have.

He can take away Lu Yan's ability.

As long as Lu Yan's ability is obtained, what does it matter if Lu Yan is dead?

At that time, he is the only overlord in this world.

He doesn't care about being alone or not!

The king was originally alone.

He watched those leaf tentacles that were broken but still sharp, approaching Lu Yan little by little, time seemed to be slowed down at this moment.



It's about to be done!

Lu Yan did not escape!

He is about to succeed!

He just... just...

Leaf tentacles stopped?

Why did it stop?

The famous family was already so close to Lu Yan, so close, it was almost the same as when he wanted to catch that woman before.

But why did they stop?

Not only did it stop, but it was quickly wrapped and frozen in mid-air by the frost flowers glowing with lavender light.

Do not!

Not only his leaf tentacles were sealed, but his entire body.

Although Chen Li couldn't see it, he could feel that his body was getting colder and stiffer, unable to move.

until completely frozen.

how so?

Lin Yi had also run to Lu Yan's side at this time, and after seeing that Chen Yan failed to succeed, but was frozen by Lu Yanfeng, the heart hanging in his chest fell to the ground.

She is not a soft-hearted person, and she has never believed in any bullshit doctrines that deserve forgiveness and forgiveness.

She only knows that being kind to the enemy is cruel to herself!

Lin Yi took a deep breath, ready to lift his legs and kick the ice sculpture-like Chen Wang.

As long as it's all broken, there's nothing left.

However, at this moment, the pan in Lu Yan's hand seemed to be dominated by an invisible force, possessing his own will, and even broke away from Lu Yan's hand and rose into the air.

Lin Yi: "???"

Will the pot fly?

She won't!

The spot on the frying pan that was stained with Lin Yi's blood suddenly burst out with a dazzling red light, stabbing Lin Yi almost unable to open his eyes.

Lin Yi: "!!!"

Where those rays of light radiate, is it her blood?

Suddenly, the pan fell from top to bottom, straight down.

And below it, unbiased, is Chen Wang, who was frozen by Lu Yan's lavender frost flower.

Although Chen Huang was frozen at this moment, his consciousness was still awake, and all his senses were present.

Looking at the rapidly falling frying pan and the bloodthirsty red light, and thinking of the pain caused by being photographed by Lin Yi before, Chen Li instantly understood.

It's that woman!

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