Lin Yi was busy fighting a few zombies in front of her at this time, and didn't seem to notice that there were already zombies behind her, trying to strangle the back of her fate.

Lin Yi sighed silently in his heart, just at this moment, a zombie had already arrived in front of him.

Lu Yan: "Sister, come up quickly."

Soon, climbed to the top of the barbed wire.

Lin Yi looked towards the street corner, the originally empty street corner, suddenly, a group of zombies showed their teeth and danced their claws, grim-faced, densely packed, rushing in.

Lu Yan paused: "Sister, let's not become zombies, okay?"

Lin Yi: "..."

She didn't look back the whole time.

Not only is the number several times more than before, but the speed seems to be faster than before.

Besides, the zombie looks...

Hanging on the wire... scratched the egg?

Lu Yan: "Sister...this...why are there so many zombies all of a sudden?"

Is this stabbing a zombie den?

Just... can we talk nicely.

The zombie tide is getting closer and closer, and it is about to come.

"Sister, you are amazing~"

All of them tilted their heads, twisted their bodies, opened their mouths with savage faces, and kept making scalp-tingling noises from their throats, but they all stayed where they were, not taking a step forward.

Lin Yi's eyes seemed to have substance, while dealing with the attacking zombies, he looked around sharply.

She is ready to fight, why did these zombies suddenly stop and stop attacking?

But the villain Blacken has become a zombie, how can she get the power of love?

I wanted to too, but now it's a bit of a no-brainer.

I understand, the Blacken villain in this world is not only tea-like, but also a coward!

She has become a zombie, and it's a big deal if the mission fails and rewinds it. Anyway, she just came to this world, it's not bad.

Lin Yi: "..."

The next second, he suddenly jumped and jumped off the barbed wire.

It's just that the jump was not in a safe place on the other side, but by Lin Yi's side.

Lu Yan looked aggrieved: "Sister, I'm... afraid."

Instinct made her aware that things might be bad.

When the words fell, Lu Yan started to climb up with both hands and feet.

Hearing this, Lu Yan quickly straightened his expression: "Ah! I'm sorry sister, I'll crawl now, I'll crawl now."

However, the next second, Lin Yi suddenly heard a strange and urgent sound.

Lin Yi was moved by a group.

Lin Yi glanced at Lu Yan: "?"

So interesting!

Suddenly, his eyes turned cold, just as he was about to activate his thoughts, he suddenly saw Lin Yi stretched his leg and kicked one eye directly to the wall, and then fell to the ground, motionless.

When she was fighting just now, she had already observed the surrounding situation with the corner of her eye.

"Okay sister, be careful."

What a scumbag.

Of course Lu Yan understood what Lin Yi meant, and nodded quickly.

Lin Yi pursed his lips and looked at the group of zombies coming fast, suddenly his heart sank, and he turned to look at Lu Yan.

Sorry, she can't keep her mouth shut!

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he focused and quickly eliminated the zombies approaching in front of him, and immediately stretched out his arms to block Lu Yan's back.

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he held the frying pan in his hand tightly again, and looked at the group of zombies that were getting closer and closer with a cold expression.

As soon as Lin Yi shot a zombie, Lu Yan fell from the sky, and she almost shot Lu Yan away with her instinct.

There is a large piece of barbed wire behind them not far from where they are. These zombies seem to only attack in a straight line now, and they can't climb walls.

Is she... protecting him? Lu Yan suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Lin Yi's heart skipped a beat: "Hurry up and leave me alone."

He thought that Lin Yi was only focusing on the front and didn't notice the back at all, but she didn't expect that she knew all about it.

What a good Blacken villain.

Lin Yi didn't care to speak, he quickly picked up the frying pan and slapped the zombie's head hard.

What is the Blacken villain doing?

She is coming! She is coming! She came again with words of tiger and wolf!

Lin Yi: "..."

Why are there so many zombies all of a sudden?

Isn't it a waste for such an interesting person to become a zombie so quickly?

His face was pale, and his black eyes kept blinking and blinking, staring at Lin Yi without taking a next move.

Lu Yan sat on top of the barbed wire, like a bystander.

However, a zombie fell, and several zombies came up.

"Don't be afraid, climb up, there is sister, it won't make you a zombie."

Ergouzi: […]

The sound is getting closer.

Lin Yi was taken aback: "Are you... jumping backwards?"

Lin Yi: "Well, my sister is better in other aspects."

Lin Yi's hands were very fast, one by one, and he had a great time shooting.

Not right!

Lin Yi: "..."

After speaking, Lu Yan stepped back under the protection of Lin Yi, but because Lin Yi was facing away from him, he didn't notice a hint of playfulness in Lu Yan's expression.

It came from the street corner.

Lu Yan: "..."

Lin Yi turned his eyes and glanced at Lu Yan who was still behind him and didn't climb up the barbed wire, "If you don't climb up, then I can't say anything."

Lin Yi was concentrating on dealing with the zombies that rushed up at this time. Originally, there were not many zombies on the street, and now there are not many left.

Not only did it bring a hint of playfulness, but the moist and clean eyes also looked straight at the group of zombies in front of him.

Lin Yi: "Go back."

Well, let's play a little longer.

Lin Yi: "..."


This is... what's the matter?

Lu Yan was stunned.

Lu Yan looked at Lin Yi's appearance as Isshin for him, and sneered in his heart, but there was no clue on his face.

Lu Yan struggled to get up and suddenly stood in front of Lin Yi: "Sister, I didn't jump back, I want to be with you, whether we are alive or become a zombie, we must be together."


Just kidding, this is the Blacken villain.

Lin Yi: "!!!"

The two had come to the barbed wire at this time, Lu Yan glanced at the zombie tide not far away, the corner of his mouth twitched quietly and quickly retreated, then his eyes turned pale, and he made a terrified expression. expression.

Lu Yan calmed down slightly, and a happy and moved expression appeared on his clean face.

Lin Yi: "???"

The cry of my sister made people's hearts melt.

"Hurry up!"

The zombies were shot flying and fell to the ground.

Isn't it just a zombie tide, it's over.

However, Lu Yan stared at Lin Yi blankly.

At that moment, a black light flashed across his eyes.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi took Lu Yan's hand with one hand, and clenched the pan tightly with the other, then looked ahead with a stern expression.

Lu Yan looked at the zombie and frowned in displeasure.

As long as she protects Lu Yan from being injured by the zombies, then climbs on the barbed wire and jumps into the other end, she will be temporarily safe.

Lu Yan: "..."

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