The air was suddenly quiet, deadly still.

Generally, when the team finds a safe area, they must first arrange two people to explore it first. Therefore, when they found this factory, Zhou An and Zhou Dabao first entered the factory to make sure that there are no zombies in the factory. Pass it on to Sheng Qingqing.

Sheng Qingqing took this opportunity to let Lu Yan do it.

Originally, she wanted to leave with Lu Yan, but she didn't expect that after Lin Yi was pushed out, she even pulled Lu Yan together.

Sheng Qingqing, without any hesitation, ran over the barbed wire by himself.

After all, for her, Lin Yi and Lu Yan were both dead, and it was only good for her.

After seeing Zhou An and Zhou Dabao, Sheng Qingqing said emotionally that Lin Yi disturbed the zombies and killed Lu Yan.

As a result, Lin Yi and Lu Yan appeared in front of them right now.

Zhou Dabao has a simple mind and developed limbs. He couldn't hold back at first. He looked at Lin Yi and blurted out, "You're not dead?"

Lin Yi: "..."

Hearing this tone, it seems quite regretful?

Lin Yi frowned and nodded: "Well, I'm awesome."

Zhou Dabao: "..."

Sheng Qingqing was also shocked that Lin Yi was alive, but she did not let her shock show the slightest bit.

Sheng Qingqing's eye circles turned red, and rushed towards him.

"It's great Lin Yi, it's really great that you're okay..."

Sheng Qingqing stretched out his arms and wanted to hug Lin Yi as he spoke, Lin Yi looked at her with cold eyes, just when Sheng Qingqing was about to hug her, she diddge quietly and just dodge away. In the arms of Sheng Qingqing.

Not only that, but he also stretched his foot slightly.

Sheng Qingqing stumbled unprepared, and fell directly towards the ground in a dog-biting posture.

"Bang——" The sound of the fall was solid, and Lin Yi felt pain listening to it.


Seeing that Sheng Qingqing fell, Zhou Dabao immediately shouted and ran to Sheng Qingqing to help him up.

The incident happened suddenly, and no one noticed Lin Yi's small movements, except Lu Yan.

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth calmly raised a shallow arc, and then he looked at Lin Yi with a naive and puzzled look.

Lu Yan: "Sister, why did you stumble upon Sister Qingqing?"

Lin Yi: "..."


We are a team! ! !

Sheng Qingqing fell so badly that her whole body hurt, especially her face. She knew what was going on in her heart, but she couldn't say it. Lu Yan just told her for her.

Sheng Qingqing was helped up by Zhou Dabao, and immediately put on the expression of injury and grievance on his face.

Zhou Dabao hated Sheng Qingqing's appearance the most, and immediately turned his fire on Lin Yi.

Zhou Dabao: "Lin Yi, what do you mean?"

Lin Yi's face didn't change color and his heart didn't beat: "What do you mean?"

Zhou Dabao: "Why did you stumble on Qingqing? You were besieged by zombies yourself, and she blamed herself for not being able to save you for a long time. She was happier than anyone when she saw you return safely. Actually revenge.

A wolf-hearted person like you should be bitten by zombies, you don't deserve to live! "

Lin Yi laughed: "I didn't trip her."

Lu Yan: "..."

Zhou Dabao: "..."

Sheng Qingqing: "..."

This open-eyed nonsense is a bit unconvincing.

Zhou Dabao blushed with anger: "You..."

"What am I? You say I am me? Do you have any evidence?"

Zhou Dabao: "..."

What evidence do you need for this ride?

Lu Yan just said it.

Lin Yi said indifferently: "There is no evidence in broad daylight, so who are you playing a hooligan?" Zhou Dabao was so stunned that he couldn't say a word, and immediately looked at Lu Yan: "Lu Yan, you just saw Lin Yi tripping Qingqing with your own eyes. right?"

A look of panic appeared on Lu Yan's face: "This...I...I may have read it wrong?"

Lin Yi: "..."

Big brother, you are a zombie master, can you not be so tea?

Zhou Dabao wanted to speak, but Lin Yi took the lead to block Lu Yan, blocking Zhou Dabao's sight.

Lin Yi: "I warn you, Lu Yan is my man, try to speak loudly with your eyes wide open to him!"

Zhou Dabao: "..."

What a mess, when did Lu Yan become yours?

Lu Yan heard the words, but his eyes lit up, and his fair and clean cheeks turned red.

Lu Yan: "Sister~~"

Lin Yi: "..."

Nope, it's numb again.

Life is for you, okay?

Lin Yi performed a mud-like operation, and Zhou Dabao couldn't stand it, so he stopped talking.

Sheng Qingqing on the side frowned upon seeing this posture.

After all, every one of them knew exactly what Lin Yi was in the past.

But Lin Yi in front of him seemed to be a different person.

Did she dress up before?

Sheng Qingqing calmed down slightly, and quickly pulled Zhou Dabao: "Forget about Dabao, Lin Yi definitely didn't do it on purpose. We are all a team. We should be happy that she can come back alive."

Sheng Qingqing was fine if he didn't speak. As soon as he spoke, Lin Yi immediately turned his attention to Sheng Qingqing.

Lin Yi's eyes are like ancient wells, and they seem to have substance. Their sharp eyes seem to be able to penetrate a person's body and see through a person's heart.

It's all tea, how cute is Blacken's villain tea?

Sheng Qingqing tea deserves a beating!

Lin Yi said calmly, "Are you happy? Are you sure?"

Sheng Qingqing: "...Lin Yi, what are you talking about?"

"You pushed me into the zombie pile just to make me die. How can you be happy when you see me coming back alive?"

After Lin Yi calmly explained a sentence, Sheng Qingqing's expression changed immediately.

How did Lin Yi say that?

Zhou Dabao couldn't help himself: "What nonsense are you talking about, Qingqing is so gentle, considerate, kind, and honest, how can you push you?"

Lin Yi glanced at Zhou Dabao: "None of your business?"

Zhou Dabao: "..."

Lu Yan stood behind Lin Yi with his head down slightly, but at this time he was quietly observing everyone present.

In the last days, the human heart is inherently fragile, and human nature is always being tested.

So he likes to watch the scenes of people biting people and dogs biting dogs.

Sure enough, Lin Yi suits him very well.

Sheng Qingqing wanted to tear Lin Yi's mouth to pieces, but she still had to pretend to be considerate.

Sheng Qingqing: "Lin Yi, how can you say that? I know you like Zhou An and have always hated me, but emotional matters can't be forced. It's useless for you to use this method.

I won't blame you this time, but I hope you..."


As Sheng Qingqing spoke, Lin Yi suddenly sneered, interrupting Sheng Qingqing's words.

Lin Yi: "Who said I like Zhou An?"

Sheng Qingqing: "???"

Didn't you say it yourself?

Everyone knows it.

Lin Yi suddenly turned to look at Lu Yan: "The person I like is obviously Lu Yan."

Sheng Qingqing said again: "???"

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