Fu Yaqiu opened her teeth and danced her claws and rushed towards Silent like crazy. Silent looked calm but subconsciously hugged Lin Yi and wanted to protect her in her arms.

Lin Yi's attention was all on Fu Yaqiu's body, and he suddenly fell into the silent embrace, stunned for a moment.

At this moment of daze, Fu Yaqiu had already rushed over.

Shen Zhenting was sitting opposite them, and it was too late to come over. Lin Yi immediately restrained his mind and turned his eyes. When he saw what Fu Yaqiu was holding in his hand, his eyes suddenly became cold like a knife.

She suddenly broke free from Silent's embrace, pulled Silent behind her, and then kicked Fu Yaqiu's wrist.

Fu Yaqiu's wrist was stressed, and the thing in his hand fell down, Lin Yi grabbed Fu Yaqiu's hand and pressed it firmly on the table, and caught the thing dropped by Fu Yaqiu's hand with the other, instead he held it on his own. hand.

The next second, her arms raised and fell heavily.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the air was eerily still.

Silence seemed to be unable to react.

At that moment, Lin Yi broke free from his embrace, but not because of fear or disgust.

She shielded him behind her.

He was even smaller and slender than him, but he did not hesitate to protect him behind him.

Lin Yi's back was right in front of him, but his body was stiff, his throat was hot, and his chest was pounding.

The progress bar above his head also jumped forward.

Increase: five percent.

Progress: Sixty-five percent.

But Fu Yaqiu was completely quiet at this time.

At this moment, she was like a lifeless puppet, the hideousness and madness on her face disappeared, her eyes staring blankly at the table and the hand that Lin Yi pressed on it.

On the back of that hand, a dining fork was standing right now.

Scarlet blood flowed slowly along the fork, not much, but unusually bright.

Shen Zhenting was stunned by the scene in front of him, he looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, but Lin Yi's face was calm, and there was no trace of waves in his eyes.

This little girl... has something.

Lin Yi was really pissed off.

It's all a bunch of dogs!

A grandfather who is motionless and stable like an old dog, a mother who goes mad at any time without warning, and a... selfish father who doesn't seem to be in good spirits.

The air was quiet for a few seconds.

Mr. Fu sat indifferently on the chair and glanced at Fu Yaqiu's hand injured by Lin Yi.

After a pause, Mr. Fu said, "Take the lady down to bandage."

Mr. Fu's voice fell, but Lin Yi said, "I'll go."

After he finished speaking, regardless of whether the people present agreed or not, he grabbed Fu Yaqiu's arm and pulled him out of the restaurant.

A meaningful light appeared in Shen Zhenting's eyes.

Silent is frowning, and wants to step forward.

Lin Yi seemed to be aware of Silent's actions, and after taking two steps, he turned to look at Silent: "Wait for me here."

Four words, she still said without any expression, but she felt a strong command meaning in silence.


If it was in the past, he would definitely not be so obedient, but at this moment, I don't know if he was bewitched by her eyes, he actually stopped his steps and stopped in place.

Lin Yi quickly pulled Fu Yaqiu away.

Unable to see Lin Yi, Silent began to feel irritable uncontrollably in his heart.

He couldn't help but wanted to find Lin Yi, and at this moment, Mr. Fu's voice rang out.

"That little girl, is that your girlfriend?"

Shen Si pursed his lips, turned to look at Mr. Fu, and danger began to surge in his eyes. Mr. Fu: "I don't object to who you fall in love with, but if it's marriage, she can't. You want to inherit the Fu family and the Shen family. Quiet, I hope you understand."


Silent suddenly rolled out a sneer from his throat, and then took out smoke and fire directly from his pocket and lit it.

The white smoke lingered, and did not dispel the coldness between his eyebrows.

Old Man Fu's face sank.

He hates smoking in silence the most.

But at this time, Shen Zhenting took out something from his arms and threw it towards Silent.

Silent raised his hand to catch it and saw that it was a cigar.

Shen Zhenting shrugged: "This is powerful."

Mr. Fu: "..."

Mr. Fu's face darkened even more, and he aimed at Shen Zhenting: "So what you and the Shen family mean is to let him go with that woman?"

The corner of Shen Zhenting's mouth raised: "Fu Lao, your daughter and I have been in your hands for the rest of our lives. You wouldn't want your only grandson to be involved in your life, right? You can't be the same as you are, right?"


Father Fu's hands on the table began to clench fists, and his body began to tremble slightly because of anger.

Silent put down his cigar, his expression flat.

I have absolutely no feeling for this kind of warning from Old Master Fu and this kind of concern from Shen Zhenting.

He has to be with Lin Yi.

care what others think?

Thinking about it, Silent took a hard puff of cigarette, and then pressed the cigarette butt on the exquisite high-end dining table.

The cigarette butt burned the tablecloth, revealing a black hole.

Silently got up and looked at Mr. Fu.

"Move her, try it."

He only said this sentence, then turned around and walked out quickly.

As soon as he reached the door, Lin Yi had already left and returned, and Fu Yaqiu was no longer by his side.

I just visited the mad mother of Blacken's villain, so Lin Yi didn't look at it carefully. Now, when the son looked at the progress bar above Silent's head, it had become 65%, and there was no wave in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

Finally, it's not a point-by-point rise!

Happy and universally celebrating!

Silent stepped forward and pulled Lin Yi into his arms, lowered his head and kissed him fiercely.

Silent: "Go home."

Lin Yi nodded, took the silent hand and walked out.

Coming to Shen Zhenting's car, Lin Yi turned his head and looked innocently at Silent: "The driver is not here."

Driver stuck in corner: No, I'm here! It's you who won't let me in!

Silent didn't respond, he opened the co-pilot's door and shoved Lin Yi in, then leaned in and fastened her seat belt before turning to the cab.

Silent starts the car and leaves quickly.

The driver was silent and tearful, looking at the taillights that were getting further and further away, took out his mobile phone and reported the sad news to Shen Zhenting.

Shen Zhenting had already planned to leave at this time, but after taking out his mobile phone and seeing the news, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

The little girl is cruel enough!

His eight-digit car, he just kidnapped it?

The point is, how does he get back?


Back at Shen's house, Silent went to the bathroom to take a shower. Lin Yi took advantage of this time to quietly go downstairs and come to the trunk of the car.

The trunk opened slowly, Fu Yaqiu inside was tied up with five flowers, gagged, his eyes bulged out in anger, and his expression was resentful.

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