Sheng Qingqing continued, "Lin Yi, there was some misunderstanding between us before..."

As Sheng Qingqing said, Lin Yi suddenly turned his head off guard and glanced at Sheng Qingqing.

This look was so cold that Sheng Qingqing couldn't help but shiver.

Why is Lin Yi's eyes getting more and more terrifying?

Sheng Qingqing tried his best to suppress his emotions, so that his expression did not reveal the slightest clue: "No matter what you say, it is undeniable that Zhou An is right, so now we can only temporarily put aside our prejudice against each other and re-form a team together. Go to the safe area.

After you get to the safe zone, I will accompany you to do whatever you want. "

Lin Yi stared at Sheng Qingqing and suddenly smiled coldly.

Lin Yi: "Is it just you who has a long mouth?"

Sheng Qingqing: "..."

Sheng Qingqing's face finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Is Lin Yi crazy?

What do you want?

Do you still think that the fish will die here and the net will be broken?

Standing beside Lin Yi, Lu Yan kept looking at Lin Yi with a smile. Seeing that Lin Yi turned Sheng Qingqing's face blue with real anger, he immediately echoed: "Aiya, Sister Qingqing, why is your face green?"

Sheng Qingqing: "..."

Lu Yan: "Do you also think that what your sister said is right?"

After speaking, Lu Yan turned his eyes and looked at Lin Yi kindly: "I feel the same way, no matter what sister does or says, it is right."

Sheng Qingqing didn't want to speak anymore.

Angry, can't speak.

Fortunately, Zhou An, who was on the side, reacted at this time. He turned around, did not look at Lin Yi, but glanced at Lu Yan coldly.

"Lu Yan, don't make trouble."

Lu Yan's white and clean face suddenly felt wronged: "Brother Zhou, are you murdering me?"

Zhou An: "..."

Just... I don't know if it's an illusion, why do you think the intractable energy of Lin Yi and Lu Yan has the same effect?

Zhou An ignored Lu Yan and looked at Lin Yi: "Qingqing said so, but you still don't agree, so what do you want to do?"

Lin Yi thought for a while: "I can agree to your proposal, but you must agree to two conditions."

Zhou An: "...What conditions do you say first."

Lin Yi: "First, you, apologize to Lu Yan. I don't want to say a word to my people. Who gave you the courage to kill him?"

Zhou An: "???"

Lu Yan's aggrieved face immediately put on a sweet smile, and he stretched out his hand to hold Lin Yi's hand: "It's still my sister who treats me well. Only my sister treats me best in this world."

Lin Yi: "Well, because you are mine."

"Then I'm also good to my sister, because my sister is also my person."

Zhou An: "..."

At this moment, Zhou An has forgotten the little charming thoughts about Lin Yi in his heart. Looking at Lin Yi and Lu Yan here, regardless of time, occasion and situation, he only thinks that one head and two are big.

But now he also understands that if he doesn't do it, Lin Yi will continue to hold on.

Zhou An took a deep breath: "Lu Yan, I'm sorry, I just couldn't control my temper on impulse, don't think about it, Brother Zhou didn't mean to kill you."

Lu Yan's black eyes were innocent like a deer, shining brightly: "So, it turns out that Brother Zhou didn't mean to kill me, so why does he look so fierce, is it because he looks too ugly?"

While talking, Lu Yan looked at Lin Yi as if asking for advice.

Lin Yi was very polite and nodded in agreement: "Well, it must be so, Lu Yan, let's be generous, after all, not everyone looks as good as us."

Zhou An: "..."

Zhou Anfei was about to explode.

Seeing this, Sheng Qingqing quickly seized the opportunity: "Zhou An, I'm sorry, it's all because of me..."

"It's fine." Zhou An glanced at Sheng Qingqing, for some reason, Sheng Qingqing, who used to be very considerate to him, now looks a little fake.

Zhou An continued to ask Lin Yi, "What is the second condition?"

This time Lin Yi didn't answer right away, but instead glanced in the direction where Sheng Qingqing was.

The next second, she had already raised her steps, and walked towards Sheng Qingqing without any rush.

Neither Zhou An nor Lu Yan stopped him.

Especially Zhou An, because according to what Lin Yi just said, as long as she is satisfied, she should agree to continue forming the team.

In this case, it shouldn't cause any major damage to Sheng Qingqing, at most... a slap in the face?

With such a guess in his heart, Zhou An just stood there and didn't move.

Sheng Qingqing also had the same guess.

It's just that she did everything for Lin Yi in her heart, and she remembered it clearly, including pushing her off the roof when she was in the factory before, including Zhou Dabao's death, including the slap in the face just now, and now.

Sheng Qingqing took a deep breath: "As long as you can vent your anger, you can do whatever you want to me."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Qingqing also closed his eyes deliberately, making a look of death.

Lin Yi looked at Sheng Qingqing and blinked calmly: "Okay!"

Saying that, Lin Yi pulled out the pan from his back.

Sheng Qingqing's face turned pale.

Wasn't this pan used by Lin Yi to smoke zombies before?

Are you going to use it to beat her?

Lin Yi didn't even look at Sheng Qingqing at all, just raised his hand and raised the frying pan, and swiped at Sheng Qingqing's face.

Sheng Qingqing: "Ah—"

"Wait a minute Lin Yi—"


Lin Yi's action was so fast that it was too late for anyone to react. Zhou An, who was beside him, had already exclaimed that he wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Before he could finish his words, he saw that Sheng Qingqing had been slapped by the frying pan, leaned back straight, flew out, and finally fell to the ground in a dog-biting posture, motionless, and completely lost consciousness.

Lin Yi turned to look at Zhou An: "What did you just say?"

Zhou An: "..."

Seeing this posture, Zhou An quickly rushed forward, but just as he was about to move, a figure was blocked in front of him.

Lu Yan was teased: "Brother Zhou, do you want to go back on your words? But didn't you say you would form a team together and agree to two conditions for Sister Lin Yi?"

Zhou An stared at Lu Yan in front of him with a livid face.

Although Lu Yan is eight years younger than him, and he is not as strong as him, but for some reason, Lu Yan, who is obviously about the same height and looks thin and weak, seems to be using a strong, cramped, and slender figure at the moment. The aura of a person actually forced him to stand where he was, unable to move forward.

It's just that Zhou An doesn't have time to think about it now, he just frowned and looked worriedly at Lin Yi and Sheng Qingqing, who had fallen to the ground.

Lin Yi was expressionless and condescending, ignoring Zhou An at all.

Seeing that Sheng Qingqing fainted, he squatted down, opened his backpack, and took out the things he had previously supplied from the gas station supermarket...


When Sheng Qingqing woke up, it was dark and not bright.

She only felt that her neck was sore, and her body was shaking so badly. The cold wind slashed relentlessly on her face and body, and she couldn't help shivering.

She subconsciously wanted to stretch out her arms and hug her body tightly, but when she moved, she realized that she was actually tied with a rope!

Not only that, but her whole body was tied to the back of the car.

Wherever the car went, there were zombies passing by, and they would have a ferocious face and a stiff body, rushing towards her with a bloody mouth.

However, the car also deliberately drove slowly and quickly, so that she always kept a short distance from these zombies.

Sheng Qingqing: "..."

Lin Yi!

I fuck you uncle!

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